A little one shot to get my writer's block going. 3

The soft breeze ruffled the Austrian's hair as he played his piano. Ah, he smiled. This was going to be a peaceful afternoon….

"RODDYYYY~!" Someone screamed behind him. Austria stood up just in time before a certain Prussia tackled him to the ground.

…Or not. He thought bitterly.

"Hey Roddy," The Prussian grinned as he leaned closer to Austria's face. His face reddened as he pushed him away.

"That was uncalled for, Gilbert." Austria muttered, getting up. He frowned as he noticed that the silver-haired man was staring at him intently.

"W-What?" He said defensively, his face getting warmer. "Is there something on my face?"
"Yes, there is." Prussia said smugly. As quick as his tackle, he took off Austria's dear glasses.

"Hey—"Austria sputtered, as he tried to get back his beloved glasses. Of course, he didn't need them, but he grew so accustomed to it, it felt very strange to not have them on. Prussia smirked as he dangled the spectacles lazily above Austria's reach.

"It's not like you need them." He said simply, amused at the Austrian's attempts to get back his glasses.

"Why are you even doing this?" Austria said, with just a slight hint of annoyance. "Don't you have someone else to bother?"

"West's busy," The Prussian yawned. "It's dangerous to bother him when he's busy." He shivered slightly at the last time he got mad. He swore a World War III could've started with his rage.

"Why me then?" Austria said exasperatedly. He jumped a little too far, and knocked both of them to the ground. Their faces were dangerously close.

"Because," Prussia breathed, he pulled Austria closer and his lips met his. "It's fun to see you so flustered by the awesome me." The ex-nation smirked, licking his lips. Austria's face was still etched with shock and embarrassment. He grabbed his glasses and started to walk away stiffly.

"You dummkopf, verrückt idiot…"Austria muttered heatedly as he stumbled out the room.

"You're so cute you know that, Roddy?" The Prussian smirked to himself as he heard Austria trip on his way to the kitchen.


verrückt-insane; crazy

that is all. 8D Reviews would make my day, just saying~ C: -fryingpan'd-