So guys, this is the alternative chapter. Just to let you know, the first part is exactly the same as the last chapter until Cloud is in the Church. This is not the canon ending, just the ending that could have been chosen – as guessed, the 'sad ending'.
I'm really happy too because I'm best mate drew a fan pic for me for this story. Thank you so much. Enjoy :P
Chapter Fourty-Seven
Alternative Ending
"TIFA RUN!" Cloud screamed as sharp fingernails clawed at his face, making a long jaggered line down his cheek, black blood running from the new wound. He noticed Tifa just staring at him and as he pushed the other vampire down with difficulty, he yelled, "I said run!"
She yelped and flung herself from out of the car and bolted towards the church, taking seconds to fling the doors open and run inside.
He turned to the vampire underneath him and let out a feral growl. "What is your name?"
The vampire chuckled, "Why do you ask?" He chuckled again, "My name is Kadaj, but you won't kill me"
Cloud snarled, "Give me one reason not to"
Kadaj smirked as he turned to face the blond, "My, I knew blonds were dumb-"
Cloud grunted as he slammed the vampire's shoulders into the ground, hearing an audible crack as one or maybe both of the shoulder blades cracked, Kadaj winced and the grin on his face vanished. "You can't kill me without sentencing yourself to death" Kadaj hissed. "I may be young but I know the vampire rules"
"How young?" Cloud snarled, "I've never seen you around or ever heard your name"
"Of course you've never heard of me" Kadaj growled, "I was turned in secret three months ago, willingly doing my creators tasks to earn the right to remain a vampire. He told me that if I didn't earn my status by serving him, then I'd be killed by Sephiroth"
"And who was your creator?"
Kadaj smiled fondly, happily closing his eyes. "Genesis" he said lovingly. "Genesis is my creator"
Cloud let go of the silver haired man in disgust, the black 'G' tattoo on his left wrist just visible underneath his sleeve since he had forgotten to cover it with a watch or a thick bracelet. He recoiled from the seemingly love struck vampire and eyed the church where Tifa had ran to in horror.
"And why did he create you?" Cloud asked in a whisper. "To kill Tifa for him?"
"No" Kadaj smiled, sitting up and rubbing his shoulder. "Like I said, I was turned to serve him and I have. The only reason why I'm going to kill that girl tonight is so that I can clear my name"
Cloud hissed and quickly got to his feet, hovering over the younger vampire in anger. "Clear your name by killing my partner?" he growled.
"Oh yes" Kadaj laughed, looking up at Cloud with no trace of fear. "You see, I was the one who killed the werewolf and I heard that the dogs aren't too happy about it. But then again, if my stupid brother hadn't of come after me, I wouldn't have had to kill him" with a sigh, he continued, "It all started when I found my eldest brother Yazoo, still human with nice smelling blood. I was lonely, I needed company and who better than my own brother? So when he was alone one night, I bit him and tried to turn him but the blood! The blood tasted so nice that I drank from him, couldn't stop so I killed him. Then my other brother Loz came in and saw what I had done. I ran and he gave chase but he lost me. Scared that he would give my identity away, I tracked him down to his own home and killed him too" he chuckled, "I tore him to pieces and hid the body parts in separate places but I foolishly left an arm behind. Genesis was so mad at me." Pouting he cocked his head at Cloud who was quickly losing patience. "So Genesis said that if I killed your human, he would clear my name and put the blame on someone else. So that is why I'm here tonight. I was told not to harm you in anyway so I won't. I just want the girl"
"You'll have to kill me first to get to her" Cloud spat, disgusted with Kadaj's story and confession. "And do you really think Genesis will keep to his word? If you succeeded he'd just hand you over to the werewolves himself. He doesn't care about you at all and now that you've made a mistake, he's not going to stick by your side. It because of you we're teetering on the edge of war with the wolves and as much as Genesis loves death and destruction, he's not a fool to let another war start. He'll hand you over with no remorse or pity"
"Shut up" Kadaj snarled, moving so that he was on his knees, still glaring at the blond. "He created me and he cares for me. You are only jealous"
"Jealous?" Cloud scoffed, "Don't make me laugh. I hate him with every fibre of my being. And after I kill you, I'll kill him"
"I won't let you dare harm him!" Kadaj screamed as he launched himself at the blond. Cloud only had a second to react. With mighty strength, he grabbed Kadaj around the throat and threw him into the forest, running after the thrown man and grabbing him again as the silver haired man's back smashed against a tree.
