Adrienne POV

I had finally fed and actually the blood isn't that bad, it eases the burn and tastes different with every human, I wiped the small trickle of blood from my mouth and strutted from the hall fiddling with my Volturi pendant on the way to my room.

Lounging on my bed looking at the intricate patterns of the ceiling, a small knock came at my door even though I know full well Felix is there and he knows I know too, I guess old habits die hard. I told him to come in and in the next second he was lying beside.

"What is so fascinating about the ceiling Addie?"

"It looks different," I mumbled he snorted.

"Yes it does… to you, anyway we leave for Forks in an hour, Aro also said dress appropriately," I grinned and stood up before waltzing into my wardrobe and pulling out a fancy black dress that falls just past the knee with a netted lined neck. I pulled it on and my cloak over my shoulders with my Volturi pendant hanging out of it.

I also had on a pair of small heeled black shoes and I was done, before I decided I really needed to brush my hair, I raked through it with my comb and it fell in cute waves past my shoulders.

I skipped out of my wardrobe in on Felix and Jane talking about the Cullen's, Jane really hates them apparently, they turned to me, I linked arms with Jane and skipped from the room and back into the throne room, Aro looked over what I was wearing with a nod.

Alec walked in ten minutes later with Heidi and Demetri, he gave me a curt nod and gave Aro his hand, "right, it is time to leave," I walked from the hall with Heidi and onto the jet to Forks, Jane and Alec talking about how they are going to enjoy this, much to Aro's pleasure.

Once the jet landed we ran all of the way to a small clearing where the Cullens stood, all seemed taken back by another presence, me.

One seemed to be concentrating, Edward I'm guessing, the mind reader, 'stay out of my head you nut' he gave me a small smile and whispered something to the one with many scars and golden honey hair, he has a pixie looking one next to him who was scrutinizing me.

"Ahh, Carlisle my old friend, how long has it been?"

"Six months since I last visited to be precise, I see you have changed young Adrienne, Aro, how are you doing?"

"I'm fine, but am confused, who is this human that has found out our secret Carlisle?"

"You are very blunt Aro, and no one has found of our secret I promise you," Carlisle held out his hand to Aro who grasped it firmly and closed his eyes.

"I see you are telling the truth, so you killed the boy… painlessly," he spat that word, and all of the Cullen's seemed pained by having to kill the boy, "that is very unlike you Carlisle, what did he do? Oh he threatened your family's existence, shame he looked like he had power." I'm bored and these guys have creepy yellow eyes, why, are the pussy?

A brunette vampire next to the mind reader glared at me, why I have no clue, oh did mind reader tell her what I thought, bugger, her lips let slip a growl which alerted everyone to something going on.

"Bella, what is wrong dear?" Carlisle asked while mind reader held her back.

She nodded to me, I growled and got ready to pounce, my eyes turning to slits and my muscles tensing, Aro faced me with a slight amused glint in his eyes.

"And what has she done wrong Bella?" Mind reader walked up to him and gave him his hand while a big bulky guy held onto Bella with honey hair resting a hand on her arm, "I see, well young Adrienne is only a month old and has been through a lot, and also has not learnt yet to control her thoughts and emotions, have you child?" I stood up straight and faced him.

"No Master, apparently not," this caused the big bulky one to snigger along with a blonde next to him.

"So how is young Renesmee?" Renesmee, the half breed? Mind reader turned to me and nodded slightly, I think he's just happy I didn't call her hybrid, I'm not that mean.

"She is well Aro, fully grown and on holiday with Jacob," Carlisle answered.

"How lovely, the dog," this caused the blonde to snigger along with Felix beside me, I'm guessing he is the imprinter.

This comment caused the brunette to lose it and lunge at Aro without anyone being able to stop her or Aro; quickly I jumped in her way and pushed her off course while landing perfectly in front of Aro in a crouch. Brunette matched my stance and advanced towards me, fire was all I thought and she was surrounded by flames burning hot like magma and bright orange like the sun, none touching her of course, I made sure of that, just close enough to make her snap out of it.

The Cullen's looked shocked and turned to me, brunette calmed and now tried to find a way to get out, I let the flames drop and she ran back to mind reader.

I let a lazy smirk paste itself across my lips and turned to face a slightly grinning Caius, I gave him a small wink before Aro called order, "well, as there is no need for us he, we will take our leave," he gave Carlisle a small nod along with a caramel hair coloured one, very pretty, she seems motherly, that word set venom in my mouth and I really need to break something, honey hair looked at me shocked along with mind reader and suddenly calming waves shook over me. Oh these are the people who helped me when my legs were icky, mind reader… EDWARD nodded, I felt kind of smug, I figured out who they are.

