I don't own Twilight, I just wish I did

When we heard they were at the gates we went to change and waited for them at the entrance. The first car we saw was Emmett's jeep, then Edward's Volvo, followed by Alice's Porsche.

I sighed and Jay gave me a kiss on my neck hugging me standing behind me. I was nervous about what was going to happen, but I knew it had to happen right before we started planning everything. We need to trust ourselves for all this to work in our advantage.

"So what did you do this time, Bella?" Emmett asked when he got out of the car, even in times like this, he was grinning exuding happiness.

"Same old, same old Emm... Everyone wants me, one way or another" I told him, he stretched out his arms and Jay let me go so I could hug him. Emm carried me and spooned me around while we laughed. My big bro knew how to make me laugh even in times like this.

"Emm, let her go it's my turn now" Rose told him. He didn't put me down, he just took her in his arms too and spooned us both "Emmett Dale McCarty, put us down, now. You're messing… my hair" she told him with a glare but I could feel how amused she was.

"Emmett Dale?" I asked him laughing even harder

"It was cool back in the day, Isabella Marie" he told me and I squirmed in his arms.

"Emmett" Rose shouted because Emmett was squishing her trying to not drop me.

"Sorry, babe" he said still grinning and put us down.

"How are you, Bella?" Rose hugged me and looked me up and down.

"Feeling a little dreary"

"Everything will be ok, we are here and no one is going to take you from us; not even the Vultures. Never" Rose told me and I nodded. She was feeling very positive about it; I just wanted to believe her so badly.


"What kind of big sister/sister in law would I be if I don't take care of you?" she said winking at me and I hugged her happily again.

'Thank you, Rose' I thought to her and just kept smiling.

"Ok, I understand everyone loves Bella, who wouldn't, but what about me?" Jay asked from behind pouting and Rose pulled away from me and tilted her head toward Jay, I nodded and she went straight to his arms.

"Hellooo" she shouted and he hugged her laughing and exuding happiness. Their blonde heads shinning in the sunlight looked like gold.

"Lillian" he said shouted.

"Wyatt" she said back. They really act as twins; after all, they've spent 60 years together as siblings. It was nice to feel them like that; Jay loves Rose as much as he loves Emm, Peter and Char and they love him as much.

"Rose, how are you sweetiepie?" Char asked Rose. I guess she likes her; Rose laughed and flew from Jay's arms to Char's. I looked passed them; Emm and Peter were already fooling around like little boys chasing and bumping each other around the porch.

"Bella" Esme said when Carlisle opened the passenger's door.

"Mom" I hugged her and she hugged me back. I could feel how happy she was to be here. She missed me, as much as I missed her. It was nice to feel Esme, her feelings were so pure; always loving and concern for her children.

"You're even more beautiful" she told stroking my cheek softly.

"I hardly believe that, I haven't change a thing" I told her and she laughed shaking her head "Where are the Denalis?"

"They'll be here in a half our" she told me and I nodded, for a second I thought they wouldn't be coming.

"Bella… Are you good dear?" Carlisle asked me giving me a kiss on my forehead.

"I'm great… how are you doing?" I asked him 'With everything?'

'I missed that' he thought to me smiling "We're doing well" he said and I nodded 'Are you going to be ok with them here? If not…'

'I'm ok with it, we need all the help we can get and their abilities will be an asset to our side…'

'You talk just like Jasper, he already spoiled you' he said that in a good way judging from his feelings; he was amused, a little worried but happy to be here.

'Go say hi to Pete and Char and get installed' Jasper was watching from where he was standing with the guys with a soft smile on his face.

"Alright, come on dear, let's say hi to Peter and Charlotte, we haven't seen them in a while" Esme watched me for three seconds and them looked behind and gave Edward and Alice a significant look, then she followed Carlisle. Jay came and stood beside me while we waited for Edward and Alice to get closer. Their feelings were all over the place between, happiness, guilt and hope. The other were still around but were talking to each other, they knew Jay and I had to have an important talk with Alice and Edward.

They were in front of us standing side by side without touching each other, they looked uncomfortable, like been apart was hurting them. They are real mates. That thought came to me out of nowhere, Peter's gift kicking in again.

"Alice, Edward we need to talk" I told them and they nodded. It was weird to have them in front of me like this. Edward's face was in a sad frown and Alice looked cheerless; Alice sad face was the strangest thing, she was always so hyper, I guess it was because of the guilt. I took a deep breath and Jasper purred in my ear… It was better to clear things up now; I remember myself… we needed to know if they were 100% in our side before they know our plans.

