Rukia Kuchiki is new at Karakura High School. She spends all her time studying but the Kurosaki Twins have taken a liking to her.
A/N - Happy B-day Deviant Hollow!
AU- a little OOC I'm making it OOC for those who are looking for a kinder gentler Ichigo, cause this ain't it. DH likes the Dominate/Forceful AND Possessive Ichi and Hichi. I tried to put as much of that as possible into this one.
MATURE. PLUS EXPLICIT LEMONS language, stalking, rough, reluctance lemons, and a sick, twisted sexy game of cat and mouse- I'm tellin' you now It only gets worse (or better depending on how you look at it- I say Better! ;) so don't come cryin'/complainin' to me later...:P
A/N Aug. 2011- So as people who have read my stories may know, I end up going back and doing some tweaking- this one is no different. Seeing how we're coming up on the 1st anniversary of said story that was originally started as birthday gift for DH( Happy Birthday again DH!)
Any ways it was due to a very elegant review from 'Stephanie" on 4.12.11 that got me thinking about this story and how much more it could be. So I have tweaked a bit on each chapter plus added some back story to flesh out for continuing chapters- so you may want to reread this bad boy.
Sex Pistol
Chapter 1 - Laying Claim
"Since your new here I'll tell you. Stay away from the Kurosaki twins. They're dangerous."
"Really, why?" she had asked on her way up the Karakura High School building.
"People say they're in a gang. That's why they always get in fights." the first girl continued.
"I heard they were yakuza enforcers" the second girl said.
"Yeah, right." several of them said incredulously. She just continued to listen.
"I heard they run drugs." Another girl said.
"I heard that they have sex with anything that walks, not that I wouldn't mind being with Hichigo." yet another girl said.
"Hichigo? Ichigo's the cute one." The first girl said a wide smile spreading on her face, her eyes glazing over as she imagined the boy.
"I know, he's so hot." several girls said in unison.
"They're both so hot." they all agreed on that. But she continued to listen.
"I heard they got 5 different girls at Moreira High School pregnant." the girls started another round of rumors.
"I heard they leave at lunch to go to afternoon orgy parties, my friend was at one." a girl with glasses said.
"Oh yeah, who?" the leader asked giving an incredulous look.
"Eiko's a liar and a slag."
"Point is they are bad news, trouble follows them everywhere. Understand that new girl?"
Her first contact with students of Karakura High school was ringing in her ears as if it were just happening. So what was she doing now?
"Get your hands of him!" Rukia Kuchiki stood defiantly. Her hands outstretched to bar anymore assaults on the weeping Momohara. Her wide dark blue eyes tight in a scowl. She was in her school uniform having just put back on her street shoes heading to the train.
"You're a brave one." Ichigo Kurosaki smirked, towering over her, the petite defender.
Ichigo Kurosaki, a third year student like herself, was over a foot taller than Rukia. His white school shirt barely contained his lean yet broad chest, his sinewy muscled arms were still flexed, his hands clenched in fists. He exuded confidence, power and... sex.
Rukia felt her body flush all over standing in front of him. He had a powerful aura that was palatable. It almost knocked her over.
Her heart was pounding out of her heaving chest.
She gulped, feeling ill equipped wondering what madness had over taken her to do such a thing. To jump between two boys fighting. Well one boy fight the other getting his ass beat.
She quickly gathered her resolve, she wasn't going to back down now; squaring her shoulders and standing tall against her schoolmate who had taken an after school scuffle too far.
"Why are you beating up on him? How could you? Why, he so much smaller than you!" She continued feeling like her old self when she lived in the country side.
Ichigo raised his eyebrow, a smiled curled on his sensuous lips. "So are you?"
Rukia's eyes widened at the fact stated. But still she didn't move.
Ichigo's mouth watered looking over Rukia Kuchiki. The shiny raven hair, encircling her perfectly oval face; highlighting her pale skin. His eyes focused on her almost pouting pink lips. The thought of kissing her roughly instantly crossed his mind.
Ichigo tilted his head, eyes narrowed questioning, peering at the strange new creature before him, as if analyzing her.
His quizzical look turned to desire and he didn't hide his raking stare as his eyes traveled over her from head to toe, more slowly this time. His eyes resting on her small but pert breasts and the hard nipples the pressed against her uniform shirt.
