A/N- Here it is... the last chapter. Just wanted to give a shoutout to everyone who reviewed my story!



Comet Moon

Fjord Mustang

Eyes wide open 2010


Mendicant Bias








and thank you to everyone who faved and added this story to Story Alert!

Disclaimer- for they last time... No.

A week passed, and the villagers of Berk were just getting used to having dragons live among them. Some were still wary and unsure of the new addition to the village, but others had taken to the challenge with enthusiasm. Hiccup's leg had begun to heal and according to the village healer it would be okay to fit on his new prosthetic leg soon.

The teenagers, who Toothless had learned the names of,(Snotlout, Ruffnut, Tuffnut and Fishlegs… what strange names humans had for each other) along with Astrid had taken up the task of teaching the basics of flying to the Vikings willing to try, deciding to leave the more knowledgeable parts to Hiccup for when he woke up.

Toothless refused to leave Hiccup's bedside, much to the annoyance of Stoick, and kept up a constant bedside vigil, Astrid joining him at times to bring him food and check up on Hiccup.

"Toothless" Astrid called, walking into the house. Toothless glanced up at her and let out a soft growl as a way of greeting. "Your breakfast is outside" Astrid told him, taking a seat beside Hiccup's bedside, subconsciously rearranging his bed sheets.

'Outside?' Toothless asked suspiciously, catching her eye. 'Why outside?'

"The chief is annoyed with the smell" Astrid stated, in a way of explaining why she didn't bring the fish to him like she usually did.

Toothless rolled his eyes. 'I could care less what he thinks'

"And I was thinking we could go for a walk afterwards" Astrid continued.

'Why?' Toothless asked moodily, giving her a half-hearted glare.

Astrid glanced at his sulky features and smiled lightly. "If you keep eating and don't exercise, you're just going to get fat" she told him and lightly poked his stomach. "Now that you mention it…"

'Okay okay!" Toothless growled, pulling away from her and stretching out his limbs. 'We'll go for a walk. Just don't call me fat again or you'll regret it!'

He walked out of the house and looked around, noticing the few fish Astrid had brought with her. He began to eat silently, wondering when Hiccup was going to wake up. He missed seeing the teenagers lopsided grin and watching him fall over himself. It was the little things like that which he found he missed the most. It just wasn't the same without Hiccup around to gently tease and banter with him, or to use dry humor and sarcasm.

Eventually, Toothless was joined by Astrid, who pulled off his saddle, muttering something which sounded like 'Should've done this a while ago'. Toothless finished his meal and stretched, glancing up at the dragons flying above him. He began to walk, Astrid walking alongside him, and sighed, missing the freedom of flight. Yet, at the same time, he couldn't imagine flying without Hiccup. They'd become a part of each other, and flying without Hiccup, even if he was given the power of free flight again, he'd still want Hiccup to sit upon his back and fly with him, because it would just feel strange without the red-head.

"Do you think Hiccup's gonna like it?" Astrid asked, looking around at the new Berk. Stables and shelters had been made for the dragons, along with a feeding dish, which stood in the centre of the village. Dragons were perched on top of the houses, some flying freely in the air with Vikings on their back. Terror's had taken to perching on people's shoulders and a few of them had taken a liking to Gobber, much to the blacksmith's amusement. Toothless nodded once as an answer to Astrid's question.

'Yeah. He's gonna like it' Toothless stated, and thought back to when Hiccup had stated that he'd wanted Dragons and humans to get along. He smiled to himself. 'He's gonna love it'

"Hey, Astrid!" the boy Toothless identified as Snotlout called, running over towards them. "So you got the Night Fury out of the house huh? They're putting Hiccup's new leg on right?"

'What?' Toothless asked, his ears perking. 'They're putting his leg on?'

"Idiot" Astrid hissed, punching Snotlout in the arm, hard. "He wasn't supposed to know about it!" she turned and watched as Toothless turned and began to run back to the house. "Great going" Toothless heard her state dryly to Snotlout.

Toothless tried to run straight into the house, but was stopped by Stoick, who had his arms crossed tightly over his chest and was stood at the door.

"Oh no you don't" Stoick warned him.

