From HFIL to Regular Lives

Disclaimer: I may be new to this site but I'm smart enough say this "I DO NOT OWN DBZ". Thanks for reading that. I also don't own Burger king , Wendy's, Arby's.

Prologue: this is a what-if story about what would happen if Buu (in his super form), Cell (Perfect form) and Frieza (final form) tried to start regular lives in the world of the living. Takes place 2 days after the fight with Majin Buu.

Chapter 1 Regular Day in HFIL

It was regular day in HFIL. Broly was standing in a corner muttering to himself "Kakkarot" over and over again. Cell and Frieza were in an important argument… which restaurant was better Wendy's or Arby's. "For the last time Frieza Arby's is better!" yelled Cell. "No. Wendy's is way better!'' growled Frieza.

The Ginyu forces were posing shouting their names which each of their own pose.

Buu was calmly beating up Bojack for the fifth time this week. "How many times do I have to tell you Bojack no one and I repeat NO ONE takes my candy.'' While Buu was beating him up Bojack's sister Zangya was watching and laughing at her brother and not trying to help him because yesterday he purposely tried to burn her hair. For her this was payback.

Again another regular day in HFIL.

After Buu finished beating up Bojack he knocked him out and flew over to Zangya. (Warning this may surprise you)

"Okay I beat him up for you know can I get the candy he took from me?'' asked Buu.

"You're not done yet" said Zangya and she stood up on her toes and kissed him.

After 2 minutes she broke apart handed him his candy and flew off. Buu stood of in a daze for a little while until he took off to a still arguing Cell and Frieza.

"Shut up both of you!" he yelled. "Burger King is way better than either of those damn restaurants combined!"

"Fine Buu" said both Cell and Frieza muttering a few swear words.