Tanson lay on his back with his mouth open, watching a callused dusk-colored hand stroke the massive fourteen-inch cock that was angled towards his face, sliding up and down the long, broad, thick shaft that protruded from the thick thatch of night-blue pubic hair, pausing to fondle balls as big as oranges before sliding up the shaft once more.

Grimmourn's handsome face was intent, silver eyes focused, his other hand on Tanson's jaw, holding his head in place, big, powerful thighs on either side of the human mage's shoulders. He had foregone fucking him this morning, he explained, to let Tanson recover from yesterday's exertions, but there was no reason that Vhadra should go without having come in him one morning just because he was tired. It wasn't his fault they'd worn him out after all.

William had looked thoughtful at that. It was why he was waiting his turn next to the bed, his own eleven inch penis in his hands, slowly fondling it.

Tanson looked up at Grimmourn's strong, steel-hard body, admired the rippling abdomen and the broad, powerfully muscled chest, the muscular arms and powerful neck.

Grimmourn's hand began to stroke faster. He leaned forward, pressed the head of his cock to Tanson's lips, and though Tanson couldn't quite accommodate the thickness of the engorged head, he nevertheless stretched his lips over as much of it as he could.

Grimmourn grunted, and the first thick, hot, slick blasts of semen hit the back of Tanson's throat, and he began to swallow, barely keeping the thick fluid from overflowing his mouth. He successfully managed to gulp down all but a slight dribble, and Grimmourn licked it from the side of his mouth and kissed him, slipping it back to him.

He smiled, and Tanson smiled back at him.

Grimmourn got up, and Will came to the bed, rolled Tanson over onto his back, and proceeded to tongue his hole, working it with his mouth until it loosened. At first Tanson thought the paladin was going to ignore Grimmourn's decision that he was not to be fucked until after he'd recovered enough to use his magic to transport them as he settled his hardening cock against Tanson's hole, but he didn't push into him, just kept his cock there. Tanson could look over his shoulder and see the paladin working his manhood with one hand, his broad, muscular, lightly red-haired chest starting to heave as he got closer to climax, the chiseled muscles of his abdomen and strong thighs flexing.

Tanson opened for him, and with a grunt, Will came, his jism shooting into Tanson's body, warm and wet, thick gushing blasts of it.

Tanson didn't have to wash himself in the shower. Both men lathered him up along with themselves, strong hands gliding over his body, mouths kissing and sucking and nipping at his skin, toweling him off afterwards.

He dressed himself, once again wearing the diaphanous robe and trousers that Grimmourn had given him to wear, and they went down to breakfast.

The worgen's name, he learned over breakfast, was Bryce, and the draenei female's name was Metura. They were a druid and a priestess respectively. Janice, Me'rahd, and Hajra had done even better than Tanson and Grimmourn it seemed. As a druid, Bryce was more than capable of providing magic and muscle both, and Metura was obviously a powerful force for healing all on her own, likely with her own ways of contributing offensively as well.

"Well," Janice said as everyone finished their eggs, bacon, and biscuits. "We've all been introduced to each other."

"Some more than others apparently," Bryce said, glancing at Grimmourn, Tanson, and Will, a big grin on his wolfish face. Just like yesterday, he wore only a kilt, patterned in blue and green, his auburn fur shaggy but not, Tanson noted, dirty or matted.

Metura was wearing a white dress that left a generous portion of her bosom bare, her thick, slightly coppery light brown hair pulled back from her horned yet somehow still delicately lovely visage and held in place with a copper butterfly clasp. Her skirt was slit up to the hip, the belt of bronze squares around her narrow hips laden with a business-like morningstar that stood out in sharp contrast to the rest of her feminine appearance.

"So where's Me'rahd?" the worgen asked, glancing at Janice. "Sleeping it off?"

"Oh, I imagine she's seducing some poor lost soul into acts of carnal sin that will utterly destroy them from the inside out," Janice said absently. "She's a succubus you know. They do that when they're not busy being in thrall to some merciless warlock." She folded her hands. "Anyway - about the job. We're supposed to go see a fellow by the name of Japer Rinks in the Hillsbrad area. He apparently doesn't trust the details to any messenger or missive."

Metura shrugged her bare, shapely, ice blue shoulders. "It's a start."

Japer Rinks was an older man with thinning gray hair, leaning on a cane as he sat on his porch in front of his home in Hillsbrad, a pipe in his mouth, blue tobacco smoke escaping from his nostrils with each exhaled breath. He glanced up at their approach, gaze instantly zeroing in on Metura's buxom cleavage.

"Are those real?" he asked bluntly.

