OK I just thought of this fic a few hours ago, while on our way to church (seriously, plot bunnies can never pick the perfect timing. Sigh) so I do not have a title for it yet. I'll just call it this
Now I know its already been who knows how long since Season 2 started but I just found out it existed yesterday... and have only just watched up to episode 3 when I was hit with this
So when reading this, please think that seasong 2 doesnt exist yet.
Now I am quite sure you all recognize this since it is the ending of episode 24 (still makes my fell sad whenever I watch it) and that there are a WHOLE bunch of other fics like it, but it is just the prologue. Chapter one is still only half way done
please review too. I nearly never finish any multi-chaptered fics because of my ADD so if you like it, hate it, have any constructive critisisms or violent reactions, please tell me so that I can get some motivation and actually get to finish this fic TT~TT or delete it if you dont like it. (But the fic really doesnt start until the next chap though, I'll try my best to post it up tomorow)
Anyone can review, you dont need an account to do so so PLEASE!
I watch the Young Master as he read Tanaka-san's notes, as he found out the truth about his parents and about his queen. My ever present smile now gone, replaced by a sincere sorrowful expression for my Young Master.
"So, the illusion that that angel gave me… wasn't entirely a lie…" he said aloud
"What will you do now, Young Master?"
"There is nothing I can do now. The people whom I had to take revenge on are already gone, and even I… am gone" he said, his voice devoid of emotions but still… there's sadness. And I can't help but feel the clench inside my chest.
"A ring?" I looked to what my master had picked up, it was a flower made into a ring.
"A Blue ring, isn't it?" Just like his cage "May I?" I took the ring from his hands and tried to put it on his finger…
"It's difficult with one hand right?" he said when he noticed my failed attempts, taking the ring from my hand and putting it on himself…
"I wanted to be the perfect butler until the very end… it seems that it is now hopeless" A sad smile appeared on my face.
"These little things are nothing to be worried about" he had said.
"… It really suits you, Young Master" I told him
He lifted his hand to the moon, in deep thought about something even I wouldn't know.
"I am Ciel Phantomhive… yes, just Ciel Phantomhive"
I looked at him sadly as I rowed the boat.
My part of the contract has already been fulfilled; I have kept him alive and assisted him throughout his quest for revenge, I have become a loyal servant and followed and executed every order that the Young Master has given me flawlessly….
Now, those times are about to end.
Now, Young Master has accomplished his goal. The Queen is dead, and his revenge is complete.
Over the couple of years that I have spent serving this Ciel Phantomhive, I have always thought of him as a brat, a plain insolent brat that wants nothing more than to get what he wants.
But I always knew I was wrong. He had a pure heart despite his cold merciless demeanor. After all he's been through; it isn't a surprise that he became what he is.
Despite him acting so cold and uncaring, so much older than he actually is… he's still a child deep inside.
A child that just doesn't want to be left alone.
And I never really could help but care for him.
As I carried him towards the center of the island, what would be his final resting place, I couldn't help but feel guilty, guilty that a child so young had to go through all of those, even going so far as to make a contract with a demon.
"Well, Young Master…" I began
"So, this is the place where I will disappear?" he asked, so passively, as if dying and having your soul devoured is nothing to be concerned of.
"Yes…" I replied, placing him carefully on the stone bench in the middle of this desolate island.
"The birds are waiting for their chance" he said, eyeing the omens of death. I see them too, in the corners of my eyes, and I know that I cannot let them near my master even after he dies.
"That is what it seems"
"Give them the remnants after you take my soul" he ordered.
"As expected from my Master, you are most kind" but I know I cannot do that.
It was silent for a moment, before my master touched his right eye. The mark of our contract.
"Will it hurt?" I felt my nonexistent heart crumble, although my face nor eyes does not show it, he looked so much like a child… a sad and lonely child, the child that he really was, that it hurt to look at him.
"I'm afraid so, but only a little" I replied truthfully. "I will be as gentle as possible" I offered. A few months ago, I would have enjoyed that sight of him in pain, but now, I can't bare it, not anymore. He has been through so much that I don't want to add to his pains anymore.
"No." I stared at him abruptly.
"Make it as painful as you can. Engrave the pain of my life into my soul" he said it with hard determination that I was shocked to say the least.
This boy… he isn't like any other of those that have become my master. With how he is taking his death, as if it doesn't at all matter, I am having even greater doubts about my ability to take his soul. It seems that I… have lost my will to do so…
But as I look into his eyes, I cannot refuse, not in front of him. "Yes, My Lord" I said as I kneel before him, the smile on my face so fake that I have to force myself to keep it on.
I stood up and took my glove off, approaching him slowly. He slowly leaned back, as though he is tired and wants to rest. And it was exactly that.
I touched his face with my now single arm. It isn't seen, but I was hesitating. I do not want to take his soul anymore, no matter how hungry I am, no matter how delicious his soul might be, I just… can't do it anymore.
I touched his face, his cold young face, and removed his eyepatch, revealing his the contracts seal. I leaned in, and found that even if I had wanted to, Fate has already decided that I cannot.
For it is then I realized, my arm, My Left Arm has been completely destroyed.
And that was the proof of our contract, it held my seal. Without it, I am not allowed to even so much as touch his soul.
I stood up and a genuine smile spread on my lips. The Young Master has died, even before I had attempted to take his soul, he has already died, his soul is now far from my reach, free.
I caressed his hair so softly, the genuine, but sad smile still on my face.
"Well Then, Young Master"
I guess, I cared for you more than I thought.
"Please rest well" it was nothing more than a whisper.
I gave him a final farewell kiss on his forehead.