"Mommy, I'm cold...give me a blankie."- Nicki Minaj, itty Bitty piggy

Chapter 10- The Darkest of the night

Italy, 1782

"I'm adding another female to the clan."

Elena and Amarantha rose from their bed, their hair was wild and untamed from their earlier tryst of boredom. Their eyes were slight darker with fresh made blood running down their chins. Their eyes became even more darker as Tyler threw a young woman that was bleeding down her front from her neck. She landed on Elena's white sheets and stained her bed. The blood pooled beneath her.

"Who is she?" Amarantha pointed at her, the girl bleeding on the bed. She was gasping for air.

"A new addition. She's part of the Salvatore's. Manny didn't make any boys. He made a girl. she had a little son. Turn. Her." Tyler demanded with his harsh and cold tone.

"Why won't you do it?" Elena murmured as she grabbed the girl and looked into her brown eyes.

"Because Elena, you've been doing so well that I'd rather you do it than I. I'm such a newbie at the turning." He said sarcastically. His voice was cold always and his brown eyes were looking at them, filled with lust, lust for blood.

"You don't even touch us anymore." Amarantha admitted out loud as she slit her wrist with her nail and held her bleeding wrist over the girl's lips. Elena pried them apart and watched as Amaratha's blood dripped down her throat.

"You guys are old and I want something fresh but fine. You want to be fucked? Kill her, come into my room and help me test out Dani." He had a wide grin on his face.

"Dani?" The girl's questioned as Amarantha moved her wrist from above the girl's mouth. Elena moved her hand to the girl's neck and snapped it, quick and easy.

"She's some bitch that I met last night."

Elena looked heart broken. Amarantha was pissed.

"Never mind Tyler." Amarantha had to hold her tongue. She wanted to twist his arm out of place. "Go fool around with the human. We'll go out." Amarantha's voice was thick and cold and with her accent it made it worse.

"Fine, send her to my room when she wakes." Tyler left the room without a backwards glance. He closed the door behind him, leaving two dead girls with one completely dead girl.

"He doesn't love us anymore." Elena sobbed. She threw her head in Amarantha's naked lap, crying.

"He does honey. He does." She cooed as she rubbed Elena's hair, trying to soothe her. But Amarantha didn't believe her words and Elena didn't either.

A tear fell Amarantha's cheek at the realization.

~ . ~

"What are we doing?" Elena asked. She was rolling a nickel between her fingers, her legs kicked up on the table in the living room.

"Waiting." Amarantha replied as she snuggled deeper into the couch. Her face was covered with a pillow over her face. She threw it off and sat up in the couch, looking around the house that they raided. The people were upstairs and asleep. Elena had compelled them to sleep for two days. They needed the house while they waited. They had to move. Last house they were at, someone trashed it and burned it to the ground. Elena knew it was Liz. When they went back to the alley to check. Her body wasn't there. They found her in the house and they cut her head off. She really wasn't coming back from that.

"Waiting on what? It's been four days."

"Three more. He said a week. Chill. You want to play with the human boy. You know since he's a Salvatore. We will have to turn him. We don't have to but it'll throw Tyler off if it's really him."

Elena scoffed.

"Of course it's Tyler. You know it. I can feel it. I just wished we weren't so stupid and stayed with him even though he didn't want us anymore."

Amarantha laughed.

"He never wanted us, my dear. We were just two girls with experienced that excited him. He lost interested when more girls came out with their sexuality. Took him two decades to get over us. He just went around, fucked other women, came back, beat us, hurt us, and then left. We were better off without him." Amarantha nodded her head and stood up, walking over towards the door. She peeped through the window and opened the door. The cold wind breezed into the room.

"What are you doing?"

"Rushing time. Let's hit up a bar in Georgia. Get drunk off liquor and blood. I'll fuck women and men. You'll mope and we can come back. We'll be back before Tyler gets here."

Amarantha was right. They would be back before Tyler got there and they might as well have fun before they had the big battle between Tyler and his two new girls.

"Alright, Amarantha. You right. Let's go." Elena said before sighing. She stretched her arms over her head and yawned. Amarantha did the same before she sped off into the night.

Elena looked around the house they were in and did the same, leaving the door open as she did so.

~ . ~

~ Two days later~

Damon lounged around his house, thinking about Elena. He couldn't get his mind off of her and that secretly disturbed him. Vickie he rarely thought about but Elena was in his mind and in his dreams. He couldn't keep his mind off of her and it bothered him. It really did.

He remembered the last words she said to him before she vanished.

"I can't Damon. I have things to take care of. I'll go with Amarantha. I can't fuck up what is your life Damon. I can't."

Just thinking about those words, hurt him. He couldn't think of anything else or anyone else but her.

Stefan kept to himself more than usual and it didn't bother Damon one bit. He didn't care.

Stefan was trying to get Bonnie pregnant. Damon would assume since after what he heard Elena and Amarantha discuss.

He hadn't even heard from Bonnie or Stefan for that matter. He saw them around the house but it wasn't much of nothing really.

They barely spoke.

It wasn't like Damon was in the mood for talking anyone.

He could open his mouth and talk. He really truly could but he did not want too.

He was actually starting to fall for a chick and she turned out to be dead well of the undead. They had sex more than once and she rocked his world and made his head spin more than once. He wasn't sure how it ended like it did.

He was kinda mad at himself for not fighting. He should have fault so she could have stayed but he didn't. He just knew that if he ever saw her again, he was going to talk to her.