'Like you're going to stop me' Toothless growled, getting in a pouncing position. Stoick narrowed his eyes and cracked his knuckles. Toothless, wasting no time quickly pounced on top of Stoick, wrestling him to the ground. He kicked him back and quickly ran for the door, but felt a hard grip on his tail.

"Hold it beast!" Stoick growled, holding on tightly to his tail.

'Let go!' Toothless huffed. 'Get off of my tail!' he waved his tail around, trying to shake the Viking off, but his grip remained strong. He turned and glared at Stoick, and Stoick glared back.

"You're not going in there until they put on his leg!" he said firmly.

Toothless groaned and sat on his haunches, quickly whipping his tail out of Stoick's hands when he felt the Vikings grip weaken.

"Good" Stoick nodded, straightening his furs out and moving to stand in front of the door again.

"Toothless!" Astrid called, running over towards them. "Toothless come on!"

Toothless glared over at her indignantly. 'Traitor' he huffed. 'Leading me away from the house. You knew it was going to happen' he sniffed and looked away from her, closing his eyes.

"Toothless I'm sorry" Astrid offered. "You know if you were in there when they did it, you'd probably attack Gobber and the healer"

'I would not!' Toothless cried. 'Well…Okay maybe. Well no just a growl or two… okay fine!' he finally relented, with a dragonish pout. 'Maybe I would've. But that doesn't mean you can trick me'

"I said I was sorry" Astrid stated, rolling her eyes. "What more do you want?"

'Mutton' Toothless stated immediately. 'A leg of mutton' he stared at her and she raised an eyebrow.

"Judging from the look in your eyes I can tell you're hungry for meat" she stated wryly and Toothless grinned happily at her.

"If he thinks he's getting any of the meat, he's mistaken" Stoick said gruffly, casting a look of dislike to the black dragon.

Toothless glared over at Stoick irritably and then looked back over at Astrid, widening his eyes in an attempt to charm her. She stared at him and finally managed to tear her eyes away, looking flustered.

"I can't Toothless" she muttered. "Sorry"

'Just another reason to hate the sire' Toothless thought moodily, curling up on the ground.


After what seemed like hours, the healer and Gobber finally walked out of the house, and Toothless's ears perked up. He pushed past them both and bounded forward into the dark hut, heading straight for Hiccup's bed.

"I'll give him this much, he's dedicated" Stoick admitted, following Toothless into the house.

'Of course I am' Toothless scoffed, gently pulling away the blanket covering Hiccup. He stared at the new prosthetic leg and moved forward cautiously. He slowly sniffed the metal and cringed inwardly, recoiling slightly. It smelled nothing at all like his warm human. It was cold, pure metal and wood. It didn't smell right. 'It makes him smell strange' Toothless whined.

"I know it looks bad" Stoick mumbled, standing behind him. "But he'll get used to it eventually."

Toothless sighed lightly and grabbed the edge of the blanket in his teeth, pulling it back over Hiccup. He curled up around the bed and was surprised when Stoick made no objections to this. He watched the older man leave and looked at his human fondly. He gently nudged his own head against Hiccup's and let out a low purr.

'Wake up soon Hiccup' he mumbled and suddenly tilted his head when he saw eyelids flickering. His face brightened and he leaned back, staring wide-eyed at the Viking below him. 'Hiccup? Are you waking up?' he asked eagerly, and pure delight struck him when he saw the forest green orbs slowly blink open in disorientation. He was still pale, but his cheeks were lightly flushed, and the burns on his face were slowly healing. Toothless leaned forward eagerly and gently nudged his head against Hiccup's again gently. 'Are you okay? Do you need anything?' he asked, concerned.

"Hey Toothless" Hiccup mumbled, and Toothless felt his heart soar at those simply words. His human was alright. He was safe. Unable to contain his happiness, he continued to nudge Hiccup's head, causing the red-head to laugh softly and touch his snout. "I'm happy to see you too buddy" he smiled, chuckling more when Toothless licked his cheek.

'You're okay! You're okay!' Toothless beamed and brought his legs onto the bed, accidentally standing on Hiccup's stomach.

"Oww! What…uh…" Hiccup moaned, sitting up and pushing him off, his eyes shut tight.