"You'll never know," Metura replied with a sweet smile and a shrug.

"Japer Rinks. Group Seven-and-a-half says you have a job for us."

"Job. Right," Japer grunted, still staring thoughtfully at the draenei's well-displayed bust. "You'd better come inside." He got up and opened the door, the limp in his right leg making the cane's necessity apparent.

They followed him into a cramped little sitting room that smelled faintly of mildew and dust, and he seated himself in a rather moth-eaten wingchair.

"I'm sure Group Seven-and-a-half has already told you that there's been some goings-on in these parts that have been weirder than usual." Japer took a long pull on his pipe, continuing to eyeball Metura's bountiful breasts. "Folk have been getting deathly sick suddenly. It only seems to spread to two, maybe three people at a time."

Janice looked bored. "Any similarities between the cases?"

"Scarring on the side of the ribs. Varies between the right and the left." Japer frowned at Metura's perky melons. "Are you sure you're not going to tell me if those are real?" he asked, lifting one eyebrow.

"Nope," Metura said simply.

"You were talking about the scarring?" Janice prodded, expression beginning to turn severe, irritation in her gray eyes.

"Right. Always shows up about a day before they start getting sick. Victims got no memory of how they came by it or when it happened, but they all woke up in the woods, different location each time." Japer puffed more intently on his pipe, his occipital orbs on Metura's bouncy jugs. "Haven't got much more than that," he added after a moment.

"A list of names of the victims?" Janice frowned.

Japer abruptly seemed to realize he was in danger of getting on the bad side of a sorceress aligned with the dark powers of the netherworld, because he looked at her at last and then reached over and fumbled with the drawer in the small table next to his chair, pulling out a piece of rolled paper and handing it hastily over.

Janice scanned it, eyes rising to Japer once more. "What are these figures next to the womens' names?"

Japer puffed on his pipe, eyes almost straying back to Metura's wagalous mumbas before they snapped back to Janice. "Measurements."

Melvin Driscal was a younger man, early twenties, his blonde hair lank and just long enough to reach his shoulders, with a large nose and dull blue eyes.

"Ever since it happened I've been so tired," he said wearily. "I feel like something is . . . I don't know . . . missing. I get sick frequently now, and I never used to."

Janice nodded. "Can we see the scar?"

It was a long, straight, surprisingly neat line just a hairsbreadth below his bottom rib on the back right side of his torso, pink and vivid.

"Metura." Janice's tone was thoughtful as she looked at the colorful weal in Melvin's flesh. "You're familiar with anatomy, right?"

Metura shrugged. "Sort of. Not really."

"I've studied it," Bryce volunteered, holding up a clawed hand.

Janice smiled at him and pointed at the scar. "Cut him open there and the first major organ you run into is the . . ."

"Kidney," Bryce said immediately. "I've ripped out enough of them to know."

Melvin's already drawn, pale face blanched.

"That would explain the tiredness, the sickness, and the general decline in health," Bryce continued. "But we should really find out for sure."

Melvin let out a squeak as Janice smiled brightly at him.

Tanson waited outside with Metura, Hajra, and of course, Grimmourn. He'd cast a simple sleep spell on Melvin, and then left the others to the confirmation of their hypothesis.

"Well it's definitely a missing kidney" Janice announced as she emerged, drying her hands on a towel. "We just need to find out who."

"What about why?" Hajra asked, brow furrowing.

"Oh that's easy," Janice replied absently "They're selling them of course."

Suddenly Hajra looked a lot more interested. "There's a market for that?"

Janice gave the gnome rogue a sideways glance. "Not really. If your kidneys are failing, a priest can fix them right up for you." She shrugged. "But if it's being done in relatively large numbers, which appears to be the case, then they must be getting sold to someone. Money's the only motivation powerful enough to go through all the hassle."

Hajra blinked, brow furrowing. "So there . . . is a market?"

"The demand is about to dry up," Janice advised her blandly. "Very shortly. It's a dead end as far as business opportunities go."

"Oh." Hajra nodded after a moment. "You mean once we track down and blackmai – I mean, brutally slaughter the villain who's behind the operation."

"And all of his co-conspirators, cohorts, underlings, and anyone else found to have had a hand in his illicit dealings – including any gnomish ones." Janice's glance at Hajra was pointed.

Hajra's eyebrows rose slightly, eyes widening, and she promptly clasped both gnomish hands behind her back. "Naturally!" she agreed quickly and vigorously, head bobbing.

Bryce and Will emerged a moment later. Will's expression was thoughtful. Bryce's expression was impossible to read, mostly due to the fact that he had the visage of a huge wolf that really didn't lend itself very well to human subtleties.

