Disclaimer: I do not own Stargate Atlantis.

Author's note: This series of stories are my reboot universe of Stargate Atlantis. Everything is the same as in canon, with the one exception: Sitnalta. And her presence has changed a few things. The first story is 'I am Atlantis,' where we meet Sitnalta. This is followed by 'Spite and Malice,' a recap of the changes in season 4 & 5. 'The Lass Petal' is the first story after Atlantis came to earth.


Two years ago...

I was built hundreds of thousands of years ago. My builders have gone under numerous names throughout the ages, but today they are referred to as the Atlanteans or the Ancients. I was given no consciousness and no voice, yet I was built to hear the thoughts of my makers. They built me, and I listened.

They call me a city, but if I am a city, then I am a city who can travel through the stars. My maiden voyage was also my longest: I was built in the Milkyway Galaxy, but my builders decided to leave it and to come here, to the Pegasus Galaxy. They activated my stardrive, and I flew.

Centuries passed and I was content. Then one day one of the Ancients was killed by a creature from another planet, a thing called the Iratus-bug. In time more people came in contact with the creature and from this inauspicious beginning a new species was born: the Wraith. The Wraith tried to kill my people, so I fought.

Then one day the Atlanteans built machines which was given consciousness, thought and a voice. These Replicators were built to destroy our enemies: the Wraith. But these machines were not reliable and so the project was abandoned. Yet these machines would not allow abandonment, and another battle ensued. In the end the Replicators left, but, because of them, for the first time I became aware that I am. Yet I was content, so I obeyed.

The battle with the Wraith continued and in a desperate attempt to buy time, the Atlanteans told me to go beneath the ocean. So I sank, taking them with me, but always protecting them.

One day a woman came here, a woman from the future. But it was too late: my makers were already leaving me to go back to the Milkyway Galaxy and earth. So I was abandoned, but the woman stayed and I protected her. Together we slumbered and we waited.

Time passed. The galaxy forgot my makers and me. From time to time the woman woke to turn the ZPM's. In these times I, too, would wake and think. But too soon my corridors were dark and both the woman and I were dying.

I was woken by the activation of my stargate. Through the gate stepped the descendants of the Atlanteans. Unfortunately my power was nearly depleted and I could not protect them as I should. But then I recognised the lifesigns of one: she was the same woman as the one I had been cradling in me all these years. She had come to warn me of this exact moment and so I responded. To save those inside me I rose to the surface. For the first time in ten millennia I saw the sun. I was awake.

Of these descendants only a few still carried the gene of the Ancients. I would have liked to be able to communicate with all of my new children, but I was not programmed to do so. And so I only had a few who could talk to me, but I was content.

The descendants were mostly explorers, but a few were scientists. These scientists were the first to touch me, to learn of me since the Ancients left. They worked on my systems and repaired the damage caused by the Wraith and time. They brought me to life and I flourished.

Of these scientists, one stood out from the rest. Time, above all else, had damaged me. Often I broke down and could not repair the damage. But always this one would be there to heal me, to undo what I could not stop. I was used to legions of engineers and scientists working on my systems and adding to me. Now those numbers were down to a few, yet I did not feel neglected or diminished.

So little time passed, yet in this time I came to regard this one – this worker of magic – as my own. As long as I knew he would return after a mission, I was content.

Then, one day, I received a transmission imbedded in the weekly data-burst from earth: a message sent from the future. I am dying and the only ones who could save me have gone. In this future I am back on earth and the two people who fought for me has gone: Elizabeth Weir and Rodney McKay. Only John Sheppard is left, but alone he could not save me.

So now I will create someone who will save Elizabeth Weir and keep Rodney McKay here; one that will give me a voice. And just perhaps; one to save me.