The Compromise

"Roxas, please! You must do this! For the Strife family name!" My father begs.

"But I don't want to. Why can't one of my other brothers do it?" I ask.

"We've talked about this. Sora is fifteen, so he's to young. I will not allow my youngest son to marry at that young of an age."

"And what about Leon? He's eighteen."

"I can't ask him to do it. He's upset about Rinoa. Remember, she's in the hospital and Leon loves her very much. When Rinoa finally gets out, they will marry, but that won't be in the next fourteen days."

"So it's all up to me? Your oldest son who actually has never had a girlfriend."

"...Yeah." He sighs.

"Sigh, Cloud...I'm sorry. I can't do this." I simply tell him.

"Please son! Our family name will perish without you!" My dad begs once more.

Then why did grandpa leave me the trouble of all this? Because he 'loves me'. Psh, hates me more like it. If he loves me so much, then why would it be up to me to do this? And even under these conditions! Our family, the main branch, is in money trouble. My father, Cloud Strife, the rightful heir to my grandfathers fortune, has come into issues because of what happened years ago. He was married to my mother, though I don't remember her name, as I never found out at age six, Leon three, and Sora two months old. She left for a reason that my father still won't tell us and sense it happened, my grandpa doesn't think that Cloud can hold onto the fortune because of that day. Thinking that it might happen again, but the next time she will run off with our money. So now, in order for my father to get the money, he needs a second heir. Which could have been Sora, Leon, or me. Sadly, it was me. Why? Well, my dad and grandpa had to both agree on one of us to be the first heir of the third generation. So, first off was Sora. He was fifteen, brown hair like our mother except his was spikey, and dark blue eyes. He was happy go lucky and a real sweetheart. All the girls loved him, but he was naive and was more into playing than dating. Well, apparently he was to young, so he would be the last of the heir as of this moment. Next was Leon, the second oldest. He was eighteen, blue eyes like Sora's as well, and brown hair that you just couldn't really discribe. He was in love with Rinoa, and she loved him. Sadly, she got in an accident and has been in the hospital for the past few months. My father wanted Leon to be it sense he had his life planned out, but sense the accident Leon couldn't marry her at the moment. So last was me, the 'misfit' of the group. I have light blue eyes and blonde spikey hair, like my dad. I had never had a girlfriend, even though I am now twenty one. No girl ever looked at me, and actually, I never gave a shit. I was more focused on my studiest than the girls, but sense I must marry in the next fourteen days, I have to actually start paying attention.

"So, tomorrow we will go to the match maker and he or she will set you up." Cloud says out of the blue.

"What! No! If I'm going to do this, I'll be doing this my way."

"And what is your way?"

"You'll find out tomorrow." I say leaving the room.

I leave the living room and I head into my room. The room that the three of us shared. Sora was on his top bunk, working on some school work and listening to music. Bobbing his head to the beat as the earphones blasted in his ears. Under his bunk was Leon's. He wasn't here right now, but you could tell it was his because he had pictures of him and Rinoa and his friends all over his piece of the wall. I walk over to mine and I sigh as I fall onto my bed. Mine was in the corner and mine had all the books around it. I pick one up and I flip through it. After a few minutes of doing so to different books Sora finally realizes that I'm here and he takes his earphones out of his ears. He hops down and he stares at me.

"Roxas?" He asks.

"...What?" I answer.

"Why are you so sad?"

"You know why. Don't act stupid."

"Huff, fine." Sora said stamping his foot. "But you don't have to act like it's the end of the world."

"It is to me. I've never had a girlfriend let alone liked one before. So to marry one, well, I think it's absurd."

"Well you have two weeks."

"I know."

"So what are you going to do about it?" Sora asks, taking a seat on Leon's bed.

"Well, I'm not to sure yet. I've read a few things, but..." I say trailing off.

"But what?" Sora asks.

"Well..." I say looking at a book. I get up, grab it, and brush it off. I then take a seat next to my youngest brother and I show him the book. "I've heard that this has something to do with it."

"...You can't be serious."

"Oh, I am serious, and tomorrow, you'll find out just how serious I am."

"But, Roxas..."

"No buts. I'm doing this."

I get up and place the book on my bed. After that I give Sora a loving smile and I head out the door. If I was going to do this, I was going to do it my way.


I'm alive people! And with a new story! Can you believe it! Sorry I was gone, but, it's a longish story. Anyway, I hope you all will enjoy my new story as I'm rather proud of it so far. Anyway, leave me a review filled with loving words. ^_^