Rats n Trashcans
Putting Zahra into her crib Courtney sighed as she watched her angel sleep. As much as she loved her, she treasured these moments, when she was sound asleep, peaceful and not crying her little heart out.
She then looked around her, toys were everywhere.
Kneeling down Courtney started to pack up the toys one by one. Suddenly she heard a noise. Freezing in her cleaning, Courtney checked to see that Zahra was still asleep and tried to find the source.
Not finding anything, Courtney resumed her cleaning.
As she was about to put away the toy doll, Courtney once more heard scurried footsteps.
Courtney decided to do a more thorough search of the house. Not finding anything, Courtney finished cleaning the room.
Congratulating herself for a good job well done, Courtney kissed Zahra on her forehead before heading towards her bedroom.
Crossing the hallway Courtney screamed, there was a big, black, rat in her house!
Her heart beating rapidly, she checked to see if Zahra was still asleep, she then closed the door not wanting the rat to go into her daughter's room. Keeping and eye on the rat she called the only she could think of.
Courtney nervously waited as she kept her eye on the rat, at a safe distance of-course, a baseball bat in her hand.
What should she do? If the rat came her way, should she squish it?
Why was a rat in her house anyways? She always kept it clean.
Oh why oh why wouldn't he hurry up?
This was probably the only time she has been relieved to her that, but all the same "Don't call me that" she hissed at Duncan as he smirked at her.
"So having a rat problem are we?" Aaarg why did he always have to sound so arrogant?
"Yes" she spoke her jaw clenched "so you are going to help me or what"
"Relax, Princess, things would work out"
She glared at him, why did she call him again? Ah that's right, who best to catch a rodent then another rodent. "Just get rid of that dam thing ok?"
"Sure Princess, so have you got tongs and a fry- pan?"
"Why would you need tongs and a fry-pan for?"
He just stared at her, that cocky smirk on his face and an eyebrow raised.
"Urg" Courtney through her hands up in the air as she made her way to the kitchen, returning she shoved the equipment into his hands "When you are done with them don't bother to give them back, you can throw them out".
He just smirked at her and went in search of the rat.
"Don't come back until you've caught that thing" she shouted at his retreating back.
Slightly relaxed, now that Duncan was taking care of the rat Courtney went and visited Zahra. She was so beautiful in her sleep.
Hearing banging, Courtney moved from Zahra's room and shut the door as she went to investigate. Following the bangs, Courtney found the bangs coming from her closed of lounge.
Curious Courtney watched the closed door and wondered what Duncan could possibly be doing. Hearing cries coming from Zahra's room, Courtney suddenly became very annoyed, why did the brat have to be so loud?
Courtney picked up Zahra and gently rocked her in her arms. Eventually, the loud banging and crying stopped. Courtney placed Zahra back into her crib and headed towards the lounge.
Courtney was positive her jaw became unhinged as she watched Duncan emerge from her lounge, the dead rat in the tongs.
Waving the rat around he stated calmly "Hey do you have a rubbish bag?"
Nodding her head numbly Courtney went to grab a bag.
Handing him the bag Courtney mumbled "Thanks". Duncan shrugged his shoulders "no problem what are friends for?"
Courtney paused at that, friends, she and Duncan were friends, a small smile played on her lips, yeah friends she could deal with that.
Lost in her thoughts, Courtney barley noticed Duncan returning.
"Well the rat and your utensil's are in the trash, like you asked"
Courtney jumped slightly and turned to face him "Utensils Duncan, isn't that very proper of you"
"So I'll be of then?"
She smiled at him "Thanks for that"
"No Problem"
She let Duncan out and he was just about to enter his car, when she thought of something "Wait"
She turned to face him "Yes"
"What trashcan did you put them in?"
Courtney explained "My next door neighbor isn't the type of person that would like to have a rat in her trash and as our trashcans are collectively together I need to know, which one you put it in"
Realization was placed on his face "I put them in the one with the number two printed on it"
"What!" Mrs Mosbey would have a fit.
Duncan shrugged his shoulders "Sorry Princess, I don't deal with trash" with that he hopped into his car and drove of.
Courtney stared after him, wide eyed and mouth open "But, but…" Courtney was confused he can deal with rats, but not trash? What was with that guy?
Courtney swore violently, sounding very unlike herself as she realised she'd have to go through Mrs Mosbey's trash to find the rat.
Digging through Mrs Mosbey's trash Courtney cursed Duncan seven ways into hell, how dare he make her dig through the trash. Finally done, she went into the house and grabbed the scotch bottle for these types of situations and poured herself a glass, taking a gulp she sat onto the couch in her bedroom and kicked of her shoes, she stank and she was tired, dam rats and trashcans.