Little bodys, big problems

Chapter 1 ... Whadda we do?

Disclaimer: I dont own inuyasha

A/N: HEY, its =keo= here (you may know me from some of dragons storys and 'lillys portal, anyway if you dont then i will explain, there are five ppl that use this account,
dragon, me, chichi, senri401 and ryerye:).) anyway back to the point, dragon wrote a story called inuyasha child again as her first fanfic, im trying to prove that im a better writer so im writing a similar one and hoping to get more reveiwes XD, sorry that its such an over used plot line, does rock tho :3.

"WHY WONT YOU DIE" Inuyasha screemed as he leaped back to the ground after whacking his tetsaiga onto the seemingly indestructable giant rabit demon, "Inuyasha,
move so I can use my wind tunnle" miroku yelled, Both him and inuyasha had gone to collect water that morning when this demon showed up wanting the shards. Inuyasha turned around to tell miroku to back off and let him handel it, but before a single word could leave his mouth, the demon let out a loud roar and blasted a huge beam of pale blue light strait into the two men. Inuyasha slowly opened his eyes, the demon was gone "DANM IT" he tryed to yell but it came out as more of a squeek, hearing this he clamped his hands to his mouth and went red, "Whats wong with youw voice inuyasha?" Miroku tried to say, his voice was more high pitched but not as much, neather of them could see eachother in the thick cloud of dust from the attack, after a few moments the dust started to clear. "thewe you awe...
you ook different" miroku stated as he came into veiw, Inuyasha burst into laughter when seeing miroku, he was clearly much shorter as his robes were far to big for him he was wearing them like a long dress. "Miwoku, you got small" Inuyasha squeeked between laughs, "Umm inuyasha, I think you haf got smawller too"
the monk giggled as he saw his hanyou friend, inuyasha's clothes still fit him fine, but he was much much shorter, just a little bigger than as shippo.
Inuyasha imedietly stopped laughing and went pale, his eyes turned wide as he looked down at his chubby little hands, miroku did the same, they both looked up at each other, then they both quickly ran over to the river that they got the water from. "no no NO" inuyasha screemed as he saw his reflection, miroku rubbed his eyes and took another look, "Hmmm, seems we have a bit of a pwoblem" he stated rather calmly, "HOW CAN YOU BE SO CALM, WE ARE F****** BABYS" inuyasha yelled, panic filling his voice, "Must have been the demon, Im suwe keade will hab a cuwe" miroku shrugged as he adjusted his robe around his sholders, "Anyway, how come my outfit is too big and yours stiw fits?". Inuyasha was pacing back and fourth in panic, "my wobes ajust demslfs to my size, my mother made them when I was five, dey grow, ANYWAY, THATS NOT THE PROBLEM". "Calm down inuyasha, lets go to de obers, den we can go see keade" miroku smiled, Just then voices rang out the forrest, "INUYASHA, MIROKU, WHERE ARE YOU?" kagome was shouting, "WE AWE OBER HE..." miroku began before inuyasha clasped his hands around the monks mouth.
"We cant let them see us like this" Inuyasha growled, just then kagome wandered into the clearing with shippo on her sholder. Inuyasha froze and miroku turned round to greet the girl, "Hi gome" the monk smiled as he wondered over, "Um who are you?" shippo asked curiously, Inuyasha couldnt move,he had never been so embarressed in his whole life, he just couldnt let kagome see him like this. Kagome stared at the two kids, mainly the little dog eared boy with his back to her,
"Sippo, its me, miwoku, there was a demon and it shot this beam and we got turned into widdle kids" miroku explained to the fox kitsune. Kagome and shippo just stared for a moment taking in the information, after a few moments shippo was rolling on the floor laughing and kagome had to cover her mouth to stop her self from giggling, inuyasha went bright red and miroku smiled sheepishly. Shippo wandered over to inuyasha and stood infront of him, "You must be like three years old now, well in human years anyway" the fox smirked, inuyasha growled but didnt say anything, "now im older than you, im gonna make you pay for all the mean things you did to me" shippo smiled evily, inuyasha smacked the kit on the head, but to his suprise he didnt even flinch, "ha, is that suppose to hurt" shippo laughed as he hit inuyasha back twice as hard making him fall backwards, "Owwie" the hanyou wimpered, his eyes were filled with tears, "I wont cry, I wont cry, I wont cry" he repeted as he fought to keep the tears from falling, "Ohhh is big strong inuyasha gonna cry" shippo mocked, "S shut up" inuyasha whimpered as he held the bump on his head, "Im not cwying, I neber cwy",
