A/N: Hello there! This is my first Shaman King fic. I missed this series so much and was a bit disappointed to see how little there was to read here on the site. So I sat down at my computer and dazed out. Next thing I know I have a ready to go chapter about a story I didn't think of until it was typed! Don't know where it's going or how long it's going to be, but I do hope that you enjoy it!

Pairings: HaoxLyserg HorohoroxRen YohxAnna

The school bell rang, shaking Manta awake from his day dream. He usually never slept in class, that was his friend Yoh's job along with his just-as-carefree twin brother Hao. Hopping out of his seat he made his way down the row to Yoh's table where the boy still had his head down and was in a deep slumber. After a few seconds of calmly calling Yoh's name, Manta tired his luck with Hao who sat right next to Yoh, but both were obviously not planning on waking up. The small boy sighed to himself and stepped aside as Anna made her way down the row of tables. This was always what Manta tried to get his friends away from, but when they were asleep, they were asleep and usually nothing could wake them...except Anna. She pulled up her school uniform sleeves and braced herself. Grabbing a satisfying amount full of hair from each boy she yanked hard, pulling them out of their seats. The empty classroom exploded with the noise of chairs falling and the complaints of the two.

"Oh pipe down boys! If you hadn't been sleeping AGAIN, then maybe you would have realized it was lunch time." Anna said, fixing her sleeves and grabbing her bag. She headed out, leaving them there on the floor to wake up.

Manta smiled at them and shrugged his shoulders. "Sorry guys, I tired to wake you before Anna did, but no luck." He set his bag down and helped put the room back together. Yoh smiled at him, reassuring him that it was okay. Yoh for one knew how hard it was for people to wake him when he slept, so no pressure. Hao on the other hand did not look as forgiving. Like his brother he knew he was a hard person to wake up, but he hated being bossed around by Anna and it never set well with him.

After a few more moments the guys set out down the hall to the lunch room. After getting in line for cheeseburgers and french fries they made their way over to their usual table. Horohoro, Ren, and Anna had already been seated when the rest of the gang arrived. Much of the chatter was about how boring the classes were and something about Horo and Ren getting caught in the bathroom by the janitor. Hao never payed much attention to their conversations. Though these were his friends, they were more appealing to Yoh and Hao often counted them as his brothers friends, not so much his. He did have friends however, but they weren't the nicest people. Hao didn't care, he ruled over in that group and most people feared them. For Yoh's sake he stopped hanging out with them at school but often met up afterwords or sometimes in gym. There were times when he shared a laugh with this oddly crew. He's known Anna forever and Horo and Ren became good friends with Yoh, so he excepted them as well as Manta. Though oddly enough, he sometimes felt out of place. Yoh and Anna are a thing, thanks to a childhood promise that Yoh halfheartedly regrets, and Horo and Ren were just one of the openly gay couples in the school. Manta came along with being at the school, so he never really mattered to Hao.

Yoh nudged his brother lightly. "Hao, you okay?" he asked through a bite of his cheeseburger.

Hao looked up at him and smiled. "Yeah, why?" he asked in return. Yoh motioned to the tray in front of him and Hao realized he hadn't been eating. "Oh," he started, "you can have it if you want. I'm not that hungry today." He pushed his tray over to Yoh who was all too happy to except the school food.

Anna eyed Hao as he drifted off, staring out at everyone in the cafeteria. "Are you sure? You didn't eat breakfast this morning, you have to be a bit hungry." She said, grabbing the tray that he shoved aside, receiving a cry from Yoh.

Hao smiled and got to his feet, waving the tray away and pushing it back to Yoh. "I'm sure. I'll grab an apple if it makes you feel any better." After receiving a nod, he made his way to the lunch line and grabbed an apple. However, instead of returning to the table he made his way out of the lunchroom and to stair case "D". Making sure no one was watching he pushed through the door and calmly walked up the stairs, throwing the apple up and catching it as he went along. Once he made it to the last floor he made his way into the hallway to a separate set of stairs that led to the roof. Hao knew the alarm had been busted since he and his crew were the ones to bust it, so he pushed the door open. Cool air caressed his face as he stepped out onto the pebbles that covered the floor. More or less, he'd hide out here for the rest of the day. Picking a spot towards the edge of the building he lay his head on his backpack and stared up at the sky. The day was hot since it was the beginning of the school year, but soon the days will turn cold and this spot might not be the best getaway. He heard the lunch bell ring from inside but he did not move. Soon enough sleep came to overwhelm him and he easily fell into it's comfort.

The feeling of vibration in Hao's pocket woke him from his sleep. He took his phone out of his pocket, it was a text. 'Where are you?' it read, 'The day is over in ten minutes and you haven't been in class since lunch!' It was from Yoh. A few sighs escaped him, but he soon gave in to the day, feeling satisfied that the school day was over anyways. Though now he'd have to deal with Anna once they got home, and he had high hopes that the school did not call his house to report him skipping. His mother and father would not be happy about that and even his grandparents would get involved. That house was too packed for his own liking, but it's his senior year, so what can the school make of it? Come May twelfth, him and Yoh will be eighteen, then no one can tell him what to do. He stood up, taking in some more of the warm sun blazing down, then he gathered his belongings and made his way to the door.

