Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha in anyway. But I wish I did™

Summary: One day Kagome was walking back to the village with Shippo when 3 demons came out of no where. When Kagome woke up she was a not human and she was a demon with a tear drop on her forehead and that she is a cat demon. Later on she found out that she the long lost miko-youkai princess of the Northern Lands. Was that not only back she has leave the village and go north to find that her father that she thought was dead is really alive. What more? She find out that she has an arranged marriage with non other than the "Killing Perfection". What is Kagome to do? Sigh

Thoughts –Thoughts

Beast -Beast

Pairings: Kagome and Sesshomaru & Sango and InuYasha

I hope you guys will like it. And sorry I am changing so much about my story. ;)

Charter 1: Kagome? Who are you really?

Kagome was walking back to village with Shippo holding her hand. Shippo had grown a lot in the 4 years that they have been travelling together. He lost his foxish feet and got human like feet, his ears became pointed like a demons and he grew to be at Kagome's hips. Kagome was thinking about what wish that could be made on the jewel that is a pure wish since Naraku has been defected just a few months back.

Shippo notice that his mother was in deep thought when he sense youkais coming they was very fast. Kagome sense her son aura and let her miko powers out to check to see what her son sense while making sure that she doesn't purify Shippo while doing this.

Kagome and Shippo quickly when the clearing that was up head and a bit away from the village just incase the demons are hostile. The 3 demons came into the clearing. One was a tall inu youkai with jet black hair, lightly tanned skin, pink strips marking on his cheek and light green eyes and a jet black tail hanging over his shoulder The other demon was a bit shorter and was a neko youkai with light blonde hair, tanned skin, sea blue strips marking on his cheek, baby blue eyes and a cute cat tail swaying behind him. The last demon was a okami youkai with light brown hair, pale skin, and purple eyes he didn't have any marks on his cheeks.

"What do you demons want?" Kagome said in a cold monotone

"We are sorry Mi'Lady but we have been searching for 4 years now." The neko youkai said

"What Mi'Lady? I think you have the wrong girl I am not demon?" Kagome asked while looking closer at the demons, "Who are you people?"

Shippo right next to Kagome ready to attack when his mother gave the signal.

"We are from 3 lands of Japan, I am from the Northern lands" The neko youkai said "My inu friend here is from the Western lands and the okami is from the Eastern lands"

Finally Shippo spoke up "So what so you want with my mommy? She is not a demon!"

The inu demon spoke next "She is a demon. When Lady Kagome turns 20 which is tomorrow, she will transform into her demon self but before that happens we need to take the seal off her her so that her miko powers don't purify at the same time."

Kagome and Shippo were shocked by this.

"SO to undo this seal what do you need to do?" Kagome asked

"We just need to touch her forehead where your mark is and draw a tear drop on the back of your hand" The wolf demon said. "With your blood of course"

Kagome just nodded and let the demons do what there needed to do. The neko demon kissed Kagome's forehead where her mark of the north will be, The inu demon pricked Kagome's finger so a little bit of her blood comes out and used it to make a tear using her blood.

"Um... Lady Kagome is this kit your son I heard him call you mommy." The wolf demon asked.

"Kagome is my mommy not by birth or blood but she is mom after she took me in when my parents died." Shippo said speaking up.

"Well kit would you like to be Lady Kagome's son by blood too." The wolf demon asked while looking at Shippo at an eye level.

"Yes I would look to be Kagome's blood child" Shippo said.

The wolf demon asked Kagome if she wants Shippo to be her blood child. ?Kagome said yes and the neko demon told Kagome and Shippo how to a blood exchange. After Kagome and Shippo did the blood exchange Shippo got a black highlight going though he hair and Kagome had a red highlight in her hair.

"Kagome, Shippo when Kagome goes though the change the royal markings, hair colour will change. Plus you will also get some of each others power too" The neko demon said before he disappeared.

Kagome and Shippo walked back to the village to the little hut that the villager made for her and Shippo since Naraku been dead and Kagome needed a place where she can rest after all her travels with Shippo.

Later that day Sango came by and was shocked when she saw Kagome and Shippo well was shocked by they hair. Kagome told her that they will explain one everyone was here. So Sango when to get InuYasha and Miroku and brought them to Kagome's hut. Both Miroku and InuYasha was shocked too when they saw Kagome and Shippo. Shippo explained what happened to them while Kagome was making tea to give to everyone to calm them down. So after everything was explained everyone left ail but InuYasha saying that since he is a prince he would be able to tell Kagome what part of Japan she is the princess of when she wakes in the morning.

The next morning Shippo woke up feeling different, but he didn't know why he just felt different. InuYasha woke next and looked at Shippo because Shippo had blue highlight now added to his red hair and black highlight he had before. He also notice that Shippo had blue strips on his arms and legs. Then he saw the 2 strips Shippo had on both side of his cheek one was black and the other was blue. Before InuYasha could tell Shippo about this Kagome woke up. Shippo and InuYasha was shocked about her new look. Her scent had change it now had the fresh snowfall mixed with roses. She had grown from being 5'2" to 5'6", also her hair hand grown to her butt with a shine glow to it. She also not had a blue highlights in her hair along with her red one. She also had blue strips on her arms and leg. And one both her cheeks she had 2 strips one red and one blue, with a black tail with blue and red strips in it.

"Mommy" Shippo said. "You look pretty."

Kagome smiled at this. "InuYasha do you know what land I am from." Kagome asked.

InuYasha couldn't stop looking at Kagome because she looked very beautiful.

"Um... Yes you are from the North Kagome, the blue tear drop on your forehead proves it and Shippo that makes you a prince of the North since you and Kagome did the blood exchange."

Kagome hugged InuYasha and asked him if he wants to come with her and Shippo after she make a trip though the well to visit her family before they set off to the North with the rest of the gang.

This chapter is 1147 words.

Kagome: Hey you turned me into a demon with miko powers what the hell

Nel(me): So What it's my story

Shippo: But Mommy you look so cute as a demon

Kagome: blush really Shippo

Shippo: Yes Mommy :)

Sesshomaru: Well, this yuck fev is stupid and Please Review if you want a chapter 2

Nel: Sesshy be nice they will review. Well bye guys :)