Tyler would come in tomorrow and he'd probably see her them. He decided he was going to do anything to keep her, keep the dead woman that stole his heart. Even if he lost his humanity in the process for dealing with such a thing. He was going to keep her.

He had to keep her.

He would just have too

~ . ~

"Come on, Elena. Be nice now!" Amarantha walked the empty roads of the town. Her hair was whipping wildly behind her. The wind was knocking things to and fro but not Amarantha or Elena. She had a pout on her lips, her hands were in her pockets and she was kicking the rocks that rolled her way.

"I am nice, just I don't feel like partying or anything when we have been for the past three days. It's time to stop, Amarantha." Elena had a serious tone to her voice. She wanted to go back and see Damon. She wanted to make sure that he was okay. She didn't like leaving him alone by himself. She was still beating herself up for telling leaving him. He seemed perfectly fine about it. Heck, his uncle was probably a thousand year old vampire and then some.

Amarantha rolled her eyes. She began to whine like a little kid.

"You're harsh and cruel. I dislike you." She scowled at Elena as they walked the empty streets. It was early in the morning, around seven. People were still in bed or out, getting ready for school as the two female vampires walked the empty streets.

They had no idea where they were going, but they just knew that they had to get to somewhere if today was the day that they could meet their maker.

Do what with their maker, they weren't sure. Their minds drew blanks.

"You dislike anything. I'm just tired. I want to go away forever after this." Elena rose her head up and looked at Amarantha. She was wearing a long black coat that around her ankles. She had on a red halter and a black mini skirt with black studded and ripped boots.

Elena had her hair curled wildly. She just wore a nice see through top with a bra and some tight jeans with heels.

They clacked against the ground as she walked.

"You want to die?" Amarantha asked muddled.

Amarantha was trying to understand Elena. She had been all mopey and depressed since yesterday, for what reason Amarantha did not know. Of course, since Amarantha and Elena had been around each other for so long that Amarantha knew all of Elena's moods and facial expressions, but this time she couldn't tell what the hell was on Elena's mind. It was disturbing her, a little.

A little to much for her liking.

"I don't want to die. You're taking my words a little to far. I want to get away, live alone and just live what the rest of my undead life that I have."

Amarantha sighed with content. She'd probably do the same after she enjoyed life just a little bit more.

"I guess, bonbon. I want you happy, that's why it's best if we unleash ourselves from Tyler. He never loved us. It makes everything easier, you know."

Elena nodded her head in agreement and knew that Amarantha was right. She had a deep down feeling that she was right.

They continued to walk in silence, now. No words were passed between their lips and it was quite difficult since Amarantha had to let something pass from her lips. She had so many questions on her mind that she wished they could be answered, but they were never going to be answered.

It wasn't going to happen like that and it sicken her, just a bit.

Her questions were forming folders and those folders were piling on top of other folders as the questions grew. Her brain began to hurt and she walked down the forgotten streets of the town, shaking her head the whole way.

Elena was the same.

She had so many questions that she wasn't sure how to ask them if someone told her to say what was on her mind.

The only thing she could think about was Damon and she hoped that he was okay.

A part of her wanted to run and see him, fuck him senseless,and then turn him into what she was, but she could never do that.

She wasn't like that anymore. She didn't want to turn him, just because. She wanted to turn him because it was what he wanted, but it as just a quiet fantasy that she couldn't even admit to Amarantha because she would never understand Elena's pain.

That's all it was plain hurtful- in your face- heart breaking-pain.

~ . ~

"Uncle!" Stefan finally smiled for that night. He raced towards their uncle and wrapped his arms around him. Tyler accepted the hug and slapped Stefan on the back as the two chicks beside him, looked indifferent. They stood on the sides and stared straight ahead.

They let each other out of their hug and pulled back.

Damon walked out of the kitchen, carrying a cup of juice. He braced himself against the arm of the stairs and put the drink to his lips as he looked at his uncle, wondering if his uncle was the one that Elena and Amarantha had been talking about.

"Damon!" Tyler said outloud to everyone and no one as he gave him a quick upward nod before walking past Stefan to sit on the couches in the front. The women followed behind him, looking around at the boys. Their colored eyes going every which way.

"Tyler." Damon said quietly.

He turned around and continued to drink the juice that was in cup, wondering when Elena was going to show up or if she was going to show up at all.

Stefan walked by him, grinning like a big idiot as he walked into the living room to sit in the couch across from Tyler.

"How are you?" Stefan asked. He fixed himself in his seat, his legs stretched out in front of him.

"Good, just came back. Where is that girl of yours?" Tyler asked as he looked around the living room, trying to find something different about the place but found none.

"Home. She's sick." Stefan said dryly, he did not want to talk about his girlfriend.

"Damon, join us in the front, don't be a stranger now." Tyler's eyes were focused on the fire place in front of him, but he could sense that Damon was off and acting like a brat, for a big reason he did not know.

"Sorry, Uncle. I don't feel like sitting dow..." Damon froze as he heard a knock at the door. He paused himself to answer the door, continuing to drink his cup. He used his other hand to open the door. He opened it.

His straight forward expression become shocked and surprised as Amarantha and Elena stood on the other side of the door.

The cup, he had been drinking out of, fell from his lips and hit the floor, breaking around his black stained boots.

Okay, well I wasn't sure how I wanted this chapter to go. It just came to me really. So I hope that everyone likes it, really I do.

I noticed I got new readers and I'm glad people are starting to add the story to their alerts and such.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter.
