Madison's POV

My parent's guest room was dark, empty. The soft whispers of my parent's were almost drowned out by the soft pecking of a tree branch against the window. Earlier today on the news, the reporter said something about a new type of flu. It was ten times more dangerous than the Swine flue outbreak a few years ago, and ten times more easily caught and carried.

I chuckled to myself and shook my head, thinking that anyone with a brain would know that was untrue. I stretched and snuggled closer into the pillows, sighing contently as the smell of fabric softener filled my senses. I soon fell asleep as a light rain shower pitter-pattered on the tin roof above our heads.

A sudden crack and a burst of screams shocked me from my sleep. I jumped out of bed, getting tangled in the midnight blue comforter that covered me just seconds before. I heard feet slapping against the wooden floors as I cracked the door open a little.

I could tell my parent's door was opened. I swallowed and stepped out onto the ice cold, hard wood floor. Another shrill shriek and a demonic howl sprung from downstairs. My lip quivered as I realized who made that shriek. My mother. I slowly stepped onto the staircase, it creaking slightly from the many years of feet pounding up and down them.

As I walked down the staircase, I could make out crimson streaks and specks along the walls, turning into rain-like droplets, then into puddles at the base of the stairs. My breathe caught in my throat as I was sudden picked up and thrown across the room, landing on something cold, hard, and wet.

I gripped my head and looked up to see what threw me, seeing nothing but total darkness. The blazing streetlights outside shone through the window and sheer white curtains, causing the shadows of rain drops racing down the window appear on the wall opposite of it. I looked over to see what I landed on, my breath catching in my throat as I could faintly make it out.

I was laying on top of both my parents. Both of their stomachs were sliced open and their organs were underneath me. I let out a scream that could probably been heard across town. I shot up and crashed into something tall and hard. I looked up at the face of the Hunter. His bloodstained lips wrinkled into a smirk as he gave a dry chuckle. I whimpered as he put down his hood, showing that he was in fact, My Hunter.

He placed a bloodied clawed hand underneath my chin, pulling my face up to meet his in a short, hard kiss. His hot breath tickled my face as he whispered, "You're next, my little Human."

My eyes shot open as I viciously rubbed away tears forming in my eyes. I felt something heavy and warm pinning down my waist, I didn't even have to look to know who it was. I could feel his slow, heavy breathing softly ruffle the back of my hair, causing my scalp to tickle.

I wriggled in his grasp only to have him pull me closer, nuzzling into my hair more, feeling is hard chest pressed against my back. His heart was beating nice and hard against my back. I stopped moving just to feel that very human quality. Tears yet again sprung into my eyes as I traveled back to a time were your neighbors never tried to eat you and you didn't have to blow anyone's brains out if they got to close.

"I love you, babe." He smiled as he kissed my neck. I gave a soft giggle as I tilted my head, baring my neck to an attack of sweet kisses up to my lips. I gave a short laugh and nipped his lower lip playfully, "Stop it, Ash. You're going to make me hurt you, little boy." I smirked as I rolled over to lay on his chest. "You're beautiful, love." He whispered with a soft smirk on his face.

I was shook out of my memories as Aydin gave a soft growl and snorted in his sleep, his arm tightening around my petite waist. I smiled and gave a short giggle. He was dreaming! He started purring as I traced a finger up and down his forearm, feeling the flexing muscles inside of his hooded arm. I closed my eyes and it was almost like being back in bed with my fiancé again. A week before I lost my parents, the Military General from my fiancé's squad came to our house, asking to speak with Ash. I was reluctant, but agreed. I had a breakdown when he told me he had to go back into the service. I just remember the last time we kissed, It was short and felt forced. I shook my head and rubbed away a stray tear, sending prayers and pleas to whoever is watching over us. I just needed my Ash back.

I turned my head back into the hooded man's chest and gave a sigh. A wave of unimaginable stench attacked my nostrils. I pulled back so quick his arms fell limply to his side, to much to my surprise, he didn't even move a muscle. I rolled my eyes and gave a sad smile, Just like my dad. Could sleep through a damn hurricane and wouldn't wake up.

