I'm baaaaaaaaack. I abandoned the drabbles a bit as my real life got very dramatic. I hope to catch up on the drabbles I missed, so stay tuned.
This is exactly 100 words! :) Please let me know what you think!
Occupational Hazard
"Sorry," Dean says at Sam's guttural groan.
Sam bears the pain, pushes up and guzzles cold water in small sips. He settles against the headboard, and realizes that unfortunately he won't bounce back in a few days.
They live in breakneck chaos and injuries slowed them down. This time, it was a concussion and a broken rib. Next time, who knows?
In the other bed, Dean stretches out, watching "Project Runway."
Sam likes seeing Dean in sweatpants and socks, instead of boots and leather. He likes watching him dig through take-out menus, instead of graves.
Getting hurt isn't always bad.