Hellsing High

Summary: Fate has always been cruel to my family. Ever since my parents died, I've been having these haunting nightmares. They always involve the same person who seems to know me deeper than I know myself.

Chapter 1: Beautiful Nightmare

"NO! NO! NO!" I was screaming, running farther and farther into the darkness. Inhuman screams followed me, echoing all around. "STOP! LEAVE ME ALONE!" I ran deeper, my pale skin numb with cold. I crashed in front of a small church, my body shaking. I got up, grabbing the door handle and thrusting it open. I crawled inside, dragging the heavy door behind me until it closed. The screams were muffled, almost silenced as I slumped against it. "W-w-why can't I wake up?"

The screams ended, only to be replaced with a defeaning silence. The only thing that I could hear was my heart pounding in my chest and my exasperated gasps. "What the hell was that anyway?" I asked the darkness, getting up and walking down to the altar. I pretended not to notice that my red pajamas had been replaced by a long black sleeveless dress. It fit the top portion of my body, then flared out in tiers and ending just a few centimeters off the floor.

I shuddered, rubbing my arms. It wasn't that it was cold inside; It was actually quite warm since it was still summer. It was a dreaded feeling in the pit of my stomach, like someone was watching me in the shadows. I turned around, feeling that someone was directly behind me. "W-who's there?" I stuttered, searching the darkness for any sign of life. There was nothing but inky blackness surrounding me.



I looked up, swallowing the lump in my throat. Looking back down at me was a large batch of glowing red eyes. "Bats? Did it really have to be bats?" I muttered, slowly edging towards the door. 'If I'm quiet, maybe they won't notice me.' I smiled nervously, glancing behind myself cautiously. "How unfortunate. Though, I've been getting bored waiting for you, Abi." I jumped and turned around, only to be met with a pair of human-like glowing red eyes. Which belonged to a shadowed figure who was bent to my eye level. Creepy!

"Tell me that you're not a part of this dream and have come to wake me up." I muttered, hoping that I had guessed right. The shadowed figure just shook his head, giving me the biggest grin with razor sharp teeth glinting in the dim light. "Um, on second thought, I'll try to find my way out." I started walking backwards, watching him slip back into the shadows. "I wouldn't go that way." I stopped, realizing that he was behind me once again.

"You never know what can be lurking in the darkness." I felt his arms around my waist, practically scaring the shit out of me. "Like you? Look, it's nice to meet you and all, but I really need to find a way out of this crazy nightmare." I pulled away, stumbling foreward a bit because I didn't have shoes on my feet. "How can you be sure that this is another dream?" He appeared next to me, still hiding in the shadows. "Well, I'll know in a minute if I am dreaming."

I opened the door and walked out into the dim light. I approached the cliff with caution, noticing that he hadn't followed me. I shook my head and started to edge closer, looking back at the church over my shoulder. I felt a cold weight on my back, realizing that it was him. "I can't let you do that, but I will. I know we'll meet again, wether it be in a reality or a dream." I turned in his grasp, looking up at his face. His eyes glowed with a hellish red, skin pale with death, and long black, messy hair that framed his face perfectly.

"Who are you?" I asked, losing my balance for a minute. "My master calls me..." He held me close as he went foreward, both of us tumbling off the cliff and falling towards the rough dark waves beneath. "Alucard."


I jumped up, falling out of my bed and landing on the hard mahogany floor. "Ouch! A dream it was after all. Ugh, why didn't Martin wake me up?" I sighed, picking myself and the fallen comforter off the floor. I heaved it onto the bed in a jumbled mess, not bothering to make my bed. 'It's only going to get messed up again anyway.' I looked over at the alarm clock and screamed. "MARTIN! WHY DIDN'T YOU WAKE ME UP? I'M GOING TO BE LATE!" I was panicing, grabbing the school's uniform from my closet and slipping behind my japanese screen.

'If he isn't awake, I'm going to kill him!' I thought, slipping out of my pajamas and into the red knee-length skirt and blazer combo. I grabbed the black socks just as my brother came in, clothed in a terry bathrobe and a cup of coffee in hand, his long light brown hair in a tangled ponytail. "What's all the yelling, sis?" He asked, stifling a yawn. I glared at him, then kicked him in the gut. "That enough to wake you up, asshole? Because I'm going to be late for school!" I screamed, yanking my red backpack from the bed.