"Guys, we'll be back in a moment" Jasper told the others and took my hand 'Let's go, darling' he told me "Follow" he ordered them and we took off running.

'Keep him calm' I heard Pete voice inside my head and I grasped Jay's hand tighter. He wasn't going to be so cool about whatever thing they were going to tell us; we don't need more troubles…

"You know what we're doing here, start talking" Jasper told them angrily.

"We are sorry about the way you found out about us"

"We already feel that, tell us what we don't know" I told them, I wanted to get on with it.

"How you already know Jasper and I never were together, together. I had a vision and went to find him. We became best friends and then I saw a vision of the Cullen and decided to find them. In my vision I didn't see Edward, I just saw Emmett and Rose, and Esme and Carlisle, so I thought it would be easier for them to accept us both if we were mated already, so I told Jasper we needed to pretend to be mated, at first Jasper wasn't fond of the idea but then I told him we were going to be happy with them, that it was what we needed to do, it was our destiny… he just went with me. I really thought it was what we needed to do" she told me and to my surprised she was telling the truth.

"She went home with Jasper and they pretended to be married in front of them, a week later I came home from Alaska and stopped to go hunting, it was a last minute decision, Alice went hunting too and we met there and we knew we were meant to be"

"Ok, up until that moment why not tell everyone about you? You and Jasper were pretending… You could have told them what you just told me, that you thought it was the right thing to do and that Edward was your mate and it would have been all" I was even more confused, they knew since the beginning. I had my suspicions they knew it all along because since the second I woke up I couldn't stop thinking about Jasper… between vampires the bond is too strong to pass it over.

"Yes, it would have been all if Alice hasn't had a vision"

"What vision?" I asked him a little mad at the half answers.

"Jasper leaving the family and getting away with Peter and Charlotte"

"Alice spit it out already" Jasper said impatiently so I grasp his hand stronger to calm him down.

"I want to know if I hate you or if I love or if I just can stand you" I told her truthfully, because at that moment I didn't know what to think of her… she looked down nodding and then looked up again.

"I thought about letting him go, but then his future went blank and I got scared. I thought he was going to die so we decided to wait"

"But still went behind everyone's back and 'mated' Right?" I said bitterly and they just looked down.

"¿Then what happened?" Jasper asked holding my hand tighter so he wouldn't jump at Edward or something.

"Then while we waited for the right time I had a vision about you Bella, you were a little blurry but I thought it was because you were human. I told everyone that you were going to join the family and everyone thought that Edward was going to find his mate in you, which we knew wasn't true, but I knew you were supposed to be with us…"

"Alice and I decided to see what role you would play in our family before doing anything drastic like moving away before you came to us and then you came to town and Jessica told you about us, how everyone was a couple except me. You were attracted to all of us like everyone else, but you weren't attracted to our appearance, you were attracted to us as people, you related to us, outsiders. At first, we tried to push you away but the more I got to know you the more I liked you, the day of the van accident I couldn't let you die, I liked you a lot as a friend. Then Alice had a vision of you becoming one of us and I really didn't want to turn you just because you were nice to us, but then we saw something, Jasper wanted you, he was getting intrigued by you and both of your futures disappeared"

"Ok, I get that, but why keep Bella as your supposedly mate if you were already with Alice"

"Because what else could I do? She knew about us and the only way to keep her somewhat safe was by telling everyone that she was my mate, at the worse case they would just tell me to change her, I really wanted to protect her. And then James happened and I almost see the future Alice foreseen come true and got even more scared"

"Then why didn't you just let me become a vampire?"

"Why damn your life for a lie? That's why I left you but then your future disappeared again and Alice felt guilty and so did I, so I went to the Vulture to come clean but then you came for me. You were so brave to put yourself in that position just to save me… I owe you a lot; the Vultures could have killed me if it wasn't because you interfere and got their attention"

"Edward, you asked me to marry you, you insisted like crazy about it… what was that all about?" it was just crazy how one lie could turn into this mess.

"After we came back from Italy, Carlisle and Esme were wondering why it was taking so long for me to be with you and I told them it was because I wanted to marry you first. I was 100% sure you were not going to accept it; I knew you didn't love me that way"

"So you just played with us"

"No, I thought we could think about something else, we were just gaining time. And then Victoria made her appearance, I wasn't going to let her get to you. I was right after her when a newborn got closer to Alice so I went to help her, she's my mate; she'll always come first. That's when she got you. I was so glad when I heard Jasper saved you. I really love you Bella" Edward said and Jasper growled at him so he shut up.

