I gotta say, I can't believe there wasn't a cross over for this before…and as a warning, it may be a bit AU since I'm moving the Reapers to Miami, but everything else is the same okay. This is set in the middle of season 2 for Dexter, and generic whenever for DLM.

Summary: After reaping one of Dexter's victims, George begins investigating the Butcher on her own.

Disclaimer: So, while I'm not actually making money from this, I am obligated to tell you I don't actually own any form of media…including Dexter or DLM.

George sighed. Another murder victim on the post-it. And another late night one too. She'd had them before of course; sometimes even a double, in which the murderer died with the victim. It was strange though, the address was an apartment she'd been to last week, and a girlfriend was killed by a jealous ex, cliché. It was too early to have found a new tenant, wasn't it?

With nothing to do for the rest of the day until then, she sighed and after paying for her breakfast, headed for work.

Dexter's POV

He'd double checked the man's background. One Daniel Saxon, a man who'd murdered not just his previous girlfriend, but the four previous as well. He'd gotten off on technicalities and the deaths being framed as accidents. He was evidently very possessive, regardless that he often cheated on his lovers, as often the young women were murdered when it was concluded she was about to leave him or had left him, or cheated on him.

After tonight, the least of Daniel Saxon's worries would be if his girlfriend was cheating on him.

He exited out of the windows of his laptop, then shut it and pushed away from his desk. His sister, Deb, peeked into office area, asking him what he was doing tonight.

Getting another murderer off the streets.

"I was thinking of dropping by to see Rita, plus I've got another bowling game tonight. Wish us luck!" The faked enthusiasm seemed to work on her, as she gave him a thumbs up and backed off.

She probably wanted to talk to me about something…oh well. At least she believed it.

With an alibi set, Dexter got out of his chair and walked the 14 and a half steps to the elevator. He always counted. It was something he could depend on. At the end of the day, no matter what happened or who died, those 14 and a half steps were waiting to take him to the elevator, to take him home.

Once in his minivan, he headed home to prepare. He would have to see Rita beforehand, at least three hours beforehand to further his alibi and then head to the bar he knew Saxon frequented.

He swung by Cody and Aster's school to bring them home, all Cody could talk about was their new project on the life cycle of the frog and butterfly. Aster was unusually quiet, it might be because school wasn't going to well for her, but that could be fixed with some treats bought at a nearby convenience store.

After dropping the kids off and eating dinner, a delicious concoction of spaghetti and meatballs, it was 6:30. He'd have to arrive at the bar by 9:30, with traffic he'd have to leave at nine or so. There was no harm in being early. Well, not for him at least.

He, Cody, and Aster played a long and vicious game of Candy land that seemed to cheer Aster up out of her melancholy mood. At around seven they quit in favor of a good game of Spoons and some desert, with a pointed look from Rita on spoiling them. He smiled and kissed her on the cheek.

Munching on the brownies their mother had made, they concluded their game after Cody became a bit over excited and hit the spoons direct center to prevent anyone but him from getting them. Silverware went flying and all four ducked for cover. After the mayhem and the giggling and laughter, Rita sent the two kids to prepare for bed. It was 8:34.

"What are you doing tonight?" Uh oh. If he got what she was suggesting, it might prolong his stay. He'd have to figure something out sooner rather than later, otherwise he might be late for his...engagement.

He gave her a sort of half hug. One that said, or so he hoped, "I'd really love to stay for more, but I'm in a rush for something that is definitely not as important as you, maybe later?" Of course, he had never mastered the entire language of Hugglish.

"Um, me and my bowling team had game tonight. Actually, as soon as those two get to bed I'd better leave. I might be late."

She seemed disappointed, but she masked it well.

"Well…good luck then. Hope you win!" Bad recovery. This meant he'd have to make it up to her. Probably with his next night off too…

Shaking those thoughts, he kissed her good night and the two of them put Aster and Cody to bed.

As he pulled out of the driveway, he fingered his slide.

Daniel Saxon. I hope you had a good dinner. Because it was your last.

Good? Bad? Should I continue it? I should tell you, this is a whole lot of firsts for me. It's my first Dexter fanfic, my first DLM fanfic, and my first crossover…so, reviews would be nice. Ones that critiqued it would be even better!