Disclaimer: I do not own the television series Glee, and therefore I do not own any of the characters in this fic. Just like with the prequel, this fic title is taken from the Britney Spears song, "3".

A/N: This is going to be a multi-chapter follow up story to the short fiction I did surrounding a threesome between Puck, Quinn, and Finn. (not only you and me) I tried to talk myself out of doing it...but I feel a threesome obviously would change the dynamic, and situations pop into my head that I'd like to try and follow.

The following is a choppy prologue, falling on the Monday morning after the weekend tryst. The rest of the fiction will likely be written in a less choppy fashion.

Rated: M

Monday morning, she receives almost simultaneous text messages from them as soon as she wakes up.

Finn: good morning : )

Puck: don't wear panties 2day.

Quinn knows right then, as if she wasn't already positively clear on the fact, that things aren't going to be the same anymore.

Puck sits at her lab table with her in biology.

He's not her lab partner.

He flicks the bunsen burner off and on as she goes about getting her station ready for the class.

"That's Marcy Kline's seat." She says, not looking over, referring to her fellow Cheerio and A-student lab partner.

"Her big ass can find another one."

Quinn rolls her eyes trying, but not succeeding, to open a pack of gloves.

Puck takes them from her small hands and snaps the wrapper open effortlessly, with smug little look over his shoulder at her.

In spite of herself, she smiles back.

"You get my text?" He asks, shaking some chemical that probably shouldn't be shook.

"Yes." She says, "Sorry, I don't go 'commando' "

He leans closer to her ear

"That's not the text I was talking about."

Lucky for Quinn, while Puck might think Marcy has a fat ass, she also has really sharp nails, and she doesn't like someone being in her seat.

Schue decides to divide them into pairs of three to work on song mash-ups for the week in glee practice.




So yeah, that leaves Quinn stuck in between Puck and Finn.

Not the way she was in between them Friday night, but still.

They guys are still really nervous around each-other. Or at least Finn is. In fact, Finn just starts acting sort of jumpy in general after the three of them are conveniently get grouped together.

So jumpy that when Schue comes over to ask "Okay, so how is this little threesome working out?" Finn immediately blurts "We didn't have a threesome Mr. Schue, I don't know what you're talking about."

Luckily, since it's Finn everyone expects him to say random, asinine things.

They're making out in his truck during break period when after Finn tries to sneak a hand between her legs twice, he tells her that they should probably quit the celibacy club.

"What?" Quinn asks, breathlessly "Why? I'm the president."

"Because we...because we..." Finn stumbles, because he thought the point was pretty obvious, but he's slow so he always doubts himself "We had sex?"

She knows it's true. That it's the right thing. She'd already thought of it herself. However hearing it now just really cements everything.

She pulls herself off his lap, and sinks into the passenger's seat.

"I...am a slut." Quinn whispers.

"Noooo...no" Finn says, moving hair from her shoulder so he can kiss the skin "You're being silly."

"Nope. I'm pretty much a bonafide skank now." She assures him, as he twists a trail of kisses up to her jaw.

"You.." He kisses her lips once, "Are.." Another kiss, "Not." One last kiss.

She tries to smile as the warning bell rings, and he gathers her books up to tote to class for her, and rushes to open the door and let her out of the truck.

As he puts his hand in hers, she can't help but think that even his mind about her would be changed if he knew about Saturday morning.

They always sit together at lunch, and today is no different.

Their lunch group is usually an odd mix of glee kids and whatever football players and cheerleaders who will tolerate glee kids.

Finn gets a little distracted by eating sometimes, especially when he's doing so as Kurt talks fashion into one of his ears, while Karofsky tosses chips at him from across the table.

In fact everyone at the table is a little caught up and distracted with something today, so no one notices the exchange between Puck and Quinn where he swipes some cream off the top of her jello dish with a finger and she glares at him. At the last second, before putting it in his own mouth, he offers his finger to her. Without even thinking, she leans forward and sucks it off.

No one notices.

Except Artie, who coughs uncomfortably.

Quinn immediately turns beat red, and sinks back in her chair.

