AN: Thanks to TheJesser! And thankyou for all your kind reviews! This is the final chapter/epilogue of this story. Please read and review and let me know what you think of the story.


Kathryn stirred slightly, not fully awake.


Kathryn pushed herself up onto her elbows. She remained silent as she listened for the sound that had woken her up from her pleasant dream. For just a moment, her bedroom appeared to shimmer and disappear around her - replaced by the underground chamber where she had been held captive. She clamped her eyes closed in panic, reopened them, and let out a deep sigh of relief. She was still in her bedroom. She shook her head and chided herself for her jumpiness. She was on Voyager - she was safe. A minute passed and she heard nothing else. Deciding it had been nothing but her imagination, she relaxed and laid down, trying to recall the dream she wished to revisit.

Just as she managed to conger up her dream, the one where she and Chakotay were back on New Earth together, she felt a rough calloused hand grip each of her ankles. The pressure was surprisingly painful, and Kathryn was immediately and fully awake.

She desperately tried to kick her legs, but couldn't break the hold of the unseen enemy. The intruder tried to pull her toward the foot of the bed. She fought hard to save her life, to regain control of her limbs, but panic threatened to take over her mind. Searching for some kind of leverage, she grabbed at her bedding. No matter how hard she fought, she could still feel her body slowly moving down the bed, her night clothes inched their way up her body and bunched up around her head and shoulders. The fabric of the sheets felt rough on her skin, and threatened to burn her exposed flesh. She was losing the battle.

Kathryn managed to flip onto her stomach, but her legs remained crossed as her enemy refused to loosen his tight hold. Pushing down hard onto the mattress, she gripped it in her fists, and held on with all her might. No matter how tight she held on, her enemy continued to pull harder. Her biceps burned as she tried to get free. Kathryn knew her tired, sleep-deprived body, was no match for this intruder. Her body began to shake under the strain, beads of sweat dripped from her head onto her bedding below.

Her strength was failing. She could feel it. Steeling her resolve, she tried to break free one last time.

She failed.

Momentarily her grip loosened, just enough that the mattress began to slip through her fingers. She could feel the fabric tearing under her nails. Needing to scream, but desperately not wanting to show the intruder weakness, she buried her face into her bed and bit into the top sheet.

It was too no avail.

Moments later, she felt herself being ripped from her bed. Her teeth tore a hole in the top sheet and her nails were torn from her fingers. She could feel the blood seeping from the quick, where her nails had once been.

"Gumphf." Kathryn breathed as she hit the floor at the foot of her bed - again it appeared to be stone rather then the Starfleet issued carpeting. This can't be happening. What's happening to me?

While she could still feel her enemies hands on her legs, she couldn't see who was attacking her. The room seemed darker then usual and only the outline of the intruder was visible. Confusion and terror filled her mind, pushing away her usual clarity and control.

Kathryn reached for her communicator, usually pinned to her chest, she remembered it was still attached to the dress she had worn that evening.

"Computer, illumination one hundred percent!" There was no response. "Computer -"

"Nothing can save you now." Her unseen enemy snarled from the cover of darkness.

"Who are you?" Kathryn was more terrified then curious.

"You're going to pay for what you've done." He lifted her in the air.

Again, she struggled to free herself from his grasp - fatigue set in quickly. She felt as if she were floating above the floor of her quarters - the sensation was disorienting and terrifying.

"What do you want?"

An answer was not given.

"Where are you taking me?"

Again, there was no answer from her enemy.

Kathryn realized she needed to do something; and do it fast. She simultaneously kicked her legs and flipped over onto her stomach. Her enemy's grip loosened and she felt the rush of falling.


She hit the floor - hard. Momentarily disoriented, her breath had been knocked out of her, but she managed to bring herself to a standing position. Bringing her hands up in front of her, she squared her stance, prepared to do battle.

"Computer, illumination one hundred percent." Kathryn hollered.

The computer immediately responded and the lights turned on. Pain shot through Kathryn's eyes as she was unprepared for the sudden light change. She forced her eyes to reopen and she breathlessly searched for her enemy.

"Computer, are there any unauthorized individuals aboard Voyager?"

"Negative," the computer responded.

Her breathing began to return to normal, as she realized it had only been a nightmare.

She looked around and saw her sheets and bedspread was piled at the foot of her bed and her mattress was askew, resting partially on the floor next to its frame.

Thankful that her night terror had been nothing but just that, she got up and straightened her bed.

After putting everything back to where it needed to be, she decided to attempt sleep once again.

"Computer, lights off." The room was immediately dark. Panic once again filled her mind. Her breathing rapidly increased, and she could once again feel her heart pounding in her chest - the beating sound filled her ears. "Computer, illumination fifty percent."

The light helped to calm her rising panic. Once her breathing returned to normal, she got up and went to the replicator. She recycled the coffee she had made earlier and requested a new, fresh mug of the dark satisfying liquid.

