Here's the final chapter. i really hope you all have enjoyed this as much as I enjoyed created it. And thank you so much to those who have reviewed, you guys are awesome!

I love Embry. He's so great to me. He helped me get back to my regular routine of being a housewife. I wake up with him and we eat breakfast together, which he makes. He then goes on patrol with Sam and the other wolves. I then take Lola to Seth's house for an hour. I usually just hang with Leah and she tells me about how happy me and Embry are together. I then take Lola back home and clean the house for a little bit. I make her lunch and Embry comes back home. We eat what I make, which is usually something small since I forgot how to cook a lot of things. I put Lola down for a nap and then go ask Embry about his day. He tells me about how he kept the reservation safe, mainly for me and Lola, since we're the most important things in his life. I always smile when he tells me that. We then watch TV or just talk. I get Lola and then we go out to do something. Sometimes we'll go to the beach or to the park. Then when it starts to get dark, we go to Sam and Emily's house for dinner. I always notice that a wolf there named Hunter looks at me with pity and at Lola with pain. Seth usually always holds Lola when we're there. He's totally in love with her, which Sam told me was okay, so I just repress my hesitation. When dinner's done, me, Embry, and Lola go home. I put Lola in her crib and then go to bed with Embry. We don't have sex though. I told him that I just wasn't ready. He was hurt, but understood, saying he didn't want to force me to do anything I didn't want to. So I just laid in his arms and had nice dreams of our happy family. Then I wake up to his smiling face and do it all over again.

I've been doing that for two weeks now and I've never been happier, I think. It saddens me that I forgot this happy life. Right now I'm at the Clearwater house, talking to Leah. I wanted to ask her something.

"So," I began.

"So?" Leah mimicked.

Seth was in the background playing peek-a-boo with Lola.

"I was wondering," I said, "if you guys could watch Lola tonight? I wanted to do something for Embry since he's been so patient with me."

"Yes!" Seth yelled. "I'll watch her!"

Leah rolled her eyes. "We'll watch her Margo. And don't worry, she'll sleep in my room."

Seth growled but didn't say anything.

"So, what were you going to do for him?" Leah asked, ready to gossip, or just bored enough to be interested.

"I bought some lingerie that I want to model for him, and then if it leads to sex, so be it."

Leah smirked. "You spoil him, you know."

I laughed. "Yeah. He's just been so supportive and helpful. You know I cut myself while cutting the crusts off his sandwich and he wouldn't let me out of his sight. He was so scared for my health. It's so adorable."

Leah chuckled. "You cut the crusts off his sandwich?"

I nodded. "He hates crusts."

"What a baby," Seth laughed.

"Says the guy who's hungover a five month old?" Leah countered.

Seth stuck his tongue out at her, making Lola laugh.

I stood up. "I gotta get going," I said. "Seth, can you put Lola down for a nap in ten? Then give her a bottle when she wakes up."

Seth nodded, not really paying attention to me. Oh well, I know Leah heard.

I walked home and went to the kitchen to make Embry some lunch. I decided on PB&J today. I took out the bread, two slices for me, eight for Embry. Once they were all made and the crust was cut off of Embry's, I heard the front door open.

"How are my girls?" Embry asked as he walked into the kitchen. He was only wearing shorts, showing off his chiseled chest. Yeah, tonight I'll totally sex him up. Embry pulled me into him and gave me a big kiss. He even kissed my wound on my head. I didn't need the bandage anymore, but there was still a big scab there. That was going to be one nasty scar. "Where's Lola?" he asked when he didn't see her in her high chair.

"I asked Seth and Leah to watch her tonight," I answered.

Embry cocked his eyebrow. "Why?"

I smiled and leaned in closer to Embry. "I don't want her to hear all the naughty things I'm going to do to you tonight," I whispered.

Embry shuddered with pleasure. "Okay," he breathed.

I gave him his sandwiches, which he finished by the same time I finished my one. He then stood up.

"I'm gonna take a shower, I really reek," he said.

I laughed. "Okay stinky."

Embry walked upstairs and I went into the living room. I sat on the couch and listened as Embry turned the water own. I was about to turn the TV on when I saw something under the stand that it was on. I got off the couch and walked over it. I reached under the stand and pulled out a sketchbook.

Why would this be hidden?

I flipped through the drawings. Then I came to the last one and then something happened.

I was slapped with the memories of my past. My name's Margo Jane Estrada, I was born in El Paso, Texas to Juana and Esteban Estrada. They died last year in a car crash. I used to date Hunter. He beat me and got me pregnant with Lola. Embry imprinted on me…and was crazy.

I dropped the sketchbook. It made a loud thud and the shower turned off upstairs.

I looked around me for an escape, then paused.

I liked-no, loved living here with Embry. I loved waking up in his arms. I loved eating with him. I loved making him lunch. I loved going to his friends' house. I loved the thought of him being a father to Lola. I love…him.

I love Embry Call.

I felt disgusted with myself. I should hate that man. He took advantage of me and lied to me, making me think I was his wife. That sick fuck! He took care of me in my time of need though. He was the only one who did that and told me that they loved me.

I grabbed the sketchbook and walked upstairs.

Embry was getting dressed in our bedroom. I walked in. He only had his boxers on. He turned and smiled at me, but his face fell when he saw me holding the sketchbook.

His mouth dropped and he sat on the bed, looking down at his hands. His eyes glistened and tears began to escape. He then looked up at me with his red puffy eyes. "I'm so sorry," he whimpered.

"How was your day?" I asked him.

Embry looked a little scared and confused now. "Fine."

"What did you do?"

"We killed a bloodsucker and his mate."

I nodded. "I'm glad you didn't get hurt."

Embry sniffed. "Do you love me?" he asked in a shaky voice.

I put the sketchbook on the bed and flipped to the drawing of us getting married. "That's my favorite," I said. "You did a good job on it."

Embry just kept staring at me. "Margo."

I sighed. "I expect you marry me for real one day, you know."

Embry smiled and eagerly nodded. "I will, don't worry. I promise I'll marry you for real."

I smiled back. "Good. Now I have to go pee." I walked out of the bedroom and into the bathroom.

"Embry?" I called out.

"Yeah?" he answered, standing just outside the door.

"I love you. Mean it."

"I love you too."

So that's the end, hope you liked it. If you did, then I'm creating a sequal about Lola and Seth's relationship, and yes, there will be crazy obsessive werewolves in it, as well as more adult themes, so check it out please!