Fairy Odd Parents in: Turner's 11...minus 7.


Tootie starts screaming Timmy's name repeatedly as she run. She is also carrying a plastic bags with her.

"Timmy Timmy Timmy Timmy!"

She runs up to house and bangs on the door. Timmy's Mom answers the door

"Hello, Tootie!"

"Hi, Mrs. Turner. Is Timmy home?" She asked.

" Why, I believe he's out in his tree house in the backyard right now." She replies.

" Thank you Mrs. Turner."

So she runs around the backyard and heads to the tree house. She continues to scream Timmy's name.

"Timmy Timmy Timmy Timmy Tim…" She says before tripping on the ground, but then just gets back up and continues running.

She climbs up the tree, bursts through the trapdoor…

" TIMMY! Guess what I have here!" She asks.

Timmy, AJ and Chester are just sitting on the floor playing cards. When Tootie came in, they just stare at her, blinking twice in union.

"Umm…why is Tootie in our tree fort?" Chester asks.

" Don't you remember? Timmy is dating Tootie now." AJ answers.

" Oh, right." Chester says. "I'm still not used that yet."

"Tell me about it." Timmy says.

Tootie pulls a comic book from out of her plastic bag and smacks it down over the boy's cards. Causing all three boys to gasp in union

" NO WAY!" The three boys all say.

"Feast your eyes on THIS!" Tootie gloats. "An ultra rare Crimson Chin…issue #1."

"The first Crimson Chin comic EVER!" Timmy in awe.

"The comic book written in 1935 to inspire kids during The Great Depression to never give up hope?" AJ notes.

"The comic that started the series of one of the greatest superheroes in the world?" Chester says.

"One of the very few known ones left around in MY treehouse?" Timmy ask.

Tootie simply nods at them with a happy look.

All three boys says" YEEEEEESSSSSSSS!" In perfect timing. Timmy then runs over to Tootie, grabs her by the arms, and plants a huge kiss right on the lips!

" THANK YOU, TOOTIE!" He says before running back to the comic book.

" Y…you kissed me…on the lips?" Tootie says as hearts begin to float around her, as well as her pupils become heart shaped.

" No time for you to faint, Tootie." AJ says. "We got work to do."

" To The Vault!" Timmy announces.

"The Vault?" Tootie asks.

Chester pulls a metal rod that mysteriously appear out of nowhere.

Outside the tree house, the ground starts to shake, and then the tree drops underground. Then to replace it, another tree appears.

The tree is moving underground until it eventually stops. Then they leave the treehouse.

"Where are we?" Tootie asked.

"The Vault!" Timmy ansered. "AJ's greatest invention ever! The world's most indestructible safe, designed for one purpose."

The three boys walks up to the large metal door. They put their eyes up at a scanner while putting their hands on another.

"Triple voice activated password required." A voice asks.

"Bucky McBadbat". Chester said.

"Long beautiful hair." AJ said

"Trixie Turner." Timmy...foolishly said.

"Passwords: Accepted." The computer replied. "Welcome Timmy…AJ…Chester."

"Trixie Turner?" Tootie angerly asked Timmy.

"Um…it's a pretty old safe." Timmy nervously answered.

The giant metal door opens upwards, and upon opening, Tootie's eyes widen and her mouth opens in awe upon seeing whats inside.

"Behold! OUR CRIMSON CHIN COMIC COLLECTION!" Timmy yells to Tootie.

Inside the glorious safe are countless numbers of file cabinets, all of them reaching to the roof. The four all walk inside.

"For years, we've been collecting these comics by gathering them by any means necessary." Chester explains.

"Quantity! Quality! It doesn't make a difference to us." AJ backs up.

"We plan on having not just the biggest collection, but the most complete." Timmy finishes.

They all stop when they reach a special stand that's in the very center of the vault.

"Will you have the honors, Tootie?" Timmy asks.

So she takes the comic and gently places it on the special case, which instantly causes a glass dome to encase the whole thing.

Timmy: And now, our collection is complete.

Four cans of Root Beer get toasted by the four kids as they celebrate their accomplishment.

"Excellent job, guys." Timmy congraduates. "We've managed to get our hands on every copy of the Crimson Chin ever made. And thanks to Tootie here, we got the one that we never managed to get our hands on before."

"Aw, Shucks. It was nothing. I was just at the right store at the right time." Tootie explains. "I'm just sad that I couldn't help out your collection more."

"Maybe you'd help us more by getting The Chump comic." Chester comments. But after the comment, he and AJ both share a good laugh.