'Sorry!' Toothless said quickly, sitting on the floor. 'But you're okay! You're really okay!' He licked his lips happily as Hiccup seemed to take in his surroundings.

"I'm in my house" he said in confusion, and then his eyes widened. "YOU'RE in my house!" Toothless grinned at him and couldn't stop himself from jumping around, literally bouncing off the walls in his excitement, also knowing that would probably annoy Stoick. He grinned giddily as he did so, unable to contain his joy. "Does my dad know you're here?" Hiccup asked desperately. "Okay…Okay!"

'He sure does!' Toothless beamed. 'He doesn't like it, but he'll live!' He jumped up onto the beam in excitement, looking under it so Hiccup was upside-down to him.

"Toothless! Aw, come on!" Hiccup groaned, trying to get out of his bed. He stopped however, looking confused and slowly pulled away his bed covers.

'Looks like you find out' Toothless admitted, his ears pressing back against his head as he jumped down onto the floor, slowly walking towards Hiccup. The Redhead stared down in disbelief at his prosthetic for a moment, as if unable to comprehend what is was doing there. Eventually, he let out a small sigh and pressed his lips together. 'I'm sorry' Toothless whined again, looking down.

Hiccup pulled on his right boot and slowly placed it down on the ground, hesitantly following suit with the prosthetic. Toothless sniffed the prosthetic again, disliking the way the metal made his humans scent strange. He glanced up at Hiccup who was in some state of shock. He looked at Toothless and opened his mouth to speak, but all that was emitted was a strangled gasp. He shut his eyes and took a deep breath, placing all of his weight on his right foot and pulling himself upwards by using his bed-posts.

'Be careful' Toothless said warily. 'You've only just had that put on'

Hiccup pressed his lips together in determination and slowly took a shaky limp forward, wobbling and almost falling. Toothless watched him carefully, getting ready to help the boy if he needed it. He tried to take another, more confident step forward, but Toothless knew it was going to fail before it actually did. Acting quickly, he reached out his neck and caught Hiccup as he fell, letting out a small cry.

'I told you to be careful' he chastised, getting lifting up his head to set the Viking back up on his feet. 'Let me help you'

"Okay…thanks bud" Hiccup said softly, holding onto Toothless's neck. Toothless gently guided Hiccup towards the door, being sure to keep an eye on the boys leg to make sure he didn't fall again. Hiccup with both legs was clumsy enough, he was going to have his work cut out for him in keeping Hiccup out of trouble.

Hiccup slowly opened the door only to slam it shut when he saw 'Fireworm' flying past, which was 'Snotlout's' Nightmare.

'What?' Toothless asked, looking up at Hiccup, who looked slightly worried. 'He's not going to eat you, I promise!'

"Toothless" Hiccup warned, tightening his grip on the door handle. "Stay here"

Toothless tilted his head in confusion as Hiccup pulled open the door. 'Why? Look for yourself!' He sat back on his haunches and smiled as Hiccup's mouth fell open at the sight before him.

"What the-?" he stammered, staring at the dragons perched on the rooftops and the ones in the air, and over at the food dish, a Zippleback was enjoying a meal. "I knew it" Hiccup said slowly. "I'm dead"

Toothless smiled and shook his head as Stoick let out a booming laugh, in better spirits than Toothless had seen him and clapped Hiccup on the shoulder. "No, but you gave it your best shot" he smiled and began to walk forward with Hiccup, gesturing at the village. "So. What do you think?"

Toothless stayed dutifully where he was told to, watching Hiccup be led away by his sire. He heard the delighted calls of the villagers upon seeing him awaken and wondered briefly what Astrid would do when she reached them. He chuckled inwardly at the thought and as the Vikings circled around Hiccup, he glanced through an opening so he could still clearly see the redhead.

"-All we needed was a little of this" Stoick was saying, gesturing to Hiccup.

"You just gestured to all of me" Hiccup said, looking confused, and Stoick simply smiled and nodded and Toothless felt his dislike of the sire lessen by a fraction.

"Well, most of you" Gobber said wryly. "That bit's my handiwork" he gestured to the prosthetic leg. "Think it'll do?"

