II. Hot for Teacher

All of Monday I was nervous, very very nervous. All I could think about was the night before. In potions class, it took all I had to make my potion right. Snape seemed rather keen on not looking at me and I kept my eyes on my cauldron; after all, if anyone thought that he and I were closer than strictly professional, that would land him in a lot of trouble.

By accident, I spilled some of the most expensive part of the potion. I could see the look of frustration as he was now forced to address me.

"Ms. Robinson, "I could tell the annoyance in his voice was quite real, but whether it was from this or last night I couldn't tell, "50 points from Ravenclaw and detention here tonight for having your head too far up in the clouds to pay attention to what you're supposed to be doing down here on earth. Pay attention, "could it be what he really thinks, is he trying to tell me something about last night or is this just sincerely about now?

If nothing else at least it covers why he's going to be having me in the dungeons tonight.

Of course, it didn't cover/explain why Neville Longbottom was in there as well.

He shyly smiled at me, "Hullo Sara."

"Hey Neville, what are you in for?" I'm friends with quite a few Gryffindors, including Potter's circle.

"Blew up a cauldron…" he blushed, embarrassed.

I joke, "Isn't that usually Seamus Finnegan's doing?"

"Normally, but I guess I'm jus' havin' a bad day…" he got silent as Snape walked in.

Looks like Neville and I are in the same boat… in the middle of a tempest out at sea.

"Longbottom, you are to scrub every filthy, dirty cauldron until I can see my face in them for obliterating one of my best cauldrons." Was the emphasis on filthy and dirty directed at me? "And you," the way he was looking at me made me feel anxious because I couldn't really read that look," are going to help me organize my ingredient store."

Once he made sure that Neville was cleaning the cauldrons correctly, he led me to the room full of ingredients and by the look of it, he didn't even need me to dust the vials. I really started to get nervous when he shut the door behind us.

"You and I need to talk, Ms. Robinson." Gee, what ever could it be about I wonder? "What happened last night…" he looked at a slight loss for words, almost as if in conflict, " can't happen again, it was inappropriate, dangerous, and not to mention, " oh Merlin, here it comes, "much too forward of you."

"That's a bit your fault, sir."

"And just how, in that twisted little head of yours, do you figure that?"

"When I'm forced to be honest, which you forced me to be, I don't half-ass what I want to say… if I'm forced, might as well give you something to think about."

"Something to think about indeed… Stopped calling me Severus I see…" he moved closer towards me, his eyes dark, but with lust or anger I couldn't tell.

"Well you didn't seem particularly thrilled about it last night…" why was I so nervous now when last night I was so bold?

"Pity," he caught a piece of my auburn hair between two of his fingers, "I rather liked the sound of my name rolling off your tongue," Whoah… this is new, was he? He was drawing closer. He is! He's flirting with me! "Does make me quite curious if that tongue could appeal to my other senses… such as taste, for instance." He was centimeters away from me now and playing with that strand of hair, wrapping it around his fingers. Curse me, I got nervous and took a step back

He smirked cynically at me, "My advice to you, Ms. Robinson, is to forget your silly little crush and move on to a boy your own age… perhaps one that will appreciate the simple fact that you aren't his hand. Perhaps an inexperienced boy who wouldn't know the difference, just another fumbling, clumsy virgin like you."

I'm offended, I mean for fuck's sake I'm not ashamed of being a virgin, that seems to be a miracle considering how young people are losing it and the amount of raw teenaged hormonal lust… he makes it sound like my biggest flaw! I knew he could be bad at throwing punishments around when you crossed him or his rules, but … this is just cruel.

I try my hardest not to stutter and retort with, "H-how are you so sure I'm a fumbling clumsy virgin?" Oh fucking great defense! I should be a lawyer!

