So I was watching Victorious on my drab old couch, bored out of my mind, and it was the stage fighting episode (also the episode where Robbie is obsessed with Trina because of a stage kiss). One line of Cat's really stuck out to me: "It was a stage kiss, she was acting." And then she kissed Robbie. And just because my mind happens to do this on occasion (okay, all the time…haha), it wandered into thinking about how Jade and Beck met/fell in love/became the Beck and Jade as we know them today. And I thought: what if it was for the same reason Robbie fell in love with Trina—stage kissing! This is the prologue to this fantastically random thought I had that I believe will make an interesting FanFic. Please don't hesitate to give me ideas, you guys know me by now—I usually don't come prepared with a full story, just bits and pieces! R & R, and as always, I love you guys and your support!


A/N: Starts off from Jade's p.o.v. As I've said in the bio on my profile, apparently the 5 asterisks I use to switch character perspective and/or indicate a time lapse don't seem to like me anymore. So because of that, I'm trying to find something else that will work that wouldn't be too confusing. Bars don't seem to work either. Any and all suggestions would be appreciated haha.


So it was a Monday.

The first Monday that I actually listened to my mom and her halfhearted suggestions for me to do something she approved of.

It was the start of auditions for a school play. A drama, of course. I don't didn't do humor or high-strung forbidden romance chiz. A drama, the perfect setting for me; dark, dreary atmosphere most of the time with just barely a glimmer of joy and humor and, if even relevantly possible, hope. This should be a piece of cake, right?

A piece of cake up until, of course, who I was supposed to read with was announced.

But I'm getting a little but ahead of myself. Not that I care, I already know what happens. But you don't. So I guess I'm just gonna have to re-tell it.

Like I've already said, it was a Monday. The beginning of the week. The beginning of going back to that boring piece of seclusion and confinement for 6 hours of my life every day after 2 blissful days of doing whatever the heck I want. Great. My mom hadn't made breakfast, as usual, so I grabbed a slightly rotting apple from the dusty bowl on the table, threw my bag over my shoulder, and ventured out into the world after a quick, tart goodbye tossed towards the general direction of wherever my mom should be.

I shoved myself into my car and drove to school, the idea of trying out for the school play bouncing around in my head like a loose bolt. Everything was so precisely kept together in my mind. It had to be. But that one little idea that seemed so vaguely out of the ordinary just wouldn't get in its respective place, behind the wall built in my mind clearly labeled "Things I Honestly Couldn't Care Less About". Sighing, I took a quick, careless glance at my appearance and dragged myself out of my car and into the barrier some called 'Hollywood Arts'. I called it prison.

Assertively nudging and pushing my way through the crowd of ignorant and sickeningly perky sea of students, I passed one face that caught my attention. For what reason, I hadn't a clue, and I didn't really care. But it still got to me.

He met my gaze as I strode by, and kept it. He had long black hair, a nice face, brown eyes and tan skin. A guy near him who I assumed was his friend called him 'Beck'. Mentally shaking myself from my uncharacteristic interest, I tore my eyes away from his unexplainably entrancing eyes and continued my way to my locker.

Opening it wide—and nearly hitting a kid in the head with the door, much to my satisfaction—I looked myself over routinely in the mirror and dug through the abyss of books and small instruments for whatever it was I was looking for. I didn't really think about what I did anymore; I subconsciously knew what classes I had next, and my hands searched for them zombie-like. But when I turned my head back in the general direction of the mirror attached to the inside of my drably painted door, I saw in the background that Beck guy was staring at me.

His eyes seemed to go wide for a second as he realized he was caught red-handed, and I huffed angrily and whipped around. With long strides, I made my way towards him, practically stomping. I felt everyone's eyes on me, much to my pleasure, as I was prepared to ruin yet another rep today. I stopped dead in front of him, and his guy friends' eyes pretty much bugged out of their skulls as they watched the intensity being created between me and Beck with frightened expressions.

"What is your problem, dude?" I said, screeching irritatedly.

Outwardly unfazed, he replied, confused and with an awkward laugh, "W-what do you mean?"

"Why were you staring at me? Don't try to deny it; I saw you in the mirror." I tapped my foot and crossed my arms, awaiting his clever response.

"I'm…sorry?" he said, stretching a hand back to scratch the back of his head gently. He appeared to be blushing, but only the tiniest hint of it showed.

Now was the usual time for the crash, the horrifying revenge and fear that I just loved to see people squirm in once I inflicted it upon them. But for some reason, I just couldn't do it. Not to this one, insignificant boy. Looking into his sincere, playful, kind eyes, I lost all torment I had planned for him, and uncharacteristically, generously reprieved.

"Okay, well…just…just don't do it again, okay? Or you're gonna pay. Got it?" I asked coldly, though it didn't come out as strictly as I'd intended.

"Got it," he responded casually, smiling and backing away with his hands held up in pretend defense. He turned his back and strode away, seeming to laugh, and his little guy 'posse' followed a while after.

I pouted slightly in his direction, and felt every eye in the room on me as I recovered myself and stomped away, even angrier than I was earlier.

The day dragged on boringly, except for Sikowitz's class, which was always an interesting experience. Beck seemed to be in a lot of my classes, and I noticed him now more than I ever had before, momentarily remembering him as the 'guy I let go'. Why had I? He deserved what he had coming to him. I looked back at him frequently whenever I spotted him, but he seemed to make sure to keep his promise and kept his eyes off me. I think he must have sensed my eyes on him, though, because whenever I looked at him for too long, a small smile tugged at the corners of his lips.

Before I knew it, it was time for auditions. I'd already looked at the script enough times during class breaks and slight curiosity at home to get the lines right (or at least, mostly—I was just trying out, not sincerely trying for the lead). I got a general feel of the character's feelings and emotions where they were addressed or needed. Sighing as I looked them over a few more times, waiting for the reading pairings to be called, I glanced up every now and then, feeling gazes boring into the back of my head and bits and pieces of hushed conversations with words like "Jade" "auditioning" and "so weird".

Satisfied enough with my familiarity of the script, I put my hands down, one hand still clutching the book, and rested boredly against the lockers. My eyes glazed over the entire room, and stopped short when they laid themselves upon a familiar head of black hair and tanned skin.

For the oddest reason, I started having a mini panic attack. Beck was here trying out? My stomach knotted in a strange emotion I couldn't describe completely as anger, but something else. Before I even had time to back out of this crazy idea or pray that I get someone, anyone, even creepy Sinjin over there, but him, the first pairing was called.

You can guess what happens now, right? It's kind of obvious.

"Beck Oliver and…" the man called, his brows furrowing, as I crossed my fingers behind my back, "…Jade West?"

Please read and press that pretty little review button! I really want to continue this; the idea is practically exploding in my head. But it's up to you if I should continue. Any ideas or suggestions are welcomed with open arms and a big smile, haha.
