A/N: Okay so here it is, a full length story! This one starts off light but it does take a rather dark turn. I can't say much without giving everything away but I ask that you please TRUST me.
I have pretty much the entire story ready so that I don't make any mistakes and I will most likely be putting them up in installments.
This story is un-beta'd. All of the horrendous spelling and grammar errors you find are all, sadly, mine. I did, however, get a really awesome friend of mine to read over the chapters for coherency sake. Please check out death-by-storm's awesome fics as well!
Please enjoy! And if you have a moment to support Kid/Soul I'd really appreciate any reviews you might have. :)
PLEASE READ: Normally people place this under a warning category but I feel that homosexuality shouldn't be warned against. That being said, for those of you who are unable to read or who misunderstood my Kid/Soul statement in the summary, this story involves a malexmale relationship. Any flames involving this aspect of the story will promptly be laughed at and used to spur me on to writing more homosexual fanfiction. Have a nice day. :)
Disclaimer: I do not own Soul Eater. Trust me, you'd know if I did. -cackles- I also do not own Clue, although it is a fun game! :)
"Hya hahaha! Why are we sitting here watching this boring building? The Great Black Star doesn't need to worry about a couple of witches! I am greater than God!"
"Black Star we don't know how many of them there are and we can't just rush in unprepared." Tsubaki whispered, trying and failing to calm down her wayward technician.
"This wouldn't take so long if this idiot would just shut up." Soul growled, crouched down next to his meister, the wind causing him to shiver slightly from the cold.
"Your jealousy doesn't phase me!" Black Star proclaimed, his finger pointing in the air as he struck a pose, ignoring Tsubaki's attempts to hide him. "I am used to such reactions, my friend! It is understandable when faced with my-oomph!"
"Shut up!" Maka hissed, her fist poised to hit the other technician again. "There they are!"
"How many are there?" Tsubaki asked, covering her meister's mouth with her hands as he flailed around.
"I count four." Kid said grimly, narrowing his yellow eyes at the building they were currently staking.
"As much as I'd rather not take them all on at once, we don't have much time left before they begin the ritual." Liz commented, passing a gray crayon to her sister to keep her occupied. Patti giggled, coloring pictures of elephants and sheep.
"Now or never." Maka shrugged. "Soul."
"Yeah." The weapon grunted, transforming into his scythe form.
The other weapons followed suit as the three technicians headed towards the abandoned warehouse in front of them. It had originally been a storage and packaging facility for Pocky of all flavors, but the building was shut down when they decided they needed a bigger one.
"Chichiue said there might be more on the inside, we should approach with caution." Kid suggested, gripping his twin pistols tightly.
"Of course-" Maka began but she was cut off by a whooshing sound to her left.
"Yosh!" Black Star cheered, jumping down from their vantage point and landing in a crouched position in front of the warehouse. "The great Black Star will lead the way! Cower before the might of God!"
Kid and Maka's eyes twitched simultaneously, watching as Black Star rushed the front door without any semblance of sneakiness whatsoever.
"Here we go again." Kid groaned, running his hand over his face as Maka sighed. "Let's go make sure he doesn't kill everybody."
The three technicians made their way through the curiously empty hallways and passages, their eyes constantly alert for any sign of movement other than themselves. They had trained together in a team environment for years now and had recently been accepted into Shinigami-sama's own elite guard. This upper class group of meisters and their weapons were tasked with various duties from undercover dealings to assassinations. All four of the weapons had been turned into Death Scythes but were allowed to stay with their original technicians to serve Shinigami-sama.
"There's so much dust in here." Maka complained, her nose twitching slightly.
"I'll protect you from the dust bunnies, Maka!" Black Star proclaimed, stomping his foot and causing little puffs of dust to spring into the air. He sneezed.
"Do you even understand the word 'subtle'?" Kid snapped, sending the ninja a glare.
"Don't you guys think all this dust is a little bit suspicious?" Maka inquired, running her finger along a shelf, her gloved hand coming away coated in dust.
"How can anyone live in this filth?" Kid whined, his eyes darting around and his fingers twitching with the intense need to clean.
"Down boy." Liz's voice sounded from one of the guns in Kid's hands.
