An: *Sniffle* This is my last chapter. Thank you all for the review love and for reading this. It was my debut. Kisses. By the way. Did anyone every notice Wilson's initials spell J.E.W? Oh, and um, House drops the f bomb, so, innocent eyes beware. And also I don't own [H]ouse. Just an obscene amount of excitement and squealing.
"So what names do you like?"
Cuddy lifted her head off of House's chest, "Huh?" She put her chin on his chest, he lifted his head off the pillow to look at her.
"You know, baby names."
"Oh. Um...I don't know. Any you like?"
"No whore names." Cuddy laughed, "I'm serious, I will not have my daughter be mistaken as a stripper, no rich bitch names, and no sissy or nerd names for my son. No Sheldon, no Eugene."
She laughed again, "Alright, no whore or rich bitch names, and no nerd names. Let's give our kids names you don't hear a lot. Like, Sophia, and, Paul."
House nodded, "Yeah, I like that. Not those specific names, but different, unique. Lisa."
"You want to name our daughter after me?"
"What? How many little girls do you see running around with the name 'Lisa'?"
"Fine, but we're naming the boy 'Gregory'."
"No. We're not going Frank Sinatra with this. So, 'Lisa's' out. We're also not naming them after relatives."
"Too apple pie. Brandy and Jack?" He smirked at her, she rolled her eyes.
"No. I like Zac for a boy."
"...Yeah, not bad."
"Benjamin? Ben?"
"Not bad either. Abby?"
"I like it. How bout Tegan?"
"Abigail Tegan House. Tegan Abigail House." He said, testing how the names sounded. "How bout 'Emma'?"
"Yeah. I like Emma. So, we're for sure with Emma?"
"I mean, I like it."
"So, we just figure out if we want Abigail, or Tegan. Now that we have those narrowed down, boy's names."
"Well, Zachery Benjamin House. Benjamin Zachery House."
"...I think I like Benjamin first."
"Sounds good. Now I get to call my son Ben Jamin."
House was kissing Cuddy, trying to hold himself over her with one hand, unbuttoning her shirt with the other. When he got it all the way open, he started kissing down her neck and chest. House kissed her stomach while he unbuttoned her pants. He noticed something, it didn't feel like Cuddy was trying to pull out his hair like usual. Her hand was to her side. He stopped what he was doing, and looked up at her. She looked...uncomfortable? "What's wrong?" He moved up her body a little.
"...Are you gonna want me when I'm huge?" He let out a huge breath and let his head fall a little, it took him a minute to realize where his face landed. He let his face fall completely between Cuddy's boobs. She sort of chuckled.
House lifted his head up again, "Baby, I will always want you. Why you gotta do this to me, huh?" He bent his head down a second to kiss her. "Why you do this to yourself?" She looked down at her stomach. "Hey," he lifted up her chin. "Look at me. Every woman would kill to be you, and not just cause you have a sexy husband." A corner of her mouth went up a little. He rolled on his back, bringing her on top of him.
She looked at him, then put her head down, "This is why you deserve me." She wrapped her arms around him. House knew he wasn't getting sex, he also knew he was OK with it.
House was laying on the bed, reading a book, "Greg."
He put the book in his lap and looked to his right, "Hm?" He looked up and down his wife. She was wearing a light blue, see throughish teddy. His eyes finally settled on her face, House took off his glasses and put them on his nightstand.
"Do you like it?" I knew this was new, he thought. Instead of answering though, he grabbed her waist, lifted her over his legs, and laid her down on the bed. Immediately attacking her lips. God they loved her being pregnant.
House kind of loved sex with Cuddy. Because, with her, it wasn't just sex. Yes, it was ectasy, but it was complete. Everything felt right in the world. Nevermind he'd just lost a patient, he had naked Cuddy panting next to him. It wasn't even that he'd just had sex, it was that she was completely happy, he was a distraction from the hell that was her job, and the stress. He did not like his woman stressed. Despite what she said, he knew she was better than he was, and she was settling even if she didn't notice. So he liked that he could relax her, let her sleep. Sometimes, she was an insomniac, thinking about every detail that didn't even matter. Something that no one but her would notice. He brushed a piece of hair out of her face, she subconciously leaned into his touch. He kissed her seventh month belly. "Mmm." Cuddy opened her eyes. "How long'd I fall asleep?"