I got up and tip-toed into the kitchen, hoping for a quick breakfast before anyone else woke up. I unzipped a backpack and looked inside, not having a chance to unload all our goodies. I pulled out a can of fruit cocktail. Perfect. I looked at the top of the can, suspecting a pull-tab or something. Shit, I need a can opener. I dug through some of the drawers silently, finding a small hand-held can opener.

I popped the blade into the can and began to twist the small handle, my arm muscles working slowly in a morning daze. The lid finally was off, so I dug in with my fingers. The sweetness of the fruit excited my taste buds as I continually dipped my fingers in for another bite, then another, then another, until all was left in the can was the juice. I chugged it. I let out a soft moan and smiled as I patted my tummy, turning around to literally a mountain of flesh.

My eyes flashed up to see the Tank's face, a twinge of fear sparking throughout my body. His face was twisted up and confused, as if why a small female was in his way. I grunted and pushed passed me, picking up the same backpack I had earlier and throwing it at me. I caught it, but the heaviness of it knocked the breathe out of me and caused my knees to buckle. I feel to the floor and gasped for breathe as the Tank looked even more confused.

After a few minutes of me lying on my stomach, the Tank stretched a humongous foot out and tapped my side gently, causing me to sit up onto my knees. He gave a grunt and pointed to the bag, then to himself. I blinked and unzipped the bag, pulling out a can of the fruit. He gave a soft sigh of content and held out a giant hand, I flinched out of instinct and sat it gently onto the palm. He lifted his hand and put the can in his mouth, chewing and swallowing metal and all.

I got out a can of green beans, a can of carrots, and a can of beets. I placed all the cans in his hand and he happily ate them. I zipped the bag and stood slowly. I walked and sat the bag with the others, then I turned to the mountainous man. I gave a smile and waved, "Hi." He grunted and lifted a hand, a deep voice shook the room, "Hiiiiieeeeeeee." I blinked and kept smiling. "I'm Madison, What is your name?" He thought a full minute before responding, "Macariod."

He started back for his couch and I watched as he crawled in after a few minutes of poking and prodding at the broke down mess, and fell back asleep. I don't think I'll ever get used to that one. I chuckled softly and walked into Aydin's room, to see him curled up in the spot I was once in, still in his sleep.

I walked into the bathroom connected to his room, and with my fingers crossed, turned on the faucet. Some buildings still had hot water, and I was luckily in one that did. I practically ran into the kitchen and gather my supplies. Shaving cream, Shampoo and Conditioner, a razor, body wash, a hair brush, wash rags, towels, and clothes.

I stopped up the tub and ran the steamy hot water into the vessel, waiting patiently for it to become full. I sat my supplies down beside the bathtub and stripped down until I was bare, chill bumps were appearing on every inch of my skin. I turned off the water and smiled, looking back at the door to make sure it was locked, it was.

Taking a step into the scalding water, I shivered and bit my lip. Damn, that is hot! Hot hot hot! But, it feels wonderful. I sank down to my knees and then sat back on my bottom. I watched as the clear water slowly start to become a murky brown. I grabbed the wash cloth I brought and dipped it into the water, letting it go. I reached for the body wash and opened the bottle, grabbing the floating wash cloth, and squirted a healthy amount onto the cloth.

I started at my neck, scrubbing and washing away an trace amount of dirt. I worked my way down to my shoulders and chest, then to my stomach and thighs, then to my legs and feet, and finally my back. I shivered and unplugged the stopper from the drain, standing up. I watched the dirty water swirl past my feet and escaping down the drain.

Turning on the shower head, I reached down and plucked the shampoo bottle up, squeezing a fair amount onto the top of my head. I used my fingers to massage the strawberry scented goop into my scalp. I tilted my head back to let the water rinse it away, picked up the shampoo bottle again, and repeated. I washed my hair five times before the water ran clean. Satisfied with that, I picked up the conditioner bottle and squirted a handful on my hair, working it in.

