Well—here it is—the final chapter…
Chapter 28
"How do I look? Emily asked, spinning for her girlfriend.
"Gorgeous," Naomi replied, smiling
Emily laughed. "You always say that."
"That's because it's always true," Naomi said, hopping off the bed and wrapping her arms around the redhead's waist.
"I love you," Emily said, giving her girlfriend a quick peck on the lips.
"I love you too," Naomi replied.
Emily smiled. "I know."
Naomi removed the strand of hair that had fallen across her girlfriend's face. "We should go; I don't think it'll look good if we're late for your parents wedding. You know, especially with you being one of the maids of honor and everything."
"Yeah, yeah," Emily said, throwing her arms around her girlfriend's neck and pulling her into a kiss before promptly letting go and walking toward the door. "Come on—we wouldn't want to be late."
"Not cool," Naomi replied, a small smile creeping up on her face.
She followed Emily into the living room—their living room.
The previous month, Naomi had suggested that they move in together and Emily had jumped at the idea. They had basically been living at each other's apartments, not spending a night apart, so it seemed like the logical thing to do. Since Emily had less stuff than Naomi, she had been the one to move. So, they packed up all of the redhead's belongings and, with the promise of free booze, got Cook to come over and carry everything up.
"Are you okay?" Naomi asked, walking up behind Emily.
"Yeah," she said, turning to look at the blonde. "Just thinking."
"About what?" Naomi wondered.
"This place—our place," Emily said, smiling.
"Not regretting moving in with me, are you?" Naomi asked.
"Never," Emily said, taking Naomi's hand.
"Good, because I don't think we could talk Cook into moving all this stuff back down," Naomi joked.
Emily laughed and then kissed the blonde. "Come on. Katie will kill us if we're not on time."
Naomi scoffed. "Because she's never late."
"I've never seen them this happy," Katie said, watching her parents have their first dance as husband and wife. Well, their second first dance as husband and wife.
"Me either," Emily agreed.
"Do you think they were this happy during their first?" Katie wondered.
Emily shrugged. "I doubt it—I think now they truly know what they mean to each other."
"Maybe they won't fuck it up this time," Katie said, smirking.
"Where's Effy?" Emily asked her sister.
"Smoking," Katie replied. "I think being around our entire family is making her nervous."
Emily laughed. "Why?"
Katie shrugged. "I think being introduced as my girlfriend is freaking her out a bit. I thought Granny was going to have a coronary when I introduced Effy to her."
Emily couldn't help but laugh again. "I kind of wish I'd been there to see her face."
"It's not funny," Katie huffed.
"Come on," Emily said, putting her hand on her sister's. "Do you think it was easy when I had to do it?"
"No," Katie said, crossing her arms. "Which is why I should get a little sympathy from you."
"Whatever," Emily said, moving her hand away.
"You don't think Effy's going to run again, do you?" Emily asked, slightly worried.
Katie smiled as she watched the brunette make her way through the crowd. "No."
"Are you happy, Blondie?" Cook asked.
"Very," Naomi replied as she danced with her friend.
"I've never seen you like this before," he said, smiling at her.
Naomi smiled back. "You only have Emily to thank for that."
"Just don't fuck it up, yeah," Cook said, spinning Naomi, who burst out laughing.
"You have so much confidence in me," Naomi joked.
"I do," Cook said, letting go of Naomi's hand and grabbing Emily, who was walking by. "Which is why I'm going to dance with Red here, and get to know her a bit better."
"Just don't try to get to know her too well," Naomi joked, winking.
"Would I do that?" Cook asked, innocently, receiving a look from Naomi. "Okay, okay—I promise to keep my hands in a respectable place."
"That's all I ask," Naomi replied. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go to the little girl's room."
Naomi walked to the bathroom and walked over to the sink, splashing her face with some water. She took a few deep breaths before turning the water off and staring into the basin.
"So tonight's the night," Naomi heard a voice behind her say.
"What?" she asked, looking up into the mirror, but the woman just smiled and started walking away. "Wait! You're that fortune teller!"
"I am," she confirmed. "Good luck."
Naomi instinctively reached for her purse and smiled. "Am I going to need it?"
The older woman shook her head. "No."
"So—what do you see?" asked Naomi, echoing her question from all those months ago.
"Happiness," the woman said as she opened the door and then walked out, leaving Naomi alone.
"Happiness," Naomi repeated her herself, smiling.
"Are you okay?" Effy asked, walking in and pulling Naomi out of her thoughts.
"Yeah—why?" Naomi automatically asked.
"You look a little pale," Effy replied.
"Oh," Naomi said, turning around and looking at herself in the mirror. Effy was right; she was a little pale. "I guess it's just been a long day."
Effy studied her friend. "You look nervous."
"Do I?" Naomi asked, rubbing her hands on her dress.
Effy smiled. "Oh my god."
"What?" Naomi asked, looking at the brunette in the mirror.
Effy shook her head and smirked. "Nothing."
Naomi frowned as she watched Effy leave; sighing, she turned around and walked out the door as well.
