Disclaimer: See previous chapters. I don't own the song "Endlessly" either. The Cab does. Congrats to them!



Chapter Twenty-Three – Endlessly

Shane rested his elbows on the kitchen counter of the beach house he had rented and read over the newspaper he held in his hands. He, Mitchie, Hayley, and Nate had been in Hawaii for about three days and so far, it had been a fun trip. Although, he was beginning to regret letting Nate tag along. There was just something about having your little brother around you constantly that took some of the romanticism out of the vacation. Though he did come in handy when he and Mitchie needed some alone time and they needed someone to look after Hayley.

"Morning," Shane looked up from his newspaper and a smile instantly appeared on his lips as he saw Mitchie coming toward him. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

He shook his head and set his newspaper down. "You look exceptionally beautiful today. I'm really loving what you're doing with your hair."

"I haven't done anything to it. My hair is a product of ocean water, air drying and a general lack of upkeep." She said as she stood next to him, grabbing the newspaper from off of the counter.

"Well whatever's the reason for it, I think you look amazing," He walked behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist, resting his chin on top of her head. "Oh, and you smell good too."

"Well at least I know I'm appealing to two out of the five senses." She said with a laugh.

"I love the way your voice sounds when you speak and your skin feels flawless." Shane said spinning her around to face him. "Now, that takes care of sound and touch. How's about you give me a kiss and I'll tell you how you taste?"

Mitchie gave him a coy smile before hoping up on her tiptoes to give him a kiss. The two stayed attached at the lips, kissing each other passionately before they heard someone clear their throat behind them.

"Come on guys, in the kitchen? We eat there!" Nate commented as Shane and Mitchie broke away from each other. "Hayley, I'm sorry your parents aren't very hygienic."

Hayley, who was next to Nate holding his hand, giggled at his words.

"Hayley should see that affection between two people who love each other is completely normal." Shane said in defense of their actions.

"Affection? Is that what you call what you two just did there? Because the way I see it, it looked as if you were trying to inspect her tonsils with your tongue and I'm no doctor but I just don't think that's how its supposed to be done."

Shane gave Nate an irritated looked which prompted the younger Gray to try and change the subject.

"Um, so Hayley and I were gonna go pick up some breakfast and then head down to the beach. Are you two going to join us or would you rather stay here and play doctor some more?" Nate asked mockingly.

"Very funny Nate but I think I'm done with the beach. At least for a few days." Mitchie commented looking at Shane for his response.

"Yeah, me too but you know, you guys have fun!"

Nate shrugged his shoulders and proceeded to leave with Hayley. Once they were gone, Shane and Mitchie looked at each other once more.

"So what are we going to do here all alone?" Mitchie asked, a hint of flirtation in her voice.

Shane thought for a moment before his face lit up as he got an idea.

"Let's call our parents." Mitchie looked at him utterly confused.

"We have the house to ourselves and you want to call our parents?" She tried to clarify.

"Maybe I should explain further," Shane said. "We're engaged and we're in Hawaii. This place is beautiful. You're beautiful. I don't want to wait any longer to call you my wife. Let's call our parents, fly them out here and get married tomorrow."

Mitchie shook her head, a smirk on her face. "You're doing it again, Shane. You know sometimes you're just so impulsive…"

"Baby, listen," Shane grabbed both of her hands in his. "If we wait to get married, it might take forever because when we get back to L.A. I have to go back in the studio and get back to work and the label is going to kill me if I take anymore time off and…this just seems like our window of opportunity."

"I'd rather wait forever and have everything be perfect than to get married just because 'its our window of opportunity." Mitchie explained, mocking him. "Plus, I've been planning my wedding ever since I was like twelve. You can't expect me to let all that go just because you're so eager to get hitched."

Shane could see where she was coming from. Mitchie was a girl and girls felt differently about weddings than boys did. He knew she probably had a place, a time and a dress picked out from years ago. He couldn't just ask her to give all that up.

"Alright, lets compromise. You don't have to give up your dream wedding. We'll just get legally married tomorrow and then we'll have a big ceremony when we get back to L.A."

Mitchie pondered his idea for a few seconds. "Do we have to our ceremony in L.A.?"

"We could have it in Timbuktu for all I care." Shane said with a laugh. "Just tell me, are you up for a legal marriage tomorrow?"

Once again, Mitchie took some time to think. It seemed like a fair enough compromise. Her family would still be present and its not like she herself wasn't anxious to just go ahead and marry Shan already. After some semi-deep thought, she really didn't see any major flaws in his plan.

