Time for the real announcement. I am coming back to finish TO LOVE A GOD, but I will be doing so by beginning again. The story will be titled 'TO LOVE A GOD' and, as you've most likely noticed, this is titled 'To Love a God (OLD)'. Crappy title change, I know. I'm keeping this story up so that all the people who've waited so long for another update will be made aware of this 'reboot'. I know this story is just another among the millions more on this site, but I feel guilty for leaving it so long. For that, I truly am sorry. I received so much feedback, so many messages and kind words that I should have finished this story long ago, if I had any sense about me. Unfortunately…I don't. Life got in the way, blah blah blah blah blah.

However! In a few months, I shall be studying creative writing at university. So, while I'll be doing a tonne of other things, it will give me chance to actually correct some mistakes, such as leaving this story. For a while, updates will be slow. Not every three years though, mind you, so don't close this tab and write this off as me just spouting nonsense. I WILL finish this story. I'm starting anew simply because my writing has, in some ways, changed - for the better (I think). I also don't just want to pick up where I left off, so I'm scrutinising what came before and reshaping it in my current eye. As sad and pathetic as it sounds, I simply can't go back to who I was three years ago. I don't want to change the work I put into this story; that the me from before put into this story. I'm a man now, after all. Who says writing FanFics is for kids and teens, eh?

So please, I hope you give my 'reboot' a chance, and me one, also, so that I can make it up to you by finishing this story.

Will it be weird? Certainly. Have twists and turns? Definitely. Will it be based on the anime? Afraid so (forgive me elitists!).

Why am I 'rebooting', trying to finish this story? I'll let Kyon from the 'reboot' answer that:

'Maybe because I feel compelled to. Maybe because, for once, I want to be heard. Maybe because I don't want you to be disappointed

After all, we've come so far, right?'