Ichigo's tone and leering gaze caused Rukia to shudder with a sudden charge of unexpected excitement. Suddenly she felt on display.
Even though they had homeroom together Ichigo Kurosaki had taken notice of Rukia. But now he was seeing her true spirit for the first time since she transferred in several months ago.
She was a bookworm, always reading and studying but she now revealed herself to have a backbone. She was fiery and tough somewhere inside, though she ahdnt shown it at school until today. He could see a fire ignited in her eyes. And she was bold or maybe she was just crazy. Either way he liked it. A lot.
The smile returned to his face and quickly turned to a smug grin.
Rukia felt outmatched and felt herself shrinking from the inside out. Then like a cloud covering her she felt a strong presence behind her, her breath caught.
"You better get home little girl." Hichigo Kurosaki, Ichigo's white-haired, golden eyed twin, said, his hot breath on her neck caused her to tense, frozen in place.
She had forgotten the two were always together.
Momohara had taken Rukia's diversion and run away just minutes before. So she was quite alone in the empty courtyard of the school.
"We eat little, soft, sweet girls like you for dinner." Hichigo growled his words, sending another charge through her. He ruffled the bottom of her skirt brushing the skin of her thigh, leaving a trail of heat.
Rukia was scared and excited at the same time. Her panties flooded with warmth, her nipples pushing harder, erect against her shirt, and she suddenly realized what a terrible mistake she had made.
Everyone at Karakura High School was scared of the Kurosaki twins, but somehow that didn't diminish the multitude of girls for falling for the two boys.
Both of the boys were dangerous and of course that's one of the reasons, besides their insane good looks that had made them so desirable.
Each had very handsome fierce eyes, Ichigo's light amber brown and Hichigo's golden. Each had devilish smiles that even had their female teachers (and some male) lusting after them. And they both loved to fight and they were never at a lost for opponents. Half the boys in the city hated the twins for one reason or another.
Both boys also had horrible fiery quick tempers; anything could and would set them off.
Momohara found out the hard way when bragging about his test scores.
In their homeroom, Ochi sensei took it as a challenge to keep them in line and had for the most part gotten them trained to behave, in her class anyway.
Ichigo was the older of the two, by just a few seconds. Hichigo, though the younger of the two was by far rowdier and crueler than his brother.
All the rumors and stories about the boys were rushing through Rukia's mind now and her resolve was leaving her, Rukia quivered, fear rapidly rising in her, under the pair of leering eyes.
They both scanned her lasciviously from head to toe several times as if they were looking for something, their eyes roaming over her like invisible hands, searching every inch of her.
She felt naked for a moment, pulling down her outstretched arms and instinctively covering her chest. Then with a vague wave of her hand at her throat she swatted away the unseen object that was touching her there.
Heat rose in her skin, and she tried to break eye contact, knowing her face had to be bright red.
Then, the brothers, seemingly having found what they were looking for, relaxed their gaze. Smiling wickedly, their eyes communicated something to each other that Rukia didn't understand.
They looked on smiling at the blushing girl who had dared to take them on.
The boys turned in unison, leaving.
"You should leave new girl... before we change our minds." Ichigo said nonchalantly.
Rukia didn't need to be told twice she picked up her bag and ran as fast as she could.
Rukia had only been in Karakura for a few months. Having lived in the country side, Karakura, though no Tokyo was much larger than Shimotsuma. She immediately felt swallowed up, unsure and lost. The throngs of people so busy on their way also added to her isolation and even paranoia. She felt like everyone was looking at her judging her.
Life in Shimotsuma, was sheltered Rukia realized now, the small town she came from. Everyone knew everyone. In Shimotsuma she had been happy, happy to be herself, happy with her life. Nothing amazing every happened but life was good. She was confident, fearless, and tough even. Getting into her own share of scrapes and acting too much like one of the boys instead of the porcelain doll her mother had wanted her to be. Like her sister Hisana, who had gone to the big city and married a successful young business man. Byakuya Kuchiki. In Shimotsuma, Rukia was sure of what life had in store for her.
But all that began changing with the passing of Hisana. Rukia's parents became more strict, Rukia tried to reel in her fearless attutidue if only for the sake of her mother. Then when her parents died, something inside her was irreparably broken. As if they had been her strength and now that they were gone. She had lost her footing and her way. And was but a shadow of her former self.