While I let the conditioner soften my hair, I turned my attention to my legs. I sprayed them with the shaving cream and began shaving until they were bare. I smiled and grabbed some face wash. I massages the tiny amount I had in my hand onto my face in slow, circular motions. After a minute of waiting, I rinsed the scrub off along with the conditioner.

After I shut off the water and wrapped one of the two towels I brought around my hair, and the other around myself. I sat on the edge of the tub and rubbed lotion on myself, smiling at how clean I felt now. I stood and dropped my towel, getting dressed in my new clothes. I pulled the towel from my hair and picked up the brush. I stood in the bathroom for about five minutes getting tangles and knots out of my brunette tress.

I pushed my dirty clothes into a garbage bag I found in the bathroom and opened the door leading to the Hunter's room. I quietly tiptoed passed his sleeping form, but was startled as he pounced from his bed and pinned me against the wall, a deep growl emitting from his throat.

I squeaked, "Aydin! Stop that!" I pushed on his chest as he curiously began sniffing my neck and hair, giving my neck a soft nibble. I gasped and blushed a deep red, pressing my back closer to the wall. He gave a soft chuckle and pulled away, walking into the living room.

I walked behind him, catching a horrible smell wafting off of him. I wrinkled up my nose and gagged, shaking my head. "Aydin, you need a bath. You all need a bath." He glanced back at me and shook his head. I glared and nodded. "You're taking a damn bath or I am making you sleep outside with the horde, Aydin!" He winced and growled at me, baring his teeth.

I rolled my eyes and smirked, "Psh, and I am going to brush your teeth and shave your scruffy-ass face." He snorted a laugh and turned around, walking toward the Smoker's hammock. I smiled and walked into the kitchen, unzipping bags and gathering the supplies I needed to give the Hunter a bath.

I sauntered into the bathroom, laying down the mass of items I had in my arms, and turned the knob on the faucet. I pushed down the stopper into the drain and waited for the tub to fill. A thick blanket of steam enveloped the room, water condensing on the mirror hanging above the sink.

I stood up and walked back into the living room and took a look around. Everyone had seem to almost instantly. I blinked and walked around the corner to see both the Smoker and the hooded man both sitting on the floor, mumbling to each other.

I grinned and grabbed the Hunter by his hood and dragged him to the bathroom as he screeched bloody murder. The Smoker was laughing, but it was cut short by a hacking cough. I pushed him in the bathroom, locking the door behind me. That won't do any good. He'll just knock it down. I shrugged and looked at him, "Take off your clothes and get in the tub."

He growled and crossed his arms. I narrowed my eyes and mimicked the Infected man in front of me. I did not want to put up with his diva attitude today. "Aydin, Get in the tub. Now."I growled. He complied by giving me a death glare and ripping the silver tape off of his arms. I smiled victoriously as he began removing his hoodie. He threw the dirt clad piece of clothing to the floor, mumbling and growling to himself as he started working on his pants. I noticed that his upper arms and torso wasn't as caked with filth as the rest of his body was.

I tilted my head and watched him. A slow blush painted my cheeks as I realized what I was doing. Jesus, woman! Give him some privacy you pervert! I blushed and brought my hands up to cover my eyes as he kicked out of his shoes and socks, pulling his pants and boxers off.

So, being alone in a room with a naked Hunter isn't really all that bad. I blushed worse and whispered, "Get in the tub, Aydin." I heard a reluctant growl and bare feet smacking against the tilted floors. The sound of water being disturbed brought my hands down to my sides as I looked over into the bath tub.

He was sitting still in the water, his eyes looking at me like I just football kicked a kitten. I gave a shy small and walked over to him. As I dropped to my knees, I grabbed a wash cloth and some men's body wash that my fiancé used to use. I actually really enjoyed the smell of it. I dipped the piece of cloth into the already discolored water, getting it wet.