"I don't know."
"I'm sorry, I'm just exhaust-"
"No. It's fine." He chuckled.
She smiled, her eyes half open, "What?"
"Told you I'd want you when you were noticibly pregnant."
She chuckled, "I'm sorry I ever doubted you."
"I find your lack of faith disturbing." She smiled, then her lids started falling, she blinked a few times, waking herself up. "Lise, just go to sleep."
She laid her head on his arm, "Love you." He kissed her forehead.
"Oh." Cuddy put her hand on her stomach.
Wilson leaned forward, "You OK?"
"Yeah," she waved her hand, "they're just kicking." Wilson looked at her face, then the part of her belly that wasn't blocked by the cafeteria table. She rolled her eyes, "God dammit James, just get over here and feel it." He smiled and pulled a chair next to her, and put his hand on her stomach. "So when can we expect little baby Wilsons from you and Kathy?" Cuddy smiled.
"Hopefully soon." Wilson smiled back.
"With any luck, our kids'll fall for each other, and you and Greg will be related." Wilson chuckled, "Hey, then Greg will have a relative he actually likes."
"Hey! Wilson!" House stood behind Cuddy's chair. "Stop feeling up my wife and unborn children. Pedifile." Wilson rolled his eyes and sat back in the chair across from Cuddy, and House took the chair next to her.
"Your spawn was kicking."
He bent down so he was talking to her stomach, "That's because they're tired of being in Lisa. 8 and a half months is enough. See kids, that's the difference between us." Cuddy smacked him on the arm.
He smirked, "Not appropriate lunch conversation. Must you make a reference to sex everytime someone is around us?"
He thought, "If I know it will make the person extremely uncomfortable, exhibit A," he waved to Wilson, "then, yes." His wife rolled her eyes. "You know," he looked at Wilson, "I think your more excited about his baby thing than us."
"Truth be told, I'm scared for my life, and the safety of the world, when your offspring are brought into this world."
"Yeah, they probably will control the universe. With their parents by their side, ruling with iron fists until they're old enough to take over. The ultimate empire."
House opened his phone after coming out of lunch with a donor Cuddy wanted him to meet with. He had no idea why she didn't come to the lunch, not only because she liked things to go perfectly, and well, he was him, but she hadn't told him why before he left. He turned his phone back on, Damn. Someone called me a lot. Wilson, Stacy, and a number he didn't know had called and left a frick load of messages. Especially the number he didn't know. He was about to listen to them when he got a call, he pressed Enter and put the phone to his ear, "House."
"Greg," Cuddy was breathing fast. "They're coming. I've been-I've been trying to call you, bu-but you weren't answering."
"Oh my god!" He laughed, "Oh my god it's happening!"
"Greg, you need to get here. I-I-I tried to call you, bu-but you weren't answering." She sounded really scared, and on the verge of tears.
"Wh-When'd you start having contractions."
"A little earlier today. They weren't bad, I thought it could wait. I'm sorry." He could tell she was starting to cry.
"Lisa I will be there in ten minutes. Just-Just tell me what's going on. Who's with you?" He started looking for a free cab.
"Wilson and Stacy. I need you."
"I swear Lise, I'll be there in ten minutes. Just tell them stay in there til I come."
She laughed, "I've tried, I don't think they want to listen."
House crossed the street, "Damn me, my rebelious attitude is genetic," she laughed again, but it was very clear she was crying. Just as he got to the other side of the street, someone got in the cab and it drove away. "Damn it!"
"Nothing. It's just the taxi people don't understand that you're more important than where ever the hell all these other people are going."
"When are they gonna learn? Ah," she started breathing faster, "Greg! I don't wanna do this alone! I don't wanna do it without you! I can't-I can't! Greg, I'm scared. I need you, I need you." She started sobbing.
House whistled, "Taxi! I'm coming" he yanked open the yellow door and fell in, "Lise, you can do this, don't be scared, you're not gonna do it by yourself. I'm in a taxi, I'm coming. Breathe, alright? Breathe. I love you love you love you. I'll call you when I'm there."