"Nonsense Aro, we haven't had time to catch up, stay for the rest of the day, then take your leave, it is fine by us," oh, yeah I like Carlisle, Edward sniggered slightly, 'get out of my head you mind raper.' He stopped giggling like a little girl then and faced me with a confused face on and slightly peeved, ha in your face monkey boy.

"If you insist Carlisle, we would love to, maybe it will let our two family's unite together instead of having a loathing for each other."

"Yes I hope so Aro," Carlisle nodded and ran off into the trees with his family, the guard and elders following, I ran next to Felix.

We came up short of a huge house with glass walls and at least four story's high, they led us in, of course none of the Volturi know how to treat a home or what to say, so I guess it's my job to take the lead seeing as everyone is tense, "nice place, who decorated it?" I asked, I swear the tension in the room relaxed a little.

"I did," Esme, Edward nodded, Esme answered.

"I love it, very I don't know, homey? Yeah homey, brilliant," she smiled at me.

"Thank you dear," she did an awe face to Alice, I think, who nodded. Well that's not at all patronising now is it?

"Aro we must talk," Carlisle led Aro, Caius and Marcus upstairs somewhere and everyone else seemed to look uncomfortable.

"Hey Felix," he turned to me, "do you think you could beat Emmett in a wrestling match?" I asked with a grin.

"Hell yes," that cocky childish grin appeared on his face, and let me tell you all of the Cullen's were shocked that the Volturi can have fun.

"Yeah, well I bet you couldn't" Emmett roared with the same sort of grin, "we'll have to see won't we?"

They both charged outside, with me on their heels, "okay no killing," they both rose brows at me, I shrugged and they crouched ready looking at me for the command, "and vamp war… that means go you dollop heads," they nodded in understanding and leapt into the air, a huge crack echoing in the wind, Felix tossed Emmett into a nearby rock that shattered on impact, the effect was awesome though. Emmett got up immediately and tackled Felix to the ground, I think this is going to take a while so I'll leave and come back in an hour to see how they're doing.

I skipped back in the house to find no one had moved, I let out a sigh of irritation, "okay, does anyone here like fashion and clothing?" Alice and Rosalie jumped forward, I grinned and turned to Jane and Heidi who gulped, "be nice and go play… NOW!" They nodded wide eyed and followed Rosalie and Alice up the stairs.

"Um, whose piano is that?" Edward stepped up, "okay, Demetri play piano with Edward, and if either of you disagree I'll burn your butts off, got it?" they nodded and sat by the piano, "where'd Chelsea and Afton go?" I asked, looking around dumbly, "oh well, Jasper play video games with Santiago," he nodded not needing the warning and ran upstairs with Santiago on his heels, "and dear Bella why don't you and Corin go shopping for books?" they both looked at each other reluctant, "do I have to say it twice," they shook their heads and ran from the room, oh I'm good.

I turned to face Alec, darn I missed one, I opened my mouth to speak but he covered it up, "you are not going to boss me around like them missy, you have no authority over me."

"No, but I'm better looking than you so I can do what I want," he shook his head at me so I turned away from him to see Esme calmly reading over a housing magazine, I skipped over to her and read over her shoulder, she tensed slightly but relaxed quicker, "what ya thinking of doing?"

"Thinking of what to do next, I've done all I can for this place," she seemed quite annoyed by that.

"Decorate my room in Volterra if you want, I don't mind," her face brightened, "seriously, decorate it however you like, just not too pink," I shivered at the colour, she beamed and started through many fashion housing magazines.

Alec grinned at me and I skipped from the room outside and for some reason he followed, we passed Felix and Emmett still wresting, ha it is such an even match it could last for hours.

I skipped into the forest, deep enough so no one can listen in to what we say, and jumped up into a really high tree and climbed all of the way to the top before resting on a branch, lounging lazily next to me with closed eyes Alec sat.

I settled down on my branch and closed my eyes as well, listening to the birds sing in the distance and bugs buzz and Alec breathing.

We hadn't spoken much since I awoke from my turning, jerk, "why've you been ignoring and avoiding me Alec?" he opened his eyes.

"Doesn't matter," what, oh come on you don't just ignore someone for a month for no reason.

"Yeah, uh, that's bullshit, it obviously does because otherwise you wouldn't have done it," he growled and sat up facing me.

"I said it doesn't matter, why can't you let it go?"

