I thought of this story laying in bed randomly. The idea of a summer love is always appealing to me, so I figured I'd write this. I know, there are WAY too many Romantica fics out there, but I always try to keep it as original as possible. Also, I'm going to try to keep my idea journal from my puppies.
Disclaimer: I don't own Junjou Romantica or its characters.
Warning: Usagi may have more of a gentle character to him than normal. I hadn't realized it until I finished writing it though.
Now then, lets get on with the story!
It was a bright summers day at the beach, the sun hung lazily in the sky and shone down on the people down below. There was the loud sounds of waves crashing against the shore and children splashing in the water, while the faint sound of a volleyball being thrown around and jetskis echoed in the background. The sand was of a creamy-white color, matching the clouds above and colored umbrellas were strewn across, people lying under them and taking in all of the sunlight as well as the cool breeze that made the day almost perfect.
"Misaki!" A dark haired man, wearing only a pair of red swimming trunks, ran over to the boy sitting underneath an umbrella, laying backwards in a chair with an earbud in his ear and sunglasses covering his eyes. He stopped, saltwater, some of which had come from the ocean and the other part coming from his own body, dripped from his hair. His white skin had already started to become burned from staying out in the sun, giving off a light pink color as he looked up at the boy who sat up and looked over at his brother.
"Why don't you come out and play with us? It's such a nice day!" The brown haired boy frowned at this remark, he wore black swimming trunks and a snow colored jacket that was opened to reveal his smooth, peach colored chest. He didn't enjoy the beach at all, mostly since he wasn't a very good swimmer. And the ocean water that got into his eyes made his eyes burn, which definitely didn't make him happy but rather extremely irritated.
"Nii-san, you know I don't like the ocean. Besides, aren't you supposed to be with Nee-san? You'll make her lonely being over here trying to talk to me. She is your wife, you know" Misaki stated, his eyes not meeting his older brothers.
"Well, I want you to have fun too. I mean, you've been living alone all this time. And we made it a point to come to the beach all summer so that way we can try and fit in as much time as possible for eachother! Besides, you brought your camera, which means you must want to make a lot of memories, right?" His brother grinned at him, Misaki keeping his gaze diverted. It was true, he was so excited to come to the beach, even though he hated it so much. He was just excited at the idea of being with his brother, especially since he was living alone in college dorms because it was added onto his scholarship. Sure, he could've just rented an apartment close to the school, but he wanted to make sure that he didn't burden the brother who had taken care of him all of his life any further.
Misaki reluctantly stood up, grabbing hold of his camera. He had taken a few pictures earlier, mostly of scenery. There was one that stood out to him, though. It was just of a large white house sitting near the edge of a cliff. Nothing special, It was very beautiful though. It was very wide, with a navy blue roof and a balcony that hung from the side. It was surrounded by pillars that supported the roof, and two big bay (1) windows that covered the downstairs. It was near the beach house that they owned, though not within a small walking distance.
Misaki hadn't realized how much he was in love with the picture until he was brought back to reality by his brother.
"Misaki! Take a picture of us!" He wrapped his arm around his wife, she smiled sheepishly and Misaki rose the camera to his face, pressing the button and snapping a picture.
Misaki had been sitting in his room on the bed, the camera connected to his laptop as he went through all of the pictures they had taken today. He laughed to himself as he saw a picture with Takahiro, his brother, with ice cream on his nose, trying to lick it off. As he went through these pictures, he heard the faint sound of a piano playing. "What? Who could be playing Piano at this hour?" He said aloud, rubbing his eyes and peeking his head out of the small window.
He looked around, then heard the sound coming from his left, where the edge of the cliff was. He then saw that a light was on, and he could make out a silhouette of someone sitting down. The song that was being played was sad, so sad that Misaki just wondered who could be playing a song with such sorrow? He was determined to find out. He walked back to his door, and began to sneak quietly past the couples room before slipping out of the house and making his way to the giant beach house by the cliff.
He walked along the road, the sound becoming louder as he grew closer to the home. Before he knew it, he was standing on the side of the house, facing the ajar window where the sad music played. Not knowing any other way to address the person inside, he bent over and searched for a small pebble. Upon finding one, he tossed it to the window where it hit with a small clinking sound. The piano music was stopped abruptly, then there was just silence. A man stood at the balcony, looking down at the boy on the bottom.
"May I help you?" He called.
Misaki hadn't expected someone to ask why he had come, since he didn't really understand the reason himself other than "the music had called to him"
"Well...I want to meet the person who was playing such a sad song..." Misaki said bluntly, stating his purpose for being there. The man turned back around, seeming to talk to someone else who had been in the room. Misaki only stood there, watching the man talk to someone else in the room, then looking back down from the Balcony.
"Please, go to the front door." He requested.
Upon being let inside, Misaki was surprised at the inside. It had ruby red painted walls, there were many paintings and pictures covering the walls. Many of which were of a platinum blonde haired boy, others of which were the same boy, only an adult now. The man lead him up the spiral staircase and into a large bedroom. The balcony where the man stood was right in front of him, as well as a bed with a shell designed backboard. Across from this bed was a large, see through piano, and the same man from the pictures sitting in front of it, his fingers on the keys, but not playing them.
"You may go now, Claude" The silvery haired man ordered, Claude taking a bow and exiting from the room.
Misaki didn't know what to say, other than he was a little taken aback by the mans appearance. He looked like a model, and a beautiful one at that. His royal purple eyes seemed to match so perfectly with those silver locks. Though he only wore white pajamas, he looked so graceful in them. So much, that Misaki stared at him for quite some time, making the man wonder.
"Excuse me, are you alright?" He asked, a bit of concern in his tone. Misaki nodded, embarrassed that he had been staring for so long.
"Oh, um, ah. Yes! I'm sorry, you kind of reminded me of a prince, so I was staring for a bit" Misaki hadn't realized his nervousness had made him spill out his innermost thoughts, the man only chuckling in response.
"Oh dear. I didn't expect to meet such an outspoken boy." He chuckled some more. "What's your name?"
Misaki shifted uncomfortably where he stood before replying. "Takahashi Misaki..."
"What a nice name, even for being feminine, It suits you." the man complimented, though Misaki wasn't too happy about being called girly.
"Oh! I'm sorry I didn't ask...Sir, what's your name?"
"Usami Akihiko."
Misaki walked over to the man, his feet keeping a steady pace as he found himself in front of him, he put out his hand. "Nice to meet you, Usami-san!"
Akihiko only looked surprised, then took his hand and shook it. "Likewise."
(1) I don't know what kind of windows those are, but they're usually big windows that stick out rather than just being straight down.
I find this to be a nice stopping point in the story. I'm sorry to some if you find yourself not wanting to read all of that description, I don't blame you. I went a little overboard with it,. There's to be a lot of things going on, which I will cover in the next chapter! Unfortunately, I've school so that will have to wait until afterwards.
You know my rule: Read, review, love, hate, do whatever!