"That one is for totalling my car" Cloud hissed, "And this-" he threw Kadaj against the floor so that he was laid on the ground on his belly. Cloud raised his foot and stomped on his head, "-Is for being Genesis's pet." In anger, his picked up the other vampire by his neck and grabbed hold of his head on either side and snapped it by twisting it three hundred and sixty degrees, taking the head clean off the other's shoulders. Kadaj was too weak to fight back so it was a simple task for the blond. He crushed the head with his hands and dropped the crunched up flesh and bone beside the beaten body. With no emotion, he wiped his hands on the grass and said calmly, "And that one was for even daring to harm Tifa"
Slowly, he got to his feet and immediately vomited. He leaned against the tree he had thrown the younger vampire against and closed his eyes, feeling his brain twirling. He had never killed another vampire before and although it was for the best, he had hated it. Wiping his brow, he began to stagger over to the church where Tifa was sat waiting. He was going to take her back to his house and guard her like a dog. Then tomorrow, he was going to confront the auburn haired vampire about what had just happened. He also had a spike of panic since he had just killed Kadaj, because taking another vampire's life meant death. But then again, Kadaj had admitted to being the werewolf killer so maybe, Cloud would be pardoned. Either way, all he knew was that he had to get to Tifa and get her to safety.
He scratched at the fingernail scratch on his cheek and knew that it was already healing and would not be visible the next day. In what felt like an eternity, he got to the doors of the church and with a shaking hand, he opened one of the doors. Before he saw it, his gut instinct had already told him that something was not quite right.
"Oh Cloud, how nice of you to join us"
Cloud almost fainted at the sight and the smell. The air was singing with an unbearably beautiful scent but the sight that met his eyes was horrifying. Genesis stood in the middle of the aisle, crimson splattering his clothes and skin. He also wore a dangerous grin, pointed fangs showing. Behind the grinning menace, laid bloody and battered on the ruined flowers Aerith had worked so hard to grow was Tifa. She was turned away from Cloud so he couldn't see if she was awake or not but he did notice that her clothes were torn and that her body was littered with scratches and possible broken bones.
"What have you done?" Cloud hissed, eyes narrowed dangerously.
"Just exterminating some pests" Genesis replied coolly, "But I see you've already got rid of one for me. I hope you've kept his head, because tonight, that'll be useful in stopping the werewolf war"
Cloud didn't really hear what the other was saying. His eyes were locked on the unmoving figure on the ground; sweet blood pouring out of large cuts and breaks in her skin. Her hair was mattered with the red substance and the flowers underneath and around her were now painted crimson. Genesis smirked slightly when a lone tear escaped out of the corner of one of Clouds eyes.
"Oh Cloudy, I'm so sorry" he pouted. "All I wanted was to talk with her but she sure does have a foul mouth. Give it a week and it'll be like she never existed. She wasn't even that pretty anyway"
"You killed her!" Cloud screamed at him, "The one woman I have ever loved"
"Love?" Genesis scoffed, "That wasn't love. She was just someone to warm your bed until something better arrived"
"Shut up" Cloud yelled, the last word ending in a squeak as he fell painfully to his knees. "I . . . I hate you"
"You don't mean that" Genesis smiled, walking over to the blond and looming over him. "I am the only person to have ever cared for you. Not Zack, not Angeal and certainly not that disgusting human. Me" His pale hand shot out and grabbed Cloud under the chin, forcing him to look him straight in the eyes. "When will you get that into your thick skull? You should be thanking me for getting rid of that cretin for you. She wasn't good enough for you, she didn't love you. She was using you for protection, why else was she asking you for help when she was in danger?"