She had told Byakuya she would be happy to stay in Shimotsuma and she had even planned to quit school, and go to work. But he wouldn't hear of it and sent for her to live with him. She didn't want to be a burden. She vowed to study hard to get into a good college so she could get a good job and move into her own place. He had never pressured her to leave, but didn't object to her ambitious plans.
Now Byakuya was the only family she had, though she still felt alone. With him working all the time and rarely talking when he was home. He seemed to only respond to her when she relayed her test scores. And even those responses were curt nods of hadn't asked anything of Rukia except to do her best. But she still felt indebted to him.
Her parents were over achieving workaholics just like Byakuya, but they loved her, they told her every chance they got. She could barely get a full sentence out of Byakuya. And so her loneliness and insecurities had grown these last few months.
Studying was the only thing that grounded her.
Her heavy study schedule also left her ostracized at school, always declining invitations and school events. Her focus was her grades and that meant cram school in the evenings.
Not many people talked to her when she arrived in school, except for Renji Abarai.
Rukia had helped him once in math and he hadn't left her alone since. Not that it bothered her. It was quite comforting being able to talk to someone. He was so sweet and not bad to look at either; a lot of her classmates had begun to warm up to her since, like Tatsuki Arisawa and Orihime Inoue, and her peculiar boyfriend Uryuu. There was another boy Chad Yatsutora she met through Renji, they were both on the basketball team together, but Chad was so quiet Rukia couldn't tell if he was aloof or just quiet all the time.
Rukia smiled to herself as she exited the train. She was beginning to open up more, though the strong, fearless person she used to be back home in Shimotsuma still seemed to be a million miles away.
Weeks later, in class Rukia was listening intently to Ochi sensei, taking detailed notes as always.
Suddenly she felt a warm electric charge race up her spine. She closed her eyes, letting it ripple through her; taking a deep breath, and looking over her shoulder.
Ichigo Kurosaki was staring at her. She wiggled uneasily in her seat.
What was he doing?
Staring at her again. He had been doing it daily since their run in after school several weeks earlier.
A sly smile curled on his lips as he winked at her then looked back at the front of the class. His orange hair was wild as always, his light brown eyes warm, inviting even and sexy. He was gorgeous... and dangerous. He didn't hide it either and Rukia loved that. It somehow made her feel…
Her stomach fluttered her heart racing immediately. Rukia turned back in her seat feeling herself blush. The flowing warmth in her panties causing her to look around to see if anyone noticed.
Hichigo did, catching her eye and smirking lustily at her, before he too turned his attention to the front of the class.
Another gush flooded between Rukia's legs.
The bell rang for the end of the day. Rukia tried to shake off the new and uncomfortable feelings that were building in her from the twin, and began absently gathering her things. She needed to hurry to make it to the train for her cram school classes, but it took her a few moments to gather herself.
"Do you want to go get something for dinner?" Renji asked coming to her desk handing her one of her books.
"Oh, Renji. No, thank you. I have cram school tonight." Rukia said closing her bag.
"We can get something on the way." He continued, hopeful for a positive answer.
She knew he would keep asking until she said yes and she was hungry.
His crimson was hair pulled up in a ponytail and a black bandana wrapped his head. He too had a very nice body. Rukia let her eyes skirt over his chest before picking up her bag.
"All right," she said with smile.
Renji bought them a fast food dinner and they ate on the train. Renji was chatting away about his plans for getting another set of tattoos.
"I hate that you have to walk home late after cram school," Renji said as they stopped in front of the tall CLE* cram school building.
"It'll be fine." Rukia said smiling, happy that he was a bit concerned. "I don't live too far away."
"I know, but I still hate it." Renji concerned face peering down at his classmate. "Hey, I have some things to do around here, so I could swing back by and walk you home."
"You don't have to Renji. I've already taken up so much of your time."
"It's no problem. I'll see you later."
Renji ran off waving happily.
Rukia smiled in spite of herself, turning to go into the building.
Suddenly she felt a warm electric charge down her spine. She stopped short, looking over her shoulder. The streets of the city were filling with the evening commuters and other students heading into cram school with her.
It had been happening a lot lately, even more so than when she first arrived. that feeling that she was being watched.
