"I know that you stopped crying now

And I'm so glad that you moved on

But this heart still hasn't set sail, it appears"

-The Scene Aesthetic "The Man I Am"

Look at yourself.

You've striven all of your life to be




(and you're oh, so close to being all of those.)

But take another look at yourself

(look a little closer this time.)

You see you will never reach perfection

because your heart is flawed

(all thanks to him.)


But you know damn well

that you can't blame it on him.

You were the one who p-u-s-h-e-d him away

(even when he was willing to give up everything.)

You were the one who didn't want him

(even though you loved him.)

So don't you dare point fingers

because, dear, your hands aren't close to being clean.


It truly does cause you pain

(the rip-your-heart-to-shreds-and-burn-them type of pain)

when you see him with her.

They are happy together.

They are cute together.

They are justfucking brilliant together.

(And you know that she could've been you.)

He wanted you to be the one to hold his hand.

He wanted you to be the one to watch the stars with him.

He wanted you to be the one with whom he grew old.

And you threw that all away over something silly

something called perfection.


You see now that you've been stupid all along.

You threw away a heart because it wasn't perfect

and now you realize

perfection can't keep you company

perfection can't rock you to sleep

perfection can't love you

(too bad it's too late.)

You had your chance

and you blew it

(big time.)


You've always been strong

and you know you'll move on


but your heart will never be the same

because it will always be marked by


(and maybe you're okay with that.)

The lyrics from the top belong to "The Scene Aesthetic" and are from their song "The Man I Am." It is definitely worth listening to.

Fangz mew for betaing!