"All right, sorry. I forgot that you were starting today. Damn Mondays." Martin muttered, holding his stomach and stumbling out of my room into the kitchen. I rolled my eyes and grabbed my brush, running it through my long blackish-brownish hair. "Well, can't really blame him can I? He was up late, writing his new book." I smiled lightly and pulled down a crimson colored ribbon, tying my hair back with it. I got up from my vanity and made my way out of my room, snagging a piece of toast from Martin's plate. "Hey, that's my breakfast!"

"Shut up! I need it more!" I smacked him upside the head, looking over the headline in the newspaper. "Another girl went missing last night?" Martin only nodded, putting the paper down and getting up from the kitchen table. "Unfortunatly. These disappearences are really racking up. She has to be the seventh so far." I don't know why he keeps count. It's just another quirk of his. As well as his hazel eyes that look identical to mine, tan skin and a knack for writing. I sometimes tease him and call him 'Renji' because he wears his hair just like the character. One year, he dressed up just like him and then pretended to find hollows all over the place. Apparently, he also inheirited dad's sense of humor.

"I'll see you this afternoon then!" I shouted, racing out the door of our apartment and heading towards the elevator. "Morning Abi!" I looked up and smiled; I had forgotten that I was going to start school with my first friend since we moved here, Rip Van Winkle. "Morning Rip. My brother was working late last night, so I woke up later than I had plan-"

"No need to apologize! I woke up late too, so if we run, we might be able to make it in time." She shrugged, giving me wide grin that only added cuteness to her freckled pale face. "Alright, but let's not get distracted by cute guys on the way, okay?" I grabbed her hand and jumped into the open elevator. "Aww, but that Luke Valentine was really hot, you have to admit that." The two of us started laughing, her hair gleaming a dark blue under the lights.

"Yeah, but his brother is a total dumbass." Rip nodded in deep agreement, her blue eyes filled with a hateful fire. As much as I knew, she had been given hell by him before. It had not been a pretty picture when she came down to our apartment, crying and screaming for help. That was when we became friends and had been together ever since. "You think they've let him out again?"

"I doubt it; He was guilty of atemptted rape. They should've tried him as an adult." I grasped her hand, squeezing it. "I'm not going to let that bastard near you." She looked up at me, and smiled a little. "Thanks Abi." I smiled back, looking away as the doors opened. "Well, let's see if we can make it through the day."

"Hurry Rip! We're just about there!"

"I'm running as fast as I can! We're not going to make it!"

"Don't be so negative! According to my watch, we still have five minutes!"

"Then can we stop for a minute and take a breather?"

"No! We're almost to the gate! Just another few feet!"

As soon as I had said that, a black limo pulled up to the front gate. I stopped, almost losing my balance as Rip ran into me. "Who the hell is that?" I whispered, watching as a rather tall man in the guys uniform step out, completely unaware of us. "He must be the new exchange student. I heard that he came from a really rich family." I rolled my eyes at her, giving her a 'No shit, sherlock' look. "Oi, he's looking at us!" She pointed out, leaning on my shoulder. And it was unfortunatly true; he was looking at us, but no sooner had our eyes met, I felt the weirdest connection; Almost as if I knew him.

He apparently felt it too. His red eyes widened with surprise, but he smiled a little and waved politely at me. "Rip, what was that exchange students name?" I muttered, waving back at him. "Um, I can't remember. Why? You know him from somewhere?" She asked, leaning over in time to see the light pink blush that was probably dusting my cheeks. "Yeah, from my dreams. I believe his name was..." I stopped, noticing that he was coming our way. He had a smirk on his face, his eyes glowing with mischief and wonder as he stopped in front of me.


AN: Wow, talk about suspense! It's going to get real good from here on out. Just so you know, this is my second attempt at Hellsing High. The first version got torched unfortunatly. But I hope that this version proves to be more appealig than the other. So, Seras, could you do the disclaimer?

Seras: Of course. Quincygirl93 does not own Hellsing in any shape or form. Just her OC's.

AN: Not bad.

Seras: Not bad? Is that all you can say?

AN: No, but hey, at least I don't criticize you like Alucard.

Seras: That's true.

Next time...

'School Lunch Romance'

See you later!