"Okay, but I have one request!" Shane nodded his head, already agreeing to whatever she was about to say. "We can't do it tomorrow."

Shane sighed and groaned. "Why not?"

"My parents have never met your parents. Don't you think it'd be better if they could at least spend a day to get to know each other?"

Shane shrugged. She was right. It would be stupid to just throw their parents in a room together and watch their kids get married to one another.

"Fine but the day after tomorrow, we'll do it okay?" Mitchie nodded at Shane's question. "Great! Now, you go call your parents and tell them they'll be in Hawaii tomorrow. I'll go call mine and then we'll be one step closer to being Mr. and Mrs. Shane Gray."

Shane gave her one last peck on the lips before running off into their bedroom. She had to admit, even though he could be a little foolishly impulsive at times, it was pretty darn adorable whenever he was.


Mitchie nervously paced back and forth in the beach house living room, biting her nails as she did. Her parents, who had now arrived, sat on the small couch, watching their daughter in amusement.

"Jess and Chris, their names are Jess and Chris. Got it?" Mitchie reminded her parents. Ever since she picked them up from the airport she had been reviewing various important details about Shane's parents that she didn't want them to forget.

"Honey, we got it the first fifteen times you said it." Her father griped causing her to stop her pacing, only for a moment. "Will you just relax?"

Mitchie looked at him, almost insulted. "How can I relax when my parents are about to meet my fiancé's parents? I mean I just want you guys to make the best impression you can and trust me these people aren't easy to impress. They just stopped hating me."

"Mitchie, you don't need to worry about what they think of us. All you need to be worried about is your wedding tomorrow."

Mitchie knew her mother was right. She was pleasantly surprised at how her parents seemed just fine with the idea of her getting married on a whim but then again, after hearing how Ken treated her, she guessed they were just happy she was with someone who truly loved her.

"Oh gosh," The sound of the front door opening once again paused her pacing. "They're here."

It wasn't long before the sound of tiny footsteps was heard and Hayley came running in, arms opened to hug Mitchie.

"Mommy!" The little girl exclaimed not noticing the two people seated on the couch. When she finally did notice them, she ran up and sat herself right between them. "Grandma and grandpa!"

Shane waited a few seconds before handling some introductions. "Um, mom, dad, this is Connie and Daniel, Mitchie's folks."

Shane's parents walked over to the other couple, exchanging polite handshakes. Mitchie looked on nervously, as if she was waiting from something, or someone, to suddenly implode.

"Nice finally meeting you two. Shane's told us quite a lot about you." Shane's father commented.

"He has?" Mitchie questioned, glancing over to Shane.

"Yeah, he has. Chris, you're a golfing man?" Shane's dad asked Mitchie's dad.

"Sure am. In fact, I beat your son here a while back."

"Ha, Shane told me about that. Maybe the two of us should go play a round sometime."

"There are plenty of courses around here. You guys could go today if you wanted." Shane interjected the two older men's conversation.

Seeing that everything was actually going well between their parents, Mitchie decided it was time to give the four some time alone. She was sure they didn't want to talk with Shane and herself hovering over them.

"Uh, Hayley are you hungry?" The little girl nodded at Mitchie's questions. "Well come with me and Daddy and I will make you a PB&J sandwich!"

Shane glanced at Mitchie questioningly, not bothering to follow the two girls into the kitchen.

"Shane, I'm gonna need some help opening the jar of peanut butter," Mitchie said in an obvious warning tone.

Shane, getting the message that he was needed, sighed and followed them into the kitchen.

He walked over to the cupboard, pulled out the jar of peanut butter, opened it and handed it to Mitchie.

"Happy?" He asked sarcastically. The look she gave him caused him to swallow his words. "I'm sorry. I just wanted to stay in there with our folks."

"No Shane, we have to give them some time away from us to really talk to each other." She explained preparing Hayley's sandwich. "Besides, you and Nate should go buy something nice to wear tomorrow."

"I thought we were going Hawaiian casual?" Shane asked confusedly.

"That doesn't mean you have to look like a bum," Mitchie screwed the lid onto the peanut butter jar and gently shoved it in Shane's chest. "I won't say 'I do' if you look like a bum."

Shane groaned and placed the peanut butter back in the cupboard.

"Well if we're setting ultimatums for saying our 'I do's, I won't say it unless you–"

"Shane," Mitchie interrupted. "Whatever you're about to say, don't. Just quit while you're ahead."

