Name of Story: Eyes of Sorrow

Summary: Rin is suicidal, nicknamed Suiy. She thinks no one cares about her. Especially her so-called parents. Can Sesshomaru change all of it?

Author's Note: Hi, yes, I know I have other stories to work on but, the other day, I was listening to The Last Night by Skillet because of my other fic inspired by their song Comatose, I don't know why, but I immediately thought of Rin. Maybe it's because in stories she is always happy. No one is always happy. Hope you like. R&R

Name of Chapter: Hell

"Look, there she is."

"Why doesn't she just kill herself already? She's done it before."

"Yeah. No one will miss Suiy. They will be glad she's gone."

They laughed as the girl known as "Suiy" walked past them, her sorrowful brown eyes hidden by her bangs.

In truth, her name was not Suiy. It was Rin. People only called her Suiy because it is short for Suicidal. Rin only tried committing suicide one time. Okay, that is a lie. Two times. Wait, that is also a lie. She did it three times. Yep, that is the truth. However, it in her defense, it was only because of her so-called "Parents" and assholes like those people that were calling her "Suiy."

People push her to her limits and she easily succumbs to her emotions. They know it, too. They make her feel like she is shit. They constantly remind her of it everyday, every second they see her. It never stops.

To ignore the pain in her heart, she drags a sharp razor over her wrists, making slim lines. Not big, enough to let a lot of blood to seep through but enough to over come the pain in her heart.

Rin flipped up her black hood on her black hoodie and walked past them, pretending she didn't hear them.

"Aww, I think you made her cry, Naomi."

"Good. Hopefully she'll kill herself, then."

They laughed. Rin wished she had an iPod or something to plug in her ears to drown out their laughter but her parents wouldn't let her get one. Saying they had enough money troubles with her around.

That is all they thought her as. A Money Problem. A Money Waster.

Rin thought they would be happier if she just died or disappeared. She tried both and horribly failed. When she tried killing herself, which was during school by cutting her wrist, a teacher found her and brought her to the hospital. Okay, so she wasn't smart about the "I'm going to kill myself during school hours and hope I'm not found" thing. When she ran away, a man found her nearly starved to death in an alley. He brought her to the hospital, where the police came with her parents.

They were far from happy.

The doctor put her on anti-depressants and ordered her to see a Psychologist. The anti-depressants she took, every other day when she was supposed to take them everyday, but going to see a Psychologist, she did not do.

Why would she want to tell her problems to a Psychologist? They would just tell her she is depressed and put her on more anti-depressants.

They don't work, anyway, Rin thought, sinking into her seat in the back of the classroom of her English class. Nothing works.

When the doctors asked her parents why she was depressed, they told them it was just a phase and she would get over it in no time.

Lie. Her parents did not want people to think they were raising her to be suicidal. It was just simply the kids at school.

Hell, they weren't raising her at all. They didn't care about her. They could careless about what she did.

"Is this seat taken?"

The tone of the cold voice sent shivers up Rin's spine. She turned her head to see a man about her age, pointing to the empty chair next to her. He had long silver hair with cold golden eyes. He had a blue crescent moon on his forehead along with two magenta stripes on his cheeks. He wore black dress pants along with a white dress shirt, showing off his chiseled chest.

"No." Rin replied, confused why he would want to sit next to her. Everyone avoided her at all costs. That was why she had a table to herself in the back of the room.

The man nodded, sitting next to her. Rin scooted her chair away from him, not liking close contact with people.

"Oh, why is he sitting next to Suiy?"

"Can't Mister Hottie sit with us instead of her?"

"Move, Yuka, so he can sit with us."

Rin rolled her eyes in annoyance as girls began pushing their friends out of their seats and smiling seductively at the man next to her.

"No way! That means I will have to sit next to Suiy!"

That was true. Every seat was full. The room had thirty spots and twenty-nine kids, excluding the new person.

"Just deal with it, Yuka, and move!"

Rin glanced at the man next to her, hesitantly. His face was blank but his eyes; they had anger in them.

Don't tell me he doesn't want to sit next to them, Rin thought, turning her eyes to the table. Why would he want to sit with me?

"Good morning, class." The teacher began, standing in front of the room in front of the students. "We have a new transfer student today. Please welcome Sesshomaru Takahashi." The teacher pointed to the man sitting next to Rin.

"He is so hot!"

"I hope he goes out with me."

Were the immediate responses and a girl fell out of her seat.

Rin glanced at the new student, Sesshomaru. His golden eyes showed a deeper anger.

"I want you all to help him out." The teacher continued, not noticing the fawning and fainting girls.

"I do not need help." Sesshomaru growled, saying 'help' as if it was poison. His voice sent more shivers up Rin's spine. "Especially from the likes of them."

"They won't leave you alone," Rin said quietly, staring at the desk. She didn't know why she was saying this to him. "Naomi especially." Rin jerked her head towards a girl with long brown hair and green eyes sitting in the front row.

Sesshomaru nodded curtly.

"What is your name, human?" He asked, looking her.

"Suiy," Rin lied, not liking he called her human. She used her nickname because that is what he is going to be calling her soon.

"That is not your name."

Rin looked at him, confusion written in her eyes.

"How do you know?" She asked.

"What is your true name and do not lie this time." Sesshomaru ordered, avoiding her question.

Rin sighed, figuring he would avoid the question.

"It's Rin. Happy now?"

Sesshomaru didn't say anything, just stared at the teacher.

Once the bell rang, Rin grabbed her stuff and shot out the door in a hurry. She got to her locker and traded her books for her next class. Suddenly her locker slammed shut and there stood the she-devil herself.

Naomi Mitsu.

"Leave Sesshomaru Takahashi alone, Suiy." She warned in a dark tone. "Or else I will be your worse nightmare."

She walked away, her heels clicking on the floor.

Rin sighed heavily. This was her own daily Hell. Naomi was the queen of her Hell.

To Be Continued…

Okay. How was that? This story is a HUGE contradiction to me. I'm not suicidal OR like the color black and my parents do care about me…most of the time. I hope you like it! Sorry if this offends anybody.

R&R kindly please!

Drama Kagome