Teacher's Pet

Disclaimer: Sara's my character but Snape and everything associated with the Harry Potter franchise is copyright J.K. Rowling.

Mind, Busy Hand

I'm called in for detention… great. That bitch McGonagal has it in for me, I swear. Of course when I found out who I'm having detention with it only gets better.

Severus Snape.

Not only was I embarrassed by the fact that I was caught writing erotica in the middle of class, but now two people can know my depravity… joy.

Luckily, unlike most of the student body, I've managed to avoid Snape's wrath for the past four and a half years I've gone here at Hogwarts. Today, I feel that that is somehow going to change.

As I walk into the classroom, I see I'm the only one there. So all this time he's going to be spending with me is going to be alone… awwwkwarrrd.

I put my note from McGonagal down on his desk, no words, just how he likes it. I've been able to read him enough to know that the less interaction initiated by you, the better. I sit down at one of the front desks and bite my lip as he reads the note. He looks up at me after he's done.

'Here we go…' I think to myself.

"She can't be serious…" he seemed… amused.

"Pardon ,sir?"

"You were writing erotica, Ms. Robinson?" could it be just me , or was he smiling?

"That's why McGonagal sent me here…"

"Oh I see, here's the story attached to the note…" that bitch really must hate me. I hide my face in my arms on the desk, mortified. How is this happening?

"Probably like those cheap books girls your age read, the kind with the same cover art with a shirtless man no matter the actual story."

I was offended. I'd like to think I'm better than those stupid romance novels middle aged women get freaky to. Course none have quite the perverted side like mi… oh shit I wrote about teacher student, I'm fucked!

He had a snide look on his face to start with but it fell as he went on. 'That can't be good.' Once he got to the end of it, he looked up at me. "Your punishment, Ms. Robinson, is to complete your filthy pornography." He put the already done pages down onto the desk in front of me. Was that all… no It couldn't be.

"And," of course that wasn't all, "when you finish, you will read it aloud to me."

"And if I can't finish it all tonight?"

"Then you will continue reporting to hour detentions every night until it is finished." He didn't seem angry or annoyed, so that's a plus, but reading it out loud was going to be so embarrassing! Not like this whole situation in itself wasn't embarrassing enough.

I continued from the last page and worked on it as much as I had done before; filling out and continuing it as I fantasized what would happen next. It took me 5 days worth of detentions to finish writing. A Saturday was when I'd finished. I'd had a lot of fun being able to just come in, sit down and write in peace not having to worry about hiding it. I'd gone to bed extra wet every night because of it too; something about Snape watching me write erotica while he knew about it all the while just kind of riled me up.

Sunday rolled around and here came the part that I'd dreaded: the reading to Snape. He wasn't there when I first came in and hoping that he'd forgotten, I start to turn around.

"Hello, Ms. Robinson. Good to see a consistently punctual student." Oh fuck. I nervously head to the desk I normally write at. "Are you ready to unveil your dirty work?" Outside of him addressing this story, I'd never heard him use the words 'dirty', 'filthy', or 'depraved'.

I swallowed and nodded, blushing. The last four nights I'd been getting wet dreams about Snape of all things and it made it hard for me to keep from blushing. I'd even began daydreaming and fantasizing, Merlin help me, fucking FANTASIZING about Severus Snape!

I look at him nervously as he leafs through my story. He's not an ugly man, his appeal is just a little more complex and individual… unique. Tall, pale, witty sarcastic and intelligent he was a goth's wet dream. I'm a bit of a nerd personally, but his deep voice, even just chiding someone else was starting to affect me like a whisper of hot breath from a lover.

"Is there any way in particular you want me to read this, sir?" I nervously push my glasses up my nose.

"I want you to stand right in front of my desk, Ms. Robinson. Read from the beginning and stop when I tell you to. But before you begin," he laced his fingers together under his chin, "I'm feeling generous and am offering you a second option."

"Yes, sir?"

"If you choose not to read your depraved pornography aloud to me, then you have to take tea with me and answer any questions I ask you for a single hour long detention. If you are to take this second option, you would be taking tea with me tomorrow. Whether it be by your lips or by my eyes I will know how the story ends." I sit there and weigh my options. How bad could one detention be? He's a teacher and I'm a student so obviously he couldn't ask anything too bad.

Oh how wrong I was.

I came into the classroom the next night and his desk was cleared off to make room for a tea set and a plate of chocolate biscuits. Snape came in a little late and I could sense that this was going to be a long detention when I saw him shed his outer robe. I don't know what came over me but I blushed; I'd never seen him in any less than formal clothing. The informal atmosphere was a bit unsettling.

"How was your day, Ms. Robinson?" he asked as he poured my tea. Was I actually going to have a civil conversation with the infamous Slytherine head of house?

"It was fine sir…" besides worrying about tonight's detention, "How was your day, Proffesor?"

"I've not had an altogether unpleasant day." He offered the cup of tea in front of me and I put in a sugar cube and a little drop or two of cream. "Comfortable?"

'Not anytime today…' "I'm fine, Professor, thank you."

He took a long sip from his cup. Tea was a luxury for students unless they snuck into the kitchens, which was against the rules… everything was screaming for me to get out, but I couldn't, I'd made a deal. He calmly placed the manuscript on the desk. Here we go…

"This conversation does not leave this room, Ms. Robinson," at my silence he added, "understood?" I nod; like I'd really want anyone to know about this! Not to mention the fact that even if I told, who would believe me? "Good. Now onto why you're here… I take it that you are aware why?"


