Fire and water.
Disclaimer: If I owned the show there would be a spinoff series with Zuko as the main character.

Dedicated to Fangirl 140 who inspired me to write this story.

I walked casually to the house a few doors down, I looked at the front door, 'this is it' I thought as I pulled a folded piece of paper from my back pocket.
I pinnned the note firmly to the door, it said "Ito, meet me at the Jasmine Dragon as soon as you finish reading this note. -Li."
Ito Amaya was the girl of my dreams, smart, pretty, funny yet serious when needed. She was perfect, She came to Ba sing sei shortly after the fire nation attacked the north pole. I had moved here right before the end of the 100 years war, as soon as I learned that Fire lord Ozai was calling himself Phoenix King, I knew things were getting a little out of hand.

After my little stroll down memory lane I realised I was now standing in front of the Jasmine Dragon tea house, I entered the door and was immediately greeted by a muscular old man with a balding head and a long, thick, grey beard. "Hello Li, how about a game of pai sho?" He asks smiling warmly, The old man in question was General Iroh of the Fire Nation, he was also the grand master of The White Lotus Order, a group which I Joined shortly before moving to Ba sing sei. "Maybe later my friend, I'm meeting up with someone special and I'm going to ask her something vey important."
"Oh, and would this special someone be miss Ito Amaya?" "Why yes, she would." I say as I pull out the custom made betrothal nacklace from my back pocket.

The necklace was rather unique, on the left side was the left half of the Fire Nation symbol, on the right was the right half of the Water Tribe symbol. "Oh it's beautiful Li, she'll love it, I assure you." Iroh said smiling at me "thank you, my friend I was thinking the same when I had it made."
Just then the girl who I loved, the girl who made my spirit soar with passion entered the tea shop. "Li, I got your note, I hope nothing's wrong."
"Don't worry, everything's fine, in fact everything's perfect and I think things will soon get better than even that." I told her reassuringly "now let's sit and have a nice cup of tea, I have something very important to discuss with you." We place our orders and pleasantly chat for a moment, no sooner had we ordered it arrived at our booth.
I ordered simple Chai tea, and Ito got herbal tea. "Li, you said you wanted to discuss something with me?" "Well, yes I wanted to ask you something, Ito will you..."

Suddenly the door bursted open, and none other than Firelord Zuko entered the shop with a conserned look on his face. He walked up to Iroh and said "Uncle, it's Azula, she's escaped from prison."

A/N: DUN. DUN. DUN! Cliffhanger, I know I'm evil. Review, and all flames will be used for firebending practice.