
The town of Berk, a bell rang, signalling the conlusion of Stoick's meeting. Immediately, Vikings poured out from the heavy set doors of the Great Hall, their bulky forms constantly getting stuck between each other. Berk was a busy town and as such, work needed to be done. From the Hall, the Viking peoples returned to their respective duties, albeit rather distracted. There was unsettling news that now needed meditating upon. Despite an initially positive and chivalrous response to the delicate situation at hand, the citizens of Berk were now feeling rather discombobulated. As tough, hearty Vikings, they were used to combat. They were accustomed to fighting. They were familiar with war. Fighting was a normal part of their lives. Was.

For little over a month, the people of Berk knew absolute peace. No squabbles, no outside threats, just happy, pleasant peace. And now, that peace was about to fall apart as a dam would during a storm. When that dam breaks, an enemy would fall upon them like water would over stone. Against beasts, the Vikings would welcome the challenge. But they weren't fighting beasts. They weren't fighting bloodthirsty animals prone to becoming easily trapped. They were fighting their own kind. They were fighting humans, and as always, it unnerved them. Humans were smart-well, most of them atleast. Humans were organized-again, most of them. And finally, humans were cunning... Like the latter two: most of them. This, fairly, brought a damper to the usually merry Viking spirits, particularly that of Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the Third, who sat sullen-faced at the foot of a large pine. His body oozed nervousness and the surrounding flora reacted by facing away from him, oddly. What he was nervous about was plain to one who attended the town meeting. He had been appointed the leader of a dangerous scouting mission, and he wasn't leading mighty Viking warriors, he was leading his friends, teenage recruits; though they were admittedly mighty in their own rights. A couple months ago, he would have leapt at an oppurtunity to lead such an important mission. But he was a different person back then. He was ambitious, always looking to prove himself. He had no friends, no lover, and everyone in the village seemed to dislike him. He had nothing to lose back then. Now, he had everything to lose. He has friends, a lover, a partner, a father who is proud of him, and people who admired him. Now, that could all come crashing down in nature's biggest slap-in-the-face yet. Why did it have to be him?

A rustling sound to the right of him snapped Hiccup from his brooding. He stood up, his hand reflexively going for the dagger at his waist.

"Calm down," a familiar voice said. Astrid came out from behind a tree, her battleaxe resting on her shoulders. "It's just me."

"Phew. That's a relief," Hiccup sighed, slumping back down into his previous position.

"So what's been bugging you?" the blonde asked, walking over to sit next to him. "I saw you leave the Hall in quite a hurry. Oh yeah, and this place is terrible. It reeks of self-pity and depression."

"That would be me..." Hiccup muttured in response to her latter question. "It's just this whole scouting thing."

"I thought you would've liked to go." Astrid said, softly.

"I do want to go." Hiccup replied, unconvincingly. "It's just that..."

"Just what?"

"I'm afraid of what might happen." he admitted. "This thing... This mission... It's dangerous."

"Afraid of what might happen?" She straightened her posture. Her facial expression seemed confused, and worry lines curved above her eyes like waves. "Hiccup, we're Vikings. Danger is our middle name. You and I are apart of this town. This family. If you're father wants us to go, then we should go."

"Yeah, I know. It's just that... I want things to be peaceful. I was enjoying the past month."

"Who wasn't?" she winked at him.

Hiccup chuckled, his mood brightening significantly. He remembered the time they spent together. Wandering into the forest, jumping into lakes because they felt like it, soaring through the skies on their dragons, feeling the wind weave through their hair. Those were the best moments of his life.

As if on cue, another familiar face popped into the clearing: a dragon's face.

"Hey Toothless!" Hiccup said, greeting the Night Fury. Toothless crooned in response; a low rumbling sound which emanated from his diaphragm. Bending his hind legs, the dragon pounced on Hiccup, licking the teenager's face with his rough semi-circular tongue. Hiccup stood, laughing; his artificial foot squeaking. He'd gotten used to it by now and was able to walk without it hindering him too much. After patting Toothless' scaly temple, he walked around and mounted, hooking his artificial foot with the matching strap on Toothless' saddle. He stretched an arm out to Astrid.

"Need a ride back?" he asked, trying to sound as suave as possible.

"Okay." Astrid responded brightly, taking his hand.

"Hold on." Hiccup told her as Toothless took to the air.

"Dude, where'd Hiccup go?" Snotlout complained. His arms drooping, he was starting to feel frustrated. Hiccup was supposed to be their leader. They needed to discuss their plan of action. But where was he? He'd last seen the boy fleeing the meeting like one would flee a ghost. Where had he gone off to?

"Probably went somewhere to sulk." Ruffnut, sighed lazily.

"And why would that be, sister?" Tuffnut queried.

"Well, did you see his face?"

"No... Because I don't gawk at guy's faces. Developin' a crush, huh?"

"What!" Ruffnut screeched. "I am not!" she shouted, bashing her brother over the helmet with the back of her hand.

"Ouch! What was that for?" Tuffnut growled, shaking his fist.

"For being a jerk!" his sister shot back, angrily. "I do not have a crush on him."

"Pfft, just keep on denying it." said Tuffnut, waving her away.

"Besides," Snotlout said offhandedly, "Hiccup's into Astrid."

"They are so in love." Ruffnut agreed, as if trying to draw attention away from herself. "You jealous, Snotlout?" She raised a brow at him.

"Jealous of who?" a male voice from behind them asked. They turned, seeing Hiccup and Astrid seated on Toothless' back. Astrid had an arm around Hiccup's sternum. The dragon blinked, curious.

"N-nothing!" Snotlout stammered. "We were just discussing the many wonderful delicacies of the world, right Ruffnut?"

The brown-haired girl nodded, her helmet falling forward to cover her eyes. "Some people are so lucky. They get to eat the best grub."

"I actually agree," commented Astrid. "Remember last year when those merchants came in with their strawberry pastries?"

"How could I forget?" said Fishlegs, who had just emerged from somewhere behind them. He was clutching a chicken leg, munching on it happily. "Those things were delicious." He mumbled between bites.

"Where have you been?" Snotlout asked Hiccup, exasperated. He figured now would be the best time to change the subject.

Hiccup looked at Astrid and they shared a knowing glance. "We were out in the forest."

"Sulking?" Tuffnut suggested.

Hiccup laughed, albeit a bit awkwardly. "Uh... No?"

"Well, that sounded convincing." the male twin replied.

"Anyways," Hiccup slurred, "About the scouting mission..."

"Do you have a plan?" Snotlout asked immediately, excited that the subject had change to one of his liking.

"Yes we do." Hiccup answered, simply. Retrieving a roll of paper from his belt, he dismounted with Astrid following suit. Once on the ground, he crouched; motioning for them to move closer.

"Astrid and I came up with this while we were flyin-"

"Is that why you took so long?" Ruffnut interrupted.

"Yes." Hiccup answered. Looking up at the group, he asked them, "Are all of you sure you want to participate in this mission?" Each one of them nodded, confidence showing in their eyes. Hiccup smiled and unraveled the parchment. He took out his pencil. "Alright, this is what we'll do."

Author's Note:
Another Berk chapter. Next chapter will focus once again on the people at Wyfort. Not much happens again here but I assure you, the pace will quicken in the chapters to come.