"So he could really subsitute a pig's kidney?" Will asked, closing the door behind him.

Bryce shrugged. "I don't know, but it sure sounded scientific. You have to mix in the right degree of improbability without actually saying anything technically impossible. Then it becomes science."

"Huh." Will's eyebrows rose. "I'll have to remember that."

Hajra arched an eyebrow and glanced at Janice.

Janice sighed. "We don't have time to find enough pigs, and they wouldn't pay us for cutting up their own livestock.."

Hajra pouted.

Tanson missed the byplay entirely. Grimmourn's big, callused hands were busy insinuating themselves once more underneath his clothing, fingers slipping beneath his waistband. Tanson let out a gasp as his penis was trapped in a warm, gentle grip that slid down to his balls. Will's head came up at the sound, blue eyes fixing instantly on the mage.

Grimmourn's other hand closed on the back of Tanson's neck, and the night elf bent his head to kiss him, tongue plunging into his mouth. Will was there a moment later, hips grinding against Tanson's buttocks, pushing the Mage's softer body up against Grimmourn's granite-hard one, pulling aside the fabric of the filmy robe Tanson wore to kiss his shoulder. The robe was down to his elbows a heartbeat later, and Will's hands traced Tanson's chest, closing briefly around his nipples, gliding down his arms, over his wrists, clasping his fingers and pulling up and back until Tanson's palms rested lightly on the back of the paladin's neck.

Grimmourn's mouth slid down to Tanson's throat and Will immediately claimed the mage's mouth, letting out a growl of pleasure.

"Damn," Bryce muttered. "That's kinda hot." He glanced at Janice, who returned the look blandly.

"Can Meh'rahd come out and play?" he asked pointedly.

Janice shrugged and walked up to him, reaching under his kilt and startling a huff of indrawn breath from him. "Let's let her play with her current playmates a little while longer, shall we?" She cocked her head. "She does so detest being drawn back to this weary mortal plane." Her eyebrows rose. "And I'm tired of watching Tanson get fucked and not doing anything about how jealous and horny it makes me."

"I uh . . . I can respect that," Bryce said, a moan escaping his muzzle at the end of his sentence as Janice's arm pumped.

"I like to be on top," she said crisply.

"Top me, honey," he said breathlessly, clawed hands coming around to cup her butt through her pants, pulling her against him. "Ride me all the way home."

Grimmourn kissed his way down Tanson's belly, tongue flicking into his bellybutton before he planted his mouth over it and sucked, nipping and licking his way back up, teeth closing tenderly around a nipple, sucking on that as well. His hands squeezed Tanson's hips, and then he turned him, Will resuming the kiss they'd been sharing

He pushed the mage's misty pants down and spread Tanson's cheeks, pressing his mouth into the cleft, and felt a surge of satisfaction as the human's rosette flinched, and then opened wide for him. He closed his mouth around it, thrust his tongue into that tight heat, the taste of it only fueling his desire for more, his hands locked on those pale, rosy hips, thumbs baring that delightful entryway to pleasure. He dug his tongue in deeper, felt his heart racing, blood thundering in his veins. It was sex and surrender, and it was ineffably sweet in his mouth, in his veins.

He stood, lifting Tanson in his arms, Will following. Grimmourn could feel his raging manhood hot and hard against his thigh, more than ready to delve once more into that tight, silky heat, to unite them. He kicked open the first door he came to, carried Tanson into the bedroom of the small home, shifted the mage to one arm as he threw the quilt onto the floor, and dropped Tanson on the bed. He was on him a heartbeat later, spreading his legs, taking possession of his mouth, plundering and ravishing with his tongue. Tanson was his, whether he chose to keep him for himself . . . or to share him.

He pressed the head of his cock against Tanson's tight slot, and once again, he felt the human open to him, surrendering willingly, eagerly. It was intoxicating. It put him in a generous mood.

He looked over his shoulder. Will had already shed clothing and armor, standing back, erect cock in one hand, glancing up and meeting Grimmourn's silver-eyed gaze expectantly.

He was a warrior, more than that – he was a protector, and therefore someone Grimmourn could respect. The fact that he also had an endowment above average for his race put him in the category of a comrade.

"You can go first."

Will's eyes widened, and he nodded, clasping Grimmourn's wrist.

Tanson couldn't help the noise of disappointment that escaped him as Grimmourn pulled away, leaving him wanting, and then Will was there on top of him, kissing him, running his hands over Tanson's body, down his ribs, over his hips, stroking his cock, tenderly gripping his balls. His legs were lifted out of the way. He wanted Will, and yet that brief moment of disappointment had left him aching for Grimmourn as well.