"Eh, I might make a few tweaks" Hiccup said, grinning, and Toothless joined in with the laughter of the Vikings. Gods he'd missed Hiccup this last week. He grinned expectantly when he saw Astrid push her way through the crowd, and wasn't at all surprises when she punched Hiccup in the arm, sending him stumbling forward slightly with a yelp.

"That's for scaring me" Astrid told him with a glare and Hiccup turned to her, rubbing his arm.

"What? Is it always gonna be like this?" he asked irritated. "Cos I-" he was cut off when Astrid grabbed the front of his tunic and dragged him close to her, pressing her lips against his, causing the Vikings to playfully jeer and make lewd comments. Toothless tilted his head lightly as they pulled away.

"I could get used to it" Hiccup mumbled and Toothless smiled to himself. He'd guessed that this was a part of the humans mating ritual; it seemed Astrid had chosen Hiccup for her mate. He approved anyway, the blonde was protective of Hiccup and he liked her.

"Welcome home" Gobber said, handing Hiccup a- Wait, was that a saddle? A tail fin? Toothless jumped up onto all fours, looking excited. He tried to quickly push through the crowd, one of the Vikings looking at him and grinning.

"Night Fury!" he called and everyone looked around in mock panic. Toothless jumped up, balancing on Spitelout's shoulder, causing him to wobble and fall over. Toothless leapt to the ground before he did so and grinned eagerly.

'Let's go!' he purred, causing Astrid and Hiccup to look at each other and laugh slightly.

"I'll race you" Astrid said suddenly, grinning. "BLUE! Come on girl!" she yelled as Hiccup grinned at the challenge, strapping the saddle onto an impatient Toothless.

"Okay, But I gotta warn you Astrid, Toothless is fast" he teased, moving round to attach the tail fin.

"But Blue and I have been training" Astrid told him, rubbing her Nadder's scales as she landed beside her.

'I'm gonna win this one Fury' Blue told him in a challenging voice, bending down to allow her rider to jump onto her back.

'You wish' Toothless grinned, looking up at the sky as Hiccup pulled himself onto his back. Apparantly his now stirrup was design to work with his prosthetic, which suited Toothless just fine. He couldn't help thinking now that he and Hiccup were a set. They were both missing a limb, but neither let it get them down. They were going to keep on going, to keep on fighting as hard as they could.

"You ready?" Hiccup asked, grinning down at him.

'Always' Toothless replied eagerly, glancing around at the village, where people were taking off into the skies on their own dragons and felt a sense of peace wash over him. It was really over. The Queen was gone, his brethren had a new home, and his rider was safe. This was perfect.

He took off into the sky, relishing the feel of the wind against his scales, having missed it for a week. This was his first real free flight. He'd never have to answer her call again. He grinned as he saw the Nadder dive down towards the houses below and followed suit, hearing both Astrid and Hiccup laughing.

'Losing your touch there Fury!' Blue yelled, shooting underneath a wooden arch. Toothless followed her and they both sped down towards the docks, flying past the boats.

'Losing my touch? I'll show you! I'm the devil of the skies!' Toothless scoffed as he heard Hiccup scream "YEAH!", speeding up and flying upwards, soaring underneath a wooden arch, with Blue right behind him.

'Wait for me! Wait for me!' He heard the Gronkle crow excitedly, and his grin widened. More competition, this was getting interesting. He soared down a narrow opening between the houses, the other two dragons right behind him and circled around the tower, hearing more voices call after him.

'You're not gonna win!' The Zippleback heads cried in unison, the twin riders on their necks, grinning competitively.

'Time to step down from your post as devil of the sky!' The Nightmare pitched in, glaring playfully in his direction.

'Just give up!' Blue shrieked, gaining speed.

"Show them what you can do buddy" Hiccup called, and Toothless grinned as he felt the tail fin shift.

'Never!' He yelled, shooting up at incredible speeds through the clouds, Hiccup cheering and yelling words of confidence as he did so. This was perfect. This was amazing.

They were finally free.

A/N- Oh my gods it's over! DX Now what do I do?

You,the reviewers decide.

Should i write a sequel? Write random oneshots using prompts? (if you want me to do this, suggest prompt ideas please?) anything like that. Tell me what you want me to do ^^