This is going to be Spencer/Socko slash. If you don't like slash, or this pairing, you should just stop reading. Anyway, please review!

"Hey, Socko!" Spencer yelled cheerfully into the phone.

"Hey man, what's up?" Socko asked, smiling. He'd been having somewhat of a bad day, but he couldn't stay miserable when he was talking to his best friend. Spencer just had personality; he was contagious.

"Well, Carly is out of town with Sam and Freddie, doing an iCarly thing... And-"

"And you're sick of watching uncensored Girlie Cow dvds and eating cupcakes, trying to avoid the fact that you're alone?" Spencer froze, mouth open, as he had been about to take a bite into his third cupcake. The tv was in fact playing one of the Girlie Cow dvds, and it was the last disc he had. He lowered the phone and looked around suspiciously. He stood up, and started checking around. Bringing the phone back up to his ear, Spencer asked, "How can you see me? Are you hiding under the stairs again?"

Socko's laugh rang through his ears, bringing an unconscious smile to his face. "Okay, first off, that was one time! And your face when i jumped out; best moment of my life. Just saying. But secondly, i don't need to be there to know what you're doing. We've been best friends for as long as i can remember. Trust me, i know you by now." Socko told him. "I'll be there in like five minutes, alright?"

"Right-o, Socko!"

"You're such a child."

"You love me."

'You have no idea...' Socko thought. "You wish, man." He hung up the phone, and jumped up, heading for the door.

Spencer too hung up the phone and jumped up. He looked down at himself, wearing pajama pants and a horribly stained white shirt. He ran into his room, throwing off his pants and shirt. He ran to his closet, wearing nothing but his rubber ducky boxers and grabbed some clothes. He pulled on some black skinny pants, and grabbed his belt. He heard a knock at the door, and knew it must be Socko.

"Come in!" He shouted, still searching for a shirt. Then he remembered that he'd just done laundry, the basket of clean clothes still in the living room. He ran out of his room, and crashed into Socko. They both staggered back, each groaning, "ouch."

"I was wondering where you-" Socko stopped mid sentence, and looked at Spencer. "Why aren't you wearing a shirt?" He asked, voice quiet.

Spencer made his way to the living room, Socko's eyes glued on him. He didn't notice, however. "I left my clean shirts out here." He said, grabbing the first shirt he saw. Socko swallowed, and remained silent.

Socko was only human. Sure, he'd learned how to control himself. In most ways, at least. He could keep himself from acting out and jumping Spencer's bones, and he could stop his... anatomy from reacting. But he didn't trust himself enough to speak. He couldn't control what he was thinking, so he didn't know if he could keep himself from saying any of it out loud. Besides his thoughts, he also couldn't control his eyes, no matter how hard he tried. They just had a mind of their own. And every chance they got, all they wanted to do was look. So, they raked over Spencer's torso, taking in every inch of what they saw. He tried to be subtle about it, but Spencer was too busy trying to figure out how his shirt went to notice anything. Finally, Spencer slipped his arms into the sleeves and did up the buttons, much to Socko's - hidden - disappointment.

"You wanna drink?" Spencer asked, completely oblivious. Socko nodded slowly. Spencer blinked, confused by his friend's silence.

"Are you okay, man?" He asked, concerned.

"What?" Socko asked, before shaking his head. "Oh. Yeah. I'm fine." He dismissed. Spencer eyed him for a moment, unsure, and Socko shifted uncomfortably under his friend's gaze. "Whatcha got to drink?" He asked to change the subject. Spencer shrugged, and made his way to the fridge. Socko let out a breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding.

"Beer?" Spencer asked, holding out two bottles. Socko looked at them apprehensively. He was a talkative drunk. What if he said something he shouldn't? Or, what if he did something he shouldn't? But, then again, he'd gotten drunk around Spencer before. Of course, those times had been in a crowded bar. This time it was just him and Spencer alone in Spencer's apartment. He wasn't sure if he trusted himself. But, he decided, he would just not get drunk. One or two beers wouldn't really affect him. He'd be fine.