"She's never asked for my protection" Cloud snapped, tearing Genesis's hold from off of him. "I've helped her out of my own free will!"
"And now you've failed" Genesis chuckled, examining blood from under his fingernails. "But, let's be honest. Even if you were here before I killed her, there was no way that you could have defeated me. You are too-"
He stopped midsentence, eyes half lidded and eyebrows crunched up together. His devilish smirk diminished into a confused and disgusted scowl as he slowly turned away from the blond and faced the unmoving body on the flowers. After a few seconds, his lips drew back over his fanged teeth and a feral hiss escaped his throat. Just as he was about to leap at the body, he was roughly tackled to the ground.
"Tifa, hold on!" Cloud screamed as he threw his tormentor to the floor. He too had heard what Genesis had heard and that was the faint thump of a heart weakly beating. He grit his teeth together, eyes once again turning bright green. He tried with all of his strength to hold the auburn haired vampire down for even a few seconds, but it wasn't enough. He was brutally thrown aside, his back colliding with the side of the church, causing debris to fall from the roof like snowflakes or really bad dandruff.
"So my pet does have some bite to him?" Genesis chuckled as he got to his feet, dusting his sleeves off. "I'm afraid that deserves a punishment. Violent pets tend to be put down but I'm in a generous mood today. Apologise now Cloudy and I'll only break one of your arms. Continue on and I may just simple have to break you"
"I won't give up as long as she's alive" Cloud grunted, painfully getting to his feet and curling his hands into fists. "I'll fight for her until I face my complete death"
Genesis frowned, "Come now, that's ridiculous. Sacrificing your eternal life just for a few more measly years with her? Use your brain, boy"
"I am using my brain" Cloud snarled, stepping closer to the much older and much stronger vampire, "I'll forever choose a few years with Tifa over an eternity with you"
Genesis chuckled, "What would Zack say? He risked his life too when he turned you"
"Don't you dare bring Zack into this" Cloud snapped, keeping one ear tuned in on his enemy and the other on Tifa's weak heart. "You have no right to even say his name. I'm not giving up on her, you've tried killing her once by setting Kadaj on her, and now-"
"Three times actually" Genesis chuckled. "The rogue werewolves, remember? Also, that human murderer. Ah yes, I gave that piece of filth her location and I really hoped that he could do the job for me, but instead, he killed another worthless piece of shite instead"
"Aerith" Cloud whispered the others words dawning on him. "You killed her too!"
"Correction, that horrid human did" Genesis defended, "I was just the motivator"
"Her blood is directly on your hands" Cloud snapped, vampire fangs now on show.
"She was just a human" Genesis laughed, "That is what we do you fool, we kill them! Never get attached to them. Didn't I used to tell you to not play with your food?"
Cloud snarled, "You've been nothing but the bane of my existence the moment I was turned. Why don't you take the hint that I hate you and leave Tifa and me the fuck alone?" he glanced at Tifa and shuffled a little closer to her so that he was in between her and Genesis.
Genesis sighed and said to himself, "So, this is what happens when I let my pets have free will? I'm going to have to put him on a shorter leash"
Cloud growled, "I am not your pet!"
Suddenly, Cloud found himself on his back, a hard cold hand wrapped around his neck and applying pressure. Sure he didn't need to breath but the painful contact hurt him immensely. He grunted as his head cracked off the stone floor, chipping the stone and splitting the blonds head open, pure black blood pouring from the open wound. He tried to get up but Genesis was keeping a firm grip around his neck, his legs straddling his own.
"Get off me" Cloud hissed.