"Don't try to sugar coated it, you used us"

"No, Jasper. We thought we were doing the best thing for all of us. My visions…"

"Alice, your visions shows you what could happen, they depended on decisions. Maybe I would have found Bella and take her with me a long time ago, maybe that's why our futures kept disappearing, but your interference took us this long to find each other as mates. Maybe your decisions and Edward's decisions were the ones screwing everything up. I trusted you and you lied to me all along. I thought we were best friends; that you wanted what was best for me, but you were as bad as Maria. You were just thinking about yourself; with you, I was a puppet all over again"

"Don't say that Jasper, I never meant to hurt you. My visions were telling me what to do"

"And that's your problem, Alice. You keep losing yourself in your visions of the future because you can't remember your past and you're not realizing you're messing up your present. I know that it's your gift but you have to learn to control it and not let it control you and you have to do the same damn thing Edward. You can't let yourself believe that you know what's best for everyone or that you know everything just because you can hear everybody's thoughts. You need to stop messing with everyone's lives. I know sometimes you were trying to help but the road to hells' paved with good intentions"

"We know we messed everything up, that the things we did were wrong. We misunderstood Alice's visions and we are sorry. I know we lied to you, about almost everything but one thing; we do love you and you can feel it" Edward told us.

"We are ashamed for the way we acted, and we regret some decisions we made, but you must understand that we thought we were doing the right thing. We didn't want to lose any of you, because we love you so much. We are so sorry for hurting you… so sorry" they were feeling so bad, and they were telling the truth. I wanted to be angry at them, for everything, but the fact was that I couldn't when my gifts were telling me they were telling the truth.

"You need to promise us you won't interfere in our future without telling us"

"That won't be a problem; I can't see your futures and Edward can't hear you, so... Our gifts work around you"

"That's good"

"And you have to use your mouth filter. I don't want you to talk to Char about her scars the way you did in the past because I swear to God you're going to regret it. Charlotte is perfect the way she is. Get it?" I growled her out "You're in their house so you better behave"

"I got it" she answered looking ashamed.

"And I don't want you snooping around their minds either, you could say you're grounded because since this moment on, I won't let you read Emm's, Rose's, Char's, Pete's nor Jasper's mind, just so you know" I knew Carlisle and Esme were fine with Edward reading their minds. If they ask for privacy I would give it to them.

"Alright… Now we're good?" Alice asked feeling hopeful.

"No, we are not but maybe we will" Jasper told him and they nodded feeling a tiny bit better "One more thing… this is what we felt for your betrayal" Jasper said and I knew what was coming so stop feeling them… Jasper made them feel everything… they gasped and fall to the floor grasping their chest.

"Jasper" I told him and he let them go.

"They needed to know" he told me and I nodded. At least he didn't reap them apart which I knew he wanted to do.

"Now, let's get back to the house. You need to get settle and we need to speak about what we are going to do" they stood up and follow us back to the house. When we entered everyone was just chilling in the living room.

"So you love each other again?" Let Emm to be the one to ask. Rose sighed and got up from her place beside Char, walked toward Emm and slapped the back of his head. Emm was already waiting for it because he had his eyes closed waiting for the thump.

"We are better now" I said and saw Esme and Carlisle let a sigh in relieve. They were feeling better. I looked at the front door when I heard a car heading our way; must be Denalis.

"Oh-oh… The Denali sisters are here… hide your men, please!" Rose said laughing along with Char, Emm and Peter. Even Alice and Edward cracked a smile.

"Rose, behave" Esme told her, but even Carlisle and her were amused by her joke. Jasper just shook his head. And I was just a little confused, I mean, I've heard about the Denali sisters and their succubus ways, but I don't think they'll be dumb enough to mess with a mated vampire. I'm sure that if they just started to fee lustful about Jasper I would kick their asses. I heard Jasper laughing lowly and felt he was amused and realized he has been hearing my thoughts, I was ok with it, after all it was the truth and he knew it; he's mine.

'I'm yours and you're mine, darling; forever' he thought to me smirking which made me happy.

"Are we going to go out and welcome them or what?" I asked them because nobody moved after Rose's comment.

"Sure thing, darling" Jasper said taking my hand and leading me to the front porch again and everyone else followed. A few minutes later a black car stops and two brunettes' vampire, a male and a female came out followed by three blonds females… they were beautiful, had the vampire charm and were dressed very nice. I was sure they were part of the Cullen family.