Grimmourn watched approvingly as Will tongued Tanson's hole with a fervor that resembled his own, feeling a dual mix of brotherly pride and a lover's jealousy as he watched the paladin titillate the mage. Tanson had his head flung back, gasping for breath, chest heaving.

Grimmourn stroked the broad length of his long, thick cock, his own breathing growing heavier as he watched Will replace his mouth with his saliva-slicked fingers, one, and then, after a few minutes, two disappearing into Tanson's male snatch. He saw the tell-tale signs as they found Tanson's pleasure nub, the deepening flush in his skin, the heightened breathing, the fingers clutching the sheets, and he felt himself grow harder. The denial of his own desire was painful, and strangely pleasurable, making him ache all the more for Tanson's heat around his shaft.

He watched as Will rocked back on his heels, placing the ruddy head of his manhood at Tanson's entrance, saw him press slowly, gently inward, and layer himself once more over Tanson's body, claiming the mage's mouth as he slid into him.

Muscles shifted in Will's strong back, rock-hard butt flexing as he undulated, hips gyrating. He pulled out, slammed in again, and Grimmourn watched approvingly as he settled into a steady pace, refusing to alter it even when Tanson shook his head and pleaded with him to go faster, silencing the cries with his mouth, continuing to pound Tanson's hole with his thick penis. His pace didn't alter, but his thrusts gradually became more forceful, until the headboard was knocking against the wall, both humans' bodies sheened with sweat.

Grimmourn started to pace, prowling like the massive predator he was, watching their writhing forms as they came closer and closer to climax, feeling precum dribbling from the head of his massive cock. The air in the bedroom was close, thick with the odors of sex, sweat, and lust. He could barely stand it – the feel of his callused fingers stroking down the velvety-steel length of his cock only made him want to be buried in Tanson's flesh even more, bringing him no closer to satisfaction. His chest heaved, breath rasping.

Will had lost control, the careful pace of his fucking dissolving into a furious deep-dicking as he repeatedly and forcefully violated Tanson's hole, mouth still on the mage's, one hand locked around the back of Tanson's neck, the other gripping a spread thigh.

Tanson spasmed as he came, arching, cry swallowed by Will's mouth, and Will went wild, the muscles in his back and his butt and his thighs and calves all taut, knotted, as he blasted his semen deep into Tanson's body.

His strokes slowed, becoming leisurely, the urgency of the kisses diminishing as well.

Tanson undulated against him, seemingly unsatisfied despite the clear evidence of his climax as Will reared back, splotches of white cream matting the dark red hairs on the paladin's belly.

Grimmourn knew exactly what he needed. His hand came down on Will's shoulder, and the paladin looked up at him and nodded, wiping the sweat from his brow. He pulled out, and Grimmourn took his place.

Tanson didn't wait but pushed himself up to meet Grimmourn's kiss open-mouthed, inviting the night elf's tongue in to tangle with his own, fingers fumbling Grimmourn's cock to the loosened entrance to his love tunnel.

"Please," Tanson begged, wrapping his arms around Grimmourn's neck, talking between the kisses he pressed to the night elf's throat. "Oh please, please fuck me."

Grimmourn granted his request, shoving his penis into the human's now-lax slot, stretching it wider and deeper, and Tanson fell back with a gasp of ecstasy, breathing rapid, fingers knotting the sheets, arching his back as Grimmourn penetrated deeper into him, until he was buried to the hilt, Tanson's body soft and hot and slick, fitting him like a tight glove.

For a moment Grimmourn just looked down at him, skin rosy and flushed, spread out before him on the bed, eager and willing. He could feel Will's semen around the thick, turgid length of his big, steely hot cock, hear it squelching, slick and warm and making Tanson's body somehow all the more welcoming. He could feel it dribbling out onto his massive balls as his colossal manhood displaced it, oozing over the sensitive hairs on his scrotum.

He pulled out, and glided in again, absorbing Tanson's moan with his mouth, feeling that slick, wet heat accept him in, tight and warm and alive, embracing him with a touch smoother and more tender than creamy silk. Every stroke was an expression of divine rapture, a loosening of the gates to pure bliss. He tormented himself and his lover, tortured the both of them by keeping to a rigid pace as he pulled out and thrust in again, and again, and again, and again, veering close to the edge of that cliff but not careening off it into unearthly glory - not yet.

