Dear Hermione

It's a great to hear from you! Get Ron to write me sometime, won't you!? He's been neglecting his best man. I'll conveniently fail to mention that I've also been equally neglecting mine....

Yes, I found it a great hardship to get over Malfoy's death - not. Of course, I know he was on his little "road to redemption" and all that, but I still can't find it in me to forgive everything he's pulled in the past, oh, fifteen or so years. As for Fleur and Silvia, they surely feel a great loss right now, but Fleur will find a new beau in no time - did Ron say that Bill just broke up with Anntoinette?

So, I can't wait to see Ron Jr. again! Neither can Ginny! Sorry we haven't been around much lately - I don't deserve the name Godfather, after all, I'm hardly ever around - and it's not the best's just...the trips, you know? Very, very busy. But we'll drop in sometime soon - the Noble House of Black can get dreary something awful, no matter how much we've attempted to spruce it up!

So, if we drop in at an "inappropriate time" - don't play dumb, Hermione, you know exactly what I mean, Ginny and I had to go cold turkey for nine straight months too, remember! In any case, if you don't want us there, for -any- reason whatsoever, just lock the door. Or, hang a sock on it while leaving it unlocked...I suggest the locking being a better idea, considering I don't want to have to give Gin cruel and unnecessary visuals explaining about the sock, no matter how funny her face would be.

Well, I hear a trip screaming. Investigate! Watson, bring your revolver.

(If you read up to this point out loud for Ron, having fun explaining Sherlock Holmes to him. He'd actually probably enjoy it. And, seeing as it's a book in format, I assume I don't have to explain or sell it to you, Hermione!)

Love from,

Harry, Ginny and the Terrible Wonder-Trips (also known as Gabriella, Sydney and Amy)