"We heard Jasper was single and thought we would pay him a visit… also we'll help you with your newborn problem" one of the blonds said while smiling and then she was frozen in place. Everyone turned around and watched me.

"Darling…?" Jasper watched me laughing.

'You heard me before, I won't tolerate someone trying to mingle with you' I thought to him and he just hold me tighter, he was content with me taking my claim on him. Everyone else but the Denalis were watching me amused. Rose and Char sent me their thoughts letting me know they were with me, that they would have done the same. Rose's thoughs 'You go girl' made me smiled a bit. The Denalis were watching the frozen blonde a little worried and amazed.

"Sorry, newborn. Don't worry, she's ok inside of it, just don't touch her because it'll shock you"

"Whoa, I wish I had the power to shush Irina like this" the straight hair blond said watching Irina, at least they weren't mad. Actually, she was very amused and smiling.

"At least you can't shock her, Kate" the other blonde told her, which has to be Tanya "I have to stand her" she said. She was just joking, both of them were; they loved each other very much, they were just bickering like sisters.

"Tanya, Kate… be nice. Hi I'm Carmen and he's my mate Eleazar and they are Kate and Tanya and the frozen one is Irina. It's a pleasure to meet you, cariño" she said with a soft smile.

"It's a pleasure to meet you too, Carmen" I told her returning the smile.

"Excellent gift you have" Eleazar told me watching me intensely which was getting me a little worried.

"It's ok, darling. Eleazar is just trying to read you. He wants to know your gift"

"Eleazar, it would be better to ask permission before doing the staring thing you do, it creeps people out; we've told you" Kate told him smirking and he just rolled his golden eyes at her.

"You have to apologize my mate, Bella. Sometimes he forgets his visiting family and not scouting" Carmen said glaring joking at him and he smiled a bit.

"I'm sorry, it seems I forget my manners sometimes, it's a pleasure to meet you, Bella"

"It's a pleasure to meet you too, and I would like to know the extend on my gift, so it's ok, besides I just used my gift on one of you, so"

"Well, in that case, nice to meet you Bella" Kate came and ran at me taking my hand. Everyone tensed and Jasper growled and then Kate screamed "What the hell" Kate said dropping my hand quickly and clapping her hands together with a frown.

"Kate, language" Carmen said shaking her head. I guess we had another mama Esme here. It was nice.

"You shouldn't have done that, Kate" Jasper growled at her and she looked at me guiltily.

"What is it?" I asked her when everyone's feelings got to me.

"I wanted to try my electrifying gift with you, but you someone used it on me. Thank the lord I just used a minimum charge. Whoa, that felt estrange, it's been a while since I've been electrocuted" she said flexing her fingers.

"Wish I could say the same" Tanya murmured.

"You should ask permission before electrocuting someone, you could get frizz" Eleazar told her smiling innocently.

"Thank you, Eleazar. Sorry, I just wanted to see if I could shock you but it just bounded back to me" Kate told me "Hope you're not mad"

"It's ok, I know you didn't want to hurt me"

"How do you know that?" Tanya asked me.

"That's my gift, I know things"

"And she sounds just like Peter" Emm murmured from behind making us laugh.

"But I thought that was your gift" Tanya said pointing to Irina frozen form.

"That's one of them. I had more… but come on, let's sit and talk inside"

"Bella, cariño… would you mind getting Irina go?" Carmen asked me and I nodded.

"Of course, she just has to remember to keep away from Jasper, because he's my mate" they looked at me and nodded.

'I love it when you get possessive' Jasper thought to me sending me his love, lust and mischief making me grin.

"Will tell her" Eleazar told me.

"No need, she can hear us" I told them and let her go. She looked at me for a while and then smiled.

"Fair enough, Bella" Irina said smirking a bit.

"Let's go inside then" I told them and we went in… I heard then talking while we made our way to the living room at human pace.

"That's what you get when you talk too much about someone's mate" Kate told Irina and they laughed. At least from what I was feeling, they didn't have bad emotions toward me.

"Ok, so… I'm going to talk a little about me and then we'll talk about the situation we're in… we'll see what to do from then" I told them and began my story.

Hope you like it… keep the reviews coming. I love reading your reviews. They made me smile like a mad person in front of my laptop.

I'm really happy to know you're still reading my story even though it's been a while since I updated, I'm sorry about that.

It's just that life it's getting in the way. It's funny that when I wasn't writing this story nothing happened in my life and that now that I'm writing it everything is happening and not all of the stuffs are good. Anyway, I'll try to update more often. See you, Yasric.