Tanson's hazel eyes were glazed with pleasure, his earthly eyes that promised such earthly delights, earthly delights that led to heavenly ecstasy. It was like he was poetry of the gods, written in flesh for Grimmourn's pleasure.

Grimmourn devoured Tanson's sweet mouth with his own, felt Tanson respond eagerly, willingly, wantonly, and felt his control begin to slip. He pulled back and began to thrust his lips harder, faster, desire overpowering his resolve, the nectar of Tanson's sweet sex overwhelming his self-control. He pulled out, thrust in again, reveled in the long, glorious slide only to pull out and shove his penis in again, fucking the mage deeply, lovingly, owning him, laying claim to every corner of his being.

He felt the silken walls around his cock begin to contract, pulsating as Tanson neared climax, and it sent him over the edge, all control abandoned, knowing only that he belonged deep in Tanson, in the heart of him, his own cock throbbing in time with his racing heart, cum boiling in his balls as they tightened.

He came, the life-seed of his immortal essence blasting into Tanson's mortal body from the head of his penis as the muscles in his body contracted, released, contracted again, and he slammed his hips against Tanson's buttocks, continuing to push even though he was buried completely inside of him, and ravished his mouth.

Afterwards it felt incongruous to him that the walls around them should still be standing, that they hadn't tumbled down and the land wasn't a ruin wracked by world-shattering earthquakes. It was ineluctably more beautiful as well to him, though he had eyes only for the flushed, exhausted, radiant being under him, smiling wearily up at him.

Will sat on the corner of the bed, breath rasping in his chest, softening cock in his hand, the semen from a second climax oozing down his chest and abdomen over the dusting of red hair, mixing with Tanson's cum that was already there.

Bryce was lying on his back on the floor of the main room when they emerged from the bedroom, his arms bound above his head in chains of fel magic, slick, half-hard cock laying over his large balls, a naked, sweaty female on either side of him, Janice on the left, Metura on the right, their heads resting on his broad, furry chest. He gave the three of them a tired but triumphant grin as they appeared.

Will gave him a thumbs up, and Grimmourn nodded approvingly. Tanson just leaned against Grimmourn's chest, cradled in the night elf's arms, exhausted, his eyes closed. When cocks were happy and snatches were happy, Grimmourn reflected, the whole world was happy.

"So Hajra," Janice said casually as they sat in the common room at the inn, recovering after their exertions with bowls of fresh-cut watermelon, roast-beef sandwiches, and glasses of sweet lemonade. "Who's our perp?"

Hajra's eyes went wide, mouth forming a small 'o' of surprise, and then she flipped her hair. "Janice, you know I wouldn't dream of-"

"Lying to me. No, you're far smarter than that. Why else would we have given you such a convenient opportunity to do your "sneak around and scope out the prospects" thing that you do so well?" Janice smiled faintly at the gnome. "Fortunately, because you've decided to use the knowledge you've acquired to assist in helping us bring our mission for Group Seven-and-a-half closer to a satisfactory resolution and you weren't honestly considering taking up the job offer of the shady individual you tracked down or, for that matter, would ever consider double-crossing us in even your wildest dreams - instead of ripping off your hands and using them as spell components, we get to sit here and listen to you tell us all about what you've discovered about the kidney-trafficking ring that's sprung up in the area."

"Smart move, shorty," Grimmourn added with a wink, holding Tanson in his lap.

"Yes, well, I am smarter than average for my profession," Hajra said brightly, clasping her aforementioned hands together. "I just thought you'd all like to finish your snack and then I was totally going to take you to my source so you could interrogate him using questionable methods."

Janice nodded. "Great. Now take the gold out of your bra and the belly-bag, because it would have to be one hell of an immaculate conception for you to get pregnant that fast, and don't feed me that bullshit about a large breakfast either. Your breasts have never been that big, and never will be."

Hajra scowled. "I think I deserve a commission for doing all the work."

"You can keep all the gold you stuffed in your cunt," Janice said generously.

Hajra blinked, and then smiled broadly and started pulling sacks of coin out of the front of her shirt.

Rhokos was waiting outside, licking the last of the blood from the horse flank he'd been given from his claws, getting to his feet with a rustle of wings. "Where to?" he asked brightly.

"Are you sure I can't have just one of his fingers?" the hippogryph asked plaintively ten minutes later. "I'm a big animal you know. I have to keep my daily caloric intake high to stay healthy. Lots of meat."

The thin, sallow-faced man pinned under the hippogryph's bulk let out a whimper.

"Please, I've told you everything I know!" he wailed abruptly, snot running down his face, eyes red from crying. "Please don't let him eat me!"