"K. Hurry."
"Plainsboro Teaching Hospital. Floor it." House couldn't sit still, he needed to get an hour ago. Suddenly, traffic stopped. Everyone just pulled to a stop. House looked out the window, a light was broken, "Fan-fucking-tastic!" He threw money into the front seat and jumped out. House wasn't really thinking things through when he started running to the hospital, that was a mile away. 6 and a half minutes later and got to the hospital entrance, again with the not thinking, he bolted up the stairs until he got to the floor with the maternity ward. He bent over at the front desk, finally allowing time for oxygen. After a few seconds of deep breathing, he tried to talk.
"Delivery room 2." A nurse said before he could ask. He gave her a thumbs up and ran, deja vu, into the aforementioned room.
"Move Wilson." Wilson moved away from Cuddy, and House grabbed her hand. "Told you I'd be here." Cuddy smiled at him.
"Looks like your just in time House." The doctor said in the same tone everyone used with him.
"You're lucky my wife's having a baby, or I'd kick your ass." After many hours of breathing, pushing, pain, and Wilson almost passing out, Cuddy was laying in bed, curled up next to House. Their babies, in the little rolling bed at the end of the bed. "Now what have we learned for this experience?"
"That whenever something even remotely feels like a contraction, tell you and cancel everything or go with you to where ever we're going." She yawned.
"Very good."
"Greg," she put her hand on his chest, "can you get them for me?"
House laughed softly, "You're gonna fall asleep, let's put that off a little while."
She shook her head, "No I'm not," her words slurring a little bit.
"Lise, you're exhausted. Go to sleep. They'll still be here when you wake up, they'll probably be asleep." She nodded and moved closer to him. She got her little House babies.
"Abby! Ben! Let's move!" House hollered. "Tegan!" He saw his littlest girl on the couch in an outfit that in no way, shape, or form, matched. "You're not even close to ready." She gave him this little smile, he sighed and lifted her up, "You make my life so much harder." He kissed her cheek. "Now go talk to your mommy about this outfit." He put her on the ground, and she ran to the back of the house. "Abby!" He felt a little hand hit him on the back of his leg. He spun around and looked down into a little annoyed face that said, 'I'm right here!'. "Let's see how you did." She held her arms out to her side, still annoyed, "Perfect as usual." She responded with a 'get with it Dad' look, then ran to go get her brother. "I'm being given attitude from a five year old." She looked just like her mom, dark hair, her eyes turned murky green when she cried, extremely blue when she was happy, she always made sure she matched everything, including her underwear. She had recently been given license to dress herself, and was doing a great job. She ran the household, except for her mom, and could bend House to her will. "Dammit, I'm owned be two women." House and Cuddy had went for Emma as her middle name.
"Dad," House looked down at his son, "will you please tell Abby to shut up. She's trying to tell me what to wear." Ben was exactly like House, but his eyes weren't quite as blue. He had light brown hair, it was almost never brushed, except for when Cuddy did it. He always had the CD player that House got him for Christmas, almost never listened to Cuddy because either he couldn't hear her with all the ACDC, Led Zeppelin, and Rolling Stones blasting his ear drums, or he was pretending it was.
"Ben!" Cuddy called.
"Oh!" He jumped on the couch and put his headphones on. He started moving his head to an imaginary song.
"Ben, we're going to dinner. You can't wear jeans and a t-shirt to the resteraunt. And he's not listening to me." She looked at House, "What?"
"Damn, Babe." He looked her up and down, "Why are you getting so dressed up for Wilson?"
She put her hands on his shoulders, "How do you know I'm not getting dressed up for you?"
He pulled her against him by her hips, "You know I'd rather you dress down."
"Ew!" Ben yelled. He looked at his mom's accusatory face, "Song ended."
"Well now that it did, I can tell you to go change." Ben sighed and hung his head. "Move."
"Yes Ma'am." He started walking down the hall.
"Mommy." Cuddy looked at Tegan, well, what she could see of her daughter. Her arms were above her head, the shirt was caught on her head. "Mommy, I'm stuck." Cuddy opened and closed her mouth, then picked up her daughter and went into the room the girls shared.