"What's The Chump comic?" She asked. "I don't think I've heard of it."

"It's nothing, Tootie." Timmy claims. "Just forget it."

"It's a Crimson Chin comic thats practically a myth." AJ brings up. "No one can possibly get it."

"But if you guys are so determine to make the most complete collection, why not try and COMPLETELY finish it?"

The boys all start looking at each other, thinking about the possibility of actually trying to find this "Mythical" comic.

"I like this idea." Timmy says. "We can't possibly say that we have a complete collecion unless we have ALL of the comics."

Chester and Aj both look at each other, then, without any hesitation.

"Count us in." They both said.

Later, the four all meet up in Timmy's room where they use his computer. AJ is the one who's surfing on it at the moment.

"So whats this "Chump" comic anyway?" Tootie asks.

"It's a misprinted version The Crimson Chin visits Atlantis from 1999." AJ begins to explain. "A normal version of the comic is actually very easy to find, but when it first got printed, a Crimson Chin hating Mom broke into the printing press and manged to replace every Chin word with Chump."

Tootie giggles at the idea of "The Crimson Chump." Then Aj finishes the explaination.

"This mistake was fixed fast. But it's been estimated that at least 50 comics of "The Cromson Chin visits Atlantas" were still realesed. It's considered to be the most valuable Crimson Chin collectors item in the world."

"So maybe only someone with lots of money would have it." Tootie says.

"Brilliant deduction, Tootie." Timmy complemented. "And I happen to know the richest Crimson Chin fan in the world!"

"You don't mean..." AJ asks.

"That's right." Timmy answers. "Remy Buxaplenty!"

"REMY BUXAPLENTY?" Chester shouts. "He's your mortal enemy! So if he does have a copy, he would never let you near it."

"Well, first lets see if he does indeed have a copy."

"You know, I heard that his parents are giving out tours to their giant mansion tommorow." Tootie brings up.

"Wow, now THATS convineint. "Timmy says.

The next day, they take the tour to the Buxaplenty house, blending in with a crowd of people. All four of them are wearing disguises. Timmy is wearing a red coat and big black sunglasses, AJ is wearing a blond wig, Chester has a sumbraro and a poncho, and Tootie is wearing her "cute" cloths and sunglasses.

"Remember guys, Remy can't know it's us. Otherwise we'll ALL get kicked out." Timmy warns.

"AH! Welcome all of you to my fabulous mansion." Mr. Buxaplenty walks out and greets all of his guests. "I hope you'll all learn how fabulous my home truely is by the end of today. But before we begin, are their any questions?"

"What part of the rooms will we be seeing?" Tootie quickly asks.

" I intend on showing every room in the house, from my son's room at the top floor, to the basement downstairs." He answers.

The four heros all high fives each other after hearing what they wanted to hear.

So Mr. Buxaplenty begins the tour.

After some time...

"And this here is our master bedroom, where me and my wife owns the most expansive, most comfortable bed in the world."

The tourist all become impressed and walk into the room, except for Timmy and his friends.

"Chester, AJ. You two stay with tour and keep an eye out for what we're looking for." Timmy instructed. "Me and Tootie will go and find Remy and see if he even owns a copy of the comic."

So the two parties split. Chester and AJ go's into the bedroom while Timmy and Tootie runs off.

"I should probably tell you, Tootie. Remy Buxaplenty also has a Fairy godparent." He tells Tootie.

"Speaking of which, where's Cosmo and Wanda?" She asks.

"Something about Poof getting in trouble."

At Spellementeay school, in the principle's office...

"Mister and Misses Cosma, I'm afraid we found your son with a forged letter to be excused from gym class." The Fairy principle tell Cosmo and Wanda while showing a poorly written letter with Cosmo's name at the bottom.

"But we DID want Poof to be excused from Gym today." Wanda explains.

"Then how do you explain this letter that looks like it was written by a child?" The Principle asks.

"Hey, look Wanda!" Cosmo says. "Me and Poof have the exact same hand writing!"

Back at the Buxaplenty house, Timmy and Tootie finally finds Remy's room.

"Holy cow! This room is bigger then my house!" Tootie says.

"I'm so glad that you like my room."

To both Timmy's and Tootie's surprise, Remy Buxaplenty himself catches the two in his room."

"Are you two from the tour?" Remy asks.

"Umm...yes." Timmy quicky answered. "I'm Butch, and this is my girlfriend...uh...Julieann."

Their fake names easily fool Remy, thanks to their disguises.

"Yeah. We came to see the room of the richest kid in the world." Tootie claims.

"The come in and have a look around." Remy tells them. "I guarantee you that you'll be most pleased."

So with Remy's permission, Timmy and Tootie starts to walk around the truely impressive room. After a quick look around, Timmy finds something interesting.

"Wow! A life-size model of the Crimson Chin!" Timmy notices. "You must be a big fan."

"Oh, that's nothing." Remy says. "Check this out!"

He pulls down a lever thats on his wall, causing one of the walls to open up. And much to Timmy and Tootie's surprise, it revealed a secret room full of Crimson Chin stuff.

"WOW!" Timmy and Tootie both said at the same time.

"Indeed." Remy gloats. "This room has everything a Crimson Chin fan can possibly need. Toy weapons, rare limited edition costumes, and my personal favourite piece, a perfect replica of Cleft's battle suit."

"Neat." Tootie commented. "You must have all but the greatest Chin things in here"

"Actually, I DO have the greatest in here. See that glass case in the very back of the room?"

The three all turn their attentions to the back of the room.

"That there is the rarest of the Crimson Chin comic books. It's known as the Crimson "Chump" comic."

Timmy and Tootie both let out a loud gasp.

"TIMMY! It's ture!" Tootie shouts. "He DOES have the comic!'

"Timmy?" Remy angerly asks.


Remy marches over to Timmy and grabs his sunglasses right off his face.

"Turner." Remy says. "I thought I recognized those over sized buck teeth. And YOU!" Remy walks over to Tootie and takes her sunglasses off too. "I STILL don't know who you are. And why do you where sunglasses over normal ones?"

"I'm Tootie. Timmy's girlfriend."

After a short anooyed stare at them, Remy gets tired.


So Remy claps his, which activates the floor traps under Timmy and Tootie, causing them to fall through."

"Those floor traps pay for themselves. Ha ha ha." Remy gloats.

At the other end of the trapdoors lies a dumpser, where Timmy and Tootie falls in. Conviently, they meet Chester and AJ in there too.

"Guys, what are you guys doing down here?" Timmy asks.

"Somebody was caught jumping on Mr. Buxaplenty's bed." AJ says.

"Hey, YOU were the one who dared me to do it." Chester explains.

"Whatever." Timmy says. "We learned what we wanted to learn. Lets head back to the treehouse!"

Then he sniffs himselfs.

"Right after we all shower first."

At the treehouse...

"Alright." Timmy starts. "Remy DOES have the comic we're looking for. Now we need to figure out how to get it."

"I say we just brake in and steal it!" Chester suggests.

"Wouldn't that be stealing?" Tootie asks.

"No, it would just be barrowing...without asking...or returning." Chester claims.

"Which is what stealing is." AJ says. "And also, just running and taking it is impossible. The security for a family that rich is impossible to hack and sneak by. Believe me. I've tried."

The other three give AJ a very surprised look, not expecting to hear that from AJ.

"So what are we going to do?" Tootie asked. "Is there no way to get that comic from him?"

"Guys, lets think about this for a moment." Timmy says. "Remy Buxaplenty is an evil, spoiled jerk who has more then on one occasion tried to make us all suffer, expecially me. He can more than likely get another comic if he wants it. AND...we're all die hard Crimson Chin fans who desperately wants this comic. So now the real question is: Do we want to take it?"

Chester, AJ and Tootie all look at each other, all wandering what the other is thinking.

"Let's vote on it." AJ suggests. "We'll make it secret and decide that way if we'll do this or not."

"And it will be done as a team, too." Timmy says. "So if only one person disagrees, then the WHOLE team still agrees."

Chester and Tootie both nod in agreement.

A few minutes later, Timmy starts pulling paper out of a top hat.

"1 vote to do it...2 votes to do it"

He continues to pull out the votes.

"1 vote to not do it, and..."

His other three friends nervously waits for the last vote, until...

"3 votes to do it." Timmy says. "So we all agree then. Tonight, we steal the comic from the Buxaplenty home."

Timmy throws his arm out.

"I'm in it, too." Chester said before placing his hand on top of Timmy's.

"Me three" Aj said as he throws his hand on top of Chester's.

Tootie had some hesitation, but after a few seconds of thinking...

"Count me in." As she puts her hand over AJ's."

"Then lets operation "Get Remy's comic and get the heck out" begin." Timmy says.

Then they all say together...

"BOO YA!" As they all break.

To be continued...

FYI: I've named this chapter after a movie I've never actually seen!

I sure hope FOP and Hiest films mix well. XD