"Rhokos, on a scale of one to ten, just how hungry and willing are you to eat this man?" Janice asked casually.

"Seven," the hippogryph replied promptly.

Their unwilling informant let out another whimper.

"Well, if he doesn't have any more useful information, then I guess the only real purpose he's going to serve is a meal anyway." Janice sighed. "Mr. Rhokos, you can go ahead and-"

"Wait!" the man squealed. "I followed him one day. I was thinking of blackmailing him, but what I saw . . . what I saw . . . he's creating a monster," he whispered.

Janice's eyebrows rose slightly. "I do believe you're more resourceful than I'd first given you credit for. All right Mr. Rhokos, I'm afraid your meal is postponed."

Rhokos sulked, but got up. Their sallow-faced informant let out a shrill, effeminate squeal as a sharp beak nipped at his backside, not hard enough to draw blood, but he blubbered anyway as he led the way out of the small cottage.

"Now we all know the plan, right?" Janice glanced at her companions as they waited in the woods.

Hajra nodded and pointed at their sallow-faced informant, who, as it turned out, was named Ernie.

Ernie nodded as well, sniffling a little bit. His eyes grew to the size of dinner plates when Rhokos licked his chops, and he nodded harder. "Yes, yes, I show her to the madman's meeting place, escort her to the cave, and then you torture him and find out who's bankrolling his operation, take all the money, and then go find the villain responsible and make sure he sees justice!" he said fervently, and then added "And . . . err . . . shame on him for drawing me into this life of crime!"

"Right." Janice's eyebrows arched. "We'll be seeing you shortly."

Hajra came back alone. "He said it was almost done and he needed just two more kidneys to finish up," she explained with a shrug. "I wasn't about to volunteer. Mine were too small for Mr. Edgard anyway."

Janice nodded. "Well, lead on."

Ernie was lying in a pool of blood just inside the mouth of the cave Hajra led them to, two frost-rimmed holes in the sides of his torso. Tanson thought he was going to be sick. Bryce had shape-shifted into his panther form and he bared his teeth.

Janice glanced at Tanson. "Just be ready to counterspell. We'll handle the rest."

Tanson nodded.

Rhokos let out a contented purr as he settled down next to the corpse and started to eat.

The cave curved around, and then the ceiling rose up into an arch well above their heads, smooth, worked stone stairs marching down into the darkness. Will, Grimmourn, and Bryce in panther form went first, Hajra after them, and then Janice and Tanson, with Metura bringing up the rear.

The staircase curled in on itself as it descended, wrapped around probably three times into a helix if Tanson judged correctly, and let out onto a broad hallway. Two golems stood at the other end, features rough but for the single, large, stylized eye carved into the front of their otherwise featureless faces.

"Quite a setup," Janice murmured. "Someone major is definitely bankrolling this guy."

Hajra nodded. "I should go see if there's a back way out."

"There isn't." Janice folded her arms as her Voidwalker swelled out of the shadows behind her.

"You're probably right," Hajra agreed quickly as the demon's eerie glowing eyes fixed on her. "I'll back up the fighters."

"That's a splendid idea." Janice's tone was a sardonic drawl.

Hajra beamed and turned back around in the direction of the golems.

As it turned out, Bryce's bear-form claws and William and Grimmourn's swords made quick work of the slow-moving guardians. There was a small silence as Hajra picked the lock, and then they were through the door, resuming their charge into a massive chamber, fluorescent lights shining down from the vaulted ceiling on the balding head of a bearded man dressed in dark brown robes.

He was standing next to a table, and on it was a pulsing mass of raw flesh.

"Go away! I've got all the kidneys I need!" he shouted over his shoulder.

"Don't kill him," Janice called loudly. "Group Seven-and-a-half will want him!"

The mage finally looked up, the thickest unibrow that Tanson had ever seen bristling above his brown eyes, pieces of sandwich in his ragged beard. "You've come to steal my kidney golem, haven't you? Well I won't let you! I WILL defeat the Scourge with its purifying power!"

Bryce gestured, reverted once more to the shape of a worgen, and thick vines shot up from the floor, wrapping around the mage's limbs and suspending him in midair upside down, the skirts of his robe falling down around his face and muffling whatever he was shouting. His "I 3 Stormwind Sailor's Club" boxer shorts sagged around his skinny, struggling legs.

Metura frowned. "Was that sort of . . . anti-climactic for anyone else?"

"Don't worry babe, I'm more than happy to help you have a much more satisfying climax," Bryce said with a wink and a slightly-more-genuine-than-most wolfish grin.

Metura blinked, and then smiled slowly and seductively back at him, putting her hands on her hips.

