A/N- Okay, so I posted the first two chapters of this story on Deviantart (Koriandmetrion) and it's received a positive review so far. So... Enjoy! I'm still working on LaTM read HP for the Harry Potter fans who read my stories. Don't worry. I also apologize for my lack of knowledge on Norse Mythology.

Disclaimer- I don't own HTTYD ... Sad day.

It was...interesting, to say the least, to watch the humans; The Vikings who inhabited the village known as Berk. Shouts and cries were heard throughout this village as the first blast of fire hit one of the homes the humans had made. Dragons and Vikings of all sizes and shapes flooded into sight, as another raid began. The dragons fought diligently, their minds focused on one goal. Get the food, go back to their nest, yet the Vikings too fought with all their might, determined to thwart the dragons' chances.

One lone dragon watched the commotion from above high, perched on a solitary rock. He was of a medium size build, not the smallest or the largest of his brethren, with sleek midnight blue scales which, after sunset, appeared black as night. He stood proudly on four legs, watching his kin fight the humans, his large, elegant black wings spread wide, ready to join the battle when he was needed. Neon green eyes studied the scene before him in pure disinterest. He had no wish to attack the humans, to destroy their homes and steal their food. He did what he did, not out of desire, but simply because he had to. A great beast lurked in his and the others home, commanding them to attack the humans, to steal their food. None could disobey, but this particular dragon had a strong will. His true name was lost to the winds, many years ago, and was unpronounceable in the human tongue. This was the same for many of his brethren, so the humans had developed their own names for them, to distinguish between their species. His kind, were known as the Night Fury.

Honestly, out of the names his kind could have received, he was pleasantly surprised with the name the Vikings created, pleased that it matched him perfectly. The humans, however, had never seen him, and never would. They knew next to nothing about his kind, except purely that when his piercing shriek filled the air, it was wisest to duck and cover, for the Night Fury never missed. He surmised that the humans must feel he simply lived to attack them, for he had never stolen food from them...The idea of feeding the creature which resided in his nest disgusted him, and he was proud that she had not broken his will.

The Night Fury glanced over at one of his brethren, one the Vikings had christened a Zippleback, and its two heads shrieked at him indignantly.

'It is time you made your appearance!' One head hissed, presumably, in the Night Fury's eyes, the one to breathe gas.

'Strike true fear into their hearts!' the other head agreed.

The Night Fury regarded the dragon with bored, irritated eyes.

'That is all I ever do' He hissed in reply, narrowing his luminescent orbs. He glanced up at the sky. It was fairly clear, with a few grey clouds littering the midnight blue which caused his body to blend in perfectly. Of course they would expect him to join in with the raid today. It was perfect conditions, and a Night Fury attack, caused the Viking's to lower their guard somewhat.

'You could try bringing food back for the queen' one head suggested slyly.

The Night Fury let out a guttural snarl and glared hatefully at the dragon before it, causing it to shriek and fly back, startled.

'She is no true queen of ours!' The darker dragon hissed. 'I would not lower myself as to bring food to that creature. Do not suggest such a thing!'

'I apologize' the head said hurriedly, sharing a glance with its twin. 'I didn't mean any offence'

The Night Fury rolled its great eyes at the yellow and green dragon before it, and, without another word, he took off into the sky, his wings beating effortlessly at the air around him. He shot high into the sky, wondering briefly if this was all he was destined to do...To serve the so-called 'Queen' and be a slave to her forever. He had so longed to be free from her grasp, to serve no-one but himself, but had learned long ago to keep his wishes to himself. The other dragons had willingly accepted their fate long ago, but the Night Fury resolved to never give up, to always fight the 'Queen' until the day he perished, and hope that one day, she would be defeated.

The Night Fury looked around him at the sky once more and kept his eyes narrowed. The other dragons had tried to convince him to submit to the Queen, to give up on the hope that they would all one day be free, but he had ignored them. He thought of the gods, and offered a silent prayer to them.

'Deliver a saviour onto us.' He prayed, as the village of Berk edged closer. 'I would give anything for a saviour, I would give a tail fin even!' He begged silently, knowing the severity of this if the gods even answered him, though that was truly doubtful. He had prayed many times before, perhaps the offerings of a dragon did not matter to them, even one such as himself, who had been designed to help bring around Ragnorok, who the gods revered and praised.

The Night Fury sighed internally as silence was his only answer. His razor sharp teeth retracted into his gums as he caught sight of his target, the western tower which held human machines which fired at, and harmed his brethren. He began to gather the gas in the back of his throat, rising it up from his stomach, and as he opened his mouth, his tell tale shriek pierced the night, and the Vikings below looked around in alarm.

"Night Fury!"

"Get down!"

As the Night Fury light his gas, and shot a terrific sapphire flame at the tower, hitting it dead on target, a sort of dread filled him as the tower began to cave on itself, and his kin let out shrieks of delight and praise. The sky around him darkened slightly, and the dragon shot foreword, propelling another jet of sapphire flames forward at the tower, causing the chieftain of the tribe to leap down to the safety of the ground. Good. He didn't want any unnecessary blood on his paws. The tower collapsed down upon itself, and the Night Fury, satisfied, shot away from the scene to find his next target. He circled the village several times, feeling the same dread in the pit of his stomach as if he had eaten a particularly rancid fish.

'Excellent shot brother' A 'Nadder' shrieked, whilst the dragon known as a 'Nightmare' regarded him coldly before flying away from them, presumably to terrorize and kill another inhabitant of the village. The Night Fury nodded stiffly, ignoring the uneasy feeling which had settled over him and noted that the eastern tower had not yet been destroyed. He became more streamline and shot towards it, narrowing his eyes in determination, retracting his teeth once more, as to not damage them, and gathered the gas in the back of his throat, lighting it and sending it flying directly into the tower. It was then things went terribly wrong. A dark and amused chuckle filled the Night Furies mind as he began to fly from the scene and he could barely register what was being said.

'You have struck a deal with us Drache.' The voice in his mind boomed, and the Night Fury let out another, albeit shocked, shriek. Thor was speaking to him. 'We are answering your prayer. A Saviour shall befall you. But do not forget your end of the deal'

Before the Night Fury could reply to the voice, he heard a whizzing noise and turned quickly, seeing something flying towards him. He tried to escape, but bonds encircled him, his legs and his wings. The Night Fury let out one indignant shriek, forgetting momentarily about the god which had spoken to him, as he began to plummet towards the ground at a terrifying speed. He shot down towards the forest a good walk away from berk and struggled to free himself, but was sent crashing through the trees.

He slammed hard into a tree, causing the whole trunk to snap effortlessly and was sent crashing and sliding through the undergrowth. He felt a sudden terrible pain where his tail fins were, as if one were being ripped from his very body. He let out an agonized shriek as the pain became unbearable, and as the dragon skidded to a stop in a small clearing, the pain overwhelmed him, and he succumbed to the darkness.