Genesis smirked, "Tut tut. I'll have to re-educate my pet. Maybe I coul-"
What he was going to say went unsaid as a fist made contact with his cheek and he was thrown to the side. He let out a yelp and rolled to his feet, glaring at the blond who attacked him. Blood dripping down the back of his head and down his back, Cloud got to his feet and glared at Genesis. "For the last time, I am not you pet!"
Genesis touched the slightly red cheek that was punched and then laughed, "You call that a punch? Oh sweetheart, that barely tickled"
"I'm not your sweetheart either!" Cloud howled, "I am nothing to you as you are nothing to me!"
"My mark on your wrist says otherwise" Genesis smirked.
Cloud glared, "You overpowered me and forced it on me" he looked down at the black 'G' and sighed, "I'm working on getting rid of it"
Genesis smiled, "The only way to do that is to kill me and I'm afraid you won't be able to do that" he looked behind him and frowned, "Damn human heart, still beating. It's rather infuriating and distracting, so if you'll excuse me, I'll get rid of it"
"No!" Cloud howled, jumping on top of Genesis before he could get up.
Genesis snarled, eyes sparking green for a moment before turning back to cool blue. "Don't make me hurt you too"
"Bring it on" Cloud growled, trying to keep the other pinned down, "It'll take whatever you can give. You're not laying another finger on Tifa!"
"It sickens me" Genesis growled as he turned and punched the blond in the stomach, causing him to crumple over in pain. "That you care so much about a piece of shit like her"
"Stop insulting her" Cloud grunted, aiming a punch at the others face but his fist was caught and he was easily flipped over onto his back, a foot swiftly following and landing on his chest, winding him.
"I'm only saying it how I see it" Genesis said coolly, "She's a pile of trash not worthy of even recycling"
Without a word, Cloud grabbed hold of Genesis's ankle and yanked it towards him, causing the older vampire to fall over and smash his face into the floor. He glared at the blond; nose obviously broken and pouring with black blood. His eyes once again turned green but he held himself back and they turned back to their normal colour. "Don't you dare" he warned.
Still silent, Cloud threw a punch at Genesis's face, this time the first was not caught or blocked so his knuckles met flesh as he punched him in the cheek where he was sent skidding across the floor. No longer smiling or laughing, Genesis slowly got to his feet.
"I don't want to hurt you but I will if I have to" he grumbled.
Getting up and once again standing in between Genesis and Tifa, Cloud raised his fists in a battle stance and waited. The wound on his head had healed up but the blood caking his hair, shoulders and back was still there, leaving a musty smell in the air, mingling with Tifa's sweet gore.
Without warning, Genesis attacked, leaping on the blond and ripping at his neck with his fangs. He tore a chuck of flesh out of Cloud's neck before he was pushed off and his arm twisted behind his back. With a feral growl, Cloud pulled with all his strength and tore the limb from his tormentor's body. Genesis howled as his arm was ripped away, his blood splattering them both and the floor. He glared at Cloud who held the arm up like some sort of trophy, a sick and twisted grin on his face.
"I can take the other one off too if you'd like" the blond grinned, no humanity left inside of him, just vampire.
Genesis growled and realised that in his state, he probably wouldn't be able to force the blond to do anything. He had under estimated Cloud's strength entirely and now, just wanted to get away. He was no coward, he did want to punish his pet but he knew that he was at a loss and that the blond had the upper hand. With a bow of his head, Genesis began backing away towards the church doors.
"Running away?" Cloud laughed, throwing the arm over his shoulder casually. "That's not like you Genesis"
"I'll deal with you later" Genesis growled. "Right now, I need to deal with my wounds"
"Oh no, stay and have some fun" Cloud grinned, "Let's see how you like being the pet for once"
With lightning speed and eyes of pure, uncontrollable green, Cloud rushed forward and grabbed the older vampire around his neck and threw him randomly behind him. With a laugh, he sprinted to the other side of the church and caught the wounded vampire before he could hit the ground.