Shane rolled his eyes but nevertheless took her advice. He didn't want to say something stupid and end up ending their marriage before it even began. Now all he had to do was to make himself look 'un-bum like' so there would even be a marriage to begin with.


"Nate, are you sure I look okay?"

"For the millionth time Shane, you look fine."

Shane looked at himself once more in the full-length mirror in the room of the hotel that he and Mitchie were just minutes away from getting married in. They had found an ordained minister here in Hawaii that specialized in spur of the moment marriages like theirs. But with all of the important details like that taken care of, Shane still found himself sweating the small stuff.

"Knock, knock," Shane and Nate both turned to the cracked open door. They relaxed seeing it was just their dad. "I just came to see how you were doing. Things are supposed to get started in a few minutes so,"

Shane faced his dad, worry all over his face. "A few minutes? You mean in a few minutes I'm supposed to get married while wearing a silk tropical shirt, cargo shorts and flip flops?"

Shane's dad laughed and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Son, you're getting married to the girl you love, right?" Shane nodded. "Then it shouldn't matter what you're wearing or how long until it happens, as long as it happens, right?"

"You're right." Shane took a calming breath and walked to the door, placing his hand on the knob. "Alright, let's go marry me off."

Nate and the boys' dad followed Shane out into the small reception room. There were plenty of chairs but only four, five counting Hayley, would end up being filled. Shane's dad took his seat next to his wife while Nate accompanied Shane up at the altar. Shane politely nodded to the minister before looking out to the entrance, just waiting to see his bride-to-be.

When the music began to play, Shane swore his stomach was going to fall out of his butt. He could sing in front of thousands of screaming girls, bare his soul in tell-all interviews but right now, standing, waiting for one woman to meet him at this altar, he had never been more nervous in his life.

"Wow," Shane couldn't keep his thoughts to himself as he finally spotted Mitchie being escorted down the aisle by her father. Since they were keeping everything casual, she was wearing a tropical style dress, one that nearly matched his shirt, and sandals but with her beach-wavy hair and sun kissed skin, she looked perfect to him.

"Hi," Mitchie whispered to him with a smile as she finally stood in front of him.

The minister cleared his throat before speaking. "So since this was a spur of the moment type deal, I'm assuming you guys don't have any of your own vows, correct?"

Shane's face lit up and his dug into his shorts' pocket. "Um, I actually wrote a little poem, well it's actually a song but for now let's just call it a poem."

"Alright, go ahead and recite it!"

With the minister's approval Shane took a deep breath and read the words he had scribbled on the paper just last night.

"Mitchie, we've been through a lot and I just want you to know something. There's no guarantee that this will be easy. Yeah, I'm no angel. I'm just me. I may not be perfect, but I'm perfect for you. Trust me when I say, I will love you endlessly." Shane folded the paper and placed it back in his pocket. He smiled and lifted his hand up to wipe the lone tear that was trickling down Mitchie's cheek.

"Well, that was lovely." The minister remarked. "So, now I have to ask, Shane Gray, do you take this woman to be your wife?"

"I absolutely do."

"And Mitchie Torres, do you take this man to be your husband?"

"I absolutely do."

"Well then I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss–"

Shane didn't even wait for the minister to complete his sentence before placing his lips on top of Mitchie's. They had kissed many times but there was nothing like the feeling he got knowing that he wasn't kissing Mitchie Torres, he was kissing Mitchie Gray.

"This is just adorable!" Nate yelled, walking up to the two, breaking them apart. "Now, is this the part where we have cake?"

"Cake?" Hayley repeated from her seat on Mitchie's mom's lap.

"Of course we can have cake!" Shane announced, wrapping his arm around Mitchie's waist, pulling her closer to him. "We can have whatever we want because Mitchie and I are married now!"

The newlyweds watched as everyone exited the room and headed for the reception room that held the 'after-wedding' food.

"Shane," Mitchie called his name, differently now knowing that he was her husband. "Loving me endlessly? You've set a pretty high standard for yourself."

"Mitchie, we've been through hell and back. After all the crazy stuff we've been through, do you really think I'd ever, ever stop loving you?" Shane asked with a warm smile.

"I love you, Shane."

"I love you too, Mitchie."



Aw! How sad! It's over! Well, I'm really proud of this story. I hope you guys liked it as much as I did (at times) and leave me some really nice reviews!

I'll eventually update my other stories, 'Misguided Ghosts' and 'The Story of Us' and I have another fic that's super different than what I'm used to writing waiting to be posted once those are finished (unless you guys want it early or whatever) so, look out for that!

Thanks so much for reading! :)