"I would like to know, seeing as it affected me as well and now you act like nothing is wrong," my voice slowly rising.

"Leave it alone will you, I just had some thinking to do."

"Thinking, for a month be careful don't strain yourself you might give yourself a brain haemorrhage, we wouldn't want that now would we?"

"This is why I didn't want to tell you," his voice quivering as well.

A cough echoed from below us but we ignored it, "how lovely, you don't want to tell me things then don't bother, I couldn't care less."

"Sure that's why you're having a hissy fit over it now."

"Don't you sure me you, you, you DOLLOP HEAD!"

"BOTH OF YOU SHUT IT!" I turned my growl down to a vampire below us, who I don't recognise, "hello young one I am Vladimir and this is my brother Stefan," I think he is addressing me, Alec growled and I hopped down from the branch and stood scrutinising this intruder.

"Yes, and what are you to do with me?" he laughed.

"You have spirit young one, we would like you to join us, you have power and would be happy with us."

"She is not going with you traitor," Alec was suddenly beside me.

"You don't tell me what to do Alec Volturi," I growled at him, "but I would have to decline Vladimir, I am loyal to the Volturi."

"Pity, we'll have to kill you then, you are too much of a liability to us," what? Suddenly we were surrounded by many vampires, newborns I think.

Alec got into a defensive crouch as did I, one of them, a girl leapt at me, I shoved her off and burnt her alive with my fire while Alec killed two, three advanced on him though and he was chucked from my view and many of the newborns went after him, I heard a small grunt and then silence, shit, all of them came onto me then and got hold of different body parts of mine while Stefan and Vladimir looked on smugly until of course Aro and the others appeared, their smiles grew, "how lovely, you came to watch the younger of your guard die, I'm sure she is ecstatic." He drawled at me with a smirk, I spat at him which hit him in the face, he growled at me and some of the vampire's grip grew tighter, I screeched slightly, none of it matter because Alec may not be alive, "oh yes and we killed your other guard member, the boy," Jane growled and tried to leap for Stefan but was pulled back by Felix and Emmett.

I struggled against the grip on me but came up empty, "why Vladimir, they have done nothing wrong," he turned to Aro disgusted.

"You have had this coming, and this little witch was meant to die months ago, but no you had to send your guard to play hero," major prick alert. "We knew you had your eye on her and if she were changed you would stop at nothing to have her so she had to be disposed of, luckily her village suspected her, all they needed was a little push and they all hated her, worked out until you came along."

I let out an aggravated cry the sky ripped open and tears pored over the small town of Forks.

In all of my anger I didn't notice the fog ebbing towards me and neither has anyone else so I tried not to draw attention to it as the newborns all collapsed to the floor.

I dived straight for Vladimir and grappled with him while in my perpetual vision Alec emerged from the trees and pounced on Stefan.

Vladimir threw me off of him while the others killed the now awake newborns, basically it is a forest of broken trees and body parts.

I hit into a tree and flipped back up again just in time for him to grab me in a choke hold and pin me to the ground.

I snapped at his hand with my teeth and tore one of his fingers off, take that sucka.

He growled in annoyance and slapped me across the face, "I have to say, that was the most pussy slap ever," I smirked.

Lightning, a bolt of electricity shot from the sky and straight into his head shooting him from me and across the clearing.

I ran like a bullet straight after him and pinned him to the trees before tearing one of his arms off, dick move.

I lobbed it into an already burning fire along with the other one, I hooked my legs up onto his shoulders and pulled his head from his body before chucking both of them into the fire, rain clouding my vision.

Jane had two newborns closing in on her, wind and fire, a huge heated blast of fire surrounded the two vampires and burnt them to a crisp, the sweet stench of burning vampires burning my nostrils.

All of the vampires including Stefan lay dead on the ground with everyone torn and broken around, even the Cullens who decided to help.

Alec with a missing arm, but he is reattaching it, with Marcus' help, well that was fun for afternoon activities wouldn't you say.

With his reattached arm Alec looked up at me and winked, my annoyance is complete. I ran over to him in seconds and crushed him in a hug, breathing in his scent of crisp night air, yes that is what he smells like, he fell onto the ground in the force of my hug and hugged me back which of course made all of the Cullen's gasp, I heard Caius laugh which made the gasps go again and Marcus sniggered and, well you get the picture, basically I bring out the side of people that they like to keep hidden.

The clearing was by then vacated by everyone apart from Alec and I, me sitting over him looking into his face while his eyes searched mine, rain still poring down on us, I kissed his wet lips slightly before laying on his chest…