"Stop this!" Genesis screamed as he was caught by his remaining arm and threw away again.
In mid-flight, he turned his body around so that his feet hit the wall and not his back and when gravity took over, he gracefully jumped down. He glared at the crazed blond, extremely angry, a little scared and somewhat proud. "If I had both arms, you would be dead" he hissed.
Cloud arched both brows and laughed, bending down and picking the torn off arm by his feet. "Ah, but you don't have both arms, Genesis" he chuckled, spinning the arm in his hands. "Actually, if I were to give you this one back, then yes, you would have both arms, just with one not attached"
Genesis growled, showing his pointed, blood-stained fangs. "Don't fuck with me" he snarled, crouching low. "You're lucky I've let you live this long"
"And you're unlucky that you won't be living much longer" Cloud sneered, throwing the arm so that it landed in front of its owners feet. "You're not one for running away, so let's end this now shall we?"
"Not man enough to face me when I'm at full strength?" Genesis taunted.
Cloud cocked his head to one side, his manic smile now gone. "I was fighting you at full strength idiot. This whole time we've been talking has been us facing off. Point one for me for ripping your arm off. I wonder what point two will be"
"Me taking off your head!" Genesis roared, pushing himself forward and slamming the blond into the wall, more bits of roof falling onto them. With a growl of fury, Genesis grabbed Cloud by his spiky hair and flung him over his shoulder, a boot swiftly following, slamming into the youngers chest. With a grin, the auburn haired male straddled the other vampire and grabbed him by his chin, forcing eye contact.
"Now, do I need to discipline you even more little pet?" Genesis smirked.
Cloud growled and as he raised both legs up and smashed his knees into the others groin, he screamed, "I'M NOT YOUR FUCKING PET!"
With a yelp, Genesis was thrown to the floor where he lay on his side, his one hand cupping his agonised lower regions. With a disgusted grunt, Cloud got to his feet and placed a foot on the others head, and without warning, quickly and harshly pressed down. Genesis squirmed but wasn't quick enough to move away, so with a sickening squelch and cracking of bones, the elders head caved in, covering the blonds booted foot in blood and white matter. Once his foot hit floor, he stopped applying the pressure, watching as the others body fell limp and no longer moved. With wide eyes, he laughed, repeatedly kicking the unmoving body, getting a sick thrill from it all until his head began hurting. With a gasp, he clutched the sides of his head and fell to his knees, Genesis's blood splattering up his legs.
He groaned and the sound only stopped when he keeled over, half of his face in the black gore and his eyes once again turning to their normal blue. Shaking, he sat up and his body began to tremble over what he saw and that was Genesis's bloody and mangled corpse.
"No" he whispered, "No, I didn't – I couldn't!"
Shaking, he reached out and shook the others shoulder, deep down knowing it was useless since the other had no head remaining. His sudden care wasn't for Genesis but for himself. If he had killed Genesis then he was in a whole lot of deep shit. When the vampire didn't move, Cloud almost cried out of desperation. What good to Tifa would he be if he was dead?
"Tifa!?" Cloud screeched, looking over his shoulder and remembering the reason why he had begun fighting Genesis in the first place.
Legs like jelly, he stumbled over to his human girlfriend, blood dripping from his clothes and skin. She lay unmoving and it wasn't until he fell besides her that he realised that he couldn't hear her heartbeat.
"T-Tifa, honey?" he stuttered, moving a blood smeared strand of hair from out of her closed eyes. "Can you hear m-me?"
The woman did not answer and neither did she move to show that she was listening – or even alive. The only thing that moved was the strand of hair that he had wiped away, the lock going back to its original place over her eyes. With a sob stuck in his throat, he made the rashest decision of his life. Praying it worked, he lowered his face to her neck and bit into the cold skin, tasting her dead blood, injecting his venom into her system. After a few seconds, he did the same to the other side of her neck, tears rolling down his eyes. Unsure on what to do next, he grabbed hold of her wrists and bit into them too, just to make sure there was enough venom in her system. He wanted it to work but deep down he knew she was gone, never to return either as human or vampire.
