This idea has been in my head a long time. I thought-what if Lindsay was seeing someone else and that her rain walk was her trying to make a decision between one or the other? What if she turned down the tickets to the game because she was going on a date and she didn't tell that to Danny?

I'm not all that into heavy angst, so I promise this isn't that ... and I think I have the whole thing written in a very rough draft. The chapters are short, and its not all that developed, but its out of my head now!

Begins with the last Cabbie Killer episode, right after Personal Foul ... but moves quickly along. Doesn't really spoil anything for season 5, I don't think. Maybe the first episode. And if Mac surviving surprises you... :p

Disclaimer: The characters do not belong to me.


I miss you.

The words repeated themselves over and over again in Lindsay's head as she headed home, thinking about everything. She didn't have an answer when she was called into work, so she simply worked with him. He stepped in, helped her with the car. She knew he'd looked to Hawkes, knew they had some sort of silent exchange. Lindsay didn't mind. She wasn't afraid of Danny. No, not afraid of him.

She should tell him, and maybe she should have told him over the phone that night, it just hadn't seemed right. So she'd planned to do it before work. Over coffee.

Then there was the urgency. They weren't just after a killer anymore. They were trying to save Reid. And when Reid was safe, they went home and crashed. Then Mac had gotten caught up in the bank robbery.

Really. She needed to say something.

Mac was safe, and Danny had handled himself during the crisis. She didn't need to look after him anymore. It wasn't her job, her place. He wasn't her responsibility.

And now ... she was out of excuses.

He was at his desk when she walked in. She'd stopped by her locker, grabbed her coat and her messenger bag. She knew he would be heading home soon. Flack would grab him on the way out. She'd made sure of that.

"Hey," she said softly.

He glanced up. "Hey. You heading out?"

"Yeah. I—"

"You want to grab something to eat?"

"No." She swallowed. "Danny, I—"

She saw the look in his eyes and nearly relented. He had sensed her tone and she could tell he felt the pain.

She couldn't let that control her decision. It was the right one.

"I was thinking. The other night? I was thinking about ... not just us, but if I ... I met someone. We were out together when I was called in. That's why I had plans."

He closed his eyes, let out a self depreciating sigh.

"You have to know there's part of me that wants to give us another chance–"

"Then do it," Danny pushed up, but she held out her hand.

"He's a nice guy, Danny. Funny. And he doesn't work here. There won't be any funny weirdness in the workplace. People won't be talking behind the glass walls about me and you. People won't assume automatically that it was my fault. And I'll be able to do my job without all of this ..." she waved a hand, blinked back the tears that had started to edge out.

When he stepped forward, placed his hands on her arms, she stayed still. "Lindsay," he murmured, his blue eyes dark and serious. "I miss you."

"We have our friendship. I want that. But you don't need me."

"I do need you."

"But you didn't," she swallowed and stepped away from him. "I don't know if I can ever accept ... you again. But, I like this guy. I want to have this chance with him. And I'm tired, so tired, of being afraid that I'll give in to you and make the wrong mistake. Danny, Mac noticed that it effected my job. It was stupid, and I guess I was stupid."

She thought about the morning of Stella's fire, of what she knew. "I've got to go."


"Don't," her eyes blazed with fire and un-shed tears. "Don't throw that at me now. You haven't said it in months. But know this Messer, if you had given me a chance to be there for you, if you had really believed in us the way I did ..."

And there was nothing, no way for her to finish the sentence. She didn't know where they would be, but she knew where they had been.

It hurt, more than anything, that they hadn't been in the same place.

And with that, she turned and walked out. Walked toward her new future.

And left the rest behind.

I've got another chapter coming soon! It will probably go up faster if you review :p

Sorry its so short. I could have waited and put all of the chapters as a one shot, and done it at once, I think. But what's the fun in that? XD