S.: Me again. I'm so, so sorry it took so long. I was busy with High School and I'm flying by the seat of my pants on this one. Many thanks to all my reviewers. You guys are awesome!

Anyho, on with the story!

Disclaimer: I own nada.

"Sis, you awake?" Ridge asked, peeking his head around the door and seeing me lying on the bed, facing towards him.

I gave a mumbled reply and rolled over.

He chuckled softly and smiled. Walking over, he pulled the covers off from over my head.

"Come on Super Tiger¹, time to get up." He said trying not to laugh.

I sat up and blinked sleepily as he walked out, then yawned and got out of bed.

I pulled on my usual clothes; purple shorts, black and red tennis shoes, a red tee, my Bush Rescue jacket and a pair of dark blue and red goggles that I wore as a necklace then grabbed my rangs before walking out of the room. After eating breakfast, I hurried over to the HQ, finding Ty and Julius waiting for me.

"Gidday Lana." Ty greeted me.

"Morning Ty" I replied.

"I need you two do deliver this package to a friend of mine down by Emu Way." Julian said, handing me a box.

"The contents are very fragile, so you must be careful."

(And most likely ready to explode at any moment.) I thought; sweat dropping as I looked at it.

"You can get there in the fourbie" he said and we both nodded before running off to the hanger.

Ty hopped into the driver's seat of the jeep while I climbed in the passenger's side and we were off.

We soon arrived at the jungle that marked the pass.

As we walked deeper into the forest, I heard a hissing sound.

Whirling around, we found the shadows behind us stretching and flexing.

"Quincan!" Ty shouted, as the darkness took a solid form.

He ran up to one and began slashing at it with his rangs. A couple came at me and I took them on, glad that Ridge had taught me about close combat.

We soon finished them off and turned to leave.

"Hey, Bro!"

I looked around in an attempt to find the source of the gruff voice. Hearing a rustle, I looked up to see a dusty gold ²colored Tasmanian tiger standing on a nearby ledge.

"Sly!" Ty said happily as his brother slid down and walked over to us.

I was suddenly glad I had dark fur to hide my blush. As you probable tell, I have a slight crush on him.

"What are you guy's doing way out here?" he asked, snapping me out of my daze.

"We're trying to deliver a package to one of Julius's friends."

"I was heading that way actually. I'll come with you."

We started through the forest again, chatting as we walked. I didn't notice that the light around us was gradually getting brighter.

I let out a cry as I stepped out into open space.

"Lana!" I heard Sly shout.

I felt him grab the back of my jacket as I dropped and he dug his heels in to keep from tumbling off as well. I swung in his grip, smashing my back into the side of the cliff and causing the breath to rush out of me. After blinking away the tears of pain, I managed to crane my neck from my strange position and look up. I saw that Ty had wrapped his arms around Sly's waist and was helping pull me up.

As soon as I was on solid ground, I began to shout angrily.

"Who the hell put a freaking cliff here? When I find the idiot, I'm going to wring his freaking neck!"

I was about to continue when I heard a muffled laugh. Turning, I found that Ty and Sly both had there hands clenched over there mouths and were turning red from laughing. I glared at them and blushed before thanking them for the help.

We soon found a path and made our way down, only to be confronted by more Quincan when we reached the bottom.

"You know, I'm really starting to wonder where the hell all these things keep coming from." I said as we fought.

"Julius thinks that they're still being created, even though there leader's been destroyed." Sly answered.

I threw my rang at the last one and it dodged, causing my rang to imbed it's self in the canyon wall. Sly destroyed it before walking over and yanking my rang out of the wall.

He stared at it for a few seconds with an interested expression before handing it back to me.

We continued on our way and were soon faced with another problem. Standing before us was a massive lake. I could see an island in the center, but no way to reach it.

"Well, the workshop of Julius's friend is on that island, but I have no idea how we're gonna get over there." Sly said, scratching his head in confusion.

I grinned and pulled out my rangs.

"Oh, this isn't going to be a problem." I smirked.

I flung both projectiles into the water and watched as the blue glow coming from them lit up the water. A few seconds later, they flew back out and I caught them. Ty began to say something but I put my finger to my lips and pointed at the lake.

They watched in awe as the light spread across the lake. Then there was a huge flash and a ring, as if someone had clicked two wine glasses together. My companions jaws dropped as the flash faded and they saw that the entire lake had frozen over.

"B-B…How?" Sly stuttered.

I couldn't not grin at the two of them.

"My Glacierangs can create huge amounts of ice." I explained, stepping out onto the slick surface.

We started out towards the lab, my ice giving us just the right amount of traction.

Upon arriving on the other side, a figure emerged from the dome shaped building I assumed was the lab.

"Welcome to my lab!" the figure said as we got closer.