As her weeping wounds gashed out the venom injected into her, all he could do was gather her body into his arms and sob. He placed his face into her tangled hair and instantly soaked it with his tears.
"I'm so sorry" he cried, holding her corpse closer to his shaking body. "I didn't mean for this to happen. Oh Gaia, please say you'll come back to me. You can't leave me, please. I love you, I love you so much"
Other than his cries and moans, the church was silent, all three inhabitants of the church dead in one way or another.
His tears had not dried all night, not even when Father Jon had come into the church the next morning and had called the police. He didn't protest when they pushed him into a cop car but it did take a while for them to convince him to release Tifa's body. It had taken three strong men to get him to pry his weak fingers from around her. He didn't want to fight back, knowing that these men had known Tifa personally and had even worked with her but he just couldn't let go. It wasn't until he realised that Tifa wouldn't want him acting this way that he had let her go. Her body and Genesis's destroyed corpse were taken to a nearby morgue and Cloud had been taken to Midgar Police Station and into a questioning room.
He had handcuffs around his wrists and although he could have broken them easily, he didn't. He had no will power to escape or move. He hadn't even look up when he was questioned by Cid Highwind or threatened by Barret Wallace who was disgusted that he had let his daughter near a crazy murderer. He knew he deserved their harsh words and disgusted looks. Knowing they weren't getting any information out of him, they had locked him in a cell and had left him there.
All day he had sat in a cold corner of the room, legs tucked up against his body and forehead on his knees. They had given him clean fresh clothes to wear but all he had done was dump them on the bed and sat in his corner. He didn't cry, he was in too much shock to cry. He was relieved that people had decided to leave him alone with his dark thoughts but some part of him wanted them to hurt him, to call him useless and pathetic. Sure hadn't killed her but it was his neglect that had ultimately put the last nail in the coffin. He also vaguely wondered if the humans would try to either put him in the electric or gas chair. Wouldn't they be shocked when he survived if they did try? No, he knew his fate and was just waiting for it to come to him.
It was midnight when someone came for him. He heard the night patrol men being knocked unconscious and the electricity running through the walls were stopped so that CCTV cameras were not watching and alarms didn't go off. When he felt the presence of a vampire, he had cautiously stood up, wondering who had been given the job of taking him to Sephiroth. Once the lock to his cell door had been broken, he got his answer.
"Angeal" he sighed, a little thankful.
"Cloud" the elder grunted, crossing his arms over his chest. His face was grim but his eyes shone with anger and sadness at the same time. "I don't have to tell you what is about to happen, do I?"
Cloud closed his eyes and shook his head. There was no movement for a while until he felt strong arms encircle him. "You idiotic bastard!" Angeal growled half-heartedly. "How could you?"
"I was trying to protect her" Cloud muttered. "So I killed him. I only meant to hurt him a little, not to take his life"
Angeal sighed as he retracted his arms, "There's no point in pleading innocence. Sephiroth is pissed"
"I can imagine" Cloud sighed, looking at the hard floor. "What do you think he'll do to me?"
Angeal grimaced but remained honest, "I'm not here to make this easy so I'll be straight with you, Cloud. I think he's going to go all out, make sure he makes it as long and as painful as he can"
There was a moments silence until Cloud looked into the other's eyes and said, "Good. I want him to torture me as best as he can and I'll tell him that to his face"
"Cloud?" Angeal said warningly.
"I deserve every scrap of pain he deals out" Cloud grunted, "At least then, I may start forgiving myself for what I've done to Tifa. Angeal, tell me. Can a human turn when they're bitten after they've died?"