Maka sighed as they walked into a large chamber with various machinery. They were rusted with ill use, some of them covered in sheets and tarps. The three technicians moved forward, each one looking around for their supposed enemies. They had seen them enter the building, what was going on?
"What's that?" Came Soul's voice, causing Maka to scan ahead, looking for whatever had caught her weapon's eye. A little ways ahead of them was a large blue tarp on the ground. There was a bulky, quivering lump underneath it and Maka suddenly became aware of a soft rattling breath echoing throughout the large room.
"AUGH what is that!" Liz demanded from within her weapon form, hugging herself.
The three technicians walked up to the edge of the tarp, eying the lump in the middle warily. Maka clutched Soul closer to her, shivering slightly as the room seemed to get colder.
"I have an extreme sense of foreboding." Kid muttered, taking a step away from the tarp. "Something is not right."
"Hya hahaha! It's just a tarp. Whatever is underneath it will fall before my greatness!" Black Star cackled, his enthusiasm attempting to mask his nervousness.
The hairs on the back of Maka's neck raised as she squinted her eyes at the quivering form in front of her. Something was definitely wrong, Kid was right. This must be some sort of trap, the witches somehow knew they were coming.
Suddenly there was a loud cracking noise behind them and the three meisters whipped around, staring out into the darkness. Maka frowned, scanning in front of her.
The rattling breathing suddenly stopped.
Out of nowhere cold, clammy hands wrapped around Maka's ankles. She gave a yelp of fright as the hands pulled her backwards, causing her to fall.
"Maka!" Black Star yelled, running towards her as the hands started pulling the female technician under the tarp with startling swiftness.
"No!" Maka screamed, her free hand scraping at the cement floor and her other one trying to get Soul jammed into the floor. A high pitched screeching noise rang through the room, resembling nails on a chalkboard as Soul's blade was dragged along the floor, a deep scratch following it's path. Kid leaped forward, trying to grab her hand but he was too late as Maka and Soul were pulled under the tarp, Maka's scream instantly being cut off as she disappeared. The lump in the middle of the floor swelled momentarily before slowly retracting back to it's original size.
"What the hell was that?" Black Star exclaimed, his knuckles white where he was holding Tsubaki. Before Kid could reply, the ninja ran forward, gripping the edge of the tarp and throwing it up and off the lump in the middle.
Everything seemed to happen in slow motion. Kid's yellow eyes widened in shock as the tarp lifted off the ground slowly, uncovering the quivering lump beneath it. It somewhat resembled a giant maggot, although it was purple in color and was oozing a puke green substance. It quivered and moved as though something was trapped inside and was trying to punch itself to freedom. As the tarp reached it's peak the monster shuddered and hands started to puncture it's skin, stringy green ooze linking the limbs together in a grotesque display. Kid didn't even have time to cry out a warning as the hands suddenly shot forward, grabbing the ninja by the neck and the shinigami by the face.
The two technicians were pulled forward, the maggot's skin separating and revealing a gaping O-shaped mouth with jagged teeth and more green ooze.
And then there was darkness.
The tarp fluttered slowly back to the ground, the lump sinking into the floor as silence reigned.
Kid awoke with a massive headache and something heavy draped across his chest. If Liz and Patti were playing a trick on him again...
With a sigh the shinigami opened his eyes, squinting at the light from a setting sun in the distance, it's reddish glow bathing the surrounding area crimson. Kid looked down at his chest realizing he was wearing his usual impeccably clean white suit and cravat. He nearly had an aneurysm when he realized it was Soul draped across his chest, clearly unconscious. The weapon was wearing his usual black pinstriped suit, red shirt and black tie. Kid let his head flop back down onto the ground, staring up at the sky above him.
'What the hell happened?' He thought, frowning up at the clouds. They had gone on a mission for Shinigami-sama and he was sure they hadn't been wearing these outfits when they'd left...
"The monster." Kid muttered out loud, sitting up straight when the memories of what had occurred returned to him. Soul's unconscious form landed in Kid's lap, causing the shinigami to blush slightly. "Soul, wake up." He demanded, poking the weapon in the side.
When the weapon just mumbled something and clutched Kid's suit jacket, the shinigami's blush darkened perceptibly. Trying to keep his mind off the figure in his lap, Kid took in his surroundings. They seemed to be in a garden of some sort, beautifully kept flowers and trimmed bushes surrounded a pond and a stepping stone pathway. Kid noticed what looked like a hedge maze to his left and a rather large old fashioned mansion in the distance. Where the hell were they and where were the others?