"Group Seven-and-a-half gave us a nice bonus for capturing him alive," Janice said later at the Rod'n'Box Inn in lower Stormwind, handing out bags of coin across the table. "They want to ask Master Unus a few questions about his golem. I'm told they'll have another mission for us in a day or two." She reached down and picked up her ale stein, the pewter shining like success under the smoky lights, reflection gleaming in her dark eyes as she shook back her raven hair. "To the successful completion of our first mission as the new Brass Buckles!"

"The Brass Buckles!" Tanson held up his stein with the rest, sitting in Grimmourn's lap, and smiled broadly as the pewter clinked, guzzling the ale down. A moment later Grimmourn's mouth was on his, kiss demanding, and he opened, allowing the night elf warrior to enter in, tongue plundering. A big hand slid down between his legs, fingers curving, caressing his entrance through the thin fabric of the sheer pants he still wore, and he sighed into Grimmourn's mouth.

He lifted himself long enough for Grimmourn to get his pants over his hips, and then the night elf warrior tossed them over his shoulder, reaching down to undo his own fly, penis rapidly swelling to its full fourteen inches. He broke the kiss long enough to shove his finger into his mouth and then it was at Tanson's hole, driving into him.

Tanson threw his head back and moaned, arching on that finger as it found his pleasure nut and tapped it hard and fast. Grimmourn upended the rest of his ale stein over his cock, lifted Tanson with one powerful arm around his waist, and settled him slowly onto his colossal manhood, first the bulbous head and then the rest of the long, thick shaft sliding up into his hot, soft, wanton flesh, growling as he felt it give.

Tanson panted as he was penetrated, feeling that massive penis widen him anew, forcing him open, and he moaned as it slid against that button in his anus that sent pleasure flushing through his entire body. Big hands drew him down until Grimmourn was buried in him all the way to the hilt, and then lifted his hips again. Tanson clung to his lover as he was fucked breathless and senseless.

"Kiss me," Grimmourn growled, grip tightening almost painfully on Tanson's hips in emphasis.

Tanson obeyed as that huge, hot, steely rod slammed into him, bringing his mouth to Grimmourn's, opening wide, and the night elf's tongue plunged inward once more.

Another set of lips pressed against his chest as Will joined them, the red-headed paladin already naked, hands going to Tanson's ribs, helping to lift him as Grimmourn thrust repeatedly upward. His mouth trailed down Tanson's belly, closing briefly over his cock, then his balls, slipping underneath along his taint. His tongue licked out, lapping at the place Grimmourn's cock was sliding into Tanson's hole, tasting ale and sex, both of them groaning as his lips closed on them and he sucked.

Tanson could feel it - the sweet, powerful strain beginning to build in him once more, the force building in him breaking him down, freeing him, loosening the bonds that held him together in a beautiful upwelling of passionate glory. Grimmourn's colossal phallus completed him, made him so much more than a simple creature of flesh and sensation, more than a gathering of thoughts and emotions. Will's mouth was on his chest, his throat, fingers tangling in his hair, sensual heat flaring without as well as within, blooming across his skin beneath the paladin's touch.

He was coming undone, and he reveled in it.

Each stroke deep within, each caress over his body spun in him into something new and magnificent, each glide of that, thick, throbbing heat against the walls of his anus making him a thing of radiant sexual divinity as he was overcome.

He came with a gasping cry, and Grimmourn slammed his hips home, driving his thick cock up into Tanson's palpitating tunnel, harder and harder, the chair groaning underneath them.

Tanson couldn't seem to stop it, the throb of Grimmourn's hot hard flesh against his prostate extending his climax, his heart beating drunkenly, wildly, each staccato pump reverberating through him, an earthshaking, thunderous boom that stood out on its own. In those moments of unbelievable ecstasy, in the heart of that all-consuming rapture, he wondered if he would die of this pleasure, if it was too much for his mortal body to bear, so great was the shattering strength of it.

And then Grimmourn came in him, and he felt the warmth of the other's seed fill him, bursting into his body, and it didn't matter, because this was everything he wanted, a total release so fulfilling that he needed nothing more.

Tanson collapsed in Grimmourn's arms, strengthless, utterly spent, consciousness thinned to the point where he could barely even remember his own name, much less be cognizant of more than the fact that his lover was within him, and that he was satisfied.

He became dimly aware of the sounds of grunts and moans around him, opening his eyes as Grimmourn's arms curved around him, cradling him. He met William's questing mouth with his own, and over his shoulder he caught a glimpse of Bryce on his back on the table, Metura bringing her clit down on the throbbing length of his cock, his tongue deep in the steamy crevasse of Janice's cunt as she squatted over his face.