"How are my daughters?" Rob asked, walking up behind the twins and pulling them both into a hug.
"We're good," Emily replied.
"You seem happy," Katie joked.
"Well I hope so," Jenna said, approaching.
"Another dance?" Rob asked, taking Jenna's hand.
"If you insist," she said, following behind him for a moment before turning and winking at her daughters.
"Hello," Naomi said, coming up behind her girlfriend and wrapping her arms around her.
Emily leaned into the embrace, smiling. "Hey."
"I like seeing your parents like this," Naomi said, kissing the redhead's shoulder.
Emily watched her parents laughing and dancing in the middle of the dance floor. "So do I."
"Naomi!" James said, approaching the four girls. "Want to dance."
"Fuck off," Katie said, shoving her brother away.
"Dance with me," Effy quietly said, walking up to Katie and taking her hand.
Naomi smiled as she watched her two best friends. "I never thought those two would be the ones to make each other happy."
"Life has a funny way of turning out," Emily commented.
"That is does," Naomi said, looking at Emily.
"Do you want to dance?" Emily asked her girlfriend.
Naomi smiled. "I thought you'd never ask."
"Where are you taking me?" Emily asked, amused by how cute Naomi was being.
Naomi had insisted on blindfolding her and Emily had reluctantly agreed.
"We're almost there," Naomi replied.
"You're not planning on killing me and dumping my body, are you?" Emily joked, asking Naomi the same thing she'd asked her.
"Yes, that's exactly what I'm planning," Naomi deadpanned.
"I knew it," Emily replied with a smile.
"We're here," Naomi said, untying the blindfold, but not completely removing it just yet.
"Are you okay?" Emily asked, sensing Naomi's hesitation.
Naomi took a deep breath and removed the piece of cloth from the redhead's eyes. "Yes."
"Wow," Emily said, looking around.
They were at the park, under the tree Naomi had been sitting under when she'd thrown that stick that hit Emily. Except Naomi had a blanket set out under it and lights dangling from the lowest branches.
"What is all of this?" Emily asked.
Naomi shrugged. "I wanted to do something special."
Emily smiled and leaned up, kissing the blonde. "You didn't have to do that."
"I figured that you might need a moment of peace and quiet after the wedding," Naomi said, sitting down on the blanket.
"Mmm," Emily mumbled.
She sat down in front of Naomi and scooted back so she was pressed against her girlfriend's chest. Naomi wrapped her arms around Emily and put her chin on the redhead's shoulder, letting out a content sigh.
"Are you happy?" Naomi asked.
"Of course," Emily said, smiling. "Are you?"
Naomi smiled too. "More than you know."
"So why did you really bring me out here?" Emily asked. "Did you want to have your way with me where we first met?"
"Not quite," Naomi said, pulling a ring out of her pocket and putting it in front of Emily so she could see it. "I came here to ask you to marry me."
"Wh—what?" Emily stuttered out.
"You don't have to say yes or no right now," Naomi said, taking a deep breath. "I just want you to know that I want to spend the rest of my life with you. You've changed my entire life—I never thought I could be this happy and it's all because of you. So, I'm giving you this and, when you're ready—let me know."
Emily took the ring from Naomi's hand a twirled it in her fingers for a moment before slipping it into her pocket and turning her head to look at Naomi. "You won't be upset if I don't say yes right now?"
Naomi shook her head. "No."
Naomi walked into the apartment and Emily closed the door behind them.
"How cute," the blonde said, looking over and seeing her dog and Emily's cat sleeping together on the couch.
Emily smiled and turned to Naomi. "Are you tired?"
"Very," Naomi said, pulling her heels off and groaning. "This had been the longest day ever."
"Why don't you go take a bath," Emily said, kissing her girlfriend's cheek.
"Sounds like a plan," Naomi said, smiling and walking toward the bedroom.
Emily was already lying in bed when Naomi got out of the bath so the blonde silently slid into bed so she wouldn't wake the other girl.
"I love you," Emily said into the dark room.
"I thought you were asleep," Naomi said, turning the bedside lamp on. "And I love you too."
"No," Emily replied. "I was just thinking."
"About what?" Naomi asked, kissing her girlfriend's neck.
Emily turned around, looking into Naomi's blue eyes and pulled out a ring. "Will you marry me?"
"What?" Naomi asked.
"Will you marry me," Emily repeated, taking Naomi's hand in hers.
"You mean—" She looked down to see the ring on the redhead's finger and then back up to see another ring between Emily's fingers.
"Yes," Emily said, looking sheepish. "I'd been planning on proposing as well, but you beat me to it."
Naomi jumped on top of the redhead and put her hands on the other girl's face, pulling her up into a kiss.
"Are we crazy?" Naomi asked as she kissed the redhead.
"No," Emily said, kissing the blonde and slipping the ring onto Naomi's finger. "We're just giving in to fate."
That's the end! I hope no one was disappointed by it.
Thank you to everyone that has taken the time to read this and especially to those that have commented. I've loved reading each and every one of your comments. You guys have been the ones to encourage me to write this and to finish it and I really can't thank you enough.