"There you are! I was just going to-oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!" A feminine voice gasped, making Kid whip his torso around to stare at the intruder.
Standing before him was a woman, Kid placed her age in her late 30s. She was wearing a voluptuous purple dress that clung to her rotund frame. Matching purple gloves covered her hands and forearm and a white feather boa was wrapped around her flabby neck. She had green eyeshadow over her brown eyes and her hair had some wisps of gray mixed in with the black. A rather large peacock feathered purple hat adorned her head. All in all it was a bizarre appearance.
"I...what?" Kid stuttered, dumbly. Soul groaned, his blood red eyes opening slowly and looking up at Kid. The weapon blinked lazily, taking in the scene before him.
"Master Soul, the Colonel has been waiting for you and your...friend." The woman replied stonily, glancing at the shinigami. "You're going to be late for the dinner."
"Dinner? What?" Soul mumbled, glancing over at the stranger with her hands on her hips.
"Oh Mrs. White did say you were quite the prankster Master Soul! Come now, you wouldn't want to be lazing about outside in the dark. Chop, chop!" The woman tittered, attempting to pull Soul up into a standing position.
Kid stood up as the weapon was pulled off of him. Soul was clutching his head and glaring daggers at the stranger in front of him.
"Let's go now boys, there'll be plenty of time later for you two to make love after the dinner." The woman gave a sickeningly coquettish giggle, glancing between the two of them with a sly look in her eyes.
"EHHH!" Kid and Soul yelped simultaneously, their jaws hitting the ground.
"Now, now, did you really think that I, the lovely Mrs. Peacock, didn't hide in the garden to make out with my sweetheart in my youth, did you? Don't be silly. Let's go, let's go." The woman giggled, grabbing both of their arms and dragging them towards the large mansion in the distance.
Only one thing was going through both Kid and Soul's heads.
'What the hell?'
Kid, Soul and Mrs. Peacock stood before the grand oak doors leading into the mansion. The two-story building was white with gray brick interspersed throughout its design. There was an elegant balcony on the second floor as well as two smaller ones on the left and right beneath large shuttered windows. Hanging flower pots hung on either side of the front door, and neatly trimmed bushes lined the edges of the house. It was an impressive sight.
Kid was drooling again. "Symmetry..."
Soul rolled his eyes.
"Let's not keep the Colonel waiting, boys!" Mrs. Peacock tittered, opening the front door and ushering them inside.
To call the inside of the mansion grand would be a gross understatement. It was obvious that no expense was spared in the making of such exquisite architecture. It's elegance and sophistication intimated to all that it's owner's were extremely wealthy. How they came to be so loaded was another matter all together.
Soul preferred to assume the worst in people such as this.
Mrs. Peacock left the two young men in the foyer and scurried off down a hall, leaving them alone.
"What is going on?" Soul demanded as soon as she was out of earshot, turning to look at the shinigami.
"If I had any idea as to what was going on I would have mentioned it before now." Kid replied, crossing his arms over his chest. "As it is, I have not had enough time to assess the situation. However, there are a few possibilities."
"Such as?" Soul grunted, glaring at the refined foyer that reminded him so much of his past life. He'd prefer not to think about his life before Shibusen.
Sometimes he'd prefer not to think about Shibusen either.
"It is possible that we are in some sort of alternate reality as a result of being ingested by that disgusting creature at the warehouse." Kid began, tapping his finger on his chin. "Or we could be under a mass hallucination from the witches."
"Of course." Soul muttered sarcastically before running his hand through his hair. "Maybe we've been transported to the afterlife where everything is gaudy and pompous and we're constantly accosted by some freakish peacock lady who thinks we're an item and for some reason seems to know me."
Kid frowned. "That is not what the afterlife is like."
Soul stared at the shinigami. "That's not...I wasn't...never mind." He sighed. 'Well I guess he would know wouldn't he?'
Before Kid could reply an elderly gentleman and what appeared to be his wife entered the room. The man was dressed in an impeccable veteran army uniform. His gray hair was cropped short and he had quite a magnificent mustache. He had a cliché monocle over his right eye and an old-fashioned pipe in his mouth. The woman was wearing an extravagant white dress that didn't quite hide her buxom frame. Her brown hair (obviously dyed in Soul's opinion) was held back in a tight, stern bun. Her fingers were covered in an outrageous amount of gaudy jewelery and her chubby wrists jangled with various bracelets.
"Soul, my son, how nice of you to finally join us!" The man called genially, waving his pipe in the air. He didn't seem to notice Soul's eyes bug out of his head. "And I see you've brought your friend with you."
"Now, now Cornelius, you know that he's his boyfriend, we discussed this earlier." The woman chided, frowning at the man beside her. "It's nice to see you again, sweetheart." She added, turning to smile at Soul.
The weapon was still recovering from the "son" statement, and to have "boyfriend" thrown at him as well almost sent him into an apoplectic fit.
Before Soul could say anything scathing in reply, Kid stepped on his foot. Soul silently vowed revenge. "It's nice to finally meet you."
"Oh such manners!" The woman smiled, giving her husband a meaningful glance. "Don't mind my husband, he doesn't bite. Not with those dentures!" She giggled. "Here, let me get the maid to take your things. MAID!" Kid and Soul jumped at the sudden raise of voice.
"HAAAAIIIIIII!" A familiar voice called back. Kid and Soul glanced at each other as footsteps neared the foyer and a petite blonde pranced into the room. Patti was clad in the typical old-fashioned maid uniform. It was black and white with many frills, bows and lace. She had white knee-high socks and black shoes as well as a white bow on her head. A feather duster was clutched in her hand like a sword.
"She's a bit...special...but she gets the job done. We've had to catch her up on all the important things in the household, what foods we like and don't like, how we like the bedding and all that, but she catches on pretty fast." The woman whispered, nodding to Patti. "Make sure our son and his boyfriend are settled in comfortably and then escort them to the ballroom, will you?"
"Yes Mrs. White, right away Mrs. White!" Patti saluted.
"We'll speak more once you're settled in. Come along Cornelius." Mrs. White smiled before leading her husband out of the room.
"Patti, what are you doing?" Kid hissed, pulling the girl closer.
"Kid-kun I didn't know you and Soul-kun were dating! Ahe hehehehe!" She giggled, giving them both a sly look.
Kid and Soul blushed crimson.
"Onee-san always said you two were-"
"We are NOT a couple!" Kid hissed, grabbing the girl by her arms and shaking her. Soul sighed, feeling his headache get steadily worse.
"Eh? Why? It's so kawaii~!" Patti whined, pouting at the two of them.
"I can't stop her." Kid groaned, assuming the position on all fours, banging his fist on the ground as Patti danced around him. "I'm worthless, despicable! I should be dead!"
"All right children, do you need a time out?" Soul growled, glaring at the pair in front of him. "Now is not the time, we need to figure out how to get out of here."
"I just woke up here in this outfit! Everyone else started appearing shortly afterwards. You two are the last ones here!" Patti clapped her hands together. "It's a party!"
"The other's are here?" Soul asked, ignoring the shinigami who was still on the ground, crying.
"Ahe hehehe! Yep, everyone's here!" Patti chirped, crouching down to pat her meister on the back. She looked up at Soul. "No one else knows what happened either. And all the other people at this party think they know us."
"Huh." Soul grunted, frowning. "Oi, can you shut him up?" He demanded, glancing down at the shinigami who was getting increasingly louder in his self-admonishments.
"It never works with just one of us!" Patti grinned, looking up at Soul. "Ne, ne Soul-kun! I need you to help me cheer him up!"
"Kid-kun! You're not worthless! What would the world do without you to make it symmetrical?" Patti coaxed, patting her meister on the back.
"Er..." Soul crouched down next to the shinigami. "Um...yeah. If you died then we wouldn't have someone to take over when Shinigami-sama dies."
Patti stared at Soul as Kid just continued to cause a scene. "You're not very good at this Soul-kun."
Soul glared. "Shut up!" He glanced at the shinigami and sighed. "Look, Kid, if you stop freaking out I'll let you make my room symmetrical when we get out of here."
Kid's yellow eyes widened. "Really?"
"The whole room?"
