AN: Ok, I just wanna give a shout out to all you awesome people who reviewed. Seriously, you rock. And this chapter is gonna be totally in Beck's POV, cause the last one was in Jade's.
Disclaimer: I do not own Victorious
Beck's POV
As the sun started to rise, the golden light shown through the window, bathing me and Jade in its rays. I smiled at her sleeping form, her brown hair splayed across my chest. 'What on earth did I do to deserve this?' I thought, smiling. I still remember the first day I met her.
I swallowed, nervous. 'C'mon Beck, you can do this. It's not that hard. Just ask her out' I thought. I took a deep breath, summoned my courage, and walked over to the dark-haired beauty across the hall. "Hi, I'm Beck." "Hi." she said, looking at me for a moment, then going back to getting a book out of her scissor-clad locker. "Um, what's your name?" I asked. "None of your business." she replied. "C'mon, just tell me your name." "If I do, will you leave me alone?" she asked, visibly annoyed."Maybe." I replied.
"That's my name, Jade."
"Oh. Well it's a very pretty name for a very pretty-"
"Don't even think about finishing that sentence."
"Ignoring that, Jade, would you like to go to the movies with me on Friday?"
"Why not?"
"You're annoying, and I have plans."
"What kind of plans?"
"None of your business. Now, you have 5 seconds to leave, or you will be in a lot of pain."
"No, I think I'll just stay here."
She than proceeded to knee me very hard in the groin.
"OW! What was that for?"
"I warned you that you'd be in a lot of pain if you didn't leave me alone. Now, bye." she said and started to walk away.
"Wait! Can I at least have your phone number?" I called after her desperately.
"No," came the curt reply.
'I'm not giving up. Someday she will fall madly in love with me, and will be my girlfriend. Psh, yeah right. Like that's gonna happen.' I thought
Flashback endsI grinned at the memory. It was the best day of my life. Well, second to my wedding day, that is.
"Ugh, what time is it?" Jade groaned, sitting up, her bare back facing the window
"Morning to you too, my beautiful wife." I said, grinning
A ghost of a smile appeared on her lips. "We're really married, aren't we?" she asked, grinning
"Yes, yes we are."
Suddenly, she frowned. "Do you think we'll last?" she asked, a crease in her brow
I locked eyes with her, and said "Jade, we're us. Of course we'll last. Sure, we might fight sometimes, but we'll pull through. You know why?"
I smiled, bringing my hand up to gently caress her face. "Because, I love you, and you love me, and that's all that matters."
AN: I know, it was short. And the flashback bit was from another story I wrote. How was it? Review, people! Seriously, is this at least halfway decent?