I then squirted a huge glob of the wash in the soaking cloth, lathering it up and pressing it against the Hunter's back. He gave a soft warning growl as I began scrubbing away the dirt and grime. I then worked my way to his shoulders and neck. He purred gently as I make small circles against his skin. I stood and unhooked the movable shower head, and moved it down to were I could be able to rinse off the leaper.

I pulled the drain and threw a towel I used earlier onto his waist, covering himself from my sight as I turned on the shower head and began rinsing out dirt that had accumulated on the sides of the tub. I plugged the stopper into the drain again and turned on the water faucet, letting the tub feel back up. I sat back on my knees and watched the water rise, zoning out.

I wonder what Ash is doing right now….Is he even alive? God, what if he is an Infected! I frowned at this thought. He isn't. He is to strong for some stupid disease. I looked down at my lap and gave a sad sigh, sticking a finger in the water and stirring it around.

Aydin looked at me and gave a soft whimper, catching my attention. I glanced down at the almost over filled tub and jumped, smacking the switch to the faucet off. I sighed and unplugged the drain, letting some of the extra water out whilst whistling a soft melody under my breathe. I picked up the wash cloth and squirted another healthy amount on it, handing it to Aydin, "Can you wash…ahem, your…lower-half?" the heat unwillingly came to my cheeks as I asked the most embarrassing question to the man sitting in the tub.

He chuckled softly and took the piece of cloth, "Yeah, I could handle it." I nodded and turned my head away from him, giving him some privacy. I heard soft growling and grunting, along with the sound of sloshing water, he must have had some trouble. It must have been at least ten minutes before he told me I could turn around again.

I looked down at his now clean muscular legs. I smiled and looked at him, "You're not that bad of a washer, Aydin." He snapped playfully at me and shot back, "Well, I didn't want to look albino from the lack of filth from the waist up, Miss-I-Will-Scrub-Your-Skin-Off." I gasped and replied, "Well, at least I wasn't the one purring while I was 'scrubbing your skin off!'" He growled and then blushed.

I giggled and picked up the shampoo bottle, flicking open the tab and pouring the soapy liquid into the palm of my hand. He growled again as I slid both hands into his hair, massaging and washing his shaggy, black mop.

I started to hum a soft melody as I worked the strawberry scented shampoo into his hair. I had to wash his hair total of seven times before I decided to go ahead and condition it. I picked up a clean razor and looked at him, "Okay, Aydin. You have to trust me on this." He looked at me puzzled, his liquid golden eyes staring into mine as he warily nodded.

I rubbed a palm-full of shaving cream onto his face and waited until he got in a comfortable position. I popped off the top of the razor and gently placed it on his cheek, pressed down slightly, and started to pull downwards. I kept this routine up until his face was soft and pale, a few crimson pricks in random places.

He yawned and stretched his legs out as I wiped off the remaining shaving cream and the bits of blood off his face. "You done?" He spoke softly. I nodded in response as I stood up, handing him a dry towel. He stood up, the wet towel falling from is lap in a wet pile at his feet. I blushed as I keep my eyes level with his.

He gave a soft growling purr as he took a step towards me, causing me to take one back. We continued the 'you take a step forward, I take a step backward' game until he growled in frustration and gave one of his screeches. He threw himself at me and rammed me against the wall, I whimpered as my wounded hand got jostled in the sudden movement.

He buried his face into my neck, his hot breathe tickling my skin. Water droplets fell of his body and soaked into my clothes. His hands found their way to my wrists, pinning then down. His lips brushed against my neck as I sucked in a breathe as he huskily whispered, "I want you…I want you now." His lips crashed against mine as I stared wide eyed at the ceiling.

Ooh A cliff hanger! I hope you enjoyed it!(: Review and respond! I am thinking about starting up an new story with new characters, so if you would like to create one then please message me. I will take about five or six depending on how many I get. I will need their name, age, appearance, and infected status (immune, half-immune, infected, special infected). I hope everyone will read that one also!(: