Summary: Someone puts a spell on Lissa and Rose causing them to revert back to being their fifteen year old rebellious selves. They don't know about Spirit, have never seen Strigoi and are out for a wild and crazy time. Can Dimitri and Christian talk some sense into them before it's too late? Also what happens when a fifteen year old Rose prefers a bad boy like Adrian Ivashkov over the man who loves her more than life itself?

Backstory: Shadow Kiss happened, but Rose and Janine went back to save Dimitri. Rose graduated and she is Lissa's Guardian along with Eddie. Dimitri is Christian's Guardian. They moved to the Royal Court and it is three years later. Dimitri, Rose, Christian and Lissa share a set of townhouses. Eddie lives across the court with Mia and Adrian lives in a house down the street. Janine and Abe come to visit on occasion and Rose has met the Belikov's. The bond between Lissa and Rose works both ways and Adrian can tell when they are talking through the bond.

Chapter 1: Waking up in a Stranger's Bed Naked!

Disclaimer: I do not own Vampire Academy. This is purely for pleasure and is not intended for monetary gain or copyright infringement. Richelle Mead owns all.

Okay so this idea has been floating around in my head for a while. Let's see if anyone is interested in reading this. It's going to be a little on the lighter side and hopefully very funny at different parts. Have you ever wondered whether Lissa and Rose would have ended up with Dimitri and Christian if they'd stayed on the run? Here's my shot at it. Enjoy.


I woke up in an unfamiliar place. I was so comfortable like I was sleeping on a feather bed or something. Not at all like the usual crappy, worn mattress I slept on in Portland. As I opened my eyes I took in my surroundings cautiously. The walls were painted a dark chocolate brown, there was a bathroom attached and a large set of bay windows. There were two dressers and a small television set. This was definitely not the room I'd gone to sleep in. More importantly I was not asleep in my small twin bed across from Lissa. I was in a very large King sized bed with a brown and aqua comforter. Lying next to me was what looked like a thirty year old man. He had shoulder length brown hair and an extremely muscular build. He was very tall. He was still sleeping. His arm was draped over my waist. I gasped as I realized that both of us were buck naked. All I could wonder was how drunk did I get last night to give my virginity to some extremely hot, but also strange older man? I mean he was nearly twice my age. What could I have been thinking?

I stealthily removed myself from underneath his heavy arm and quietly snuck into the bathroom. I sighed and looked into the floor length mirror that hung on the back of the door. My eyes practically bugged out of my head. Damn I didn't go to be looking this hot. At least I didn't think I did. My figure had always been curvy even for a Dhampir, but I had really filled out in all the right places. I smiled as I admired my reflection.

Wait a minute. I need to focus. Where is Lissa? Where am I? Who was the stranger in bed with me? He was a Dhampir. I knew that much. He had to be a Guardian. His neck was adorned with many molnija. I quickly dressed in some jeans and a tight black tank top both of which fit me perfectly. They must have been the clothing I'd worn last night. Why the hell couldn't I remember last night? As drunk as I'd gotten and believe me I'd been plenty wasted before I'd never blacked out an entire night before. I crept out of the bathroom as quietly as I could and made my way down the stairs. I grabbed a pair of shoes that looked like they were mine by the door and slipped out the front door.

I'd never been there before, but I could swear that by the looks of things I was at the Royal Court. Oh crap. They found us were my only thoughts until I felt the familiar pull of being sucked into Lissa's head.

"Christian Ozera what the hell are you doing in my bed?" she screeched as she held up a sheet over her naked body to shield it from none other than the Strigoi wannabe Christian Ozera. I remembered him as did she from our years at the Academy. He was an outcast because his parents had willingly turned Strigoi. He generally kept to himself. So I was really just as shocked as Lissa to find him in bed with her.

"What do you mean what am I doing in your bed? Last time I checked this was our bed." He said grumpily rubbing his eyes that were tired from sleep.

"Seriously that isn't going to work. I would never be with you like that you're well… you're."

"I'm what? And what the hell are you talking about. We've been together like this a thousand times." He growled in annoyance obviously not caring for the shrillness of her voice as she reamed him out.

You tell him Liss. I thought.

"We certainly have not been together before. I don't even know how I got here. Wherever here is. Did you drug me?" she screeched backing away in fear.

"What no? Lissa I'm getting worried. Do you think it's the spirit getting to you?" he asked his voice laced with concern.

"Spirit? What the hell is Spirit?" she asked still clutching the sheet around her body.

"Lissa honey stay here and I'll go get Rose. She'll know what to do." He said shakily.

"Yes, where is Rose. I need her." She agreed. "And don't you call me honey you freak!" I could feel her calling out for me through the bond.

He got out of bed and suddenly it was full frontal Christian.

"Oh my God! Why are you naked too! Put on some clothes." She hissed. I was in complete agreement. Holy shnikes his ass was pasty.

"Geez you act like you've never seen it before." He griped pulling on some sweat pants.

" I haven't! That is what I've been trying to say." She moaned putting her hand on her forehead.

"Just wait here." He said.

"I'll go get Rose."

Great he was coming to get me. That must mean that he and that old guy in my bed were in cahoots with each other. Lissa was right they must have drugged us or something.

Question is why did they bring us to the Royal Court? Who were they working for? Why would a fifteen year old Moroi be working with a Guardian? Why hadn't they turned us in yet?

I pulled out of Lissa's head and using the back door I entered into the house I'd just been in. The room she was in overlooked the place where I'd been standing so I'm pretty sure I knew where she was.

I opened the door to the room I thought she was in and she jumped a mile.

"Rose Oh my God Rose. I'm freaking out! How did we get here? Where are we? Did you get drugged too?" Her mouth was moving a hundred miles a minute.

"Liss no time quick put on some clothes and let's get the hell out of here. I woke up next to a really big Guardian a little while ago and I have a feeling Ozera is in there waking him as we speak. We need to move now."

She obediently put on some clothes. I slowly opened the door a crack and peeked into the hallway. It was all clear. We crept down the stairs and went outside.

"Oh my gosh." Exclaimed Lissa.
"We're at the Royal Court."

"I know. Somehow they found us and brought us here. We need to get away before they realize we are gone." I told her.

I grabbed her arm and we broke into a run. It was very early in the evening about six o'clock and the sun was still out. Most people would be sleeping. It worked to our advantage.

Just as we were about to reach the gates that lead to the outside. We ran into a tall Moroi who was stumbling and seemed to be a little drunk.

"Hey there Little Dhampir. Where are you guys off to?" he slurred not so gracefully slinging his arm around my shoulders. He wreaked of alcohol.

"Uh we were just visiting and now we are going home." I replied looking around to make sure no one else saw us. It was highly unlikely that this guy knew who we were or that there was a price on our heads.

"Haha just visiting. I like that. So where is home?" he asked with a hiccup.

"Liss just compel him." I hissed. "We don't have time for this."

"Okay okay." She agreed.

"You will not remember us being here. You were drunk and you went straight home. Do you understand." She asked looking him right in the eyes.

"Are you seriously trying to compel me Lissa?" he asked.

"Oh shit, he knew her name and he knew about compulsion. He was also immune to it somehow."

Uh oh Rose. I don't know why that didn't work, but I think we are screwed.

Who is this guy? I thought.

I dunno. He looks like an Ivashkov though.

Wait did she just answer my thoughts?

Liss can you read my thoughts?

Oh my God I think I can.

Well that's weird, but it could be useful.

This is awesome.

"Could you stop that whole talking through the bond thing. Your Auras are giving me a headache." Griped the Moroi putting his hand on his head.

How in the hell did he know that we were communicating through the bond and what in God's name is an aura?

I could feel Lissa's shock through the bond. This guy was weird. First of all no one could resist Lissa's compulsion skills and second no one knew that we were bonded.

"So where are you going and can I come?" he asked.

I looked at Lissa.

If we take him with he won't be able to rat us out.

True, but what if he's trouble.

You'll handle him Rose.

Yea I guess and well he is pretty hot.

Only you would be thinking that at a time like this.

I laughed aloud as she rolled her eyes at me.

"Sure you can come, but we have to go now." I told him in a whisper grabbing him by the shirt. Hey he was pretty buff for a Moroi.

"Is there a reason we're whispering Little Dhampir?" he asked following us diligently to the front gates.

"Not that I mind. I'm rather enjoying this game." He said grinning like an idiot. I rolled my eyes. Why do we always pick up the wierdos?

There were two Guardians standing watch. Neither of them looked perturbed by our presence. It seemed odd. Maybe they had just come on duty. We were really catching a lot of lucky breaks here.

Compel them and let's get the hell out of here. I told her. She did as she was told.

"Hey drunky you got a car?" I asked.

"Sure. I've got several what do you feel like riding in?" he asked cockily.

He must be a royal Moroi. Oh great now we were going down for running away, compelling Guardians and kidnapping a royal Moroi. This just keeps getting better. Not to mention whatever the hell had gone on last night with that old man in my bed. I groaned.

He led us to a garage that held six different vehicles.

"Take your pick Little Dhampir." He said with a big grin.

What's with the nickname? I thought.

"That one." I said pointing to sleek silver BMW convertible.

He pulled out a set of keys from under the seat and dangled them in front of me.

"As you can see I'm slightly inebriated. You'll have to drive." He slurred.

"Not a problem." I said snatching the keys from his hands and jumping into the driver's seat. Lissa climbed into the passenger seat and the other Moroi hopped into the back clumsily.

"Here goes nothing." I said starting the car and wondering how long it would take for the authorities to catch up with us this time.

So tell me if you want to hear more? I have a few chapters written and if I get a good response I will post again. If not I'll probably scrap it. You interested let me know?