Rukia shrugged off the feeling, and went inside.
The next day Rukia was running down the hall to homeroom. Her late night studying had caused her to oversleep and she was running late.
Her mind was occupied with her schoolwork. She was looking through her papers, making sure she had her homework ready. Suddenly Rukia fell back on the ground her skirt flying up to her waist as she collided with a powerful body.
"Watch it!" Hichigo Kurosaki snarled, snapping around. Then seeing the exposed Rukia with a raised eyebrow, his face breaking into a lewd smile as his demeanor softened instantly.
He moaned low and deep, his pants tenting, as his eyes trailed up Rukia's creamy legs to their apex seeing her white cotton panties. His lips parted imaging what lay beyond the thin fabric.
"Nice." His voice was as sexy as his brothers, a mirror image of Ichigo, except for his stark white hair. His golden eyes burned into her.
Rukia felt a tingle between her legs.
Hichigo's eyes changed to something wicked, lusty. A dangerous untamed smile rolled across his face.
Rukia jerked skirt down, heat rising in her cheeks.
"I'm sorry I didn't see you. I was in such a hurry," Rukia fought to keep her voice steady. Something about the boy unnerved her.
Hichigo's eyes narrowed, seeming to lose all interest in the conversation.
"Yeah, well watch it, next time." He walked on ahead of her to class.
"Hey, Kurosaki, you fucking loser!"
Rukia looked up seeing Renji as he knelt to help her pick up her things.
"What?" Hichigo shouted turning to the obvious challenge.
Ichigo grabbed his arm whispering in his ear.
Hichigo smirked and went into the classroom with his brother.
"Both of them are assholes, sometimes," Renji complained.
"I thought you guys were friends?" Rukia said. He blushed as she took his hand, pulling her up. Renji did his best to avert his eyes from looking up Rukia's skirt.
"We are, sometimes." Renji continued, his mouth watering. "But not when they act like this."
"It's no problem, really. It was my fault." Rukia was blushing fiercely now at all the male attention. Girls walking were past throwing daggers with their eyes.
Rukia's panties were wet the instant Hichigo looked at her. She was hoping that Renji wouldn't notice.
"He still could have at least helped you up."
"No, it's fine really." Rukia was straightening her uniform.
"Someone's gotta do something about those two." He was feeling very protective of Rukia. In his mind he had claimed her as his own, though she knew nothing of it.
"Please, Renji don't. Just forget it, please."
Renji looked down into Rukia's pleading eyes. His heart melting a little.
"Okay, this time."
Renji was supposed to meet Rukia on the roof for lunch and she was headed that way. Her head stuck in a book as she walked the deserted lunch hour halls. Only the soft sound of her slippers on the floor, in her ears.
Then she heard it.
Footsteps, other than hers down the he hall.
She stopped. The footsteps continued.
Her jaw clinched, her breath audibly catching in her throat, as her stomach knotted.
Rukia's body shuddered as she turned slowly... seeing the Kurosaki twins, hands in the pockets, striding down the hall, seeming to stalk her like animals.
Rukia swallowed hard, her breathing became ragged as they approached, closer and closer still staring at her.
She couldn't turn, she couldn't move as they continued toward her. She just stared at the two striking boys as they walked.
"What's up, Kuchiki?" Ichigo's voice was mild, warm. He smiled at her, passing her on her right side.
"Later, shorty," Hichigo purred silkily passing on her left side.
They continued down the hall and out the door.
Rukia took a breath, almost collapsing on the spot. She was looking around dazed for several moments, her body on fire. Her head was pounding. She had to collect herself before making it outside.
That evening in cram school, it had been a fast paced class. Faster than normal, her head was spinning. She was barely able to keep up.
Rukia had a sneaking suspicion that the cram school instructor had a hot date that night.
He had left so quickly that he almost locked her in the classroom, where she usually read over the next night's assignment or finished her notes.
Now the third floor of the building was empty as she walked the halls, heading to the elevator.
I should have left with everyone else. She chastised herself but she had wanted to finished the chapter the instructor had given them, plopping down outside the classroom door. Only stopping when they had begun to close down the building and half the lights to the unused classrooms down the hall were already off.
The far end of the hall looked like a great dank abyss in the building, ready to swallow her. Suddenly a chill raced up her spine. The feeling of eyes on her again, started.