"You blush at the simplest of touches and back away when I get close to you. That would indicate that you are not used to intimacy. It doesn't really matter how wet," he has me backed against a wall, his one hand on the wall by my head, the other hand trailing dangerously close up my thigh to my core, "your tight little virgin slit gets for me." His hand is now up my skirt, his fingers rubbing along my nether lips through my underwear. Good God this is cruel being teased like this!

He leans in closer to my ear, "You're still just a girl who doesn't know how to please a man." He brushes the crotch of my panties to the side and rubs ever so slightly over my swollen clit, which makes me gasp out, "But apparently, "he makes me moan by rubbing harder, "I am perfectly able to please you if your soaking panties are any indication." He dips a finger inside me, having no trouble finding my most pleasurable spots and stimulating them mercilessly.

Holy shit! Severus Snape was fingering me. In a storage room. This had to be some sort of twisted dream… one that I'm not sure I really wanted to end.

As he sandwiches me between his surprisingly firm body and the wall I could feel his erection, through his pants, rub against my inner thigh. Deciding to defend myself, I manage to gasp out, "If I'm such an awful turn off, " it's hard to keep my voice straight while I'm panting so hard, "then why is your hard cock grinding against my thigh and your finger knuckles deep inside me?"

He whispers hotly in my ear, his breaths starting to get heavier, "Because I want to show you what being with a real man could feel like… I want to spoil you for any of those stupid little twits hoping to use your sweet body." He kisses along the side of my neck, just brushing that sensitive spot behind my jaw and earlobe with his tongue. Fuck his fingers fell so good; he touches me better than I'd evertouched me.

My hips move against his touch, wanting to find that release they knew was coming. My hands move to grip his shoulders, as my legs are starting to fail me. He just presses harder against me, growling in my ear, "Say my name when you orgasm my willing little virgin slut."

I gasp out, "Severus!" when I hear him call me that. It's so close just a matter of time before I cum.

"Louder, scream for the man pleasuring you, Sara."

My fingers dig in and I do scream. Hips bucking and breath short, I have one of the most glorious orgasms I'd ever felt. He takes his finger from me slowly and brings it to his lips, licking it clean. He smirks picking me up by the ass as my legs are trembling and quivering too much to support my weight.

I. Felt. Amazing.

Both his hands were occupied with the cheeks of my ass as he licked, kissed and grazed his teeth over my neck. I'd never felt a buzz after making myself cum, but I was definitely feeling one then. I'd never known that pleasure like this could be possible from someone else's hand; my past boyfriends were a sad sad comparison to Snape.

I was content to float on my little waves on euphoria, but I cam alarmingly lucid when I felt a thick, bulbous cock head rub lightly over my nether lips. My eyes shoot open and look down and I see it, his fat throbbing erection pointing directly at my core. My breathing picks up as I start to panic. Stupidly I sputter, "Wh-what are you doing?"

"I should think it's obvious what I'm doing, Sara," he smirked and rubbed a little more firmly against me.

I tried backing away, only to be reminded that I was pressed against the stone wall. I let out a little squeak as I looked at him with wide and scared eyes. At seeing my look, he leaned forward, pulled my head closer by the back of my head, and kissed my forehead before saying in a shuddering whisper, "Silly girl, you prove my point exactly." He backed away giving me room to move away, by that time a smirk had plastered itself on his face.

As I looked up at Severus Snape, the epitome of smugness at this moment I realized exactly what just happened: He played me! This whole time he'd played me to teach me a lesson! At this realization, I slapped him wanting to give him a sting of my own; only afterward I struck him was I scared that he was going to expel me.

He had his lips now drawn in a tight line, "Out! And tell that twit Longbottom to get out as well!"

He didn't have to tell me twice, I shot out of that supply closet towards his class room. Halfway down the hallway, though, I ran smack right into Neville.

"Oh sorry Sara, I didn't mean ta… are you alrigh'?"

"What? Oh I'm fine," I lie like a cheap rug.

"Oh, okay. Um… do you mind if we talk a bi' before goin' t'bed?" he never really talked with me when he was in a group of his friends, rather much alone. It surprised me and made me a touch wary.