He arched a brow but said honestly, "No. It can only work if the human is alive. You should know that already"
"I just wanted to be sure" Cloud sighed.
Angeal looked between the blond and the cell door. "Look, as much as I hate this, we're going to have to leave before they realise something is wrong. Cloud Strife, I am under orders to take you to Sephiroth for punishment. If you try to escape, I have the right to exterminate you myself-"
"I'm not going anywhere" Cloud grumbled, pushing past the other and walking outside. "I'll come quietly"
"Not going to let me finish?" Angeal asked.
"No offense but I wasn't listening. I just want to get to Nibleheim and receive my punishment"
"Fine" the elder muttered, "My car is a mile down the road. I've got your passport from you house since we're flying to Nibelheim Manor"
"The faster the better" Cloud mumbled.
He was given no trial since Cloud admitted what he had done the moment he had been stood in front of the vampire leader. Sephiroth was a lot more than pissed but he had kept his composure when he was giving Cloud his sentence – death.
The odd thing was, Sephiroth was going to hand out the punishment himself, telling the blond that he had an hour since he wanted to think up of the worst possible way to kill him. Cloud had left the office grim and a little scared.
"An hour" he muttered to Angeal who had been stood outside the door. "An hour to tie up all loose ends"
"How . . . how is he going to do it?" Angeal asked, scared for the answer.
Cloud shrugged his shoulders, "I don't know. He said he needed time to think something up, most likely the worst possible way"
"Cloud, I'm sorry. I don't want this to happen"
"I do" Cloud replied, rubbing the back of his head, "My life is over now that Tifa is gone. In a couple of months, I've lost the only things that have ever mattered to me, Zack and Tifa. Now that they're gone, I have no other reason for existing"
"Is there anything I can do for you?" Angeal said sadly. "One hour is not a lot of time to sort everything out"
"No, I'll be fine" Cloud said, "Listen, can I borrow your phone? There's only one person I need to talk to"
"Sure" Angeal said, rummaging through his pockets and taking out his mobile phone. "You can't get any signal here so you'll have to go into the village. I'll have to be close by so you don't run away"
Cloud nodded and in minutes, they were in the Manor. Asking for a little privacy, Angeal had stayed inside as Cloud stepped out into the sun. He closed his eyes and enjoyed the feel of the sun on his face, this being the last time he could ever enjoy it. A small smile traced his lips as a slight gust of wind trailed over his skin. With a sigh, he opened his eyes, flipped open the phone and pressed in the memorised numbers, hoping the other would pick up. After three rings, a dull hello answered.
"Vincent" Cloud said softly, "How are you?"
"The usual" Vincent replied softly, "Is there a problem?"
"Only a little one" Cloud chuckled, sitting down on the grass so that he was overlooking the vampire graveyard. "I've been sentenced to death"
The pause on the other side of the phone was lengthy and Cloud wondered if Vincent had hung up but after a minute, he replied. "It's not April fool's day yet" Vincent said, his voice finally sounding like it had emotion behind it for once.
"I'm not lying" Cloud said softly, "Genesis killed Tifa so I killed him and you know what happens next"
"Sephiroth kills you" Vincent replied sadly. "Shit Cloud, how on earth did you kill Genesis?"
"I dunno" Cloud answered, "My other self took over I guess. But the reason why I'm calling you is because I'm giving you everything. My house, the business heck, I would give you the car too but it's totalled. Do with them as you wish, I don't' care. Just promise me one thing"
"That you'll get your arse out of that house of horror flat and get a nice place to live. If you want, take my house as residence. Can you do that?"
"I'll try, anything else?"
"Yes" Cloud said, his voice cracking a little, "You might want to get ready to come over here, if possible, I'd like you and Angeal to take my body up Mt Nibel. I know I won't get a funeral but I know they'll stay traditional and burn me a midnight. So please, could you do that?"