Kid jumped up, his energy returned. "Patti, Soul, let's move."
"Waiiii~! Kid-kun is back to full power!" Patti cheered, breaking out into a fit of giggles. "Patti awaits your command, sir!" She grinned, saluting.
"Let's just go find the others." Soul muttered, shoving his hands into his pockets.
Patti quickly showed Kid and Soul to their room, giggling at the looks on their faces when they realized there was only one bed. Soul claimed that he could get another room set up (surely there was more than enough rooms in the house for everyone) but Patti insisted that they needed to keep up the pretense of being a loving couple.
Soul wasn't sure he liked the look in her eyes.
After that the blond quickly showed them around the rest of the mansion. It really was as spacious as Soul had first guessed, with many different rooms that all looked as though they hadn't been occupied since furniture was put inside them. She showed them the enormous kitchen, the quiet conservatory, the elegant dining room, the billiards room, the library, lounge, hall and study, as well as the indoor swimming pool and the cellar. There were also a number of bedrooms and bathrooms spaced all throughout the mansion.
"What about this room here?" Soul asked, pointing to a heavy oak door at the back of the house.
"I don't know, Mrs. White said that only the Colonel uses that room. She said that he's the only one with the key."
Kid and Soul looked at the door curiously. It was, unsurprisingly, locked and so, with a wistful glance at the door, they allowed Patti to continue the tour.
"Everyone is gathered in the ballroom." Patti announced, standing outside a set of magnificent double doors, her hand on the brass doorknob. "Maybe the other's have found out some more information."
"Let us hope that we can get out of this mess as soon as possible. The witches may be performing their ritual as we speak." Kid said darkly as Patti pushed open the doors to the ballroom.
It was possibly the largest room in the entire mansion and it's decor was so over the top as to be obscene. The high ceiling was domed at the top with extravagant paintings of baby angels that made Soul want to vomit. The walls were white with gold trimming and there were red tapestries and curtains interspersed throughout the room. Marble statues and ice sculptures were decorating various spots and a multitude of tremendous chandeliers graced the ceiling. The far wall was one immense mirror, reflecting the entire room and making it seem even larger. There was music playing from somewhere, it's classical melody just background noise behind the chatter. A large grand piano was on the left and a few tables and chairs were set up throughout the room.
"This is a nightmare." Soul groaned, running his hand down his face before glancing back at the room.
"Soul, Kid!" a voice called from the right. The two young men headed towards Maka who was sitting quietly at one of the tables. She was wearing, strangely enough, a dark gray suit.
"Maka, what's going on?" Kid asked, sitting across from her and moving over as Soul sat down next to him.
"I'm not exactly sure but it seems possible that we are in some sort of alternate reality as a result of being eaten by that gross creature at the warehouse." Maka said, unknowingly repeating almost word-for-word what the shinigami had said earlier.
"People in this reality seem to think they know us." Soul said, slouching in his chair. "That old guy and the fat lady in white called me their son."
"It seems that way." Maka replied, fidgeting in her seat suddenly. "You're not the only one. That purple peacock lady is claiming that Black Star is her husband." She said, nodding towards Black Star who was being smothered by Mrs. Peacock on the dance floor. "And Professor Plum over there," She continued, nodding towards a slim, bi-spectacled man in the far corner. "He says that Tsubaki is his date. Liz is stuck with the elderly man there," She finished, pointing to an extremely old man drooling over Liz by the piano. "Mr. Green claims that she is his much younger wife."
Soul wrinkled his nose at the old man as Kid stared with his mouth open.
"What about you?" The red-eyed weapon asked, turning back to his meister. "No special someone for you?"
"I...umm...well..." Maka stuttered, face going tomato red.
"Ah, Soul-kun, Kid-kun, it's nice to finally meet you." A sultry voice murmured, and the two young men turned towards it.
A stunningly beautiful young woman was standing with a hand on her hip and the other clutching a long cigarette holder, tendrils of smoke drifting lazily towards the ceiling. She had long, curly black hair and chocolate brown almond shaped eyes. She was wearing a revealing red dress that showed her ample cleavage. Red gloves and a small red hat and shoes completed the ensemble. All in all, she was a extremely attractive woman.
"Uh..." Soul mumbled dumbly, trying to look anywhere but at her chest.
