A/N: Hello! Yes, not my first story but this first one I published! Yay me! ! I submitted it for an important super special awesome person named Frank Jives! Read his stories! He is awesome! Please enjoy it ^^

Matt smiled and greeted me with a hug when I met him at the airport, but when we got in the car and I started it up...

He became silent and distant...

I look over at him while we were riding down the highway, breaking the speed limit of course.

Matt still wouldn't look at me so I sighed and concentrated on not running over things.

At a stoplight 10 minutes later, Matt lit up. His face turned into a huge grin as he slowly turned to me. "What?" I asked dumbly.

Psh...And Matt calls him moody...

"RED ONE!" I barely heard his shriek as he punched my shoulder. Hard. For a gamer he has some arm!

"WHAT THE HELL MATT!" He better have a good excuse for this one!

"Look! Look!" He eagerly pointed out the window (He opened to throw his fucking cancer stick out the window.) towards a small bug-like car with a VW logo on the front. "See! A red buggy!"

He looked like a child. Who found an ice cream truck. In front of McDonalds. On the moon.

Minus the moon bit...

But anyway I glared at him despite his bubbly attitude. "See?"

"Yes Matt! I see how logical it is to punch someone because you saw A FUCKING CAR!" I didn't care if I made the puppy pout


"Jeeze, Mels...Don't be so defensive."

He practically purred out that word because he know I hated it.

"Fucking dumbass beetles and their goddamn-"

I stop suddenly and grinned "Uh oh..." Matt knew something was wrong when I, Mello, smiled. Smart boy.

I pulled my shoulder back and punched him on the shoulder with as much force I can muster "YELLOW ONE!"

A/: So, there you have it! My first published story! I hope you liked it! Reviewers get cookies and I accept flames

No, the fact that I made red and yellow beetles isn't a coincidence. I just felt like it :3