Author's Note: This is a somewhat AU story. Yes, there is still magic. But what I mean is things in this story haven't played out the same as the real books. In this story there is no Boy-Who-Lived/Chosen One type thing. Yes, Voldemort is in this story and he did kill Harry's parents like in the books, but he's called Tom Riddle Jr. in this story. Harry is a outcast of sorts in this story. No one really knows him that well in Hogwarts and he is very shy and very smart (although not Hermione smart). Speaking of Hermione, Harry is pretty much just aquaintences with Ron and Hemione (he's an outcast remember?). Harry and Draco don't know each other (although they have seen each other at school in glimpses). Yes, Harry still lives with the Dursleys. As for the other AU bits, well you'll find out what they are when they come up in the story (hehehe...). I will leave an author's note to explain them when they come up.

Disclaimer: I DO NOT OWN HARRY POTTER! ...although that would be nice... *sigh*...

...Oh, right! On with the story! ONCE UPON A TIME...

Chapter 1: Dream of Me

Let me sleep

For when I sleep

I dream that you are here

You're mine

And all my fear are left behind

I float on air

The nightingale sings gentle lullabys

So let me close my eyes

And sleep

Per chance to dream

So I can see the face I long to touch

To kiss

But only dreams can bring me this

So let the moon

Shine softly on the boy I long to see

And maybe when he dreams

He'll dream of me

Draco was standing in a peaceful field of grass surrounded by trees. The sky was a soft blue with mixes of purple and orange, signalling the end of a sunset. After a few moments he felt a presence next to him. Slowly, as if time had lengthened, he turned.


This person – this being (for he hardly seemed human) – was beautiful. That was the only word Draco could think of to describe what he saw.

The boy had the brightest and greenest eyes he had ever seen. There was nothing he could compare them to, for they shown brighter than the stars just beginning to appear above them. And that face, that angelic face, pale as snow yet flushed from the summer air. His lips were rosy and pouted and slightly damp, like he had been chewing on them. Framing his face was messy hair darker than ink, yet it held a soft shine. On his ivory forehead was a small lightning-shaped scar almost hidden by his fringe.


Draco opened his mouth to say something – anything – to keep this apparition there. With him.

The boy stepped forward, stopping his lips with his hand. Even his fingers were beautiful. Small, delicate, yet slightly calloused. Perfect in all of their imperfections.

He watched as those pink lips moved to voice words.

"Don't try to find me. Please," the boy's eyes had begun to shine with tears yet to be shed. "We can't be together."

Draco felt panic build up in his chest. This couldn't be happening. He couldn't lose this beautiful boy. Not when they'd only just met. Not ever.

"What to you mean? Why not?" He gently took hold of the boy's delicate hand. "We are destined to be together." He had no clue how he knew this. He just did. He could feel it as sure as he could feel the beating of his heart or the rhythm of his breathing. This boy was his mate, his one and only soul mate.

"Please... He'll kill you. He hurts anyone who comes close to me." A lone tear trailed down the boy's cheek. "I can't let that happen to you."

"Who will?" Who is he?" Draco pleaded. But it was no use, for the boy just shook his head as more tears flowed.

"Please, just forget all about me!" the boy cried. "Go on and live you life to your fullest! Be safe!"

Forget all about him? How could he forget about this beautiful being in front of him. How could he forget about his soul mate? He would do anything for him, no matter how dangerous, but he would not forget about him. He would not leave him.

"Tell me how I can find you!" Draco said. "I'll stop this person who keeps you from me!"

The boy gave a sad smile, tears still falling. He stepped away, somehow managing to pull from Draco's grasp.

"I'll give you this."

Suddenly, something moved behind the boy's back. Draco stared. They were wings! Pure white wings, lighter than even the boy's skin, of the softest looking feathers he had ever seen. They folded gently around the boy's small body, as if sheltering him from the boy reached behind him, plucked a long single feather, and gently pressed it into Draco's hand.

"This is something that is only given from someone to their soul mate. It connects that person to them whenever the holder wears it. Please keep it on you always."

Then he lent forward onto his tiptoes and gently kissed Draco's cheek. Draco could feel the boy's tears on this kiss and what a soft kiss it was. It felt as soft as the feather in his hand and smelt of lilies.

And then it was over. The boy had pulled back. Then all of a sudden he was gone...

Draco woke in a sweat, panting for breath. His heart was beating fast enough for him to feel it in his ears.

How could that have been a dream? It felt so real. He remembered the feel of the grass under is feet and the wind against his skin. He had felt the boy's hand in his, the tears against his face as the boy kissed his cheek. He had felt those perfect lips upon his skin...

It had to have been real.

Draco raised his hand to his cheek, remembering the kiss. As he moved, his hand brushed against something soft. He looked down. There, sitting in his lap was a single white feather giving off the aroma of lilies...

Author's note: Please feel free to leave reviews about my story! I would really appreciate it! This is my first fanfic so I need to feedback!