"My, my, the Colonel didn't tell me you two were both handsome young men." The woman smiled, raking her eyes over their bodies and stopping at Soul's eyes. "I love the color of scarlet, it is my namesake of course." She whispered, leaning in close to Soul and pressing herself against him.
Soul stepped back as politely as he could, moving to stand beside Kid. It looked like his moment for revenge against Kid for stepping on his foot earlier was upon him. With a smirk on his face he wrapped his arms around the shinigami's waist and pulled him close.
"My apologies, Ms. Scarlet." The weapon replied, his sharp teeth giving him a predatory look as he smirked at her. "My boyfriend doesn't look kindly on others getting too close. He's the jealous type." He said mournfully, running his hand down the shinigami's chest slowly.
Maka choked from somewhere beside him, but the weapon refused to look in her direction.
Kid had stiffened when Soul grabbed him, but the scythe could have sworn he had felt the shinigami shudder slightly when he ran his hand down his chest.
Ms. Scarlet pouted. "That's okay, I'm taken anyway!" She smiled, moving over to Maka and practically sitting in the meister's lap. "This is my partner." She cooed, running her hand along Maka's jaw.
Soul's jaw hit the floor as Maka sat uncomfortably stiff in her chair, blushing profusely and looking like she wished she was anywhere else. Kid was standing next to him still looking dazed from earlier.
Before Soul could formulate a response there was a chiming noise by the double doors. Mrs. White stopped ringing her little bell and called out to her guests.
"Thank you for coming everyone! Now that you are all here we will be starting the dinner shortly! If you could all start making your way to the dining room, we will start eating soon."
"Oh, lovely." Ms. Scarlet sneered, watching Mrs. White disappear through the ornate double doors. "Honey, I'm going to the bathroom to freshen up and I'll meet you in the dining room, my love."
Maka nodded as the woman got up and sauntered out of the ballroom.
"Don't. Say. Anything." She hissed, glaring at Soul.
The weapon held his hands up in mock surrender, a mischievous glint in his eye. "Of course Miss Tiny Tits would be the man." He snickered, grabbing Kid's arm and booking it out the door before he could be hit with her patented Maka Chop.
Kid found himself squished between Soul and Liz at the dinner table. Considering how outrageously rich these individuals seemed to be, the table barely fit all twelve people, not including Patti the "maid" who was bringing the dinner plates in from the kitchen. Mrs. White kept popping in and out, helping her bring in the various dishes.
"Kid, I don't care what we have to do to get out of here but please let's get out of here now." Liz whined, whispering so that the elderly man beside her wouldn't hear. "He is such a creepy pervert!"
"I don't know how to make that possible." Kid replied, carefully cutting up his steak into equal-sized pieces. "We still don't know exactly what is going on."
"We could just kill everybody, maybe that would get us out of here." Soul muttered, shifting his seat back a few more inches so that Ms. Scarlet, who was sitting across the table from him, couldn't stroke his leg with her foot.
"I don't think so. We still don't know for sure if this is an alternate reality or not. We could be killing real people if we're not careful." Kid said, staring intently at his steak. He measured each side of each piece with his finger, narrowing his eyes slightly at one that was a few millimeters too big.
Soul rolled his eyes when it looked like Kid was about to have a fit over the offending portion of steak. He jabbed his fork onto the shinigami's plate, stealing the evil piece and popping it into his mouth. "There, now there's eight pieces." He grumbled, talking with the food in his mouth.
"You're disgusting." Liz groaned, wrinkling her nose at Soul.
"And you're being groped by an old geezer." The weapon replied, raising an eyebrow at the gnarled hand that was inching up Liz's leg.
"I need to use the bathroom!" The older Thompson sister proclaimed, jumping up in her seat and rushing out of the dining room, her sparkling blue dress flashing in the light.
Kid was still staring back and forth between his plate and Soul. Before the weapon could start to force-feed the shinigami himself, he was interrupted by a voice next to him.
"Dude, she's not the only one with marital problems." Black Star whispered from beside Soul. "Man, normally I wouldn't complain about some woman throwing herself at me. I mean, I am the great Black Star. But this lady is too much." He finished, jerking his thumb over his shoulder at Mrs. Peacock who seemed unable to keep her hands off of the ninja.