"Yes" Vincent replied, his voice hard but melting a little, "I'll stay until the last ember burns out"
A tear fell from one of Cloud's eyes when he said, "Thank you old friend. One last thing. Don't be alone. Find yourself someone to be with, someone you love and who loves you back. Don't be alone for the rest of your life, I'd hate for you to be alone"
Vincent just hummed in answer but Cloud didn't push it. With steady hands, he wiped his eyes and said finally, "Goodbye Vincent"
"I'm going to miss you too, boss" Vincent said, his voice surprisingly warm. "I'll make sure your headstone is next to Zack's"
The barriers in front of his eyes could no longer hold, so when Vincent said those words, Cloud found himself crying harder than ever, so much that he barely got his thank you and goodbye out. Still blubbering, he hung up and placed his face into his hands.
"This is it" he said softly to himself, "The end of the road. Can't say it's been easy but it sure has been fun. Zack . . . Tifa . . . mum . . . I'm ready."
One Year Later
"You can't put yellow flowers down!"
Vincent sighed and turned to the young woman stood next to him. Like himself, Yuffie was wearing pure black, she a dress and he a suit. In his hands were a bunch of bright yellow flowers, bought to be put down on Cloud and Zack's graves. The two headstones in front of him were side by side, and currently empty. He glared at his company and said, "Why not?"
"Yellow flowers on gravestones of men?" Yuffie tutted, "Couldn't you have gotten blue?"
"I wanted yellow because in some way, the colour represents them both" Vincent replied, fingering a silky petal, "Zack was full of life and so carefree and Cloud was silent and smart, always making sure things were resolved without violence"
Yuffie didn't say a word as she watched him bend and place the bright flowers between the headstones of the two brothers, sharing blood, venom and now their places in the ground. Vincent stayed kneeled down and he looked between the headstones, the sun behind him shining off them.
"I kept the business" he said softly, "And I sold your house but before you get angry, I used the cash to buy myself a nice place in Sector Three. The neighbours are a little annoying but I'm sure you would have approved. Also, I decided to open my heart again. You were right, I didn't want to be alone either and now that I've found her again, I'm not going to let go"
Yuffie placed her hand on her partners shoulder and kneeled down next to him. "I'll take good care of him" she said kindly, "Neither of you have to worry about him." She smiled at her boyfriend and said, "I think Cloud would like it if we said hello to Tifa for him, she was buried here after all"
"In the human cemetery?" Vincent asked, "Sure, we can say hello to her for him"
With a weak smile, she picked out a single yellow flower from out of the bunch and stood up. "Come on, before someone see's us"
Nodding, Vincent got to his feet and took Yuffies free hand. "Thank you for coming with me"
"I love you" she smiled, "I'll do anything for you . . . even take you back"
"And I'm forever grateful" he smiled, kissing her cheek. "Come on, let's see Tifa"
"Yup, let's go see Mrs Strife"
Vincent arched an eyebrow, "Mrs Strife?"
"Sure" Yuffie said, "I'm sure if they both were alive now, I'm sure he would have popped the question and she would have said yes"
With a rare smile, Vincent placed an arm around her shoulders and began their trek to the other cemetery, "I'm sure they would have, do doubt about it."
The End
That's it everyone, no more chapters of this story. Geez, I did not intend for it being so long and I'm guessing that the length of this story may have annoyed a few people or put them off continuing but for the people who did manage to get this far then – Well done and thank you so much!
As always, I'm always open to reviews and questions, so don't be shy.
I know this story may have had some inconsistency problems and bad spelling in some areas and I've been told plenty of times that I need Beta Reader but –call me an idiot- I like doing things like this solo. Oh well, as long as you all understood then that's all that matters :)
Really hoped you've all enjoyed what I've wrote. I know personally it was a roller coaster ride with writers block, not updating in weeks and the odd rant here and there. But it's been fun.
With love from the ever thankful KezaBabez xXx