Now, she was regretting telling Renji that he didn't have to walk her home this evening; he had said he would skip basketball practice. She had insisted that she would be fine.
She pulled out her cell wondering if she should call Byakuya, but she knew he was working late and closed her cell not wanting to disturb him.
Rukia gathered her books to her chest, walking briskly toward elevator, looking over her shoulder several times, trying to control her breathing. Uncontrollable fear was welling up in her.
The building was shutting down for the night and Lights began flicking off down the hall towards her in succession. As soon as they did, she had felt like something in the darkness was looking at her, watching her and it had only intensified the closer she got to the elevator.
She shook her head several times to try to shake loose the wild thoughts and imaginings that were building in her mind. The big city had made her quite paranoid these last few months.
She stood in front of the elevator pressing the down button, rapidly, willing herself not to look over her shoulder again. But the leering eyes didn't leave her.
The quiet was deafening, claustrophobic even.
Then, she heard sounds down the hall, creaking, then the plink of something.
She jerked around clutching her bag, tighter to her chest.
She squinted, searching the darkness. But there was nothing. Nothing she could see, but she could feel it.
She turned back to the elevator pressing the button frantically, now. She was unsettled to say the least, visions in her mind's eye building monsters in the darkness.
More noises came from behind her again. Then the sound of heavy footsteps slowly approaching.
Rukia's heart pounded in her chest, her eyes round with fear as she turned looking back into the dark hallway.
"Is someone there?" Her voice cracked nervously. She was trying with all her might to summon her old courage, but it was no where to be found.
The footsteps continued.
"Hello?... Hello?... Is someone there?" She pleaded.
Rukia pressed the elevator button again. It didn't seem to be moving, was it stuck on the first floor?
Rukia looked around panicked hearing the footsteps still coming but seeing nothing else in the near pitch black hall.
Seeing the stairwell, her legs thinking for her, she ran to it pushing it open and running down the stairs. She ran head long down the first two flights stopping to take a breath. Her ears searched for the sounds of footsteps.
Her face relaxed, and she was about to scold herself for overreacting.
"It was probably just the security guard." She laughed to herself.
Then, she heard them again.
Only faster, heavy footsteps. Running now.
Rukia's breath caught as she ran recklessly, almost stumbling down the rest of the stairs.
Through the lobby. Frantic. Blind to everything but the sidewalk outside the building, she couldn't, wouldn't stop running.
"Miss, are you alright?" the security guard at the front desk said seeing Rukia fly past him.
Tears welling in her eyes, but she didn't look back, running for the street, to freedom and to safety.
Suddenly there was someone right in front of her.
"Hey, hey Rukia! Are you okay?" Renji said, grabbing her shoulders, holding her steady, looking at her terrified face.
"What happened? What is it?"
It took her mind a moment to stop to see where she was. She was breathing so hard. She was about to scream out, until she recognized his smile, his crimson hair in the ponytail.
He was a friend.
"It's nothing." She panted "It's just that …that... "
She was trying to pull herself together. She took several deep breaths, closing her eyes, her hand gripping his shirt at his waist.
"I'm fine... Oh, Renji."
She clung to him tears flowing.
"What's going on?" He tried to pull her back to look at her face.
"It's nothing. I... I just scared myself is all." She gave a weak laugh and smile.
Renji returned it in kind, wrapping his arm around the visibly shaken girl.
Rukia looked back at the building seeing the security looking out the door. The realization hit her. He was there when she ran through the lobby. It wasn't him then was it. Her stomach knotted.
Then who was it?
Renji walked Rukia home, watching her intently. He was so happy to be in her presence, not concerned with what had her so upset.
She was trying to hide her fear, chatting about the class.
When they reached her apartment, she invited Renji in for tea. He didn't decline, happy for the invitation and being able to spend more time with her.
They watched TV for a while until the hour got too late and Rukia knew that Byakuya would be home.
Renji said his good-nights, happy with the successful evening and the new ground he had gained in his friendship with Rukia.
Outside the lavish apartment building, while Rukia still sat up waiting for Byakuya to get home, eyes watched the 6th floor apartment.
to be continued...
thanks for reading.. please review 3333
*LEC is a cram school company in Japan, CLE is just a variation of the name