Author's Note: Here is Matt's letter. And sorry for the typos in my story. But I'm glad that you all like the story.

My fellow members,

I'm sorry to have let you guys down. I know you all can win Regionals and show Ms. Sylvester what we are made off. Mr. Schue you are one cool teacher I will never forget you and your strange teaching methods. One of the best. Puck, and Finn my boys, you guys are wound up, crazy, fun guys that are great at the sport of football. Keep it up. Mike you are amazing and I'm glad I was able to full fill my sexual needs with you. I know you will find the right guy. Which brings me to Kurt. Kurt you are one of the most strongest people I've known. Being open to the world and fight against the stupid homophobic teenagers like Karofsky. If anyone would be happy with you it would be Mike, so do some good and go from there. Brittany, Santana, and Quinn you girls are crazy awesome and fun to be with. Do some right and stay with Glee, I know you girls want to. Artie my crazy, guitar man I love your funky jams. Keep it up and I know you and Tina are going to be a great couple for as long as you two are together which, should be til marriage. Tina, don't break my boy's heart. I know you are deep and like me shy, but I know you are ready to blossom and ready to show everyone what you got. Mercedes, my sister from another mister. You crazy girl and you got a voice that can kill and I know Beyonce is waiting for you. To the other new glee clubbers, don't think you don't fit in with this group because you all do. Somehow, someway you all fit in with this group. You all will shine when the time comes. And of course I wouldn't ever forget that voice. I bet I can hear it now, up in the clouds. Rachel your strong willing attitude and upholding voice are some of the great things about you. Keep it up and keep this club in shape. I know you will. And of course I have to give some props and kudos to the band and Brad. I love you guys. I went out with a bang, and I had a blast with you guys. I'm watching over you guys in a happy place, singing and rapping and not having the stresses I've been going through

Love you all