A small muffled sound caught him, so he did not open the door. No one comes in this hallway, so who was it now...the principle? The dean? Oh how he hated the both of them. Maybe it was some stupid couple making their way down the hall after skipping class in the bathroom. Again, no one comes down this hall, so it's a hide out for everyone. But no one dares to go out on the roof. Except for Hao. There was a thud, a small scream, and then laughter. Great, someone was being bullied and he didn't care enough to get involved, so he sat back down and peaked through a crack in the door. It was his gang. Great. The feeling still held itself, but now he was okay to walk out and not be bothered. Quietly opening the door and stepping out, he stood close to the wall so they wouldn't know where he came from.

Boris, Matilda, Kanna, and Marion stood in a circle, obviously tormenting another student, probably of a lower grade. Sometimes these friends were just as pathetic and boring as Yoh's group of friends. But Hao couldn't help but wonder who would be weak enough to get bullied by Boris and these three girls who were just plain weird. "Hey." Hao said as he approached the group. They all looked up alarmed as though caught by a teacher but relaxed once they saw their companion.

Kanna approached Hao with a smile and her hands on her hips. "Hey there Hao! Long time no see. We hanging after school today or are you still playing nice to your brother?" she asked without hesitation. She waited for an answer but when she did not receive one she looked at him and followed his gaze to the still closed circle. "Oh, that?" she asked, pointing with her thumb. "It's just some new transfer student from London. We thought we'd give him a warm welcome." She made her way back to the group and motion for Hao to follow.

He did. They all moved aside to make room for him in the circle. Hao looked down on a scared figure, covering his head. Hao could make out the oddest green hair, but it didn't seem weird after hanging around Horohoro so much. "Get up." Hao said to the boy on the floor. Nothing happened. Obviously this boy was scared. Hao turned to his friends and motioned to the boy, "How long has he been in this school?" he asked. This was the first time he'd seen him and it's not hard to miss his hair.

"Today is his first day at the school, but I saw him with his parents yesterday while registering." Boris said with a matter-of-fact tone. Hao nodded. "We simply welcomed him to the school. Don't you remember how we used to do that? You haven't been around us in so long." Boris continued, obviously out to get Hao for the matter at hand.

Hao ignored Boris's "take of lead" act. He never really liked him to begin with. Boris was the shadow in the group, and now that Hao hasn't been around them and the rest as much, it was his time to shine. But the day was going to end any minute now and it was hot, so there was no time for arguments to show the shadow whose the light. He turned back to the student still on the floor, but now he was looking up rather then shunning his face. His eyes caught Hao more then his hair did. They were a stunning green that simply complimented his skin. They were starring at the group above, fear in them, but Hao could tell that when not in a situation like this, they can be soft and joyful. It's true that Hao and his gang would torment all the new kids up here, but right now he just didn't feel like it. "Get up." Hao said to the boy again, this time offering his hand. But the boy did not take it. He simply gathered his belongings and ran for the staircase. Before the offenders could make their move, Hao held up his hand. "Let him go. He's seen his first day and might not want to come back." he said in a monotone voice.

Matilda laughed and turned to face the groups leader. "Just like so many before! And some of the ones that came back the next day either joined us or became drop-outs!" She said. Everyone agreed to this.

Hao stood starring at the spot where the boy disappeared. The bell pulled him out of his trance and he turned to face his friends. "Where is everyone else?"

They all lit up with hope as they edge on Hao to hang out with them. He agreed and they found the rest of the gang. Hao sent a text to Yoh saying he'd be home late and then turned off his cell phone. "That boy won't come back to school." Hao said under his breath, catching everyone's attention. "He'd be stupid if he did." Everyone agreed and laughed, making jokes about what they did and what they'll do if he comes back. Hao listened on a bit, but mostly, he couldn't get those green eyes out of his head.

Hao entered the front door well after one o'clock in the morning. He tried to be as quiet as he could be, knowing everyone was highly upset, but was sleeping now. He set his shoes at the entrance and made his way down the hall to his bedroom. Shutting the door and turning on the light he came face to face with his brother. He was startled at first, but then relaxed and moved on. "Go to your own room Yoh." he said, waving his hand as he removed his school jacket and tie.

Yoh did not move. "Hao, where were you?" he asked, crossing his arms.

Hao removed his shirt and looked at his twin. "When, during school? I was there, just cutting class." He pressed his back against the wall and crossed his arms to match his brother.

"I know that. I know where you go. I just keep it from Anna. Where did you go afterwords?" Yoh said, pressing more into the subject that he really wanted an answer too.

They glared at each other for a moment. "That's none of your business." Hao answered, moving from the wall and grabbing his night clothes. Before he could make his way out of the room, Yoh grabbed his arm and pulled him way from the door.

Usually Yoh was not this upset, but he cared for his brother and he knew he was headed in the wrong direction. Yoh constantly wished something to happen, something to come along that would show Hao a better way to go about things. "You were with those 'friends' of yours again weren't you? Hao those people are dangerous! They don't care to hurt others and they don't care about you. They are only going to lead you to trouble!" Yoh yelled.

Hao, feeling just as angry, yanked his arm away from this brothers grip. "You know nothing. I will do what I want with who I want! Now when I get back from the shower, I expect for you to be back in your own room!" he yelled, turning to the door and slamming it shut behind him. He felt lost as the cool water poured onto his face and he could tell Yoh felt the same way. That night Hao and Yoh could not fall asleep even though another day of school awaited them in a few hours.

A/N: Well there goes the first chapter! Please rate and review, I'd love to know what you all think! Even what you are expecting or think what might happen. Thanks for reading! Chapter two will be up when I get it typed up.

*~Happy Readings~*