"Hey, Ben." He looked back at his dad, House pulled on the lapels of his sports jacket. Ben nodded. A few minutes later he heard Abby yell, "Ben! Just sit still!"
He ran back into the living room and put the couch between him and his sister. "Leave me alone Abby!"
She held up a brush, "Your hair is messed up."
"Abby!" Cuddy came into the room with Tegan, the shirt on correctly, on her hip. "Leave your brother alone. See Ben? That's more like it." She smiled at her son, and he smirked at his dad. All he had done was put on a jacket, same shirt, shoes, and pants. "But now that I look at it, you do need to brush your hair." She ran her fingers through his hair. His head dropped. House took Tegan from Cuddy. If he werecompletely honest with himself, and everyone knew this, Tegan was his girl. She was right in the middle of House and Cuddy. Now Tegan, she had House's eyes, Cuddy's dark hair, but it was straight, not curly. She had House's smile, Cuddy's laugh, she was adorable, tiny, and god was she smart. All of their kids were extremely intelligent.
"OOWW! Mom!"
"Don't be such a baby, Ben! If you brushed your hair, then Mom wouldn't have to do it."
"Bite me!"
"Hey!" Cuddy stopped brushing, then looked at her husband.
"...Kids say the darndest things. Oh look, Wilson's here." Abby's eyes got huge. She ran to the front door and threw it open. Tegan started pushing her dad's chest. He set her down.
"Hi Jesse." Abby got a shy smile.
"Hi Abby." Wilson's son smiled.
"Jesse and Abby sittin in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G." Ben sang to his sister.
"Shut up Ben!"
"Uncle Jim!" Tegan ran through the front door and jumped on Wilson.
"Hey, Teg." He hugged.
"Where's Lily?"
"Aunt Kathy's getting her out of the car." The 4 year old ran to the car in their driveway.
Jesse came in the house, Abby following, he saw his best friend getting his hair brushed by his mom. He scoffed, "Nice Ben. Your mom's brushing your hair."
"Mom, it's done!" He ducked his head and stood up. "Like your mom wasn't doing the exact same thing before you guys came."
"Whatever." They did their handshake they'd made up.
"OK, all children outside!" Cuddy announced.
"Yes Mrs. Bosslady." Jesse saluted and ran outside.
Again, Cuddy looked at her husband, and again he answered, "...Kids say the darndest things."
"I'm home!" All three kids' heads jerked up.
"Daddy!" They screamed in unision. Ben and Abby jumped in his arms, and Tegan held onto his legs.
Cuddy got off the floor and wrapped her arms around her husband's neck, "Why did you leave me alone with these children?" House moved his arms so his oldest kids were hanging sideways, Cuddy went up on her toes and kissed her husband.
"If I go away more often, do I get this welcome everytime?"
"No, you'll get slapped for leaving so much."
"Hey guys!" Cuddy shut the door, and put her briefcase, purse and keys down on the table. "I'm home!"
She heard thumping, "Mommy!" Abby came in with a yellow sheet of paper held high. Cuddy lifted her up when she got close, "Mommy, look at my report card." She took the piece of paper from her enthusiastic daughter.
A. "Wow! Great job baby!" She gave her a high five.
Abby smirked, "Ben didn't do as good."
"Oh yeah? What'd he get?"
"He got a B+." Cuddy tried to fight the smile. She knew Abby and Ben were her and House. Minus the sexual tension. Abby always was trying to beat him.
"How about we get pizza and icecream tomorrow night to celebrate?"
"Why can't we do it tonight?"
"I'm sorry, but I'm pretty tired." She whispered, "You're daddy's kind of an idiot." Abby giggled. "Speak of the devil." House came in with Tegan on his hip.
"What are you saying about me?"
"Mean things." House put his hand on her lower back and gave her a quick kiss.
"Abby, time to go to bed."
She sighed, "Okaay." She slid down her mom's side, and went down the hall.
"Hi baby girl." Cuddy took her youngest from her husband, "Time for you to go to bed too."
"I'm not tired," she said sleepily, as she wrapped her arms around her mom's neck and put her head down.
"Really?" She walked to the girls' room. "You're not even tired a little?" Tegan got under the covers, and shook her head. "So you wouldn't fall asleep, even if your daddy sang to you?"