it was true, no tears were falling, but they were dangerously close. "SHIPPO, dont be mean to him" kagome scolded as she scooped up the little pup, "You're sooo adorable" she squeeled as she squeezed him tight, "OWWWW KAGOME LEMMI GO" he choked un able to breath, "oops, sorry" she smiled as she put him down.
Suddenly sango entered the clearing, "Hey kagome, whos the child?... HEY" she turned around and hit the air with her boomerang, "HUH, I swear I felt that monks wandering hands on my...".
"Im down here my love" miroku butted in, sango looked down in shock of the little boy at her feet, "Who is the five year old?" she asked looking up at kagome.
(A/N:Just to explain, miroku is five and inuyasha is three). "Its me miwoku" miroku smiled saddly that she didnt recognise him, kagome nodded at the statement and sango stared in total shock, "Mirokus a little kid?" she asked after five minutes of silence, "Not just miroku, inuyasha too" shippo answered pointing to where inuyasha had been standing a moment ago, "OH NO,
WHERES INUYASHA?" kagome shreeked as she looked around furiously for the boy. Everyone went in different directions looking for the three year old hanyou,
"INUYASHA, INUYASHA WHERE ARE YOU" kagome called, her eyes flooding with tears, "what is he's hurt, or worse, he cant protect himself like this, I doupt he can hold up his sword" kagome paniked as she ran thurther into the forrest. After a while of searching, shippo was the one to find him, "Inuyasha?"
he cocked his head in confusion as he climbed onto the branch the hanyou was sitting on, inuyasha had his face hidden by his hands and wouldnt face the kit. "Go away runt, I wanna be on my own" he growled pulling his hands from his face, "But its too dangerouse to be alone, you're just a kid now" shippo smiled and put his hand on his friends back reasuringly, "Feh, I can take care of my self" he snarled as he ripped shippos hand off him, still not facing the kit.
"Fine, whatever, but if you dont come back then we cant see keade and turn you back" shippo shrugged and smiled, Inuyasha growled and hopped down from the branch,
"Fine whelp, lets go", shippo sighed and followed reluctantly. After a few moments inuyasha froze and sniffed the air, "Gomes being attacked by a demon"
he gasped as he began to run, shippo alerted and ran after him, although shippo overtook the toddler in seconds, "Inuyasha, you're soo slow, hop on" shippo squeeked as he transformed into a balloon, inuyasha growled but jumped on anyway. About five minutes later the two boys arived at a big clearing,
it was full of dust, the demond scent faded, inuyasha sniffed the air and was releved when he smelled kagome, but there was another familliar scent.
Inuyasha and shippo walked over to kagome once the dust cleared, she was kneeling next to a little girl in a baggy demonslayers uniform, "Not you too sango"
shippo sighed as kagome lifted up the four year old girl, "Stoopi bunny, what a meany demon" the child crossed her arms and sighed. "ohh this is bad, this is soo bad"
kaome fretted as she paced back and fourth, the three little kids stood in a row staring up at kagome and shippo was trying to calm her down. "Its ok kagome,
we will ask keade, she will know what to do" the kit explained, "Yeah, keade will get them back, it all gonna be ok" kagome reasured her self. "How awe we awl gonna get to keades, its a weally long walk and we keep twipping ober our clothes?" sango asked, "We can wide kiwawa stupid" inuyasha smirked, just then a little kitten wanered out from the bushed, she was only the size of a fist, "Not you too kirara" shippo groaned as the kitten leaped on sangos head.
"Whadda we do?" kagome sighed as everyone slumped down on the ground in confusion.

{A/N: Hi there, hope you liked my first chapter,if anyone has any idea of anything for chapter 2 then please mail me, PLEASE R&R, chapter 2 will be out soon}