Finn turns now and sees she looks less than happy. He scoops some of the chocolate icing from his cake on to a spoon, and offers it out to her. She shifts uncomfortably for a moment, then leans forward and takes it smiling. He kisses the remaining chocolate from her lips, and Karofsky throws another chip, causing him to retaliate.

As they're all standing up from the table to head to their next period, Quinn grabs Puck's jacket and demands "Tell Artie something that makes everything okay, and less weird." She releases his jacket, "And do it politely."

Puck nods.

Later in the day, when he spots him alone in the courtyard between classes, Puck approaches Artie.

"Ay Wheels, please don't tell anyone what you saw in the cafeteria... or I'll kick your ass." The please is sarcastic, but it's there, so it counts as polite.


Quinn hears the little noise from behind her, and knows it's him.

"Coach Sylvester will kill you for being in here." She shakes head, fastening her skirt into place.

"She might ask to join in." Puck says cockily.

"And you would be cool with that," Quinn shoots over her bare shoulder "You dig cougars." She fishes her sport's bra and her cheerio's top out of her locker.

"Don't put those on yet." He commands.


He moves closer in what seems like two steps, even though she knows that's impossible.

He's pressing her against the cold lockers now. The cool surface instantly hardens her nipples, and she makes a little noise in part due to that, and also due to his fingers trailing up her side.

Puck's hand hikes up the stiff pleats of her skirt, exposing and rubbing over the surface of her tight black panty-clad ass.

"Urngh" She strains out, as his hands continue to trail around "I need to go to practice..."

"I need you" He murmurs in her ear. He's supposed to be getting ready for football practice right now too, but this is more important. "Fifty-one hours...that's how long it's been since I've had you"

Quinn can't decide if it's more sexy or strange that he's counted the hours (and pretty accurately too..not that she would know for any reason) since they had sex. It might be more sweet than anything else.

She turns around, stretching an arm to shield her chest.

Of course she meets his smirk, because he thinks he's won.

He lifts one of her legs up, and leans in for a kiss.

At the last second, she turns her head to the side, and his lips land just under her ear instead.

He grunts.

"Don't be a tease, Quinn..." He pants in her ear "That shit may fly with Hudson...but not with me."

"Go...go to practice." She whispers "Nothing is happening here."

With another grunt, and smack to a locker on the way out the door, Puck leaves, dissatisfied.

Her parents still aren't back from St. Croix, so she invites Finn inside for a few minutes when he takes her home.

He's supposed to wait for her while she takes a shower, but he ventures into the bathroom instead. He just watches through the frosty glass of the shower door as her silhouette soaps it's self up and rinses off.

When she opens the shower door, he's waiting with a towel, and she steps into it as he wraps it around her. Quinn smiles, and he looks down at her thirstily, with an almost immediate kiss. She kisses back. Finn sort of takes this as sign that it's okay to slip a hand up her towel.

She murmurs pleasantly and lays into his shoulder as he massages the inside of her thigh.

Quinn's really tired, but she knows he's horny. He's just too awkward about it to ask still. So she lets her towel drop a little bit as a sign that it's okay for him to go right on touching her. As any teenage boy would, Finn eagerly takes the bait and pushes her up against the bathroom wall.

He's lifting her up, pulling her legs around him, when she starts getting a very different picture in her head. Saturday morning. Being in almost this exact same position after Puck let himself into the bathroom. Of course he was bold and had let himself right into the shower with her. So they they were both soaking wet and under the water stream as she hoisted her up, her legs linking around his toned athletic body.

"Finn-" She gasps, before it gets any further, "I'm sorry...I'm tired...I'm just so tired." That's not a lie, but really she's afraid the similarities are going to play tricks on her mind and the wrong name is going to slip from her lips.

He's disappointed, but really, he's not used to getting as far as this, so he's not resentful as he lets her down, and helps her into her soft robe. She tries to compensate with a really long kiss after he says goodbye.

Quinn's turning down her bed later, after saying an extended amount of prayers bowed beside it when he phones buzzes.

2 New Text Messages

At practically the exact same moment.

She's starting to think this is some big cosmic joke.

Finn: good night, love you : )

Puck: sry i was a jerk. sweet dreams. ily

Quinn is too caught in between this whole mess in her mind. She doesn't have a good night, or sweet dreams. She doesn't sleep. At all.