"I'd have thought you'd be more worried about Tsubaki. Isn't that her over there blushing over the charming Professor Plum?" Soul grinned, pointing with his fork at the weapon sitting next to Maka across the table. She was wearing a lovely beige dress with a black belt around the waist. Her head was tilted closer to the Professor and she had a faint pink tinge to her cheeks.
Black Star glared daggers at Professor Plum, his hand gripping his steak knife so hard that it bent slightly. "I trust Tsubaki, we've been together for three years now. It's creepers like him that I don't trust." He watched as the Professor excused himself from the table and headed into the kitchen. He returned a few moments later with a new napkin.
Soul glanced back at Kid, watching as the shinigami finally picked up his fork and started eating his food. His plate was separated in perfect symmetry.
Liz had returned to her seat. She kept pushing Mr. Green's hand off of her lap.
"Can I have everyone's attention?" Colonel Mustard announced from the head of the table, standing up and tapping his fork on his wine glass. Chatter died down at the table as everyone turned to look at him.
"First off, thank you all for coming on this important day. Today I will announce who will be receiving my hefty inheritance as well as become head of my prestigious company." He beamed at everyone, holding up his newly refilled wine glass, courtesy of Patti. "But first, a toast!" Everyone else held up their glasses, Black Star nearly spilling his all over himself in the process. "To riches!" The Colonel called out and everyone clinked their glasses together before taking a sip of their drinks.
Kid's yellow eyes scanned the table, taking in everyone's faces. Everyone was staring intently at the Colonel, waiting for his announcement.
Everyone except for Professor Plum.
Kid frowned as he watched the Professor stare at his pocket watch, as though it were New Year's Eve and he were counting down the time towards the new year.
"I've built this company up from scratch." The Colonel was saying, waving his now empty wine glass around. "And I want to make sure it goes to someone who has a good head on their shoulders to take proper care of it." He continued, putting the glass down sloppily and causing it to fall onto his plate before placing his hands on the table as though steadying himself.
"I won't be around for much longer, time is catching up with me. It's time for retirement. Sandy beaches and little umbrella's in our drinks await, my dear." He said, turning his reddening face to Mrs. White whose smile seemed strained.
Kid was pretty sure his speech was slurred. Was he already that intoxicated?
"And so, I decided to...to...hand it off..." The Colonel stopped, frowning slightly. His face was really red and he was sweating profusely. He reached for his napkin but before he could grab it he slid sideways, knocking over his chair. Black Star jumped up along with Tsubaki and Maka, the three of them rushing to the older man's side. Kid and Soul followed soon after, watching as blood poured out of the Colonel's mouth, his eyes rolling into the back of his head as he started seizing on the floor.
Ms. Scarlet screamed, fainting from the sight of the blood. Soul caught her before she hit the ground. He dragged her away from the crowd and dumped her unceremoniously next to a potted plant.
Mrs. White was staring in horror and Professor Plum seemed unwilling to get close. Mrs. Peacock was carefully staying away from the blood, clutching her feathered boa to her chest, eyes wide.
The Colonel suddenly stopped seizing and became still, red-tinged vomit dribbling down his chin and blood trickling out of his eyes and nose. Tsubaki tentatively grabbed his wrist, feeling for a pulse.
"He's dead."
The room erupted.
A/N: And so here's the first chapter. I hope you all liked it? I'm not sure if it came out right in my writing, but the whole group are older now, in their early twenties.
I'd also just like to point out again to those who may not know, but I have only seen the Soul Eater anime and haven't read the entirety of the manga yet. I am working on it, I promise, but I just wanted to say that just in case there are any mistakes that don't fit with the manga.
And if you can find some time to click that little button at the bottom of your screen and leave me a review, I'd really appreciate it. I try to personally reply to all my reviews and to those of you who are anonymous, I'd like to say thank you in advance since I have no way of answering you. It's the reviews that keep me going!
Chapter Two Sneak Preview:
Soul opened the wardrobe, pulling out some pajamas and throwing them at the shinigami. They smacked him in the face and fell to the ground, leaving Kid's glaring yellow eyes shooting daggers at the scythe weapon.
"Put some pj's on sweetheart." Soul said, his voice dripping with sarcastic honey. "I'm not sharing a bed with you naked."