I saw that he was a graying kangaroo wearing a lab coat.

"My name is Professor Laurence. I understand you are friends of Julian and have a package for me."

"Sure do." Ty said, handing him the package.

(Please tell me we didn't come all the way here to deliver his lunch.) I mentally prayed.

I sighed in relief when he pulled out two large vials, one containing a large reptilian scale while the other held a few long hairs.

"What are those?" I asked.

"That is precisely what I'm going to try and figure out." The professor said.

"Julian sent these samples to me to analyze. Apparently, the residents of Wolf Canyon have being seeing strange creatures and these were found near one of the sightings."

We nodded, understanding the explanation.

"Well, we'd better get going. What about you Sly?" Ty asked.

"I'm gonna stay here for a while." His brother replied.

Sly glanced at my rangs and that puzzled look passed over his face again.

"Hey do you guys think you could come by my workshop sometimes?"

"Sure." I replied.

After waving goodbye to the Professor and Sly, Ty and myself made our way back to the car.

Leaning back against the seat, I felt a pain shoot through the back of my right shoulder. As Ty started the fourbie, I sat forward again, rubbing the burning spot.

"Are you okay?" Ty asked as we were driving down a grassy road a few minutes later, having noticed me rubbing the spot.

"Just that damn bullet." I replied.

I came close to smacking my head on the dashboard as Ty swerved sharply and almost hit a flock of sheep.

After getting back on the road and setting the truck on auto-pilot, he turned towards me, his eyes wide.

"Bullet? What bullet?"

"It's from when I was a little kid." I replied, pulling up the sleeve of my tee-shirt to show him the pale scar on my shoulder.

"It actually happened the same day I found my rangs. After I found them, I got attacked by a bunch of frills. Then I blacked out. When I woke up, all the frills were gone and I'd been shot in the shoulder. I went home and my parents took me to the hospital. The doctor told us that the bullet had lodged itself in a space between the bone and muscle. He said that trying to remove it would cause more harm than it would help, so it was left in there. Over the years, the muscle has grown around it. At this point, it'd be imposable to remove without causing serious damage to my arm. When I smashed into that cliff wall, the impact must have caused it to shift."

Ty gave me a worried look and was silent the rest of the drive.

"See you tomorrow Ty!" I said with a grin, hopping out of the truck when we got back to the base.

Ty smiled in return and waved, apparently calmed by my cheerful behavior.

I set off for home, dodging various animals as I walked. Ridge and I lived on the edge of New Burramudgee, not far from the base.

I frowned as I trotted along, rubbing my shoulder again. The pain had vanished during the drive but was back now, and at full force. As I stumbled through the door, I noticed Ridge sitting on the couch in the living room.

"Good, your home. I'm going to start dinner soon." My brother said as he stood up.

"Kay." I mumbled, heading up the stairs to my room.

I flopped down on my bed and waited for the pain to stop. I'm not sure how much time passed, but at some point Ridge came in and pulled the covers up over me.

"Thanks bro." I whispered, curling up under the blankets.

I could almost feel him smiling as he switched off the light and closed the door.

I stared out my window at the darkened city outside for several minutes before finally dozing off.

The creature stomped through the tunnel, having been called to the throne room. He entered the massive chamber and bowed his head in front of the spire of rocks that made up the throne. The thickest and topmost spire was bathed in shadow and the only things visible were two red glowing eyes.

"Was your mission successful?" A deep voice growled in a language known only to the two's own kind.

"Yes, your Highness. The recon team returned with a multitude of data." The smaller underling stuttered.

"Good. Then the plan will soon commence." The voice once again growled, this time tinted with a bit of twisted amusement.

"The master will be pleased."

The shadowed figure began laughing, a guttural sound that echoed about the dark passages.

*Ominous music plays*

S.M: Dun Dun Dun! You could this mysterious figure be?

Crystal: Why are its eyes red? Why not blue?

S.M: How did you get in here? And more importantly, why are you here?

Crystal: *points at unlocked door then holds up Milky Way*

S.M: *sweatdrops* I really need to hide those better. As for the eyes, I dunno, red seemed like an evil color.

Pan: Well, in Egypt, the color red is considered unlucky. That's because red is the color of desert sand, which nothing grows in.³

S.M:...Have you been get into the Rick Riordan books again?


S.M: *sighs* Just help me with the disclaimer.

Crystal and Pan: Please review.

S.M: Flames will be used to fuel hell (4). And cook hot dogs.

1- Basically, all her fur was sticking up, so she kinda looked like a Super Sayian from DBZ.

2-This is just the way I describe Sly's fur color.

3-Pan is quoting from The Red Pyramid from Rick Riordans new series The Kane Files.

4-I'm borrowing this from my best friend Kage-no-Koji's Kingdom Hearts story Orly?