Cup in hand, she brought it to her lips and took a small sip. Grimacing, she put the cup down. The coffee tasted bitter and nearly made her sick.

"I can't keep living like this," Kathryn said aloud to herself.

She walked over to the dress that laid crumpled on the floor and removed her communicator.

"Kathryn to Chakotay."

A minute passed before he responded.

"Chakotay here." His voice sounded groggy. "Kathryn, are you alright? Its 0200 hours."

She was relieved to hear the concern in his voice.

"Umm...can me in my quarters?"

"Give me two minutes."

Kathryn cut transmission and looked around her empty quarters. It was comfortably furnished, tastefully decorated, yet sadly, it still seemed empty. Pushing second thoughts away, she sat back down on her bed and waited for her best friend to arrive.


The door chime sounded. He had arrived - early.

"Come." Kathryn called.

The doors swooshed open, and Chakotay entered her quarters. When he entered, he saw Kathryn sitting on her sofa - she hugged her knees to her chest, tears filled her eyes.

"What happened?" Chakotay asked. He rushed over to her and knelt down at the side of her bed. "Are you still having terrible nightmares?"

Kathryn simply nodded.

He stood, sat next to her on the sofa, and wrapped his arms around her.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked.

She shook her head. "Maybe some other time." Her body leaned into his embrace - the need to feel protected was overpowering. "I'm so tired. I can't keep living like this."

"I'm here. I won't leave you." He hugged her tighter.

Chakotay looked down at Kathryn and studied her face. She looked worried - scared. The dark circles under her eyes had grown darker over the past week. She was obviously not eating well - her normally slight frame had grown unhealthily smaller. He had never before seen her look this vulnerable, and it concerned him greatly.

After a few minutes, Kathryn's eye lids grew heavy and slowly closed as she drifted off to sleep. Chakotay sat up the rest of the night, holding his captain, his best friend - the one he loved.


The following morning, Kathryn woke up in the arms of the one person she truly trusted. She looked up at him - he was still asleep. Not wanting to wake him, but desperately needing a cup of coffee, she tried to remove herself from his lap.

"How are you feeling?" Chakotay asked, his eyes still closed.

"Better. Thank you." Kathryn got up and walked over the replicator and made a steaming hot mug of fresh coffee. She came back over to the bed and sat next to Chakotay. "I really appreciate you coming over and staying with me. I'm not sure what I would have done without you."

"It was nothing."

"It was definitely NOT, nothing." She took another sip of coffee.

"I think you should talk to the Doctor about your nightmares. I'm concerned about you."

"Last night was..." She shook her head. "They're getting worse. But...I don't feel comfortable talking about them. I'm the captain, Chakotay. I'm the one who's supposed to be strong. I'm the one other people are supposed to go to when they need comfort."

"If you don't want to talk to someone you know, you could at least use the holodeck and talk to a holographic counselor. Someone who is completely impartial."

"All right."

"However, I want to set the record straight on something." Chakotay said.

"And what's that, exactly?" She raised an eyebrow.

"I enjoyed coming to your rescue. I want to be here to help you. I want you, to want me, to help you."

Kathryn reached over and placed her hand gently on Chakotay's. She gave it a slight squeeze and said, "I want you to be here with me. I don't want to face another nightmare alone."

"Do you want me to stay tonight?"



Tuvok stood at his usual station and tried to keep himself busy. It was not like the command team to be late to their duty shift. He looked at the chronometer on his console and it read 0900 hours. They were officially an hour late and neither had contacted him with an ETA or explanation.

"Tuvok?" Tom called to the chief of security.

"Yes, Mr. Paris?"

"What exactly is the plan for today? Are you in charge today or what?" Tom glanced over at Harry before he continued. "Any word from the Captain or Commander this morning?" Tom smirked. He had been one of the crew members to observe the unusual behavior between the command team at the party the previous evening.

"No, I have not. I suggest you concern yourself with piloting the ship, Mr. Paris." While Tuvok gave the mild rebuke, he couldn't help but wonder what was keeping the captain.

He tapped a series of commands into the computer - requesting the location of the Captain and Commander.

The computer responded silently on his screen: Captain Kathryn Janeway and Commander Chakotay are located in the captain's quarters.

Tuvok, reached for his communicator. He was about to push it and contact the captain, but realization washed over him. This was going to be a secret he would need to keep. He made a mental note to himself, to discuss with the Captain, the proper procedures when she was going to be late for a duty shift. The Chief of Security needed to be made aware of all changes to the Captain's schedule and location aboard ship.

However, he realized that now was not the time or place.

Tom mouthed the words, I told you they were together, to Harry - who promptly turned red in the face and looked down at his computer console.

"Is there something you wanted to add, Mr. Paris?" Tuvok asked.

"No, sir."

"Then, I suggest you set course for the Alpha Quadrant."

"Course laid in, sir." Tom knew better then to continue with his gossiping.


End Note: Please review! thank you! Hope you all enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it.