He wouldn't have thought he'd be able to feel anything after the fucking he'd just received as William lifted him, hooking his hands under Tanson's butt, but as his shaft slid inward into Tanson's hole, his head lolled back and he let out a long groan of pleasure. He met William's lips with his own, and already horny, the red-head didn't waste any time, pumping hard and deep, zeroing in on Tanson's ecstasy button with his long, thick cock.

Tanson felt pleasure spike impossibly through veins that should have been dead, stimulating his body's already overworked pleasure centers, and he cried out, the sound swallowed by William's lips as the paladin pounded into him there in the middle of the tavern, fucking him unsupported in a sexual display of masculine strength and prowess, diving deep again and again, grunting as he pleasured them both.

Tanson felt the thick cock within him begin to pulsate, his own heart rate fluttering again already despite his weariness as he felt electricity sizzle through him, vivid and raw and irresistible. He jerked in William's arms as he came, and he felt William's cock swell within him, more semen flooding into his used body as they climaxed together.

William held him there for a few moments longer, just kissing him, his seed dripping down his shaft and over his balls from Tanson's loosened hole, dribbling onto the floor along with Grimmourn's, Tanson's spend mashed between their bodies in a slick smear.

Tanson let his head rest on William's broad shoulder, well and truly exhausted. Behind the paladin, Janice was bent over the table now, Bryce fucking her from behind, one hand on one of her breasts, the other tangled in her dark hair, her eyes rolled back in her head as the Worgen druid pistoned in and out of her. Her lips were locked with Metura's across the table, the draenei priestess in a similar position with a brown-haired young man who was probably a farmer by his looks drilling determinedly into her pussy with his cock.

Behind him was a line of more local men, cocks in one hand, gold in the other, and Hajra, who was holding a drawstring bag that gold pieces dropped into with a noticeable clink as the farmer finished up, blowing his load over her back, and a burly man who looked to be a blacksmith took his place.

"How much to fuck him?" A dark-haired stranger asked, his shirt already discarded to bare a hairy chest, fly undone. His dark eyes rested on Tanson.

"Brass Buckles only." Grimmourn raised his eyebrows. "But it's two hundred gold if you want Will to bend you over a table and pound your hole until you come. You wouldn't be able to take my cock."

It was incredibly erotic, watching William's thick penis sliding in and out of the dark-haired man's surprisingly hairy ass, slick with his jizz and more beer, listening to him groan and shout profanities as he was fucked.

Grimmourn apparently agreed, because he grabbed the back of Tanson's knees, leaning the Mage back against him, cock already snugged once more in Tanson's male snatch, and began to fuck him again, massive member sliding against the soft inner lining of his slot, dragging against his joy button. He kept the pace slow and steady in counterpoint to the way William was mercilessly fucking the other man, pace hard, thrusts powerful, his iron grip twisting one of the stranger's arms up behind his back as he slammed into him.

Grimmourn's thick, powerful shaft throbbed in him, and Tanson turned his head without needing to be told, meeting the night elf warrior's kiss, relishing the slow, steady pleasure of the leisurely fucking he was receiving. He could feel Grimmourn's rock-hard chest and chiseled abdomen against his back, warm and strong, big, callused-hands continuing to support his legs without any evidence of tiredness. He submitted to the tongue that ravished his mouth, eagerly welcoming it, welcoming the way that Grimmourn was controlling him, using him, pleasuring him. He relaxed into it, and Grimmourn continued to steadily shove his cock upward, withdrawing only slightly before thrusting again, keeping most of his turgid length buried in Tanson's body.

Tanson felt the pressure building in him again, gathering strength, preparing to crash over him in another wave of bliss, each thrust bringing him closer to the edge.

The climax, when it finally came, was different than he'd experienced with Grimmourn before, perhaps because of the slow buildup, it wasn't as incredibly intense, but it lasted much longer. He felt the steady flush of semen washing into him like waves on the shore, his own climax become a rhythmic, somehow relaxing pulsation that robbed him of all strength, not in collapse, but in a sweet, melting descent into dreamy rapture that was fulfilling in an entirely different way. He sagged, boneless and limp against Grimmourn.

He opened his eyes sleepily at the feel of a suckling mouth on his own small cock, and William lifted his head, kissing him gently.

"Was a hell of a party, wasn't it, beautiful?" he said with a smile.

"Yes," Tanson purred, kissing him briefly back before leaning his head back once more against Grimmourn's shoulder, looking up into the silver eyes that glowed down at him. "It was."