Going forward

When the Sasuke and Sakura got back, they were welcomed by stares of jealousy and envy, just as with a thick silence.

At first Sakura look little flush and weird, but got all defensive when she felt Karins glare on her back.

Sasuke on the other hand look pretty smug, like he knew something that they did not. But his friend Suigetsu had other plans and a new expression in mind.

"So leader, I see you got laid….how was she, I bet pretty good from your face" He barely could stiffen his laugh, because Sakura got all red, like tomato, and Sasuke look like he was about to kill him, but if you look closely you would see a tiny blush on his poker face.

"Busted" His comment was rewarded by a strong kick on the face, and a devastated yell. Suigetsu knew they did not do it, but he just wanted to push their, but specially Karins buttons. To him now life was sweet.

"Suigetsu…we…did…not…do…anything…got it?" Ok Sakura scared him when she was angry. Her fierce glare could rival Uchihas. Maybe she got it from him, most likely from all the time they have known each other. He was not stupid; Sasuke has meet Sakura before in his life. Just by observing their actions you could see how well they understand each other, and they move in sync. If they meet her just that day, Sasuke would be all tense, or would have killed her already, with her comments and all.

"Listen up" Uchiha had that tone again. So it is better to listen what he had to say.

"From here and on, you are officially dismissed…you can go do whatever you want I do not care, just don't get in my way…" Shock was clear on his team's faces. I mean he is just letting them go? Just like that?

"But…but…but Sasuke I want to go with you" Karin I guess always knew what not to say, like now.

"NO! You will not come with me; I don't need or want you..." Sasuke knew it was a mean thing to say, but it was necessary. Otherwise he will be stuck with her for the rest of his life, and he certainly didn't want that to happen. He would rather kill himself.

Sakura was shocked probably the most. Did he just dispatch his team? What about her? Is she free to go to? It made her heart clench in pain just thinking that. What if he said those mean words to her, like he told Karin?

"Sakura you stay, the rest go and….thank you"

But it was never as easy as he hoped. Karin had other plans of course.

"WHY? Why does she always come with you? What does she mean to you, that you can possibly leave me for her? I am much better that she will ever be! I hate the day you came into our lives, you pinkazoid!"

Sakura could not say that she was left uninfected by the redheads speech, but she had a point, and damn herself if she didn't want to find out.

Sasuke felt quite different. He felt offended, and he did not need to justify himself to them. And Karin was even wrong. So he used the best scary voice he could.

"That is none of your business"

And just like that he took stunned pink haired girl by the arm and pulled her away. Just like that he disappeared from his now ex teams lives. Hopefully forever.

Karin was about to run after him, but Suigetsu stopped her shortly.

"Karin, leave him be, he does not want you, he has her…and he had her for quite some time…get over it and move on…" For the first time since ever he saw Karin cry. It made him sad, just by seeing her in pain…

"I don't want to let him go! He is everything I have, and she just took it all away from me! I was the one he protected, I was the one he could lean on, and then she just came, like the wind, and left me empty… It's NOT FAIR!" As the end of sentence her voice grew desperate.

But she had to know the truth. Evan if it hurt like hell.

Sakura was desperately to gather herself, but failed miserably. She was now being dragged around the forest like a lost puppy, and yet she wasn't upset. More like she was baffled rather than anything. How did her life get to this point? One moment she was Konohas cherry blossom, and the next she was here with the arrogant Uchiha.

Yet Sasuke gave her no answers, just like she thought. I guess luck was never on her side.

"Sasuke…I… I don't understand…where are we going?" Sakura had to know, but she feared the answer. What if he was going to drop her of somewhere? What if she lost him again? No she would, could not survive it again. The pains was too great the last time, unbearable, and damn her to the deepest depths of hell if she was ever going back to that place again in her life. She would rather die.

"We are going to borders of Konoha, and you are going back to your village…" It pained him to leave her but he also knew that Konoha wasn't his home anymore. He was not welcome.

"What? I'm going home? What about you Sasuke? Are you coming with me?"At first she was shocked, then happy, then sad, and then hopeful.

"Aa, I going to…" He wanted to say no, because it is the truth, but seeing her so desperate, he lied. Maybe people thought he was heartless, but he wanted to grant her, at least for a while, a dream come true. Let her have a few hours of happiness he knew it was impossible to give.

Sakura was at that minute the happiest woman alive. She could not wait for thing so fall back in to place again. Her fantasy was her biggest weakness. It made her blind to reality, made her lose all site of life, and with that she missed a gentle lie, that even Naruto could detect. But in some way, she knew it was all a scam, but simply wanted to believe it was true. I guess she just wanted one little day of peace.

So just like that, air filled with false happiness, they made their way to the village hidden in the Leaves.

It toke them about 6 hours to get there, looking like they could pass out at any moment. Well Sakura looked like that, just like Sasuke wanted. He thought it will make everything easer.

But he was so wrong.

Just as the gates came into the view, Sakura abruptly turned around, spooking him. But what made him very nervous was the look in her eyes. They had all the determination in the world, and no hint of tiredness.

At that second he knew all hell was going to break lose. She was getting serious. And his plan was just ruined. Just like the wind.

"You are not coming back with me, aren't you?" Her voice was calm, but her emerald eyes were vivid.

It toke him some time, to actually form the right word, because she made him want to come with her.


"Then why, why lie to me, no don't answer that, why can't you come with me?" As much as she tried she could not stop tears from falling down her cheeks.

And just like that all the resolve Sasuke has had in him snapped.

One moment she was trying so hard not to cry and the next she felt a pair of lips, kissing her.

She could feel all Sasuke wanted to say. She knew he was sorry, sad, hurt, torn, and most of all he showed her in that one kiss how much he loved her.

It made her heart swell, and clench at the same time.

"Sasuke promise that one day, you will come back to me, to your home, to your life"

A promise was needed and a promise was given.

"Aa, I will come back, one day…"And he kissed her again so lovingly and passionate that made her knees turn into jelly.

With one last hug and quick kiss, a broken smile, and a sad smirk, he disappeared, like a shadow that he truly is.

So what do you think? Is it good? I have a question should I make this story end here, or should I make another chapter, that will leave thing on the better note? Please write what do you think is best, because I am little unsure. I mean I originally thought of making the ending lovelier, but when I finished this, I could not help but wonder if this could be the perfect end.

Love Shadowgirl