Title: Adrogatio

Rating: G

Disclaimer: I don't own these characters, and suing me at this point wouldn't really get you anything.

Summary: Dick helps out on the Kent farm.

Notes: Thanks to Dev for the beta.

"Clark, I finished with..."


"... that last field – did you just hit your head?"

"Huff... sneaky Bats. Don't even make noise in a barn," Clark mumbled as he rolled out from under the now dented tractor to see Dick smirking above him.

"So what does happen when steel meets steel?"

"It undoes all the repair work I did this afternoon, that's what. Did you come in here for some company or are you looking for a new task?

"Whatever you need me to do. I'm yours for the rest of the week. Consider me your farming sidekick – no costume or training needed. Planting, harvesting, mucking, I can do it all."

Clark cut the verbal stream off with a motion of his hand. "Dick, can we cut the pretense?"

"I don't know what you're talking about. I'm just helping out. You know, putting some of my old skills to good use."

"Oh really," Clark said as he quirked an eyebrow. "And how has mucking up after elephants helped with the wheat harvest? You're just lucky I'm not my father. He would have waited until everything had been brought in to call you on this. What happened with Bruce?"

Dick scowled. "Who said it had anything to do with him."

"Come on, Dick, we both know that it has everything to do with him. What did he do this time? Tell you to quit the Titans? Or is it time for his bi-annual "Batman works alone" pronouncement?"

In a nearly inaudible voice, Dick said, "He wants to adopt me."

"What?" Clark paused, thinking back to his last encounter with Bruce. No wonder he was even less talkative than normal, thought Clark.

Dick took the pause as encouragement to continue. "I mean, I was always his ward, which was okay when I was growing up, but then we fought and I turned eighteen and our relationship became totally... vague. He had ten years to adopt me, you know? And now he's on some sort of bonding kick or something so he decides to adopt me when it doesn't really mean anything anymore. A piece of paper isn't going to change anything between us, he and Alfred are still my family, but maybe he wants someone to carry on the Wayne name? Oh man, I don't think I can change my name, I've been Dick Grayson forever, besides kinda liking that I can fly under the radar even in Gotham if I try hard enough. And I'm the last Grayson too, so it would feel like I'm giving up that legacy for Bruce's, and..."

"Dick," Clark said, interrupting the young man again.


"Where is your family portrait hung? The one of you and your parents in full costume?"

"I don't see what that has to do with anything."

"Just humor me. Where's the picture?"

"In the den."

"With all the other portraits, right?"

"Well, yes." Dick frowned, slightly, still unclear on Clark's point.

"Do you know anything about the Roman tradition of adoption?" Clark paused as Dick shook his head. "Adoption was fairly common in ancient societies, but most often adults were adopted, not kids. The law recognized two types of adoption: adoptio, where an individual was adopted into a family, but also adrogatio, when the individual's entire family was made a part of the adopter's household. Yes, you've been Bruce's son for a long time now, but you said it yourself, the relationship is vague without any legal papers. He knows you're still a Grayson, and he obviously includes your family as an extension of his own, otherwise the portrait wouldn't be up there with all the other Waynes. Take it as the olive branch it is, okay?"

Dick bit his lip, thinking a moment before nodding, "Okay."

"Good," Clark said as he stood up. "Now, I realize I'm probably going to lose a farm hand back to the big city, so let's get you some of the pie Ma has in the kitchen."

"Sounds good," Dick said, smiling slightly as he followed Clark out of the barn.