"What's up?" I try to sound as casual as possible.

"Wuh… uh well… I'd finished the cauldrons early and came ta tell Pr. Snape…" he was fidgeting and giving me a guilty look, this does not spell anything good for me. In fact, what it probably spelled was F-U-C-K-E-D if this was going where I thought it was. "I…uhm... I heard."

Right now my mind is thinking of quite a few choice words, most of them profanity. "What are you talking about?" Let's hope he can't read my poker face…

"I h-heard you an' Snape… uh doin' things…"

Guess I'm no Lady Gaga, "What?" okay now time to see what exactly he heard, "Doing things?" I scoff, "Me and Snape? Are you mental?" I try laughing it off, but even in my ears it sounds so fake.

"Well I heard you moaning his first name." He was blushing… and I thought the whole getting caught writing porn thing was embarrassing!

"Why-why do you bring this up?" I swallow hard and we're both blushing and shuffling our feet, to anyone else this would probably look like…

"Give it up, Longbottom, any girl that remotely attractive could never like a twit like you! Stop asking girls out of your league and save yourself the embarrassment."

Oh there was embarrassment; the air was thick with it. It permeated the hallway like the B.O. of a Quidditch team after summer practice. Malfoy had really shitty timing.

Seeing the look of devastation on poor Neville's face, I had to act quick, "For your information, Malfoy, I'm saying yes!" I don't know why I said it. Part of me wanted to help Neville out, another wanted to diffuse the awkward situation and the third wanted to wipe that self-satisfied smirk of Malfoy; it was a smirk that reminded me too much of another certain Slytherin, a Slytherin I wanted to forget.

"What?" My quick thinking luckily satisfied all three parts. Malfoy's smirk was nowhere to be seen, Neville was looking at me with a pleasantly surprised look and I forgot a little about earlier even if it was for a second or two.

"You heard me, Malfoy, I'm saying 'yes' to him. We are dating now, have any problems with it?" I linked my arm with Neville's showing boldness I wasn't really feeling on the inside. Neville looked like he was about to squee in happiness.

Quickly Malfoy straightened himself and regained his composure, "Well if you ever come to your senses and need to get a taste of a better man, hit me up, "were all Slytherin males such swine? I wanted to do some hitting but the kind that involved that little ferret in the infirmary. He walked briskly away before I could shoot back a retort.

After he was out of sight and more importantly, earshot, I turned to Neville, "I'm sorry to embarrass you like that, Neville, it was the only way I could think of to get him to shut up."

"S'okay, but do ya mind if I could tell other people that you're my girlfriend?"


"Erm, well… if I could say that you're going out with me, the Slytherins wouldn't pick on me as much."

"In exchange for your silence of what happened today?"

"Yus, we don't really… you know… have ta do anything… just keep up appearances and make people think we are dating."

I could live with this, "Alright… but… we would still hav eto kiss and hold hands and sit close, right?"

"Right, y'know, just for appearances."

"Right, just appearances."

"I'm actually… well I really like someone else and iwa nt to show them tha'… that' I could be a good boyfriend." Neville is too adorable.

"Who is it?" I'm not a cat, so curiosity shouldn't be a problem.

"I… I can't tell you yet."

"Oh… you'll have to tell me some things, though. If we're going to be a good couple, we have to get to know each other a little better."

Neville nodded. "Alright let's get to bed before we get in trouble." I nod and give him a small peck on the cheek before heading to the common room. If I had to pretend that I'm Neville's girlfriend, I would. Small price to pay to keep my near spotless reputation intact as well as Snape's job. As much of an asshole as he'd been, I would never wish for him to lose his job, he's one of the best teachers at Hogwarts, after all.

As I slip into bed, I couldn't sleep for a long while. My mind raced with the events of the day, but eventually sleep over took me and I feel into a sleep. A sleep filled with many dreams of a Potion Master giving me the most wicked of delights.