"Mm mm."
"Really?" House took Cuddy's place on her bed. Cuddy kissed Abby good night. House started singing to their youngest, Cuddy always loved when he did this, because it was always a song from her favorite movie at the time. Right now, it was Sleeping Beauty.
I know you, I've walked with you Once Upon A Dream
I know you, that gleam in your eyes is so familiar a gleam
And I know it's true, that visions are seldom all they seem
But if I know you I know what you'll do,
You'll love me at once, the way did Once Upon A Dream.
And that's all it took to put Tegan out. Cuddy went into her son's room to find him sitting on his bed, his arms crossed over his chest. He looked kind of mad.
"Hey. What wrong?" She sat next to him.
"You're late. You said you'd be home at 6, it's 8:30."
"I know. And I'm sorry, but there was a lot to do. As you may know, you're dad likes to make my life hard."
"You could have brought work home."
"But I wouldn't have been any fun-"
"I'd rather have you here. Even if you just barely listened to us when we talked to you. Abby was really annoying, she would not shut up about you seeing her report card."
"Yeah, she was excited. That reminds me, we're going out tomorrow for icecream and pizza to celebrate your guys' good grades."
"Whatever," he rolled on his side, away from Cuddy, and pulled the blanket over his shoulder.
Cuddy put her hand on his shoulde, "Night honey." She just got a grunt in response. She went into her room, House was throwing the decorative pillows on the floor.
"Hey, do you want some dinner, or are you gonna take a shower?" Instead of answering, she put her hand on the back of his head, and pulled him into a kiss. A little confused, House put his hands on her lower back, and did the only thing he knew how to do, kiss her back. Ben got many things from his father, one being the ability to read peoples moods, but instead of just recognizing, he mimicked. Tegan was too little to feel resentment, and Abby was too excited about her report card to give a damn about anything, but that. That left House. He's not going to tell her he doesn't like her working late, one, he would feel a little weird saying that to her, two, he knows the job means a lot to her. She knew he wouldn't come up to her at work and say 'I miss you, I'm sad you work late', so she said it.
She went back down, "I miss you. Work sucks, I miss you." He rubbed her back, then leaned back down to kiss her again.
"Hey! Guys! Time to go! Dinner!" Tegan and Abby came sprinting in to the living room, trying to shove their arms into their jackets. Tegan got stuck and started turning around in circle, trying to get her arm out, Abby grabbed her shoulders and helped her. Ben stuck his head out of his room, a confused look on his face. Cuddy smiled, "I told we were going out, didn't I?" The half smile he stole from his dad pulled at a corner of his mouth. As they walked out the door, Abby had her head held high, "You're welcome guys." Ben rolled his eyes.
"What the hell?" Wilson looked at House.
"Wasn't she seven five seconds ago?" He looked at his oldest, in a white dress, dancing with Wilson's son.
"They grow up fast. You think I'm anymore thrilled about Jesse being 23?"
House wasn't paying attention, "Ben's in the army, what the hell was that? He went to college for two years, then enlisted."
"Well, his service is up this year, and he's probably not going to sign up again with Sarah and everything. At least he's here. Though the uniform is a little different for a wedding."
"Tegan's going for her Masters. What the hell happened to my children being children? Then her and Lily are doing a year in Europe."
"Is the only good thing about Abby getting married is that we have Wilson as an in-law?" Cuddy sat on her husband's lap.
"I'd rather have her be seven," he continued to rant as he put his arm around his wife's waist. "What the hell?"
Greg pulled Lisa's back against his chest and mumbled sleepily into her hair, "Ever wondered how it would've turned out differently if I hadn't come back in med school?"
"Hm mm. Never. I've loved my life, I don't want to change it. Love you Greg. Night."
"Night Lise. Love you."
An: I cry as I push the complete button. Sorry this was so late, but school hates me. I bet you school is a Hameron...Ima look into that. And to answer your question: Yes, my hatred runs that deep, and yes, I know I'm a lil crazy. Thank you again to my awesome readers, I give everyone that reviewed a cyber waffle #(^-^)# Guess what, this story was un betaed- un betad- man that word is tougher than 'Symbolically' ;) P.S. 6 days!