"And are you embarrassed by it?"

No shit! "Yessir."

"Good, then perhaps you will cease writing pornography in class." He took a sip of his tea before speaking again, "Do you do it for your own gratification or are others reading this filth?"

"I just do it for myself, sir."

"Writing out your fantasies to keep them forever?"

"Something like that…"

"Ah I see. You know it's a good thing that you didn't share this with anyone else because if you did, you would be breaking the law. Dealing explicit materials to minors would have you arrested and put in a detention center." I felt my heart sink at his warning… was he planning on having something more serious done to me? After a long silence he spoke again, "So I've read that this is a teacher fantasy story. Is it about an actual teacher here or is it just general fantasy?"

At my heavy blush and near choking on my tea, he knew he had me. "N-na…n," I couldn't say it! Much as I wanted to deny it and could hear the word 'no' rattling around in my head, I couldn't force it past my throat. Instead what came out was, "Yes." He smiled knowingly at me. He slipped verita serum in my tea! I am so royally screwed!

"And who pray tell is the luck educator?" He was mocking me now that he knew I couldn't lie.

I covered my mouth trying desperately to keep from talking, but I couldn't hold it in and it exploded from behind my hands. "You!" The sneer left his face, he was stunned.

"This… this is all about me?"

"I…it wasn't at first but when I started writing in detention… I started putting you in my fantasies." Verbal diarrhea on top of inability to lie, that's lovely.

"Are you serious?"I can't believe he had such a hard time believing he was the object of someone's fantasy.

"You should know it's not a lie, sir, you slipped verita serum in my tea, didn't you?"

He sat in silence for a little while, considering something. "What could you possibly see in me?" I'm not sure if he's playing with me, mocking me or if he really couldn't see it.

"A lot of things…" Honest but vague, hooray for the politician's approach.

"Name what you like best."

"I like the way you… just the way you handle yourself. The way you always seem to be ready to take a woman to bed… you always handle everything as tenderly and lovingly as you'd touch a bedmate…" damn my romanticism.

"Ah…" he leaned back in his chair, his brows knit and his mouth obscured by his interwoven hands. "I see. You're just a silly school girl, your fantasies, Ms. Robinson," he aimed a very pointed look my way, "are misplaced."

That patronizing and scolding tone pissed me off, "Misplaced or not you're the one who gets me wet at night." Did that really just come out of my mouth? Did I really just confess to the man himself that he got me wet?

He seemed taken aback by it. "I make you wet?" I can't help but think of him as a school boy: quiet, alone, and shy… it added another layer to the curiosity that was Severus Snape. It made him that much more appealing.

"Yes, sir. In and out of my dreams."

He was quiet for a little bit; luckily he didn't seem to be angry or… could it just be my overactive imagination or did he seem… pleased? When he spoke his eyes were dark and his voice held a little more thickness to it, "And tell me, " he still kept his confident air whatever this shift was, "are you wet right now?" He picked up his tea and took a drink from it, never taking his eyes from me, barely even blinking.

I decide that if I can't lie I may as well be blunt, "Too much wetter I'll have to change my knickers, sir." He was interested I could tell but bit his lip to suppress any obvious sign of it. "You can feel for yourself, sir, if you don't believe me."

"Ms. Robinson!" He was blushing. Severus Snape. Blushing and I was the one who caused it. I feel so proud, barely even noting the scold in his tone.

"Do you ever get hard thinking of me?" He broke eye contact sharply.

"Ms. Robinson, this is highly inappropriate!"

I ignore his feeble attempt to deter my questioning. "Tit for tat, sir. You asked me if I was wet and I answered and now I'm asking you…"

"What do you expect to come of it if I did get aroused by your story or if I, am theoretically hard right now?" He almost yelled it revealing more to me than he meant to. I hope this room is sound proofed.

"I…I don't know sir," what should I say to that? What does one say to a question like that?

His mask of control was back on, now. "And this, Ms. Robinson," he got up smoothly out of his seat," is precisely why your juvenile fantasy is misplaced." He had slipped behind me, placing his hand on my shoulders. What he said next was whispered with his hot breath right on my ear, "You wouldn't know what to do with me if you had me." I shudder at just how much the statement was purred out almost like a tense mating call. He almost pushes off my shoulders to go back to his chair.

"Would you know what to do, sir fi you had me?"

"What on earth do you mean, Ms. Robinson?" he asked as he sat back down.

I couldn't help but notice a pronounced bulge in his trousers, "Please call me Sara, Severus."I was feeling bolder and bolder by the minute.

"You are not to call me that ever, do you understand me?" he sneered, at a loss of what to do but with a desperate need to be in control of this situation, "Call me that again and…"

"You'll put me in detention?" I talk daringly never knowing I had the courage to, "What will you say is the reason?" I suddenly realize the power I have over him.

"I could decide to dock points…"

"I don't have much team spirit, sir."

"You are not to speak of this to anyone…"

"Our secret is safe Severus." Before he can protest at me calling him Severus, I lean in and kiss him on the cheek. I draw back looking at him inquisitively, "Should I go?"

All he could muster past his flushed face was, "Yes."

I gather my things to leave and as I reach the door I hear him call out. "Ms. Robinson?"

I turn to look at him, he's almost glaring at me, "Yes, sir?"

"Detention. In here. Tomorrow night, same time."

I can't hide the small smile at these words, "Yessir. Good night, Professor."

I close the door behind me and I could have sworn I heard him say, "Good night, Sara."