Fury walked Tony into a secluded room. He shut and bolted the door. "I feel like your going to shoot me, not talk to me." Tony said awkwardly.
"He he, Funny Stark," Fury replied, not realising it was not a joke, "This is top security stuff, nothing we say leaves the room, it says in here got it?"
"I guess."
"Good," Fury lifted out a few files and slid two over to Tony, "As you have probably guessed, you're not the only hero out there. From what I've heard you have already come across two." Tony opened the files and nodded, he knew both these heroes,
"The Black Panther and The Hulk."
"Good, so my resources were correct. I think the Hulk is a monster but am urged to treat him as a hero. Under your leadership, Stark, I think he could be."
"Me? Lead three people, Fury in case you haven't notice the Black Panther isn't the most social person I know and the Hulk has tried to kill me."
"It's not only you three."
"Who else?" Tony questioned. Fury slid him over a few more files. "I've heard all these names before, But I've never seen them in action." He scanned over the files, "Thor? Isn't he just a myth?"
"Isn't the hulk?"
"Touché. Hank Pym, I've met him, he used to work at Stark International."
"Janet Van Dyn was his assistant, they are an item now but she is still working for him." Fury replied, Tony notice he was still holding back one file, he wondered who,
"Right so Hank, Janet, Clint Barton? Wasn't he S.H.I.E.L.D?"
"He was, not any more. The Black widow recommended him," Tony's eyes bulged,
"Black Widow? Isn't she dead?"
"She has died numerous times, it comes with the job." Tony finally spoke up about the other file,
"So, whos that?" He inclinded his head towards the file. Fury slammed it on the table, taking his time to pass it over.
"You may recognize the name." Tony gasped, at the picture the name and the secret identity,
"Captain America...It's, it's Steve."

"So what do you think they are talking about in there?" Pepper queried. Rhodey shook his head,
"I don't know but I thought Fury said the word 'Avengers' or something" Howard dropped his coffee cup and it shattered against the floor. The teenagers exchanged glances and then walked towards Howard. "Do you know something?"
"You should tell us, Howard. We are his best friends."
"If Fury said what Rhodey thought he said, we are getting Tony out of there, now."

"So he was frozen in ice for 60 years, how did he even survive?"
"He was criogenically frozen." The door was being pounded on from the outside. Tony looked startled.
"Fury, open this door. Tony don't listen to him."
"Howard not now!" Fury ran to the door to keep it shut. When he did Tony scanned all the files into his pod. Fury turned to face him as he hid hid pod. "So are you going to work for S.H.I.E.L.D as an Avenger or just be some armoured vigilante," Before he could answer Howard had kicked down the door.
"Tony were leaving."
"Think about it Stark."
"He doesn't have to do anything you say!"
"he doesn't have to, for his own good he should."
"Is that a threat?" Howard and Fury went into a fight as Tony slipped out and walked to Pepper and Rhodey.
"So?" She said inquisitively.
"I need to talk to you guys back in the lab."

People on the street stopped and stared, Howard and Tony Stark were walking like nothing had ever happened. The two teenagers who were always with Tony had the same expression. A angry Nick Fury glared at them and walked ino the helicarrior. "You're making a mistake, Tony. S.H.I.E.L.D is the good guy."
"I never realised the good guys blackmail and manipulate people." Tony winked back. The four walked around the block to the Rhodes family home and were greeted by fire trucks and S.W.A.T teams. Tony snuck them all into his lab which was now bomb proof. He Pulled out the emergency wardrobe for Pepper and Rhodey and he headed off for a shower. This was all so normal. Like nothing happened. Howard looked in awe at the huge lab. "Wow." He muttered under his breath. The amount of armours and tech, considering this had all been rubble a few months ago he was impressed. Tony walked back in and went straight to the monitor. Rhodey slid into the computer seat and Pepper pushed herself up on the monitor ledge beside Tony. "T-tony you built all this? There are S.W.A.T teams outside and you are acting like this is just another day in the office!" Tony laughed and glanced around at him,
"Yes I did, yes it's cool and yes, this is pretty normal for us." Pepper and Rhodey made sounds of agreement.
"So, what did you want to talk to us about?" Pepper chirped, Howard saw how at home she looked. Rhodey notice her stance, she felt safe here again, because Tony was home. He smiled, Tony seemed to not only fix tech but fixed their lives.
"Yea what did Fury want?" He added. Tony slid himself up beside Pepper. He threw his pod on the ground and the different heroes came up in a hologram.
"Hulk! I love him he is so cute!" Pepper smiled, they all looked at her, she rolled her eyes, "Eww no, in a teddy bear way or your little brother not, just no" She shot snickering Rhodey a glare,
"T'challa, he will be fun,"
"Have a little faith, Pepper."
"I notice you are not on this list Rhodey." He smiled at her,
"Fury wants me to join S.H.I.E.L.D and..." Tony began,
"YES!" Pepper started,
"NO!" Howard returned,
"...and lead this team," He edited it so only the faces came up, "Hank Pym, Ant-Man."
"I remember him," Howard smiled,
"Janet Van Dyn, The Wasp,"
"Wasn't she his assistant?" Tony nodded,
"Clint Barton, Hawkeye."
"OH! HE'S EX S.H.I.E.L.D" Pepper squeaked,
"And according to Fury empathize on the ex." Rhodey said crossing his arms.
"The thunderer?" Pepper asked, "It's he a myth?"
"As much as the Hulk is, Pep. Now, this isn't who you think. Well it is but he has been frozen in a block of ice for 60 years, part of the super soilder program."
"No, Stop right now, You are NOT making more super soilders, Steve went badly enough!" Howard cried,
"Steve?" Rhodey and Pepper said in unison,
"Steve Rogers, Captain America." Tony replied, "I don't want to work for S.H.I.E.L.D but this team is a good idea guys. There are some villains I can't take down on my own and well, you have seen what the HUlk is against. Some of their villains are overpowering them. I have their details, we could all met up secretly and discus it!"
"But Tony, they will..." Pepper began,
"T'challa will keep quiet, and i'll wear the armour. It's fuel proof!" As if on cue the bomb they found in the house went off. So strong it knocked them over, in a bomb proof room, "Was anyone inside, computer?"
"Negative, but S.W.A.T has been hurt. Sir, I suggest you take a look at the satalight image." The computer replied. Then brought it up on screen.
"Agree on the Avengers now?" Tony said, the other three nodded. Burning into the house and compound was the Chinese writing,
Your time is coming. You stand alone. You can be destroyed.

Hi :D I hope you liked it! The next in this series (not to sure how long it is btw) is called

The Avengers: Stark's army

I hope you enjoy it it will be up very soon, other fan fictions not related to this storyline will also be up. I will put int the description if it is part of the series :D